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You can make one change to the WWF

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If you could do one thing to the WWF at this moment to improve it what would it be?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ah hell...


Just one thing?


Install a ranking system.


Or 80% Wrestling 20% SE

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Guest cobainwasmurdered


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

well, i'm just that damn good and my passionate hatred for stephanie knows no bounds, so i'm always the first with an insult or a putdown for that untalented russo-wannabe bimbo.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Me thinks Russo either is writing for the Wwf or he must have fucked steph in the past and thats why he left the promotion.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

man i think stephanie found a russo book of angles and is using them for wwf tv. Up next Stephanie is the father of stacy keibler's child!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Jesus Christ, Kiebler and Steph in the same ring.  I dont think glass could handle that high of pitch.  Dogs would definately be barking.


So this Russo Book, if someone douses it with holy water it will spontaniously combust right?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

holy water would run screaming from the russo book

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Guest Ghast

Hey guys if your going to derail the thread do it with better jok. :)


If I had one change it would be to fire Undertaker, the nWo, Rock and PUSH THE UNDERCARD. Wait that's more than one thing...oh well!

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Guest Ghast

Hey guys if your going to derail the thread do it with better jokes. :)


If I had one change it would be to fire Undertaker, the nWo, Rock and PUSH THE UNDERCARD. Wait that's more than one thing...oh well!

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Guest ])r. ])eath

If I could change one thing in the WWF what would it be? Simple. The announce team. I can't stand Jim Ross anymore, and feel that he is past him prime. He never seems to add anything to matches anymore. He doesn't even call the non main-event matches.


Jerry Lawler has always sucked, and always will. Anyone who finds his childish, sexual humor funny must be one of those people who laugh at everything. I can't remember him saying anything funny, ever. Paul Heyman was 15 times better in my opinion.

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Guest Army Eye

The one thing I would change:  Make it so wrestlers actually get real pushes again.  I know this concept would shock the current WWF writers to the core, but a push usually means getting many wins in a row.  This means that when a wrestler gets a pinfall over another wrestler, or gives him a beatdown, he should not necessarily have to return the job/beatdown the next week.  Sometimes you have to let a wrestler just get the upper hand, or else everyone is equal to each other.  I'm not even talking about just huge monster pushes like Goldberg '98 or HHH '99 either, just any kind of good push is hard to find these days.


Things like Chris Jericho jobbing clean to Austin the week before he wins the undisputed title, and Scott Hall and the NWO made to look like a total joke instead of a real threat on only their SECOND TV appearance, are a couple recent, extreme examples of just how stupid the current WWF 'always return the job' style is.  Both are instances were Austin gets something that he doesn't really need, and they happen to come at the absolute WORST time of their respective angles.  And I can name many other examples of times where a guy should not have jobbed, and it was a needless job, all it did was kill their push.  I'm sure you guys can too.  There are also cases of 'start-stop' pushes, most notably RVD.


I'm not sure if it's just stupid ass writing, or if the WWF has just gone overboard on trying to keep a perfectly happy and balanced locker room atmosphere.  Maybe it's a little from Column A and a little from Column B.


Pushes are how you make superstars.  Austin, HHH, and Rock are clearly the top tier in the WWF.  They are perceived as the best three by the fans.  Why are they there?  Obviously their talent, but also, they all got the monster push.  Austin in '97-'98, Rock in '98-99, HHH in '99-00.  Couple more examples?  How about Goldberg and Chris Jericho in WCW in '98.  A star was born in both cases, albeit in two different parts of the card.  Scott Steiner in 2000 probably qualifies too.  


To their credit, in his current push the WWF has given Jericho a lot of big wins, especially on PPVs.  But on many TV shows they have still perpetuated the notion that he is below Austin/Rock/HHH by having them in the main events while Jericho jerks the curtain.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I agree with pretty much everything you said armyeye, i mean how much confidence in their champ can the wwf have when he's jerking the curtain. they really never gave jericho a chance and that's a crying shame.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I think the tag division is priority no.1 right now. If the invasion had never happened I'm adament everything would be ok. If they'd just signed the damn guys then have the nwo as the real invasion it would have been so much better.

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Guest saturnmark4life

sorry, i kind of went off on a tangent there. Change no.1 would be to remove Stephanie from all booking duties as soon as possible. Then sort out the tag division with a hardyz heel turn on lita and raven brainwashing them to jump start the flock. And turn the Dudz face. Goddamn there's so much wrong with the wwf at the moment. But I'm guessing most of it is due to Steph.

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Guest JaKyL25

Really, the only change I would make besides getting Steph the hell away from the booking team (I don't mind her on TV so much, since she has a lot of heat, but I just don't like the fact that since she's on the booking committee and is Vince's daughter, she can get more exposure than 3/4 of the wrestlers) would be to invent a time machine and go back and re-do everything since WrestleMania XVII.  


Maybe Benoit and HHH's time off couldn't be avoided, but I would still make some major changes in the last year's booking to make sure that the product didn't even GET to the point where it looked like WCW and ECW were just a bunch of schlubs who got destroyed in 5 months and whose only big stars were ones that they stole from WWF and RVD.


Vince could have made SO much more money than he did with the WCW/ECW invasion, it's a damn shame that it was handled so poorly.

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Guest Dick Hertz

get rid of michael cole, demote JR to excess or something. ( i know it will never happen) find someone, i dont know who, but anyone has to be better than those two. The announcing situation is in dire need of some freshness. bring in scott steiner, eric bischoff, put steiner in the NWO and give him the belt. Jericho makes a better IC champ than a world.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Stick in Ric Flair as booker.  WCW/NWA was at its best when Flair was booking in 1989 and 1994.

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Guest Shaved Bear

put lance storm in the nWo, have him win some serious matches, get him a good amount of heat and eventually when hogan stops being a novelty, we can all enjoy some wrestling

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Guest Risk

I have several things...


I have some firings I would like to do.


The Rock


The nWo


The Big Show

Jim Ross

Michael Cole

Johnathan Coachman

Terri(I like her but, she can't stay)

Bruce Pritcard

Kevin Dunn


Pat Patterson

Gerald Brisco

Triple H

Shawn Michaels





Brock Lesnar


Christopher Daniels

Christian York


Dawn Marie


Shelton Benjamin

Rico Constantino

Charlie Haas

Michael Modest

American Dragon


Eddy Guerrero

Jerry Lynn

The Machines



Jim Cornette

Jeff Jarret

Don "Cyrus" Callis

Joey Styles

Mike Tenay

Terri Poch(Tori)

Rey Mysterio Jr.




Ric Flair

Johnny Ace

Paul Heyman

Tommy Dreamer

Arn Anderson

Tom Zenk

Dean Malenko

Ted Dibiase

Shane McMahon

Terry Taylor

Shane McMahon

Mick Foley




New Names


Kane will be Glen Jacobs

Molly will be Nora

Tori will be Terri Poch

Albert will be Baldo

Lita will be Amy Dumas

Tazz will be Taz

Rhyno will be Rhino

Hurricane will be Shane Helms




All Champions past and present will be vacated, all the old champions, World, United States, and tag team, will fight in a tournament.  Except for some exceptions, the ECW title now known as the Extreme title will be given to Rhino and the Cruiserweight title will stay with Tajiri.




Vince and Flair will be in real life, co-owners.  


Company name


They will call the federation WCW and only accept former World champions: Ric Flair, Sting, Lex Luger, Ron Simmons, and Vader.


Former accepted US champions will be: All up too and including Steve Austin.


Former accepted tag champs: Everyone up to Arn Anderson and Paul Roma.


Former accepted Cruiserweight champions: Tajiri(first champion)


All former ECW champions accepted.


Commentators: Joey Styles, Don "Cyrus" Callis, and Mike Tenay.

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Guest Risk

I've decided to change something...


The titles will be awarded to these men.


WCW World Champion: Steve Austin

WCW US Champion: Lance Storm

WCW Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz

WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Yoshihiro Tajiri

Extreme Champion: Rhino

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Guest Slapnuts00

Just one thing? Too much that needs repairing...


Get rid of the "writing" staff and actually install wrestling guys as BOOKERS who will put more emphasis on wrestling, and actually give storylines a less ridiculous feel. Yes Flair/Anderson/Heyman/Dreamer/JR should be a good start.


Fire all the dead weight old guys. Bossman, Goldust, Godfather, Mr. Perfect, Big Show, and even the nWo once they're done with this.


Actually think out feuds for the undercard, and spend more even time on them, rather than an hour on one main storyline and then the other hour on everything else.


It will never happen, but YES dump the announce team. Keep JR off TV as a booker/agent/talent guy, whatever. FIRE KING. FIRE COLE...or if he's good for video production or whatever, keep him there. Hell, keep on Heat even.

Hire Joey Styles, Cyrus and Mike Tenay and actually have a good announce team.


CHANGE THE SETS. Is it just me or does RAW's set just look so outdated and boring now. Change it up and make it different, maybe add a ramp or something, and how about keeping it to one titantron instead of 10 different flashing screens.


Dump the Cruiserweight/Hardcore titles. You don't need them. Keep the European only to help the lower card guys.


Well thats just some things easier said then done...

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Guest AM The Kid

Just one thing?! Aww man!


Um...fire the whole writing staff except Heyman.

  Writing staff:

Vince Mcmahon

Paul Heyman

Arn Anderson

Shane Mcmahon

Don Callis

Dynamite Kid(oooh, shocking)

and me!!!!!

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Guest La Parka Is My Dad

I'd bring in Brock Lesnar and push him in a Goldberg-like role. The fans need to see a new, fresh face as there really hasn't been a breakthrough star in the WWF since Kurt Angle made his debut.

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