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Guest Youth N Asia

What's your viewing schedule?

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Guest treble charged

Well, I get about 2 channels in my room here at school, and since I don't usually feel like going down to the common room (where there's cable), since I don't think I'd have control over what to watch, I just watch what I can (Global and CBC):


Monday: Global has pretty much CBS' line-up, so I usually have that on, sound off, while I listen to the football game on the radio.


Tuesday: That 70's Show, Frasier


Wednesday: Gilmore Girls


Thursday: Friends, Survivor


Friday: CBC's comedy shows (Just for Laughs and Royal Canadian Air Farce)




Sunday: Whichever football game Global shows, and then The Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Malcolm in the Middle


However, whenever there's a Leafs game on, I usually have that on the radio, and the TV is either off, or at the very least, is on mute.

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Guest Smark Hammill
Anyone who isn't watching 24 should be burned at the stake.




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Guest Smark Hammill

Sunday: NFL Sunday Countdown; NFL all day

Monday: MNF

Tuesday: Oklahoma Playback show

Wednesday: Ed

Thursday: Friends

Friday: Movies

Saturday: College Gameday; football all day unless the Sooners lose, then I'm not in the mood to watch any football so I'll rent or buy a DVD.

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Guest Bricks



Simpsons (Syndication), Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Yup, that's right, the third most watched local station in Calgary gets Buffy a day earlier than you people in the US.




Simpsons (Syndication)




Simpsons (Syndication)




Smackdown, Simpsons (Syndication)




Simpsons (Syndication)




Channel surfing




NFL Countdown, 2 NFL Games, NFL PrimeTime, Simpsons, Malcolm In The Middle

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Monday - Raw

Tuesday - ...

Wednesday - Ed, maybe Sopranos re-run, Ring of Honor

Thursday - Smackdown, Tough Enough

Friday - ...

Saturday - College football, Velocity/Confidential (if I'm home), SNL (if I'm home)

Sunday - NFL, Futurama, Simpsons, Sopranos, Adult Swim (from 11:00 - 12:00)


Syndication - Simpsons, Seinfeld, NewsRadio


Misc. - Phillies, 76ers, Flyers games, Sportscenter, Daily Show

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Guest converge241




Seinfeld episodes in syndication (4 a day!)

Inside The NFL

Pardon the Interuption

NFL Primetime

NFL Games


I kinda got burned out on TV shows cause i used to watch a lot more (and watch WWF and WCW)..i still watch TV but more in a whatever's on (and usually the movie channels)


plus im pissed Undeclareds gone :(

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Guest Razor Roman

If I watch TV, it's usually the Fox news channel, but on a normal weekday..


6:30 - The Simpsons

Then the gym (and I watch Fox news there)


8:00 O'Reilly Factor

9:00 Hannity & Colmes


except on Monday where I flip betwee H&C and RAW.


I hardly ever watch SmackDown. Just never got into the habit, and I'm quickly getting out of the RAW habit as well.

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Guest Leena

I watch very little TV, because I'd rather waste my free time online. :)


Sunday: NFL, NFL, and more NFL...


Monday-Friday: PTI at 5:30, then Simpsons at 6. At night, I watch whatever sports event interests me.


Saturday: College football... but I usually have to work all day on Saturday.

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Guest OctoberBlood


- 7 to 8pm, The Screen Savers

- 8 to 9pm, Boston Public

- 9 to 11pm, Raw



- 7 to 830pm, The Screen Savers

- 9 to 10pm, 24



- 7 to 830pm, The Screen Savers

- 10 to 1030pm, South Park



- 7 to 830pm, The Screen Savers

- 10pm to 12am, Smackdown



- 7 to 830pm, The Screen Savers



- 8 to 9pm, Cops

- 11pm to 12am, MadTV



- Football All Day

- 8 to 830pm, Simpsons

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Guest MrRant

Monday: Cartoons, History Channel, Wrestling, Married W/Children


Tuesday:History Channel, Cartoons, Married W/Children


Wednesday : History Channel, Cartoons, Married W/Children


Thursday: History Channel, Cartoons, Married W/Children; wrestling


Friday: History Channel, Cartoons, Married W/Children


Saturday: History Channel, Cartoons, Married W/Children


Sunday: History Channel, Cartoons, Married W/Children

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Angel and Buffy are the only two shows that are definite watches for me. Everything else is pretty random, though I do try to catch CN's Adult Swim.

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Guest Choken One


8-Boston Public


11-12- MNF



8-9- ABC Comedy block

9- 24

10- NYPD



8- MYwife

830 Cedric


1000- L&o



8-9- SMD

9- CSI

10- SMD









7-8 Fball game #2

8- Simp/KOTH


10- SNF.

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Guest hardyz1

Every day:


5:30: Pardon the Interruption

6:00: Sportscenter

7:00: Conan O'Brien (Comedy Central repeat) and The Screen Savers (TechTV)




8:00: Boston Public

9:00: Raw and Monday Night Football




Sometimes I watch Scrubs




8:00: Ripley's Believe It Or Not

9:00: The Amazing Race (the best reality show on CBS)

10:00: South Park




College football during the season

Don't get UPN, so no Smackdown




9:00: John Doe




College football all day

Velocity and Confidential





The Simpsons

Oz, when it finally comes on

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