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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report: 11/3/02

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

New Releases:


"I Spy" (Eddie Murphy , Owen Wilson)

" The Santa Clause 2" (Tim Allen)


Box Office Top 10:


1. The Santa Clause 2 - $29,000,000/$29,000,000


2. The Ring - $18,500,000/$64,900,000

3. I Spy - $14,000,000/$14,000,000

4. jackass: the movie - $13,100,000/$42,492,000

5. Ghost Ship - $6,570,000/ $21,265,000

6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding - $5,621,020/$185,242,847

7. Sweet Home Alabama - $4,600,000/$113,500,000

8. Punch-Drunk Love - $4,200,000/$11,058,000

9. Red Dragon - $2,660,000/$88,979,000

10. Brown Sugar - $1,700,000/$24,619,000



I figured "The Santa Clause 2" would open up at #1. I predicted it would bring in about $20 Mil, opened up over that. The first Movie grossed a good $144 Mil and as we know, some Sequels don't do as good as the original.


Can you call "I Spy" a bomb ? It did open up with less than $15 Mil. I was hoping it would open up with a little over $20 Mil. Eddie Murphy needs a hit badly. We all know what happen to "The Adventures Of Pluto Nash" and "Showtime" was suppose to be a massive hit, but instead BOMBED. Owen Wilson has "Shanghai Knights" coming up, so I wouldn't worry much about him.


"The Ring" is still around, and picking up good numbers. Most Movies like this, would have already dropped down in business, but this continues to be a surprise hit.


When the Hell will "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" drop out of the top 10 ?

It's been around for about 7 Months, man.......


Next Weeks Releases:


"8 Mile" (Eminem , Brittany Murphy , Mekhi Phiffer)

"Femme Fatale " (Antonio Banderas , Rebecca Romijn-Stamos )



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Guest wwF1587

nice to see Jackass holding up despite all the negative reviews... that movie has to be the funniest thing i have ever seen...

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Guest areacode212

I absolutely loved The Ring (more than the original Japanese version), and I'm happy to see that it's continuing to do well.

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Guest Nevermortal

I'm predicting that Femme Fatale will flop.


8 Mile's gonna do major business.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Early Prediction:


Femme Fatale: $5 - 9 Million.

8 Mile: $ 20 - 30 Million. Maybe more ?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
nice to see Jackass holding up despite all the negative reviews... that movie has to be the funniest thing i have ever seen...

What negative reviews? No major critic even reviewed it.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20









::Sits down in a Corner and cries, rocking back and forth::

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Guest Youth N Asia
Femme Fatale: $5 - 9 Million.

I say that's even overshooting.


I am suprised Jackass stayed as high as it did...thought that would be the thing where everyone who wanted to see it would see it on the first week.


Also a little suprised that Ghost Ship did as well as it did.


And I'm not even going to put a limit on how much 8 Mile is going to do...here in Michigan you see billboards for the damn thing everywhere.

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Guest Vyce

Why is everyone predicting "8 Mile" will do such huge business? Just because Marshall is a big music star doesn't necessarily translate into good box office. I think it'll cap at 20 million, and that's being generous on my part.


BTW, Ring still doing good busines + "I Spy" doing poorly = my renewed faith in humanity.

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Guest Lethargic
Why is everyone predicting "8 Mile" will do such huge business? Just because Marshall is a big music star doesn't necessarily translate into good box office. I think it'll cap at 20 million, and that's being generous on my part.


BTW, Ring still doing good busines + "I Spy" doing poorly = my renewed faith in humanity.

1. Because the millions and millions of cult like morons that worship this loser will go see it multiple times.


2. Because it shockingly looks very good so people that don't like Eminem will probably go as well.

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Guest Kagato Otaku



As someone who follows movies, should I feel bad that I've never heard of Femme Fatale until just today?

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Guest El Satanico


As someone who follows movies, should I feel bad that I've never heard of Femme Fatale until just today?

No...I only heard of it like a week ago.


SO when the movie does no business it can't be considered a bomb sense the studio hasn't hyped it up at all. I smell the studio just trying to get the movie over with and forget about it.

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Guest Lethargic

It's been pretty hyped on the net for a year or so. I've seen the trailer on TV every friggin commercial break it feels like. "Brian DePalma MASTER OF THE EROTIC THRILLER!" I think it'll be a real bomb if it bombs

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Guest El Satanico

Oh really?


Well that's odd that i've only heard of it like a week ago for the first time.


Since when was Brian DePalma master of the erotic thriller? I can't think of one DePalma movie that could be called an "erotic thriller".

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Banderas couldn't draw flies if he doused himself in honey and raw sewage and fermented in the sun. Without Robert Rodriguez, the man has no box-office potential whatsoever.


The only flicks he's headlined outside of Mask of Zorro that made decent money were Rodriguez films. The dude couldn't even make money off a nudie Angelina Jolie film.

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Guest TUS_02
Oh really?


Well that's odd that i've only heard of it like a week ago for the first time.


Since when was Brian DePalma master of the erotic thriller? I can't think of one DePalma movie that could be called an "erotic thriller".

The first Mission Impossible, perhaps...


Or the ever misguided erotic thriller.... SNAKE EYES! Blowout is my personal favorite De Palma erotic thriller

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Femme Fatale looks pretty bad, I'm sure it will bomb and show up on DVD by Christmas.


I'm glad to see The Ring is doing so well. More power to horror movies!

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Guest NoCalMike

I am so scared of 8 mile doing well. I am not sure why anyone would actually want to go see this garbage. If Eminem wants to give us a half-assed biography then he should just go on VH1 behind the music and make a special, oh wait, no one cares about Eminem anymore, goodbye now.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
Banderas couldn't draw flies if he doused himself in honey and raw sewage and fermented in the sun. Without Robert Rodriguez, the man has no box-office potential whatsoever.


The only flicks he's headlined outside of Mask of Zorro that made decent money were Rodriguez films. The dude couldn't even make money off a nudie Angelina Jolie film.

So true.

Spy Kids 1 and 2, and Desperado are all Rodriguez Films, without him all of Banderas Films will BOMB. Anyone remember "Ecks Vs Sever" ?


Femme Fatale will bomb for sure. Rebecca Roman Stamos as the lead Actress ?I don't even consider her a REAL Actress. We all know what her only other Movie was.......

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Guest El Satanico

No i don't remember Ecks vs. Sever.


Well there's no doubt that 8 Mile will do big business. It surprised me that it actually doesn't look like a terrible movie. However i loathe Eminem and I'll never watch the movie.


Does 8 Mile remind anyone else of Flashdance? A steel worker who dreams of a better life blah blah blah. It's the "hip hop" version of Flashdance.

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Guest starvenger
No i don't remember Ecks vs. Sever.


Well there's no doubt that 8 Mile will do big business. It surprised me that it actually doesn't look like a terrible movie. However i loathe Eminem and I'll never watch the movie.


Does 8 Mile remind anyone else of Flashdance? A steel worker who dreams of a better life blah blah blah. It's the "hip hop" version of Flashdance.

Interesting comparison. Does this mean that Eminem has a rap double?

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Guest C.H.U.D.
I am so scared of 8 mile doing well.  I am not sure why anyone would actually want to go see this garbage.  

Garbage? How do you know it's garbage? Have you seen it?

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Guest Madmartigan21
Oh really?


Well that's odd that i've only heard of it like a week ago for the first time.


Since when was Brian DePalma master of the erotic thriller? I can't think of one DePalma movie that could be called an "erotic thriller".

Here are three:


Dressed to Kill

Blow Out

Body Double



QUOTE (Vyce @ Nov 3 2002, 11:06 PM)

Why is everyone predicting "8 Mile" will do such huge business? Just because Marshall is a big music star doesn't necessarily translate into good box office. I think it'll cap at 20 million, and that's being generous on my part.


BTW, Ring still doing good busines + "I Spy" doing poorly = my renewed faith in humanity.


1. Because the millions and millions of cult like morons that worship this loser will go see it multiple times.


2. Because it shockingly looks very good so people that don't like Eminem will probably go as well.


Using that logic Howard Stern's Private parts SHOULD have been huge. But instead it was only a mild "hit", making $41.198m (USA).

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Guest El Satanico

Well Body Double and Blow Out were pretty good and never seen Dressed to Kill. Eh still don't get how he's suppose to be a "master of the erotic thriller", but Hollywood does like to toss around titles like that to sell a movie.

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Guest J*ingus

Body Double? Ho boy, don't remind me of that turkey. The wimpiest hero EVER (William Hurt is a manly macho dude compared to this pasty flake) stars in a complete and utter ripoff of Vertigo, filled with contrived and impossible bullshit, and topped of by the villain dying in perhaps the lamest fashion ever conceived for a villain death. The only part I liked was Melanie Griffith's scatterbrained porn star.


As for 8 Mile, yeah, I think it'll do huge business too. The marketing has been perfect, cause unlike the stuff they did for Glitter or Crossroads, this is being presented as a Serious Film in all the trailers, the kind you can go see and not have to come up with an excuse for. And yeah, MM still has a shitload of rabid hardcore fans.

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