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Guest Si82

WWF Survivor Series 1997

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Guest Si82

Video Review

WWF Survivor Series 1997

By Simon Mulvaney

Oct 31, 2002


- Well, here's the second in my series of four Survivor Series reviews. This time the 1997 edition featuring a certain screwjob against a certain Canadian wrestler by a certain promoter.


- A very cool video package, taking a look at the epic Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels feud, is shown.

Live from Montreal.


- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler.


- The Headbangers & The New Blackjacks vs. Road Dogg, Billy Gunn & The Godwinns - Road Dogg & Billy Gunn had just started teaming together at this point and weren't called the New Age Outlaws yet. Road Dogg insults the apposing team on his way down the aisle calling them the "Buttbangers" and the "Blackcracks". Blackjack Windham and Phineas Godwinn start things off. Windham manages to knock Phineas down and Phineas bails. Back in Windham takes control again and tags in Blackjack Bradshaw. Bradshaw looks much like he does toady. Bradshaw hits a powerslam for two. Bradshaw hammers Phineas in the corner but Phineas manages to get a boot up to stop Bradshaw and tags in Henry Godwinn. They lock up in the corner and Henry gets a headlock and pounds on Bradshaw. Bradshaw regain control with a russian legsweep which gets two. Bradshaw goes for a suplexed but it's reversed and Henry gets a two from that. Henry knocks Bradshaw down with a clothesline and that gets two. Henry goes to whip Bradshaw off the ropes but it gets reversed and Bradshaw cradles Henry Godwinn to eliminate him from the match. Phineas comes in and hammers on Bradshaw. Bradshaw overpowers him and tag in Windham. Windham suplexes Phineas for two and then gets a slam for another two count. Windham gets a clothesline and get yet another two count. Windham whips Phineas into the corner but he comes back with a running clothesline and eliminates Blackjack Windham. Mosh comes in and beats on Phineas and slaps on an armbar. Henry powers out but Mosh knocks him down with a dropkick and follows up with a drop-toe-hold into another armbar. Phineas powers out again and tags in Billy Gunn. Billy stomps away on Mosh for a bit and then beats him in the corner. Mosh manages to come back with a boot to the face and a clothesline to knock down Billy. Mosh hammers away and goes for a bulldog but Billy blocks it and rams Mosh face first into the mat to eliminate him. Thrasher comes in and Billy bails. Phineas comes in and Thrasher gets a headlock. Thrasher slaps on an armbar and bites him when the referee isn't looking. Thrasher gets a quick rollup for tow. They lockup and Thrasher gets another headlock and a hiptoss. Thrasher manages to get another armbar but Phineas overpowers him and hammers him down. Phineas goes for a bodyslam but Thrasher reverses it and knocks down Phineas. Thrasher heads to the top and hits the Stage Dive to eliminate Phineas. Road Dogg comes in and gets taken down with a hiptoss. Bradshaw gets tagged in and beats on the Road Dogg for a bit. You see Billy & Road Dogg had stolen the Blackjack's hats and they were pissed about it. Bradshaw turns his attention to Billy and beats on him but Road Dogg sneaks up behind for a rollup which eliminates Bradshaw. Thrasher comes in and beats on Road Dogg. Thrasher gets thrown into the ropes and Billy gets a cheapshot in on him from the apron. Road Dogg goes for a pump-handle slam on Thrasher but he powers out of it. Road Dogg makes a blind tag to Billy and Billy comes off the top with a flying legdrop to eliminate Thrasher at 15:26. Winners: Road Dogg & Billy Gunn. Utter crap. 1/2*


- Backstage Kevin Kelly & Sunny shill the WWF Superstar line.


