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Guest FeArHaVoC


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Guest FeArHaVoC



Type the First thing That Comes To Your Mind,




Fred Durst



Pamala Anderson



Steven Tyler



Punk Rock









Stephanie McMahon



Avril Lavigne



George Bush Jr.



Jennifer Aniston



Derek Jeter






Joe Montana



Ultimate Warrior



Bobby Heenan



Sea Food



Best Horror Movie







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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Fred Durst - phony


Pamala Anderson - plastic


Steven Tyler - old


Punk Rock - can be good


Selfatio - :huh:


AngleSault - annoying


Stephanie McMahon - annoying


Avril Lavigne - flavor of the month


George Bush Jr. - lost


Jennifer Aniston - not that attractive


Derek Jeter - don't really care


1Wrestling.com - dont' know


Joe Montana - greatest QB ever (I'm from San Francisco)


Ultimate Warrior - Best promos ever


Bobby Heenan - awestacular


Sea Food - I'm not feelin' it.


Best Horror Movie - Nightmare on Elm Street


TheSmartMarks.com - Ok site, board has me so it gets an automatic thumbs up.


FeArHaVoC - un-established


Big McLargeHuge - God

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Guest Youth N Asia

Fred Durst...phony


Pamala Anderson...does little for me


Steven Tyler...last good cd was 1989


Punk Rock...what most people call punk today isn't punk, real punk is dead.




AngleSault...no opinion


Stephanie McMahon...hot chick, bad writer


Avril Lavigne...cute, but not punk


George Bush Jr....better President then given credit for


Jennifer Aniston...overrated


Derek Jeter...BAH!


1Wrestling.com...Haven't been there in a year


Joe Montana...bleh


Ultimate Warrior...Ultimate Steroid Abuser


Bobby Heenan...The best


Sea Food...yuck


Best Horror Movie...Dawn of the Dead


TheSmartMarks.com...only use it for the forums


FeArHaVoC...no opinion

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Guest Nevermortal

Fred Durst

-Maker of shitty music.


Pamela Anderson

-Hotter than hell.


Steven Tyler

-Big lips, shitty band.


Punk Rock

-Good stuff.



-Self Fellatio? Huh?



-Insightful, sometimes irritating.


Stephanie McMahon

-Completely shaved.


Avril Lavigne

-Low on talent, high on the suck my dick scale.


George Bush Jr.



Jennifer Aniston

-Friends sucks.


Derek Jeter

-Baseball sucks.



-The reason I got a pop up killer.


Joe Montana

-Football sucks.


Ultimate Warrior



Bobby Heenan

-The fucking Brain.


Sea Food



Best Horror Movie

-Texas Chainsaw Massacre



-If it wasn't for the forum, I wouldn't visit here.



-Go LoWeR-cAsE/uPpEr-CaSe AlTeRnAtIoN!

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Guest T®ITEC

Fred Durst = Plastic


Pamala Anderson = Large bouncy things


Steven Tyler = Screaming fool


Punk Rock = Ghey


Selfatio = ¿Qué?


AngleSault = OAOAST


Stephanie McMahon = The plague


Avril Lavigne = Board Invasion / RUTHLESS PORKCHOP~!


George Bush Jr. = El Presidente


Jennifer Aniston = Meh


Derek Jeter = This guy


1Wrestling.com = Pop-up hell


Joe Montana = A state




Bobby Heenan = Best colour guy ever


Sea Food = Beefy


Best Horror Movie = McMahon family home movies


TheSmartMarks.com = Life-draining forums


FeArHaVoC = The finger

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Guest papacita

Fred Durst-nut



Pamala Anderson-nuts



Steven Tyler-who?



Punk Rock-eh









Stephanie McMahon-tits



Avril Lavigne-shirt and tie



George Bush Jr.-chump



Jennifer Aniston-hot



Derek Jeter-I know him...not really



1Wrestling.com-Never go there



Joe Montana-old school



Ultimate Warrior-fucking crazy



Bobby Heenan-the fucking man



Sea Food-allergic



Best Horror Movie-The Lion King (it scared me!)



TheSmartMarks.com-Internet home now that my fed is gone...



FeArHaVoC-e-mailed Lawler

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Guest Kingpk

Fred Durst = Don't care


Pamela Anderson = Once hot, now not


Steven Tyler = Has hot daughter


Punk Rock = Spiky hair


Selfatio = Huh?


AngleSault = Makes good points 78% of the time


Stephanie McMahon = breast reduction


Avril Lavigne = Why do people consider her "hot"?


George Bush Jr. = Made mistakes that people continue to harp on even though it's in the past


Jennifer Aniston = I'd hit that.


Derek Jeter = Nomar's Better! *clap clap clapclapclap*


1Wrestling.com = Well *popup*, it's *popup*, a *popup* well *popup* known *popup* site *popup*


Joe Montana = Great


Ultimate Warrior = Destrucity


Bobby Heenan = Come back to announcing!


Sea Food = Hate it


Best Horror Movie = The Exorcist


TheSmartMarks.com = good articles, great forum


FeArHaVoC = ROXxxOrs mY soXXOrs!!~!~!~!!~!~111111

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Fred Durst

- Tool.


Pamala Anderson

- Silicone.


Steven Tyler

- Good maybe 10 yrs. ago.


Punk Rock

- Punk is dead.



- Roxxx0rs.



- Presents good points. OaOAST


Stephanie McMahon

- Only good for eye candy.


Avril Lavigne

- Board invasion. Corporate tool.


George Bush Jr.

- Meh.


Jennifer Aniston

- Friends blows, and she doesn't appeal to me.


Derek Jeter

- Jeter is a tool.



- Tools. All of 'em.


Joe Montana

- Meh.


Ultimate Warrior

- Destrucity.


Bobby Heenan

- Godly.


Sea Food

- Disgusting.


Best Horror Movie

- Raw.



- Only site and forums I visit.



- Suxxx0rs.

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Fred Durst

- Bald


Pamala Anderson

- Worn-out


Steven Tyler

- Perv for little girls


Punk Rock

- Dead



- Blows



- Assclown


Stephanie McMahon

- Clueless


Avril Lavigne

- Annoying catchy songs


George Bush Jr.

- Dumbass


Jennifer Aniston

- Should be posing nude


Derek Jeter

- Dipshit



- Giant turd


Joe Montana

- Comeback king


Ultimate Warrior

- Run too much


Bobby Heenan

- Jebus


Sea Food

- Bleh


Best Horror Movie

- does this count as a word association?



- Bleh



- Whore for feedback

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Fred Durst = Yankees


Pamala Anderson = Blonde


Steven Tyler = handkerchiefs


Punk Rock = Elitist


Selfatio = Spaghetti


AngleSault = Whine


Stephanie McMahon = Fuck


Avril Lavigne = Pouty


George Bush Jr. = Washington


Jennifer Aniston = Thin


Derek Jeter = Nose


1Wrestling.com = Pop-ups


Joe Montana = 49ers


Ultimate Warrior = Paint


Bobby Heenan = GOLD


Sea Food = Shrimp


Best Horror Movie = 2001


TheSmartMarks.com = Attitude


FeArHaVoC = Bird


Fo sheez,


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Guest LooseCannon

Too many words.


Fred Durst - The best sex I've ever had.


Pamala Anderson - Someone I'd like to tie up, rape, then drag into the desert and stab repeatedly.


Steven Tyler - Someone who should've OD'd before they gave up on the drugs.


Punk Rock - Avril Lavigne


Selfatio -huh?


AngleSault - Kurt Angle's missing dirty jockstraps


Stephanie McMahon - some fishing wire and a rusty switchblade


Avril Lavigne - LonelyOldMan and the message board invasion


George Bush Jr. - subliminable


Jennifer Aniston - Brad Pitt could do so much better. He's so dreamy.


Derek Jeter - Someone I'd like to kill, personally.


1Wrestling.com - pop-up heaven


Joe Montana - The village people


Ultimate Warrior - destrucity


Bobby Heenan - Daddy


Sea Food - vagina


Best Horror Movie - Killer Clowns from Outer Space


TheSmartMarks.com - Never heard of it.


FeArHaVoC - middle finger

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Guest Incandenza

I was going to post in this thread, but I won't be able to top Cannon. Why must he be so funny/witty/well hung?

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Guest Michael Myers

*As The Shape enters this thread he realizes that these people are dead anyway. So he moves to the next thread.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Fred Durst- Drinkin' that HATORADE~! all up on me!



Pamala Anderson-Yesterday's slut, today's white trash queen (after Nidia)



Steven Tyler-Knee surgery (missed a tour date around here because of it, see?)



Punk Rock- I'm not feeling it.



Selfatio- I'm still not feeling it.



AngleSault- Spear.



Stephanie McMahon- That see-through shirt from a SmackDown last year.



Avril Lavigne- SK8R BOI (shudder)



George Bush Jr.- Mockery



Jennifer Aniston- That Rolling Stone cover with her ass on it



Derek Jeter- The Rock+A Muppet



1Wrestling.com- Funny



Joe Montana- I wish I watched pro ball



Ultimate Warrior- WrestleMania VI



Bobby Heenan- Idoliscity (oops, still on Warrior)



Sea Food- The best restaurants on the worst vacations



Best Horror Movie- Halloween



TheSmartMarks.com- Good site, fun forum, too many emoticons



FeArHaVoC- That middle finger

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Fred Durst-Made one good song. "My Way"


Pamala Anderson-Hot but doesn't do a thing for me. Too fake.


