Guest Karnage Report post Posted November 3, 2002 So I was reading the Death of Superman TPB the other day and I got some questions that need to be answered since I haven't really read any Superman books. When and how did Luthor die and since when did he have a son with red hair that is with Supergirl? What happens after Superman dies? Why doesn't the JLA have Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern and stuff? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted November 3, 2002 "When and how did Luthor die and since when did he have a son with red hair that is with Supergirl?" - Karnage Lex Luthor "died" in issue #660 of Action Comics. Luthor was flying in a private plane of his and it blew up in the air. When Superman showed up in Metropolis and helped get Lex Luthor arrested for endangerment, Lex vowed to destroy him. Lex had found a broken down Metallo who had been beaten by Superman and the Doom Patrol and Lex noticed that Metallo had a green rock in his chest plate. Lex found out that it was kryptonite and Metallo revealed to Lex that the rock weakened Superman and nearly killed him. Lex reached into Metallo's chest and ripped his kryptonite heart out of him and Metallo was left for dead after that. Lex had a chunk of the ring made into a ring for him and he began wearing a ring of kryptonite to fend off/defeat Superman. This would prove to be his undoing. While not instantly lethal to humans, kryptonite radiation is still ultimately deadly. Luthor first lost his hand to radiation poisoning and he was given a gray mechanical hand as a replacement. After a couple months without any problems, Luthor was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. But before the disease could take his life, he was reported killed in a plane crash. But Luthor wasn't dead. In reality he had faked his own death, while scientists grew a new, younger, healthier body for him. They eventually transplanted Luthor's brain into the cloned young man, dubbed Lex Luthor 2 and passed him off as Luthor's long-lost illegitimate son. "What happens after Superman dies?" - Karnage A funeral takes place for Superman and is covered by the world (ala Princess Diana). Heroes and villains alike take part in the funeral as they pay their respects to their fallen comrade/opponent. A bit long and drawn out but a decent read. "Why doesn't the JLA have Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern and stuff?" - Karnage The members that you mentioned above were too busy with their solo careers to maintain a regular basis membership with the JLA and that is why you saw mostly second-stringers helping Superman fight Doomsday during their fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly Report post Posted November 3, 2002 On a side note, I read some of the Ultimate Guide to Superman today and learned that the planet Krypton was turning into Kryptonite and would have actually killed the Kryptonians if the planet hadn't blown up first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted November 3, 2002 That plot was to be ignored by DC after the "Great Revamp of 2000" with Supes took place. The writers did not like the idea of Krypton turning into a giant kryptonite hot zone and they ignored that idea when they rewrote his origin last year in Superman #166. The new origin more resembles the Pre-Crisis version where everyone on the planet resembles earth rather than the cold and distant version of Krypton that John Byrne depicted in his Post-Crisis of Superman. Talk about rererwriting the past. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Karnage Report post Posted November 3, 2002 Thanks for clearing things up Sass! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest raptor Report post Posted November 4, 2002 I'm wondering: who's take do you like better on the Krypton thing? Seems there's a lot of hate for Byrne's. I just wondered why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted November 4, 2002 I liked Byrne's version of Krypton. The earlier telling had it very similar to earth, just with a higher level of scientific advancement. IMO, Byrne followed thru on that better, carrying the heavy reliance on science into an antiseptic culture. It also made the Eradicator more interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted November 6, 2002 There is a reason that Superman's origin needed to be revamped (well several) and which is why Byrne's version of Supes' origin is universally accepted amongst core Superman fans who became sick and tired of the Pre-Crisis Superman crap. Byrne went back and made Superman easy for fans to relate to which was something that the Pre-Crisis Superman failed to do in nearly every way conceivable and that is why his sales were shit for nearly 20 years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted November 6, 2002 "What happens after Superman dies?" - Karnage A funeral takes place for Superman and is covered by the world (ala Princess Diana). Heroes and villains alike take part in the funeral as they pay their respects to their fallen comrade/opponent. A bit long and drawn out but a decent read. . To follow up on this. In or right after Action Comics #500 4 new Supermen debuted, along with a price increase to $1.50 per book, which pissed me off, but that's neither here nor there. Superboy, The Eradictor, Steel, and the Cyborg guys who's name I can't remeber right now were the new guys. All but Steel (a huge black guy in a metal suit) claimed to be Superman. Superboy was/is a clone of Superman, Eradicator was/is (I think he was killed off but it's the comics so who knows?) Kryptonian, adn the Cyborg had some of Supe's DNA or something. The Cyborg turned heel and destroyed Coast City, creating a big machine city, which caused Hal Jordan to go nuts, which caused Zero Hour. The real Superman came back to life with no powers, long hair and a black suit, he along with Superboy, Supergirl, Steel (I think) and Hal Jordan defeated the Cyborg and Mongrel(?), Superman got his powers back somehow and went home. Supergirl shape shifted herself to look like Clark Kent to explain his absence during Superman's and reappearance at the same time. They said he was trapped under debry while covering the Doomsday attack. If somethign is wrong with this just correct me, I'm doing this from memory at 1am and I haven't read the books for 5 years or so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crandamaniac Report post Posted November 6, 2002 The only thing I can think you may have missed SG is when Superman was going after the Cyborg, he also had the Eradicator Superman with him too. Supes, E-Supes, and Cy-Supes got in a fight, which had Cy-Supes attempt to blast the real Supes with Kryptonite. E-Supes jumped in the way, killing himself, but somehow transferring his powers back to the regular Supes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted November 6, 2002 Thanks, I forgot how he got his powers back and that Eradicator was with him. All my old comics are at my dad's house and I'm at my mom's this week so I didn't have access to them. Maybe i'll read that story tonight. It's been a long time since I've read comics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted November 6, 2002 Exactly how did they explain away the rewriting of Krypton in Superman #166? Does it take into account Jack Knight's encounter with a young Jor-El? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites