Guest TSMAdmin Report post Posted November 3, 2002 Well, so much material to talk about ansd so little time to do it in. Let's cut to the chase and meet the players... Brandon Truitt: Brandon is a regular here on the Crossface and happens to own a heaping helping of shoot interviews. Check out his recap of the Baby Doll shoot interview. Byron Vester: Catch Byron when he drops in with the news. When the wrestling world really pisses him off, he'll drop in with his Anger Management column. If you want to know why he is always pissed off, THIS is your destination. Danny Gregory: Danny is the Smart marks connoisseur of all things music and he happens to like wrestling also. His column, the Riot Act, is a journey into a madman’s mind. Check out his latest article here! O.R. Polk, Jr.: Polk is a regular in the weekly Crossface and has a knack for giving detailed, entertaining DVD reviews… without giving away the movie! Don’t forget to read his latest Velocity Recap! William Helmick: William will be moderating the discussion. William: Last Sunday, WWE held No Mercy. What are your thoughts on the show and the outcomes? Byron: No Mercy, as a whole, was a decent show and certainly MUCH better than it had any right to be. The Hell in the Cell match was surprising in that Taker actually put Brock over cleanly and bled like a motherfucker, too. Unfortunately, the show also had HHH/Kane, which showcased everything that was wrong with RAW: bad wrestling, unmotivated workers, and horrendously BAD angles. This should really be the sign that the Smackdown roster is literally carrying the RAW roster on the PPV shows for the past 3 months. Polk: I didn't see the show itself. I only saw two matches online. The Smackdown Tag Team Finals and the Hell in a Cell match. I didn't see the big deal about the tag was good, but it wasn't great. The Hell in a Cell was bloody, but that's it. Brandon: With the exception of the HHH-Kane match, nothing was too offensive about the PPV's booking (well... besides RVD and Flair being paired up to feud). Danny: I enjoyed the show. The two last matches in particular. Brock was put over clean, which is essential to getting people to accept him as a big time player. Then the tag match was just awesome all around. Probably not worth $35, but a good show. Brandon: HHH-Kane was the typical example of why we hate HHH... No matter what happens, he always wins with the Pedigree and comes out looking better than his opponents. Considering ALL the stuff that went on in the match, there's no way the Pedigree should have finished it. Polk: I can't say I was disappointed in any of the finishes, but it's kind of taking two steps forward and one back when you book correctly for once on a show no one really cares about. Undertaker should've jobbed clean LAST month. William: On RAW, the following night, one of the most horrible skits in wrestling history was aired. I didn't think the angle was going to get any worse but it did. What are your thoughts on the necrophilia angle? Brandon: I don't have enough time to say everything I want to say, so I'll just say that Vince firmly has his head up his ass when it comes to the public reaction towards this angle. Byron: I feel the necrophilia angle is a slap in the face of ALL wrestling fans because it just outright insults your intelligence. Like I said in my rant, who’s supposed to be the bad guy here… Hunter for bringing it up or Kane for actually COMMITTING the act and admitting to it later on? And that lame skit on Monday did NOTHING except embarrass all decent wrestling fans everywhere while Vince and Stephanie all laugh in the back thinking that it’s still the fucking Attitude Era. Polk: What place does it have in wrestling? Where are they going? What do they hope to accomplish? There's no way that this can end up good or in some logical way that the fans actually want to see. Danny: I thought it was incredibly stupid. Their objective seems to be to create word of mouth by running shock angle with no substance. That won't work, nor has it ever worked for anything. Ever. William: Well, someone who was offended by the angle was the beloved Mick Foley. He pulled out of a Byte This appearance in protest. Do you support his decision? Brandon: I support his decision. Since he's no longer a WWE employee, being associated with such a distasteful angle could damage his REAL job... writing children's books. Danny: I think it's a pretty reasonable decision. He has nothing to gain from jeopardizing his credibility as an author by further associating himself with this garbage. Byron: Foley had every right to turn down the Byte This broadcast after what transpired on RAW. I mean, let’s say you were a children’s book writer and you were asked to be on the internet show of a company that just showcased an implied necrophilia video on it’s major show, would YOU do it at the expense of flushing away any