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Guest Paranoid


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Guest Paranoid

Sorry, the pinjockey and Flyboy, that's bullshit. If you don't want to tip, then go somewhere that you don't have to. If you walk into a full service restaurant then you are paying for better food. Which cost the place you are eating more money. Which in turns mean they can't afford to pay 19 servers(a night, give or take 5) more then minimum wage to wait on a bunch of wanting people. It;'s demanding because people are demanding. The reason people serve is to make money.

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Guest DrTom
I actually think the girl all the way on the right is kinda gross. Way too skinny, although she looks like she'd have a nice face.

She does indeed have a nice face, as you can see in my avatar. The thing is, posing with your arms stretched above your head will tend to reveal a rib or two. On an underfed waif like Terri Runnels, it reveals about six on each side. Laetitia Casta, though, is not a waif, as you can see RIGHT HERE~!


Anyway, to the topic at hand. For most meals, I leave about 20%. I'm rarely at a table for hours, so I almost never have to tip by time and not check total combined with quality and service. For pizza delivery folks, they're generally making about $8 an hour, anwyay, while "servers" make a lot less, so I only tip those chaps about $2 or so.


Edit: Fixed the linkage

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Guest LooseCannon

In a sense though, the tip is a hidden cost. A restaurant could raise the price of a meal and obviate the need to tip. With the costs up front though, the demand for eating out would decline. So the restaurant keeps the lower price, and makes you pay for the labor that they should be paying for. I don't see why a waiter should be tipped any more than the cook should be, except for the fact that restaurants don't pay servers, expecting the customer to do it for them.

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Guest Kinetic

Isn't the pizza delivery guy only responsible for the delivery of pizza? I mean, he doesn't help make it or anything. And, as Tom noted, they make minimum wage and then some, more often than not. Why should anyone tip these guys for doing their jobs?

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Guest MrRant

Entirely on service. If someone just brings me the food and then check. Nothing or maybe a buck. If they actually care then they get more.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Being a pretty destitute college guy, the most expensive place I ever eat is somewhere like a cheap chinese place, IHOP, or a steakhouse. That said, here are my criteria on tipping:


1. How good looking the girl is. If you're a guy and working as a waitress, the service better be good dammit, because you're depriving me of scenery.


2. Speed.


3. Leaving me the hell alone while I eat. It bothers me to no end when someone has to feel the need to check up on me so I can repeatedly assure them that the food is fine. If it wasn't, I would get their attention and tell them.


My general tip is somewhere between 3-5 bucks, and a cigarette. Chances are, they smoke, or if not, they know someone who does. I'm not buying a meal anywhere over $15 at the very very most, either, though, so the whole percentage thing is pretty irrelevant..


Pizza guys get the coin and a dollar as a general rule. Ridiculous speed earns an extra buck.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The GOLDEN RULE of tipping:


If you are a regular and you are a cheap tipper, I can guarantee that you won't get good service on your repeat visits. And if you snub the tip totally even once, no matter what the reason, I wouldn't go back for at least 6 months, cause if anyone on the waitstaff remembers you, they will probably make sure that someone in the kitchen hocks a loogey in your soup or something (trust me on this one..)


15% is the standard tip, I never go lower than that unless there is some terrible problem which was brought to the attention of someone on the staff, then you can give a lower tip. If the service is excellent, then 20-25% is a good tip and will ensure that you get good service in the future.


Waitstaff at low end to middle end establishments tend to usually make considerably BELOW minimum wage because of having to report tips as income. So not tipping at all or tipping real low for no good reason other than you don't feel like it would be like you going to work for 8 hours and your boss only paying you for 4 because he didn't feel like it.

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Guest MrRant

Well up here in WA state they make the minimum either 5.50 or 6.50 so I don't feel all too bad.

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Guest Kinetic
So not tipping at all or tipping real low for no good reason other than you don't feel like it would be like you going to work for 8 hours and your boss only paying you for 4 because he didn't feel like it.

Except that I'm not their boss and I've been entered into this whole restaurant owners-customers pay scam against my will. The sense of entitlement expressed in this thread by people who either have been or currently are involved in food service boils my blood. I vow to never, ever tip anyone again until I can legitimately afford to do so. From now on, I'll leave the waiter a note that reads, "Get another job, you miserable baby. Tipping is optional. Optional!!"


And then I'll never go to that restaurant again.

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Guest Paranoid
So not tipping at all or tipping real low for no good reason other than you don't feel like it would be like you going to work for 8 hours and your boss only paying you for 4 because he didn't feel like it.

