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Michael Cole classics #1

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Seeing im in Australia I don't get Smackdown until last night.

So thats why this may seem late. As of today im going to start a weekly post on Coles stupidest call of Smackdown. I would hav eto say that is was when Al Snow had knocked Taker out of the ring and Cole says "has the Undertaker meet his match" come on. Seeing this is the first week aswell as what you thought was the stupidest call by Cole on smackdown you could put some of his all time worst if you can remember. Thanks

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Guest Croooooow!

"They've turned this handicap match into a two-on-one affair!"


"No, I like the pie!"


"That tombstone weighs in excess of 2000 pounds!"


and the best Michael Coleism ever....


"The most dangerous thing about Hell in a Cell is that you can get a finger caught in there."

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Guest One Bad Apple
"They've turned this handicap match into a two-on-one affair!"

That's the second time I've seen someone bring that quote up in as many days.


Funny since the first person bring it up was X-Killer, who I remember started a thread about it on this board as soon it was said. But all I remember from that thread were people telling him things like, "So? Cole says stupid stuff all the time," and, "Who cares? Jackass."


Funny is all.

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Guest Army Eye

It wasn't quite like that.  xkiller was like 'how come nobody mentioned this??' (many more question marks after that I'm sure) when in fact it had been mentioned several times in the live Smackdown thread

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