credibility in the real world that you worked hard to earn? I may not have always been a Foley fan, but I applaud him for doing something stupid like this which could really have fucked up his life by being associated with garbage like what we saw on RAW. Polk: I can't disagree with the man's ethics. He's never been shy about voicing his displeasure with certain angles done by his employers, so why should he support them or stand by them when he no longer works for them? Brandon: Besides that, I also support his decision to turn down Vince McMahon's offer to be a "secret consultant" to the WWE because Vince wouldn't have listened to anything he said. It would be like his last stint as commissioner. William: But this is the same man who bled like a pig in Japan. The man is a masochist. While we agree it is stupid, is it really something to pull out of now that he has supposedly turned a new leaf? Polk: I don't think he's turned over a new leaf, per se. Just because the man bled or may have done stupid things with his body during his career in the past, he always did it if there was a good reason or strong angle behind it. This is a case of an angle being done for shock value you alone and obviously going nowhere. Brandon: If he were truly a masochist, he'd be working for Vince during this whole situation. This is probably the most painful angle ANY employee has ever been associated with. William: You would think that with the pull HHH has that he would see the stupidity of the angle. Is Trips really that stupid or is he not as powerful as we once thought? Brandon: Trips is stupid because he wants to stay on Vince and Steph's good sides. He wants to be the yes-man who gets his way on other stuff instead of the guy who gets buried for pissing on Vince's parade... like Test. Polk: That's what I've been trying to figure Trips drinking the same Kool-Aid as Vince or is this something being done to pull the wool over the eyes of us smarts who think HHH is King Shit backstage? I can't call it. Danny: I'd imagine that Triple H is one of many forces backing the angle. WWE management seems to be under the impression that shock alone is what caused the boom in 98-99. Byron: I don't think Trips is stupid because how can he really say no to his girlfriend a.k.a., the head writer? William: OK, the other big announcement on RAW is that there will be an Elimination Chamber match at Survivor Series. Is this another gimmick that will be played out in the next year or will we finally get our beloved Wargames back under a new name? Brandon: It looks like it will be Wargames, if it's going to be the main event like Meltzer's predicted. Polk: I'm hoping it's WarGames, but to change the name to something that ghey...that irks me. Byron: I think it's going to be WarGames since Vince likes to make any idea WCW came up with his own like the Hell in the Cell, which was very similar to the Thunderdome. Brandon: It's because Vince doesn't want to admit that Dusty Rhodes actually had an idea worth stealing, OR. Byron: I'm wondering if Vince will eventually swipe the triple-tier cage from Slamboree(?) just to round all the big name WCW gimmick ideas. Brandon: If they were going to do that, they would have put HHH over 8 guys in one night, a la Uncensored 1996. Byron: I wonder how far behind a Chamber of Horrors match is and I almost think in the back of my mind that's what the Elimination Chamber is Danny: They might as well use those gimmick matches, since Vince owns WCW. Less repetition on the WWE gimmick matches would be ideal. William: Well, as we see RAW sinking to even newer lows, Smackdown keeps pounding out the quality wrestling to keep me watching. Unfortunately, the Big Show is now a part of the roster. Should this slug even have a job much less anew push? Brandon: No, he shouldn't be getting a push. The only good thing coming out of this is that Lesnar is going face. Danny: I thought it was a pretty good example of how to completely remake someone you've been burying for years in one night. If they could apply that to someone who actually deserves it, they'd be in business. Polk: A long answer from me would truly turn into a long answer. Why they waste their time with Show PERIOD, much less pushing him as a main eventer is beyond me. They sent Show down to OVW...for what? He came back fatter and I don't see a damn bit of difference in his ring work. Brandon: Vince can't decide whether to job out the fat fuck or try to justify his investment. That's why we've seen him change from face to heel and back, and has gone from a badass to a comedy figure so many times that Lex Luger seems fresh in comparison. Danny: It's kind of frustrating. Even on the good show, the guys having all of the **** matches get shit and the hosses--who have usually failed multiple times already--get a shot at the main event. Polk: Meanwhile, Mark Henry goes down there and gets in