- The Truth Commission (The Jackal, Recon, Sniper & The Interrogator) vs. D.O.A. (Crush, Chainz, Skull & 8-Ball) - A few short points first. The Jackal went on to work for ECW as Cyrus, Recon is the artist now know as Bull Buchanan and The Interrogator later became known as Kurrgan. Anyway, The Interrogator and Chainz start and The Interrogator dominates. Chainz tries to battle back but it does no good as The Interrogator finishes him over with a sideslam at just over a minute into the match. Skull and 8-Ball come in and double-team The Interrogator until the referee regains control and The Interrogator tags in Recon. So now it's Recon and Skull in. Recon gets a frontslam and tags in The Jackal. Jackal hits a knee from the top but it has no effect on Skull and he hits him with a sideslam to eliminate The Jackal. Sniper comes in and beats on Skull and hits an elbow for two. Sniper hits a crossbody for another two and The Jackal joins Ross and Lawler on commentary. Recon tags in and goes for an axehandle from the top but gets hit in the stomach instead. Skull tags in Crush and an elbow, a scoop slam and a couple of legdrops on Recon. Crush hits a belly to belly suplex for two. He tags in Skull and they hit each other coming of the ropes and Skull goes to the outside. 8-Ball comes in to take his place and clotheslines Recon to eliminate him. Sniper comes in and hammers on 8-Ball but he comes back with a swinging neckbreaker for another two. Skull tags in and they double team Sniper with a double flapjack for two. The Interrogator hits Skull in the back of the head from the outside and Recon hits the bulldog to eliminate him from the match. 8-Ball comes in and he beats on Recon in the corner. 8-Ball hits a snapmare and an elbow and then tags in Crush. Crush hits a suplex for two and then slaps on a headlock. 8-Ball tags in and he knocks down Sniper. Sniper makes a blind tag just before he gets a ddt from 8-Ball and The Interrogator sneaks up from behind and hits him with a sideslam to eliminate him. It's down to two on one. Crush comes in and beats on The Interrogator but it has no effect, as usual, and he tags in Sniper. Sniper comes off the ropes but Crush hits him with a gut-wrench slam to eliminate Sniper. The Interrogator comes in and he hits the sideslam on Crush to win the match at 10:00. Winner: The Interrogator. More crap. 1/2*


- Some fans give their predictions as to who is going to win the WWF Championship match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.


- Backstage Kevin Kelly interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin in the AOL room.


- Backstage Michael Cole interviews Team USA. Vader says it's not Vader time it's America's time.


- Backstage Michael Cole interviews Team Canada. They run down America.


- Team USA (Goldust, Marc Mero, Vader & Steve Blackman) vs. Team Canada (British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart, Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon) - Marc Mero and British Bulldog start things off. Mero throws his bandana at Bulldog and he wipes his ass with it and throws it at Sable causing Mero to attack. Bulldog knocks down Mero with a shoulderblock and knocks him out of the rings with a dropkick. Back in they lockup and Mero gets the armbar and the tag to Vader who hammers Bulldog in the corner. Vader beats on Bulldog for a bit until he gets a manages to hit a powerslam and a suplex on Vader. Phil LaFon comes in but gets splashed in the corner by Vader and he tags in Mero. LaFon hits a spinning heel-kick on Mero and then tags in Jim Neidhart. Neidhart hammers on Mero for a bit and then tags LaFon back in. Mero regains control with a lowblow and tags in Steve Blackman. Blackman hit some martial arts kicks on LaFon. Blackman hits an elbow for two but LaFon comes back with a ddt for a two count of his own. LaFon gets a crucifix for another two count. Blackman knocks down LaFon and manage to fight off an attack from the rest of Team Canada. Blackman dumps LaFon to the floor and follows him out but it counted out in the confusion to eliminate him from the match. Mero and Neidhart are in now and Neidhart gets control. Mero hits a quick rollup for two but comes back with a clothesline. Neidhart comes off the top rope and misses so Mero makes the tag to Vader. Neidhart manages to knock Vader down with a shoulderblock but Vader comes back with a bodysplash and an elbow. Vader hits a splash on Neidhart and eliminates him from the match. LaFon comes in and hammers on Vader and knocks him out of the ring with a kick. They brawl on the outside for a bit and LaFon sends Vader into the steps. Doug Furnas gets some cheapshots in while the referee isn't looking. Back in Vader manages to regain control and hits a belly-to-belly suplex followed by a splash from the third rope to eliminate LaFon. Furans comes in and manages to beat on Vader for a bit. Vader manages to dodge a dropkick and tag in Mero. Mero comes in with a series of jabs and hits a springboard moonsault from the top for a two count. Furnas hits a spinbuster and tags in Bulldog. Bulldog takes control and rams Mero's head into the turnbuckle ten times. Mero goes a sunset flip but Bulldog reverses it and goes for a Running Powerslam which is also reversed and Mero knocks down the Bulldog. Furnas tags in and gets into a slugfest with Mero in the corner. Mero hits a rollup but Furnas reverses it into one of his own and eliminates Mero. Vader comes in and beats on Furnas. Furnas knocks down Vader with a flying clothesline and then tags in the Bulldog. Bulldog beats on Vader and goes for a suplex. Vader reverses it. Vader goes to tag in Goldust but Goldust doesn't care. Furnas comes in and gets nailed with a suplex. Vader tries to tag in Goldust again but Goldust walks away from Vader. Furnas comes back with a lowblow for two. Furnas tags in the Bulldog and Vader manages to hit him with a running clothesline. Furnas tags in and Goldust once again avoids the tag from Vader. Furnas hits a massive belly-to belly overhead suplex on Vader for two. Furnas hits a hurricarana for another two count on Vader. Vader gets up and knocks Furnas down with a right hand. Vader tags Goldust in with a slap to the face and throws him into the ring. Goldust rolls out of the ring and gets himself counted out making it two on one. Vader hammers on Furnas and hits a bodysplash in the corner and follows it up with a Vader Bomb to eliminate Furnas. Bulldog comes in with the ringbell and smacks Vader upside the head with it and gets the final pin at 17:43. Winner: British Bulldog. *** A decent match that got better towards the end.


- A promo for the Stone Cold Steve Austin "Other Side Jackass!" t-shirt is shown.

Jim Ross announces the winner of the "Survivor Series Super Supper Sweepstake". It's someone called Jacqueline Cook from Columbia, South Carolina. Rather predictably see chooses Stone Cold Steve Austin as the super guest. Jerry seems upset she didn't pick him and puts away his napkin.


- A video package recaps the debut of Kane.


- Mankind vs. Kane - Kane hammers on Mankind outside of the ring before the match stars. In the ring Kane hammers Mankind for a bit longer. Mankind fights back and knocks Kane out of the ring with a clothesline. It has no effect however and he continues to pummel Mankind and throws the steps at him. Back in Kane continues the beating. Wow, this is a fun match to recap. Kane chokes Mankind in the corner and then kicks him out of the ring. By the way, the during the match the ring is lighted by a creepy red glow. On the outside Kane smashes the crap out of Mankind and throws him into the steps. Mankind manages to get a boot to the face and throws him into the steps. Mankind grabs a chair and belts Kane in the head with it. Back in Mankind battles back with right hands and kicks. Mankind hits a piledriver on Kane and signals for the Mandible Claw and slaps it on Paul Bearer. Meanwhile, Kane sits up and tosses Mankind from the ring apron throw a ringside announce table. Guess which one it is. On the outside Kane beats on Mankind but he hits Kane with a lowblow and a ddt. Mankind hits an elbow from the apron onto Kane. He goes to the turnbuckle but Kane grabs him from the apron and slams him to the outside. Kane stands in the ring while Mankind crawls back into the ring and then Kane hits him with a Tomestone for the pin at 9:32. Winner: Kane. *1/2 It was just an extended squash.


- Backstage Michael Cole interviews Commissioner Slaughter and Vince McMahon about the main event. Michael asks Vince who's going to win. Vince says he doesn't know. Bloody liar.


- Dok Hendrix interviews Ken Shamrock, Legion Of Doom & Ahmed Johnson.


- Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, Rocky Maivia, D-Lo Brown & Kama) vs. Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson & Legion Of Doom - D-Lo Brown and Hawk start things off. D-lo grabs a headlock but Hawk gets out of it. D-Lo tries for a clothesline but he ends up going down instead. Hawk hits a neckbreaker on D-Lo and he tags in Rocky Maivia. Hawk tries to come off the ropes after Rocky but Kama hits him in the back of the head and Rocky finishes him off with a Rock Bottom. Wow! Ahmed comes in and hammers Rocky. Ahmed takes him down with an elbow and Rocky tags in Kama. Kama beats on Ahmed and then takes him down with a running clothesline. Kama tags in Faarooq and hits a backbreaker on Ahmed. Faarooq throws Ahmed in to the Nation's corner and they hammer him behind the referee's back. Faarooq goes for a Dominator but Ahmed gets out of it and hits Faarooq with a Pearl River Plunge to eliminate him from the match. D-Lo comes in and stomps on Ahmed. D-Lo goes up top and hits a Frog Splash on Ahmed. Ahmed comes back with some right hands and plants him with a Michinoku Driver. Rocky comes in and Ahmed spinebusters him. Ahmed tries coming off the ropes but Faarooq trips him up and holds his foot while Rocky gets the pin. After that Ahmed and Faarooq brawl all the way to the backstage area. Back in the ring Animal and Rocky go at it. Animal hits a clothesline in the corner and he tags in Ken Shamrock. Shamrock knocks down Rocky with a clothesline and a dropkick but Rocky fights back and tags in Kama. Kama kicks away on Shamrock and chokes him in the corner. Shamrock escapes and makes the tag to Animal. Kama pounds away on Animal and gets a front facelock. Animal gets out of it and they knock each other down with a pair of clothesline. Back up and Animal hits a suplex for a two count. Animal hammers Kama in the corner but Kama regains control and beats on Animal for a bit. Animal manages to knock Kama down with a shoulderblock and follows it up with a scoopslam for two. D-Lo distracts Animal and Kama comes back with some kicks. Animal gets up and dropkick Kama into Rocky and rolls him up to eliminate him from the match. D-Lo comes in and Animal knocks him down with a clothesline and tags in Shamrock. Shamrock hammers D-Lo in the corner and follows it up with a clothesline. D-Lo regains control with a poke to the eye. Rocky comes in when the referee isn't looking and gives Shamrock a lowblow. This gets a two for D-Lo. D-Lo gets a snapmare and a legdrop for another two count. D-Lo slaps on a rear chinlock for a bit but Shamrock battles out of it. D-Lo takes control again with a knee to the stomach and chokes Shamrock. D-Lo gets a backbreaker and goes up top for a moonsault and misses. D-Lo tags in Rocky and Shamrock tags in Animal. Animal beats up both the remaining members of the Nation's team. Road Dogg & Billy Gunn wander down the aisle wearing the LOD's shoulderpads and distract Animal which allows Rocky to knock him out of the ring and Road Dogg throws something into Animal's face. This causes Animal to be counted out and it's two on one for the third time in the night. D-Lo knocks Shamrock down with a clothesline and then tags in Rocky. They try to double-team Shamrock but he knocks them both down with a clothesline. Shamrock then knocks Rocky out of the ring and nail D-Lo with a belly to belly suplex and the Ankle Lock to eliminate D-Lo. Rocky sneaks up behind Shamrock and nails him with a chair. Rocky goes for the cover and only gets a two count. Rocky hammers Shamrock in the corner but battles back with right hands. Rocky regain control with a poke to the eyes and a spinning ddt gets a two count. Rocky hits an early version of the People's Elbow and that gets two. Shamrock battles back again and hit a northern lights suplex and both men are down. Back up and Shamrock hits Rocky with a hurricarana. Shamrock gets an armbar takedown and works into an Ankle Lock for the win via tapout at 20:36. Winner: Ken Shamrock. *** Another decent match which picked up at the end.


- A promo for the next pay-per-view, D-Generation X: In Your House, is shown.


- A video package of the Stone Cold Steve Austin/Owen Hart feud is shown.


- WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: WWF Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Quick note, as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his entrance only half of the glass breaks. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Anyway, Owen brings Team Canada down to the ring with him. Neidhart tries to attack Austin before the bell and he gets Stunnered for his trouble. Owen jumps Austin from behind to start the match. The crowd start to chant "Break hi neck". My these Canadians seem friendly. Austin comes back with a series of right hands and the crowd boo him. Austin comes off the rope but Owen kicks him in the stomach and goes for a piledriver. Austin counters it with a back bodydrop. Owen bails and grabs Austin's legs and smashes them off the ringpost. Austin drags him into the ringpost however and Owen starts to make his way to the back but Austin clotheslines him from behind. Austin drags Owen back to ring. Owen heads to the outside again and gets a lowblow on Austin. Owen rams Austin into what's left of the Spanish announce table. Owen grabs a cable and chokes Austin with it. The referee tells him to stop it and Owen tells him to DQ him. Back in Owen beats on Austin again. Austin comes back and stomps Owen in the corner. Austin whips him off the ropes and catches him but Owen worms out of it. However, Austin hits him with a right hand and then the Stone Cold Stunner for the pin at only 4:03. Winner and NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin. It was pretty short but still entertaining. **1/4 I can't really give it anymore as it was only four minutes long.