Steven Tyler-"I don't Wanna Miss A Thing"


Punk Rock-I can listen to it and enjoy it.




AngleSault-Kurt Angle's Biggest Fan


Stephanie McMahon-Nice HUGE tits.


Avril Lavigne-HOT! My future wife.


George Bush Jr.-We got An Idiot For President


Jennifer Aniston-Pretty.


Derek Jeter-Part of the greatest team of all time!


1Wrestling.com-Wrestling news site.


Joe Montana-Never saw him play.




Bobby Heenan-WICKED Awesome!


Sea Food-Don't Like It.


Best Horror Movie-Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan


TheSmartMarks.com-Cool Site.



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Guest treble charged

Fred Durst

-Red cap


Pamala Anderson



Steven Tyler



Punk Rock







-why in the blue fuck is he on here?


Stephanie McMahon



Avril Lavigne



George Bush Jr.

-son of a bush


Jennifer Aniston



Derek Jeter

-made the most over-rated play in baseball history





Joe Montana



Ultimate Warrior



Bobby Heenan

-sometimes good, sometimes bad


Sea Food

-don't like it


Best Horror Movie

-Urban Legends: Final Cut (hey, all the external shots are from my school)



-nice site, addictive forums



-the guy who started this thread

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Steven Tyler - Someone who should've OD'd before they gave up on the drugs.

That's Not Cool at All!


What the Hell is wrong with you? You don't wish Death on someone all because YOU don't like their Music.


Ignorant fuck.

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Guest LooseCannon

I'm glad to see you don't take issue with my desire to rape and stab Pamela Anderson. That worthless cooze never wrote any rockin songs, eh there buddy?


Besides, I never wished death on him. I just stated what would have happened were we living in my dreamland fantasy world of absolute perfection.


Good of you to stand up for righteousness though. Because Lord knows if people like me had our way...

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Guest FeArHaVoC

First off, I don't think it's right to kill anyone for no Reason other then, "you don't like them."


And an other thing, One Mans "Perfection" can be an other Mans "Tragedy."


That's why that saying goes, "Nothing is Perfect."

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Guest LooseCannon

A. I wasn't going to kill him. I just didn't want him to give up on the drugs so easily. Unless you're talking about my Pammy. In that case she knows I'm just kidding around. I'd never hurt someone who boned Kid Rock. I mean, am i wrong or does kid rock rule or what?


B. One Man's Perfection, another's tragedy, fine, but these were the first thoughts that popped into my mind when I read the words.


C. Nothing is perfect except for LooseCannon's dreamland fantasy world of absolute perfection*


*may only be perfect to LooseCannon. Everyone else may find it quite lacking.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
A. I wasn't going to kill him. I just didn't want him to give up on the drugs so easily. Unless you're talking about my Pammy. In that case she knows I'm just kidding around. I'd never hurt someone who boned Kid Rock. I mean, am i wrong or does kid rock rule or what?

I don't bash Kid Rock like some. I acually like a lot of his songs that have that "Rock-N-Blues" Feel. That "Rock-N-Blues" mix I really like and is the reason I still like bands like Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Blue Oyster Cult, Stevie Ray Vaugn, etc.


Also, I thought you meant you wanted Steven Tyler Dead so you wouldn't have to listen to all the music Aerosmith put out since they got Sober. That's why I really thought it was fucked up. A lot of fans (Including me) still like their Albums and Music. They've been my favorite band since 1987, when I was in 6th Grade. So I don't Care.


I usually don't talk about Aerosmith in the Music folder because it's almost as bad as being a Triple H fan on this friggen board.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Fred Durst - "Rollin"



Pamala Anderson - Wow.....



Steven Tyler - Liv Tyler's Daddy



Punk Rock- Who cares



Selfatio- What the fuck ?



AngleSault- OAOAST



Stephanie McMahon- Fake



Avril Lavigne- Overrated



George Bush Jr.- A cheating, lying, sorry, Son Of A Bitch



Jennifer Aniston- Friends



Derek Jeter- Owns Nomar And Alex



1Wrestling.com- Tools



Joe Montana- Legend



Ultimate Warrior- Who cares



Bobby Heenan- The Brain



Sea Food- Good



Best Horror Movie- Halloween



TheSmartMarks.com- What would I do without it ?



FeArHaVoC - Blah....

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Fred Durst: Idiot



Pamala Anderson: Bouncy



Steven Tyler: A freakin machine. Keeps on goin'



Punk Rock: Old stuff is good






AngleSault: Brock Hater



Stephanie McMahon: Biased, Annoying, Big Boobs



Avril Lavigne: No Talent, Phony, piece of shite...and not really that pretty



George Bush Jr.: The Prez



Jennifer Aniston: Bad Actor



Derek Jeter: Yankees Suck



1Wrestling.com: Pop Ups Suck



Joe Montana: The Man!



Ultimate Warrior: Needs serious mental help



Bobby Heenan: Best Commentator ever



Sea Food: Joe's Crab Shack



Best Horror Movie: The Excorcist



TheSmartMarks.com: Fun site



FeArHaVoC: He'S CoOl

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Guest AM The Kid

Fred Durst: cheap



Pamala Anderson: boobies



Steven Tyler: lips



Punk Rock: rockin



Selfatio: err?



AngleSault: Salty!



Stephanie McMahon: booker



Avril Lavigne: whatever



George Bush Jr.: dumbass



Jennifer Aniston: pitt



Derek Jeter: new york



1Wrestling.com: pop ups



Joe Montana: football



Ultimate Warrior: angry



Bobby Heenan: genius



Sea Food: SEE FOOD!



Best Horror Movie: meh



TheSmartMarks.com: fine and dandy



FeArHaVoC: white belt

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Guest Anglesault

Fred Durst: Moron



Pamala Anderson:Babewatch



Steven Tyler: My God for Today. (*I'm on my Aerosmith Kick right now)



Punk Rock: Eh.



Selfatio: Sounds Dirty.



AngleSault: ME!



Stephanie McMahon: Bitch



Avril Lavigne: Bob barron



George Bush Jr.: President



Jennifer Aniston: Friends



Derek Jeter: Yankees



1Wrestling.com: Bob



Joe Montana: Football



Ultimate Warrior: Nut



Bobby Heenan: Brain



Sea Food: Don't eat it.



Best Horror Movie: Hmmm Valentine. :)



TheSmartMarks.com: Yay!



FeArHaVoC: You

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Guest Will Scarlet

Fred Durst - moron



Pamala Anderson - sex tapes



Steven Tyler - lips



Punk Rock - bad



Selfatio - huh?



AngleSault - hates Test



Stephanie McMahon - whiny



Avril Lavigne - one hit wonder



George Bush Jr. - President



Jennifer Aniston - bad movies



Derek Jeter - Yankees suck.



1Wrestling.com - false rumours.



Joe Montana - Kansas City Chiefs



Ultimate Warrior - big words



Bobby Heenan - One of the best heel commentators.



Sea Food - shrimp



Best Horror Movie - The Omen



TheSmartMarks.com - The Dames



FeArHaVoC - Fear the finger

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Guest Insanityman

Fred Durst ~ *Holden Caulfield on* PHONY! */End Holden*


Pamala Anderson ~Boobs.



Steven Tyler ~No opinion.



Punk Rock ~It's not dead, but close.



Selfatio ~What?



AngleSault ~Kurt Angle.



Stephanie McMahon ~Hot. Terrible writer...



Avril Lavigne ~Cute punk poser.



George Bush Jr. ~Dumbass president.



Jennifer Aniston ~Friends.



Derek Jeter ~...



1Wrestling.com ~Pop ups.



Joe Montana ~Bleh.



Ultimate Warrior ~Abuser.



Bobby Heenan ~The brain.



Sea Food ~Meh.



Best Horror Movie ~Not sure.



TheSmartMarks.com ~Message boards.


FeArHaVoC ~Established.

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Guest Snakebyte

Fred Durst - Wigger



Pamala Anderson - Tits



Steven Tyler - Armageddon Theme



Punk Rock - Rancid



Selfatio - Whipped cream



AngleSault - Liar



Stephanie McMahon - Bitch



Avril Lavigne - Put a dick in her mouth. That'll shut her up.



George Bush Jr. - Monkey in a suit



Jennifer Aniston - Humjob.



Derek Jeter - Derek isn't a real name.



1Wrestling.com - Wrestling isn't my thing



Joe Montana - There you go.



Ultimate Warrior - Lame.



Bobby Heenan - Who?



Sea Food - Skrimp, yo.



Best Horror Movie - Mine. I mean, the Puppet Master Quartet

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Avril Lavigne-HOT! My future wife.


I'll laugh when you wake up in the morning and see her without makeup and wonder how this skank got in your bed.


Not to mention she'll probably lie and tell you she's good in bed only to claim she's horrible when the time comes.

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