such good shape I can hardly recognize him. What's his reward? Gain the weight back, go win the Strongman competition so we can bring you back and job you out. RACISM~! Brandon: Big Slow and Mark Henry keep getting chances because Vince has to justify the 1.25 million a year they get combined. Mark got a BRIEF push when he came back then headed right to the former Jakked. Danny: True, but what about Kane? I can find no real justification for his push. Brandon: WWE management loves Kane... as Jim Cornette says, they call him Sid Lite... all of the talent and look with none of the attitude. He's considered a team player AND a hoss, which means he's more likely to get a push than the "vanilla midgets" William: Well, upon his Smackdown return, Show was able to send Taker packing. Should Big Booger have even appeared after the beating he took at No Mercy? Brandon: He should have appeared briefly... in a wheelchair... to put over how Lesnar has ended his career for now. Either that or pulling the Hogan and disappearing. ANYTHING but Big Slow taking credit for his defeat. Byron: No, because he really should have sold how bad the beating was that Brock gave him, not being used as fodder for another pointless Big Slow push Danny: I really prefer that they give a proper sendoff when a guy's leaving for a while, rather than just have him not be there. That said, it seemed to take the heat off of Lesnar and put it on Show, which is ridiculous business in every way. Polk: No. Why didn't BROCK get the credit for the Undertaker having to take time off? Why? Why can The Rock and Hulk Hogan disappear after getting dismantled by Brock, but Undertaker can't job to him one month and then the next month, The Big Show gets credit for his leave of absence.... I don't get it. Byron: What's even sadder, Polk, is that Taker and Show haven't had a match against each other for a couple of years now... Polk: At this point, I'm truly confused as to who has the most power backstage: HHH or Undertaker. William: On the flipside, this did signal Brock's face push. Byron: How in the hell is anyone going to believe that Paul "softened him up"? Brandon: Because Big Slow turned Undertaker on to jelly donuts? William: Do you see any positives in making Brock a face and where does that leave Paul E.? Polk: There is one strong positive: we may finally see the Shooting Star Press on WWE TV. That leaves Paul E. to reform ECW and bring back his main man Rhyno, with both the ECW World and TV Titles. William: I think that could truly be the move to get Lesnar over in a massive way. Byron: While I really don't think Brock needs Heyman that much any more, I think turning Brock face so soon is a mistake. If anything, I'd save the face turn for after he loses the title and dumps Heyman Brandon: Brock has a Goldberg-like vibe to him, which means that he SHOULD be getting massive pops. Having him do that while he was a heel probably contributed to the silence he got at first. Heyman should move on to managing guys who challenge Lesnar each month, leading up to Wrestlemania William: Well, some of the guys rumored to challenge Brock in the upcoming months are Benoit and Angle. What does the future hold for this dynamic duo? Is there life beyond the midcard? Brandon: Angle SHOULD be challenging Brock at Wrestlemania unless someone like Austin is resigned. Benoit will probably be a speed bump along the way for Brock, teaching him how to work better. Byron: Yes. After the Big Slow's big push bombs once again, they are really going to have no choice but to push Angle, Benoit, and Edge as semi-main eventers Brandon: Edge and Brock supposedly had very good matches at house shows in Europe as well as at Rebellion. Polk: It's a shame that a guy like Benoit would be used as a speed bump, Brandon, considering he's eons better than the guy he has to put over. Brandon: True, but Benoit isn't seen as a legitimate top guy by management because he isn't a great promo guy. Byron: With Benoit, I think he's more of the quickie titleholders, as in he wins it one night and drops it maybe 3 or 4 weeks later. It's kind of sad, but really, it's a given that Vince won't push him any more than he has to. William: Well, the other people tearing it up on Smackdown are the Guerreros and Rey Mysterio. Will these guys ever get a shot at the top or will they suffer in the midcard? Brandon: Rey MIGHT get a shot at the top because he's so over, if his knees don't give out first. Chavo isn't taken seriously. Eddy might be a top guy eventually since he can talk and work. Danny: I think Rey is an example where a guy actually IS too small to look credible against some of the bigger guys. Chavo doesn't impress me in any particular way. Eddy, on the other hand, is a complete package that should by all rights be main event-ing. Byron: While I think Eddy has a small window to the main event, I don't see it for any of them