Except that I'm not their boss and I've been entered into this whole restaurant owners-customers pay scam against my will. The sense of entitlement expressed in this thread by people who either have been or currently are involved in food service boils my blood. I vow to never, ever tip anyone again until I can legitimately afford to do so. From now on, I'll leave the waiter a note that reads, "Get another job, you miserable baby. Tipping is optional. Optional!!"


And then I'll never go to that restaurant again.

Then go to McDonalds!

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Guest Kinetic

I worked at McDonald's for two years. You know how many tips I got? None. Not one in two years. Know why that is? Because I got paid a reasonable wage like a normal fucking person! Gah!

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Guest LooseCannon
So not tipping at all or tipping real low for no good reason other than you don't feel like it would be like you going to work for 8 hours and your boss only paying you for 4 because he didn't feel like it.

Except that I'm not their boss and I've been entered into this whole restaurant owners-customers pay scam against my will. The sense of entitlement expressed in this thread by people who either have been or currently are involved in food service boils my blood. I vow to never, ever tip anyone again until I can legitimately afford to do so. From now on, I'll leave the waiter a note that reads, "Get another job, you miserable baby. Tipping is optional. Optional!!"


And then I'll never go to that restaurant again.

Then go to McDonalds!

Way to ignore the argument. You're the one who should go to McDonalds. Then you won't have to complain about poor tippers.

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Guest Paranoid

Alright now, you guys are just being stupid now. This is the real world and in the real world as a memeber of the real world you are expected to tip in full service restaurants. That's how it works, tha's how it's always worked. So, if you aren't going to tip, then don't go. 10% is alright, but nothing is just being a piece of shit.


If McDonald's could pay me $12-$16 an hour, which is what I average as a server, an hour then I would work there. They only pay about minimum wage.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

No, in the weird fucked up Western culture we are trained to do so. Those who go against the training are made out to be pariahs and railed against like on here. It's simply a convention of manners, which are not required by any means. Not a single courtesy behavior is required to stay alive or whatever, so whether people wish to engage in mannerful behavior is their perogative. Courtesy and manners are two of the most superfluous parts of the human experience.


I personally tip well, but I can see what the argument against it would be. You should as well, despite being someone such a decision would directly effect. Just remember that for everyone who doesn't there are many more who do.


Fo sheez,


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Guest LooseCannon

I've already said I generally tip 15-20%. I don't like it, but I do. You said you get $12-16 an hour off of tips. I knew that was why you don't go to work at McDonalds. Yet you have the nerve to complain because a customer doesn't tip you well when you are already profiting quite well off of a rather sketchy hide the costs arrangement? You should dispense with the sense of entitlement. The customers at the restaurant are not responsible for your income or welfare. You chose the job where the owner pays you dick which you supplement with optional tips from the kindhearted. Servers in general should be more gracious for those who do tip and less pissy about those who don't.

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Guest Paranoid
I've already said I generally tip 15-20%. I don't like it, but I do. You said you get $12-16 an hour off of tips. I knew that was why you don't go to work at McDonalds. Yet you have the nerve to complain because a customer doesn't tip you well when you are already profiting quite well off of a rather sketchy hide the costs arrangement? You should dispense with the sense of entitlement. The customers at the restaurant are not responsible for your income or welfare. You chose the job where the owner pays you dick which you supplement with optional tips from the kindhearted. Servers in general should be more gracious for those who do tip and less pissy about those who don't.

Point taken. My problem is like I said. When you walk into a restaurant where you get full service, then you know walking in that it is expected that you tip.


There really is no right or wrong here. I can agree to disagree so that this doesn't get out of hand.


And also Kotzenjunge, I know a girl who went to the UK and served tables there in order to pay for her trip. So tipping isn't just a Western culture thing. It's a all over the world thing.

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Guest EricMM

Its truly stupid for people to expect huge tips.


It's entirely optional.


You are living on the graces of the american public, because you think that by working at fridays you will make $50 a night. You might.


But you are not entitled to it. You are entitled to your paycheck. That's it.


You can bitch all you want about deserving more, but if you are silly enough to work for people who pay you that little, then you deserve to be screwed. And so you will depend on people who are nice enough (LIKE ME) to give the tip.


But don't act like you deserve it. You are similar to the bums on the street in a way. Like Kinetic said, I'd get my food if it saved me money, but they won't let me do it. Why? Because the restaurant owners do not want to pay servers minimum wage, so they have them believing that they're actually in a good position.


Serving tables is a fools game. I recommend you quit.


If you're making 12 an hour, then you have no right to complain anyways.


It may sound rude to not give a good tip, but honestly, if I get bare minimum service, then you get bare minimum tips. I'm not required to give you 10 dollars because I ordered an expensive meal.

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Guest Kinetic

It's like with strippers. You're not obligated in any way to put money in their G-string because you've already paid to get in. There's a difference, though. Strippers make an absolute assload of money for good reason: They provide a service that most men can't get for free or do themselves. I could quite easily serve myself food, but I can't create a naked girl hologram or convince most of my dates to wear skimpy outfits and dance around to Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher." That's why I tip strippers generously and give waitresses next to nothing. Oh, and because I usually think the strippers want to have sex with me. There was one the other day, actually...I thought we made a real connection.

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Guest Paranoid
But don't act like you deserve it. You are similar to the bums on the street in a way. Like Kinetic said, I'd get my food if it saved me money, but they won't let me do it. Why? Because the restaurant owners do not want to pay servers minimum wage, so they have them believing that they're actually in a good position.


That's why they have buffets. I only leave the server at a buffet about $2 or $3 dollars. They only refill my drink.



It's like with strippers. You're not obligated in any way to put money in their G-string because you've already paid to get in.


That's not an accurate comparison. I have seen guys get thrown out of strip clubs for not tipping. Just like the restaurant business, you know walking through the door that your are expected to tip.

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Guest DrTom

Remember when Burger King did its brief table service experiment about ten years ago? Those people were pulling down twice what most waiters make, and some of them had to cook the food themselves, in addition to taking orders and carrying stuff to tables.


How many of you tipped them?


(How many of you are old enough to remember that? :P)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I remember when it was done, but it wasn't done in this area, believe it or not.


Fo sheez,


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Guest The Metal Maniac
I'm pretty sure tips originally worked as a sort of bribe to ensure that the service gave you better treatment than the typical customer, and it eventually became customary.


It's true, actually. Apparantly, there used to be boxes labelled "TIP" (which stood for "To Insure Promptness") in the front of most resturants. Putting money in made the workers make sure you got a good seat, etc.

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Guest Incandenza
Remember when Burger King did its brief table service experiment about ten years ago? Those people were pulling down twice what most waiters make, and some of them had to cook the food themselves, in addition to taking orders and carrying stuff to tables.


How many of you tipped them?


(How many of you are old enough to remember that? :P)

I remember that, but I never saw a reason to tip 'em. (Hell, I was 13. I could give a shit about tipping anyone.)

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Tom, I remember the BK "gourmet" meals.


"I worked at McDonald's for two years. You know how many tips I got? None. Not one in two years. Know why that is? Because I got paid a reasonable wage like a normal fucking person! Gah!"


LOL -- I only received a tip one time in my illustrious food-service career. It was for $1 and I served a BIG ASS order and delivered it to the hotel next to our place.


In general, I tip a few dollars plus change to round up my total on the credit card. Of course, I'm not that demanding a customer.


BTW: For those working as servers, I have two questions.


1) When a customer pays w/ a credit card and put the tip on that, how do you guys/gals get that $? Just curious.


2) Do you automatcially think a person is cheap when their beverage of choice is tap water? I tend to order water a lot when I'm out, but I do this because when I get a different drink, the sugar/stuff actually lessens the flavor of my meal, and when I get a steak I want to taste it...

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Guest EricMM

There ARE restaurants that don't accept tips, full service ones.


In College Park, theres a place called Noodle Bowl or something like that, it's got waiters, but they don't take tips. I dunno why but it's easier. They just give you your food I guess, no checking up.


I worked in food forever, and I waited tables, and never got a tip. Just because there was no hostess, and I didn't say "I'm your waiter" did they think I was a busboy? I made their food, gave their food, and cleared and cleaned their dishes. No tip. Yet if these people were at fridays, they would have tipped.


It's just imperfect. I'd prefer not tipping, or at least not reducing waiters and waitresses pay because of it.

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Guest godthedog
So not tipping at all or tipping real low for no good reason other than you don't feel like it would be like you going to work for 8 hours and your boss only paying you for 4 because he didn't feel like it.

Except that I'm not their boss and I've been entered into this whole restaurant owners-customers pay scam against my will. The sense of entitlement expressed in this thread by people who either have been or currently are involved in food service boils my blood. I vow to never, ever tip anyone again until I can legitimately afford to do so. From now on, I'll leave the waiter a note that reads, "Get another job, you miserable baby. Tipping is optional. Optional!!"


And then I'll never go to that restaurant again.

1. where did this "against my will" crap come from? did somebody hold a gun to your head & force you to go into a restaurant? this is the way the game is supposed to be played, you have a choice whether or not to participate in it.


2. that's right, i'm sorry about entitlement. servers are in no way entitled to anything remotely resembling a living wage, even though everyone else in this country is.


3. if you're in such financial peril that you can't afford a $2 tip, just get the take-out and eat it in the lobby or at the bar. when you pay the check, you don't pay for the SERVICE, you pay for the FOOD. if you're not going to pay for the SERVICE, don't get it.

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