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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

How to grow weed

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

ok my job doesn't pay me enough and I'll be DAMNED if work another part time job - i barely have enough free time as is to BARELY enjoy life now with 6 hours of sleep if I'm lucky - I've decided to start growing and harvesting my own herbs and spices


i've got a walk in closet in my attic, I can keep that door closed, the window open and a few fans in there to ventilate - I've just ordered a book called "Closet Cultivator" by ed rosenthal and I think that will get me started.


since this is a wrestling board - i know there are plenty of canadian budsmokers in here - and you guys have the best weed in the north america so I have questions


1) When you first started growing - how much did you spend at first?

2) How do you avoid utter failure your first time around?

3) Are there any seed places on the internet that will sell you legit seeds or are they all fake? like www.seedsdirect.to

4) what can i realistically expect for my first harvest?

5) why is your weed so good - it's cold up there how the hell can a planet thrive?

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Guest B-X
5) why is your weed so good - it's cold up there how the hell can a planet thrive?


Gee, you should see Mars. Cold as hell, and it thrives just fine!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

1) When you first started growing - how much did you spend at first?

2) How do you avoid utter failure your first time around?

3) Are there any seed places on the internet that will sell you legit seeds or are they all fake? like www.seedsdirect.to

4) what can i realistically expect for my first harvest?

5) why is your weed so good - it's cold up there how the hell can a planet thrive?


1. $500 to start

2. You plant,you water, you sell to High Schoolers...it's not hard.

3.Fake or not worth it

4.Depends. What kind of equipment do you have? What's your setup? Heat lamps?

5. Lots OF THC...I mean TLC.

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Guest cynicalprofit
I'm much too lazy to grow my own pot.


Dude its worth it to grow, spending 500 to get about 3000+ is a good investment.

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Guest HBK16

I never grew my own weed either. I had a friend that sold it so I got it pretty cheap from him.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Yeah, but we dont all have friends, and growing cuts out the middle man leaving anyprofits from selling totaly to you, which I dont recommened if you do grow casue they catch you dealing they're gonna check your house and what not. Growing is best for not having to hassle with dealers over price, I mean on 3 plants you can get like what 3 pounds or so every 45 days? Damn cheaper growing it then shelling out 1500+ a pound from premium.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Around here, we just stake out a killer spot in the woods, or near a neglected fencerow, plant, and let nature take its course. It's not killer dank or anything, but it's passable stuff that will go for $100 an oz. Granted, it's much to late to do this now, but in early spring, there's plent of places you can find to grow plants. I've never given it a real attempt indoors.


We just grow it and smoke it. Dealing and shit is what makes cops and people start to care. Just don't go overboard. Two or three plants is plenty for one or two people to be set, as long as you're patient.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
3.Fake or not worth it

Then where do I get seeds? doesn't the quality of your seeds matter in the quality of the plant? The only dank that I would want to clone has no seeds in the bag (obviously) - and the only bags of weed with seeds I've seen suck...


or can I pretty much take any weed seeds and grow them with care and it will give me dank?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How you care for the plant is much more important than the seed itself. The seeds you should be looking for are round, and have pattern almost like the stripes on a watermelon. They should be a fairly dark tan, or a brown, with darker stripes.

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Guest dreamer420
I'm much too lazy to grow my own pot.


Dude its worth it to grow, spending 500 to get about 3000+ is a good investment.

I've tried but my plants always died a quick death, because of not enough TLC. I actually partied with a guy last night who wants to hook me up for next year though so I may start.

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