because of the size difference Brandon: Rey might work if he's paired off against regular guys and not against Nash, Kane, Big Slow, Undertaker, etc. William: OK, the big story this week is the signing of Scott Steiner. Can he help this company or is this a huge mistake? Brandon: I'm a little torn on this. Steiner is in NO way a long-term solution to anything. On the other hand, he'll get a shock reaction when he debuts and will probably shoot on HHH. Polk: It can only help. People like Steiner, especially his last run as a heel in the dying days of WCW. The man was over and was one of the only reasons to watch the show. Byron: I think it's a mistake because while he IS a semi big name, the guy is just too crippled and can't speak to save his life to be of any use for the company Polk: I disagree Byron! Shooting on HHH = good. I like Steiner's promos. Danny: They don't need any more talent. Steiner is just another guy they'll bring in and misuse. Brandon: Steiner is VERY unlikely to get misused because he's nuts. If he doesn't like something, he'll beat the shit out of someone. Byron: I'd like them too if I could understand more than half of what he's saying Polk: It doesn't matter what he says. As long as he grabs the mic, poses and acts pissed off while leaning on the ropes with one foot on the bottom, I'm a happy camper. Maybe Vince needs some backstage (and on-camera) drama to finally wake him the fuck up. Byron: I thought the necrophilia angle was enough drama, Polk! Brandon: I must admit, I'd mark out if he made Molly into one of his hoochies! Polk: Only if she went back to blonde, Brandon. Brandon: Works for me... I like her better as a blonde than as this half-assed brown-reddish color that she has naturally and I love redheads, too. Byron: I have to agree, Brandon. She's one of the few women I've seen that look better as a blonde then with her natural hair color William: Ok, but can Steiner realistically stay healthy long enough to be of much value? Brandon: Steiner can last for about 3 months if he gets a restricted house show schedule AND tries to keep himself in shape. Otherwise, he'll pull a Nash and get hurt walking across the ring. William: But Brandon, I think the steroids have caught up to him ala Billy Graham. Byron: If he doesn't have to move around much, he’ll be fine. And more than likely, since he probably cost a shitload of cash, Vince will make it so he doesn't have to work too hard. Brandon: I don't think it's the steroids as much as the old nerve damage to his back. That's why his legs suck, and it pre-dates his major steroid use. Polk: It's for that reason alone that I thought he was actually going to retire that night and then they went and reformed the NWO. I was on vacation then, so I don't know if it had been leaked that it was an angle or what, but I got a little choked up when Scott started to cry and then Nash threw his wheelchair out of the ring. William: Well, fair enough but this brings up a bigger issue. Each week, the Ross Report looks like a roll-call of the walking wounded. Why are there so many injuries? I have never seen as many injuries in our "sport" as I do now. Brandon: It's a combination of steroid abuse, an aging roster, and a tough road schedule, Helmet. Guys like Nash, Kane, Saturn, Undertaker, Billy Gunn, and HHH are seeing their bodies deteriorate either due to age, steroid abuse, or both. William: But with all of these injuries, shouldn’t something be done to curtail all of these problems? Possibly a new ring style, more steroid testing, ushering the old guys out… something? Brandon: Yeah... cut out some of the house shows. It's not like they're drawing enough for it to hurt THAT much to eliminate one or two a week. : How stupid is it to run Smackdown house shows opposite RAW on Monday nights anyway?!? Byron: I agree on cutting house shows. Give the boys a break every once in a while. On using a new ring style, I really don't think that would help much at all because many of the injuries to the big name guys have all been accidents where they took a wrong step. Polk: We'd have a better discussion discussing the things that WWE ISN'T doing that's stupid...otherwise, we'll be here all night. Because right now, they ain't doing much right. Brandon: The WWE's talking out of both sides of their mouth on ring styles... they want people to be more grounded and yet have a TLC match with NO notice. On top of that, it's the HOSSES that keep getting hurt, and they do the least of anybody in the ring. Danny: In some ways, I think it's just a case of us having more access to this information that before via the Ross Report. A lot of the stuff reported there is minor injuries or just things nagging whomever. William: Well if there are no more topics to discuss, I am taking a break to heal my ailing marriage. The Crossface is now over!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites