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Guest Kotzenjunge


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Guest Kotzenjunge

I doubt many care, but I'm excited as hell for this, THE event in the US for the month of November. Of course, my friend and I will have to drive a hell of a lot, but we're all for it.


Here it is!




Fo sheez,


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Guest Marshall

bum bum bum baba babum bum bum bum dada da da dada da bum bum bada poo poo bada poo puup puup papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe trit trit tratra trit trit ra ra ra trit trit papa puupe puupe dadadadadadada dida da dum dum bada bum papapapa ha wawawawa bum bum bababa bum bum.


That type of stuff?

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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark
Shouldn't this have been in the Music folder?

No, because it isn't music related.

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Guest Incandenza
Shouldn't this have been in the Music folder?

No, because it isn't music related.

Let's play nice, now.

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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark
Shouldn't this have been in the Music folder?

No, because it isn't music related.

Let's play nice, now.

I dunno...that isn't really my style. But I'll try.


Sorry, Kotz. No offense intended.


Damn, that was difficult.

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Guest Sassquatch

Be strong my son. You have the power to not give into your deepest desires.



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Guest Kotzenjunge

It was going to be in the Music folder until I saw RedBaron's band denial thing.


Besides, this is more about the experience than the music anyway, and I knew that I'd find slightly more tolerant people here.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

(stockpiles glowsticks and blacklight-sensitive markers while listening to Binary Finary...)


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Great! I'll make sure I say hi for you!


(expects to see weird shit, but not the devil, unless DJ 8on is Satan and he wasn't informed)


Fo sheez,


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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
bum bum bum baba babum bum bum bum dada da da dada da bum bum bada poo poo bada poo puup puup papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe papa puupe puupe trit trit tratra trit trit ra ra ra trit trit papa puupe puupe dadadadadadada dida da dum dum bada bum papapapa ha wawawawa bum bum bababa bum bum.

This should be your sig, Kotz.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

If, when said out loud, it resembled the music itself, I actually would, seriously.


But the "poo" sound has never been in any techno/dance song I've ever heard.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Zacalex, the WORST TROLL EVER, used that word as an insult to supplement other insults, calling us "silly fags" and stuff. Find the "AlwaysPissedOff Sucks" thread in NHB to see his "work."


Fo sheez,


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