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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Why does the WWE hate us

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I mean seriously, what other business openly expresses hatred toward their customers? Not only do they NOT listen to us, but when they do, it's to tell us to "shut up and like what you're told."? Even if we're not the majority (a debatable point) we are a large percentile. I mean do any of the wrestlers in the WWE LIKE talking to fanbs anymore? I know Arn Anderson and Fit Finlay are very polite, but every other worker seems to hate us with a passion.


I think it's because WE are the only feedback they get, and it ain't pretty. Unlike Vince's yes men, we don't pull punches, we don't suger-coat failures, and we sucessfully predict creative busts before they happen.



The WWE hates us because they know we're right.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

They're just tired of having to answer for things they have no control of. They all know they're fucked until something happens to bust open the loggerhead of the handful of people at the top of the company who are running things into the ground, but there's really nothing they can do about it themselves. And the people at the top are obviously too caught up in their own personal brilliance to give any weight to what their customers actually want, and they don't have to answer to anyone but the head brilliantine, who though the corpse-fucking would turn things around. So they're screwed, we're screwed, he's screwed, it's just a whole big screwing thing, just the kind that doesn't draw ratings.

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Guest cynicalprofit
The WWE hates us because they know we're right.


Yep, and they have the money to keep themselves in business long after we stop carring. Of course when half of their audience leaves, maybe they will finally listen, but I doubt it.


What I find strange is they read us, they talk about us, they know we love the prodcut, but they wont talk with us. Why?

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Guest snowfan
The WWE hates us because they know we're right.


Yep, and they have the money to keep themselves in business long after we stop carring. Of course when half of their audience leaves, maybe they will finally listen, but I doubt it.

"Gay" Necrophiliac Midget Female Jello Wrestling is the WWE wave of the future....

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Guest buffybeast
They're just tired of having to answer for things they have no control of. They all know they're fucked until something happens to bust open the loggerhead of the handful of people at the top of the company who are running things into the ground, but there's really nothing they can do about it themselves. And the people at the top are obviously too caught up in their own personal brilliance to give any weight to what their customers actually want, and they don't have to answer to anyone but the head brilliantine, who though the corpse-fucking would turn things around. So they're screwed, we're screwed, he's screwed, it's just a whole big screwing thing, just the kind that doesn't draw ratings.

I disagree with this statement. Vince carries ALL the control in that company. If a wrestler doesn't want to job, for example, Vince could conceivably send him home and sue him for breach of contract. These things with some wrestlers happen because Vince LETS it happen.

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Guest snowfan
They're just tired of having to answer for things they have no control of. They all know they're fucked until something happens to bust open the loggerhead of the handful of people at the top of the company who are running things into the ground, but there's really nothing they can do about it themselves. And the people at the top are obviously too caught up in their own personal brilliance to give any weight to what their customers actually want, and they don't have to answer to anyone but the head brilliantine, who though the corpse-fucking would turn things around. So they're screwed, we're screwed, he's screwed, it's just a whole big screwing thing, just the kind that doesn't draw ratings.

I disagree with this statement. Vince carries ALL the control in that company. If a wrestler doesn't want to job, for example, Vince could conceivably send him home and sue him for breach of contract. These things with some wrestlers happen because Vince LETS it happen.



In the end HGH is just a ready target to vent rage at but the real culprit for the bullshit is VKM.


He can stop it in hours but he thinks this crap will taste sweet if seasoned *just a little more*.

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Who is this "we" & '"us"? You're never gonna be able to make everyone happy. Because that is simply, not possible. Some people will like it, some people won't. I may like certain things, that you hate. What can you do.

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Guest snowfan
Who is this "we" & '"us"? You're never gonna be able to make everyone happy. Because that is simply, not possible. Some people will like it, some people won't. I may like certain things, that you hate. What can you do.

They can stop doing things that an obvious majority of die hard fans think is crap like HGH raping dummies in coffins...(doing Bradshaw impersonations....)

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Guest HartFan86

I just don't get why they bash the internet fans for the hell of it. Well, probably to stroke Vince's ego because he realizes will love his product forever. But do you ever hear about how we are loyal to his product? Oh fuck no.

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Guest snowfan
I just don't get why they bash the internet fans for the hell of it. Well, probably to stroke Vince's ego because he realizes will love his product forever. But do you ever hear about how we are loyal to his product? Oh fuck no.

Vince wants pure adulation.


He is too insecure in his artistic integrity to suffer any criticism.

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Guest Anglesault
Who is this "we" & '"us"? You're never gonna be able to make everyone happy. Because that is simply, not possible. Some people will like it, some people won't. I may like certain things, that you hate. What can you do.

You have to strive to at least make the majority of your core audience happy.

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Guest razazteca

well working retail and a movie theater I can understand why the old proverb the customer is always right is so wrong. nothing but bitching and complaining.


blah blah blah WWE still sucks

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Guest snowfan
well working retail and a movie theater I can understand why the old proverb the customer is always right is so wrong. nothing but bitching and complaining.


blah blah blah WWE still sucks

The customer may not always be right, but the customer is always the customer.


We pay Vinny he doesn't pay us.

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Guest notJames
They're just tired of having to answer for things they have no control of. They all know they're fucked until something happens to bust open the loggerhead of the handful of people at the top of the company who are running things into the ground, but there's really nothing they can do about it themselves. And the people at the top are obviously too caught up in their own personal brilliance to give any weight to what their customers actually want, and they don't have to answer to anyone but the head brilliantine, who though the corpse-fucking would turn things around. So they're screwed, we're screwed, he's screwed, it's just a whole big screwing thing, just the kind that doesn't draw ratings.

That's it in a nutshell.


(Aside: I think your use of loggerhead is a malapropism. You probably want to use either "logjam" or "bottleneck". Sorry for being such a pedant. Good post anyway.

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Guest Mad Dog

So what's Vince going to do when the day comes that he only has the IWC watching his stuff?


After all the years of pissing on us then he'll only have us left.

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Guest buffybeast
I just don't get why they bash the internet fans for the hell of it.

Probably because the good majority of the writers and message board posters are always negative. They always complain and nothing is ever right.


Also, I suspect the WWE looks at the IWC as a group of people who are stupid and don't know shit about wrestling, right or wrong.

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Guest BaldFish
The record industry makes Vince look customer-friendly.



"Hey, let's make the mp3 encoding format illegal!"

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Guest AndrewTS
The record industry makes Vince look customer-friendly.

Ouch...so true, so true.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I mean seriously, what other business openly expresses hatred toward their customers?

The comic industry....

No, the comic industry says: "I know you said you don't like this, but now there's a new artist on it. So you'll like it now!"


The WWE says: "Fuck you, we are always right, like what we tell you."


The record industry says: "Whatever makes a buck. Whatever makes a buck. Whatever makes a buck."



The difference: At least the comics industry makes an ATTEMPT an change, and the record industry switches around to see what amkes money. Vince KNOWS what we want and he doesn't care.

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