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Guest Mik at Cornell

I Spy

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Guest Mik at Cornell

As a total Owen mark, I'm disappointed that I'm in Australia this week and I can't see the debut of the movie. (Then i remember that I'll be snorkelling at the Great Barrier reef in just 7 days and all is well)


Anyway, did anyone see it, and if so what are your thoughts? Especially this question, was Owen hilarious or was he too much of a straight man?

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I'm a huge Owen mark as well. I'll be seeing it Saturday night, along with Spirited Away.

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Guest GeneMean

I thought it could've been better, but it was still a decent matinee show. Owen was funnier than I thought he would be, at least when he had the chance to be. I think someone told Eddie Murphy he was getting paid per spoken word.


But hell Lumbergh was in it, and that makes it okay in my book.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I'll be seeing this early Saturday Morning. Followed by Ghost Ship, which I haven't seen.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I might just go see it to see Famke Janssen.



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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I'll be seeing this early Saturday Morning. Followed by Ghost Ship, which I haven't seen."


Steer clear from GS at all costs!!!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Did you really think I was going to pay $10 to see Ghost Ship ?


Shame on you......

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Guest ShooterJay
I hear it's Garbage.

Yeah, according to critics.


I enjoy these movies, so I'll be seeing it.


Movies are like wrestling, it's all about taste. I enjoy Dupp segments on TNA, most people don't. I like popcorn movies like I Spy, (unless they're blatantly corporate, like XXX) so I'm going to see it.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

The better half wanted to see GS last night, and since it was her turn to buy the tickets I said "whatever."


The plot wasn't too bad, but here were my big complaints. POSSIBLE SPOILERS


1) No cool deaths.


2) Special effects were blah.


3) There's not as much action/suspense as the previews would have you belived (better half complained about this A LOT)


On the good side, that chick from ER (Julaine something or other) was in it and I didn't think she looked half bad. She actually got some color to her. Granted, her acting skills are on par with Shannon Elizabeth (sp?) but I think she'd be good in a role where she's the friend to the really attractive friend some guy's after but in the end he picks her for the complete package (looks, brains, personality, etc.)

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Guest El Satanico

No cool deaths?


Well that just decreased the level of my wanting to see Ghost Ship. I wasn't expecting a great or even a good movie, but i wanted to see it because it looked like a fun b movie that may have some nice deaths.


so blah to Ghost Ship now, but i still like the movie poster.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
I like popcorn movies like I Spy, (unless they're blatantly corporate, like XXX) so I'm going to see it.

Now what was wrong with XXX? I enjoyed it.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"No cool deaths?


Well that just decreased the level of my wanting to see Ghost Ship. I wasn't expecting a great or even a good movie, but i wanted to see it because it looked like a fun b movie that may have some nice deaths.


so blah to Ghost Ship now, but i still like the movie poster."


From what I saw of the previews, I was thinking that it would be more directed toward action, but instead it's dreadfully dull.


I haven't seen many stranded-on-ship type movies, and one that comes to mind is Deep Rising from a few years back. I liked that movie for what it was: Action/comedy/monster. This was NONE of that. In fact, I'd compare this to the recent "The Haunting" because I thought that was lame and dull as well, with NO cool deaths.




That guy who lost his head in TH is a better death, imo, than anything in GS. The argument can be made that how all the passengers died on GS was interesting, but I don't count them because it happens at the beginning...

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Damn it!


Ghost Ship truly sucks.


I should have listened, but, on the good side, I didn't pay for it.



I did see "I Spy"....... That was pretty good. I'm an Owen Wilson Mark anyway.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Yeah, Ghost Ship was a real stinker. The best part was the opening scene, and it all went down the toilet after that.

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Guest El Satanico
Yeah, Ghost Ship was a real stinker. The best part was the opening scene, and it all went down the toilet after that.

And when C.H.U.D. a self admitted lover of bad movies says a movie was a stinker...you know it was a really awful movie.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Remind me to name my first born Child (In the future) Kelly Robinson. That damned name is stuck in my Head, due to the fact that Eddie Murphy said it about, 43,456,222 Times.

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