- The first ever WWF Attitude video, featuring Bret Hart's only appearance in that video, is shown.


- The opening video package is shown again.


- WWF Championship Match: WWF Champion Bret Hart vs. WWF European Champion Shawn Michaels - Right, main event time. Shawn picks up a Canadian flag on the way to the ring and then shoves it up his nose and humps it in the ring. And the crowd is pissed. Jim Ross notes that Shawn Michaels is "arrogant". Gee, thanks for that Jim. Bret comes out and the crowd explodes. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels brawl in the ring, around ringside, up the aisle (with official Pat Patterson and referees Tim White & Jack Doan getting nailed) and into the crowd for about eight minutes before heading to the ring to start the match properly. It should also be noted that by this time Vince McMahon had made his way down to ringside. Anyway, in the ring Bret chokes Shawn with the flag of Quebec until the referee brakes it. Bret hits an atomic drop but misses a clothesline and Shawn hits a forearm. Shawn kicks Bret on the canvas and stomps on his face. Now Shawn grabs the flag (the Quebec one) and chokes Bret with it. Shawn hits a fistdrop and then decides to taunt a bunch of rather vocal fans at ringside. Shawn dumps Bret and follows him out. Shawn beats on Bret on the outside for a bit and still has time to insult the fans. Shawn dumps Bret on to the steps with a face first suplex. Shawn rams a flagpole into Bret's throat and then throws Bret back into the ring. Shawn hits an axehandle from the corner and then slaps on a front facelock. Bret manages to power out of it and goes to work on the leg of Shawn Michaels. Michaels stops the attack with a rake to the face. Bret goes back to work on the leg and Shawn, again, rakes the face. Michaels heads up top with a flying crossbody but Bret reverses it for a two count. Bret goes back to work on the legs and slaps on the ringpost figure-four leglock and the crowd goes nuts! Back in Bret continues to work over Michaels' leg. Bret slaps on a figure-four leglock but Shawn reverses it and Bret makes the ropes to break the hold. Bret hammers on Shawn in the corner throws him into the turnbuckle. Bret hits a russian leg sweep for two. Bret hits a suplex for another two count. Bret hits a backbreaker and then head to the corner but Shawn pulls the referee in the way and they all go down. Shawn rakes the eyes and then slaps the Sharpshooter on Bret. Suddenly, despite the fact that Bret clearly didn't submit the referee calls for the bell and the match is over at 12:19. Winner and NEW WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels. Thank you Vince McMahon. You see he told the timekeeper to ring the bell. The referee gets the hell out of the ring while Bret spits in Vince's face. Shawn takes the belt and runs to the back flanked by officials. ***1/2 It was great match right up until the screwjob. Shame.


Overall: Well this was actually a much better card than I remember. Just ignore the first two matches and you'll be fine. Plus if you haven't seen the "infamous" screwjob ending then you should definitely pick this up. Recommended.


Feedback Apreciated!

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Guest lowavenue

how the hell can u give Austin/Owen **1/2? It was basically a short brawl cause of Austin's neck injury.

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Guest Si82
how the hell can u give Austin/Owen **1/2? It was basically a short brawl cause of Austin's neck injury.

I actually gave the match **1/4 and it's because I liked the match. Sure it was brawl 'cause both men were injured but I had a good storyline behind, massive crowd heat and a satisfing conclusion to end the feud.

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Guest Aero

Good review, although I never really liked this show based on both the screwjob and matches. The first two Survivor Series matches were terrible, and the others were decent. I agree with lowavenue on the Austin-Owen match. Sure, it was a great story and feud, but this "blowoff" wasn't. But, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions. I would have probably given the match either 1/4*-3/4*

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Guest BigPoppaKev

I liked your review and basically agree with most of your ratings. Maybe a star here or there but nothing big.

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Guest nWoScorpion

"- The first ever WWF Attitude video, featuring Bret Hart's only appearance in that video, is shown."


Do you mean the first time it aired or the first version??

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Guest Si82
"- The first ever WWF Attitude video, featuring Bret Hart's only appearance in that video, is shown."


Do you mean the first time it aired or the first version??

Both, I think, but I could be wrong.

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