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Guest AnnieEclectic

Preliminary FAQ

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Okay, here goes nothing...




If you're reading this you are either interested or intrigued by this "SWF" thing. Or we've just pestered you enough to read this, heh. The SWF stands for Smarks Wrestling Federation, and we are a Wrestling E-Fed. But we are -very- unlike other E-Feds. To answer what we're all about, we've compiled this FAQ to answer some of the early questions you may have about us.


Okay, another E-Fed. I hate all these RP E-Feds with their simulators, I mean when was the last time someone became World Champion because they were good on the stick? Why should I join you guys?


Good question. Most E-Feds are RP based, meaning that everyone promos and then the best segment writer gets the win, and a wrestling simulator spits out a crappy-reading match with the winner defined at the end. Take that method and throw it out the window.


We are a match-writing league. This means that you get the card 3-4 days in advance with your opponent and the rules. You have a due date to turn in the match you yourself wrote from your wrestler's standpoint. An impartial judge chooses the best written match, and that match goes through.


Well, that's different. But how do you know how to write your opponent(s)?


When you start you create a stat template for your character (which is on a joining thread pinned to each SWF forum). This template shows what moves you can do, what your theme is, what they look like, how fast/strong/charismatic they are, face/heel, everything. It's with these templates that you can write a match and know that you won't mess up your opponent's character (or have them mess up yours).


But what if I don't like how I did my template after a while, do I have to make an all new one and start over?


You can if you wish, but stat templates are never concrete. I myself have changed mine nearly 10 times in the last... 10 months. You can keep your stats the same for as long as you want, or change them every week if you want (although that may not be as fun, but you can still do it).


Well, this sounds kinda neat! But... all these guys have been here for a while, how am I supposed to join and have a chance of winning? Won't I get squashed off the bat?


This is where the JL comes in. Every new wrestler in the SWF actually starts in the SJL or Smarks Junior League. It's our development fed, with it's own belts and divisions. You start out in the JL and work your way up to the top, and if you've gotten a World reign and seem polished enough to move up, you get 'bumped' into the SWF. We like to ease you in, so you can get a good headstart before making it to the big time.


Excellent. So, how do I join?


Well, first, head to the "Smarks Wrestling Federation" Forum near the bottom of the SmartMarks wrestling forums. There are three forums inside, and click on "Smarks Junior League" There will be the basic stat template, and rules for the league in greater detail. When your stats are approved, you will be asked to write a short match against a wrestler named "Johnny Generic" who is... well generic. This match is just to see if you grasp the concept of how to write a match, it won't actually be posted in a show. When you've been approved (usually taking less than a week for the entire process) you get booked on your first show, and the rest is history.





I hope this answers some of the questions you may have about us. If you feel shy, don't because we'd love to have you. No gimmick idea is a bad one here, we've had Fat Ninjas, Clowns from Hell, Baseball Players, Assassins, Superheroes, and an Exploding Chicken. All weight classes allowed, men or women allowed, anyone and everyone is invited to join. So what are you waiting for? Head to the SWF forums and sign up today!


Joining thread.


-Annie Eclectic and a Cast of Thousands.

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Guest Powerplay

A cool little FAQ. I think this definitely should show up somewhere on the boards.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

But Annie, why do you constantly disagree to give TNT head?


Yeah, that'll complete the FAQ alright.

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Guest Grand Slam

Annie, this is spectacular. I would like your permission to put it on the website.


Anyone else want fame and glory? Write for the Site!!!


Z, I am looking for that "Brief History of the SWF".


I also need profiles and fast histories for the HoF guys.

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Guest Tod deKindes

TNT, you Brick-lovin' dumbass.


I'd love to write something for the site somehow. Just need to figure out what.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

wow.... heh, I was looking for like, edits and stuff..... but hey if you think it's good to go, permission granted :)


just remember, there are three links in there, and they're all using the smarks board code, not html. They're similar so it's not like it will need a ton of editing but I can PM you a HTML-ready version for the site.




p.s. if you need anything else Mark, lemme know. I know some HTML and I can write :) I don't start working till the 17th so I got time to kill, lol

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Looks good to me.


But you forgot the part about how big the commissioner's penis is.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Grand Slam
I'd love to write something for the site somehow. Just need to figure out what.

- Tod deKindes


My advice? Run out to the the site and see what pages are missing. At this point, things are missing because I don't have content, not because i don't want to make them. We need anything written to fill out the site, so send me whatever you have or want. If it is halfway decent, it will probably end up on the site.


just remember, there are three links in there, and they're all using the smarks board code, not html. They're similar so it's not like it will need a ton of editing but I can PM you a HTML-ready version for the site.




p.s. if you need anything else Mark, lemme know. I know some HTML and I can write  I don't start working till the 17th so I got time to kill, lol


Please do send me the HTML version, it will save me time. And to answer your p.s.?


If you know HTML... and you have time to kill... mark up stats for the website!! This is the longest and most tedious part. Just take a look at the site and see how I have the text set up, then try to stick close to that. I already have a few (Francis, Divefire, Bo and Renegade) but still need everyone else.


Send everything not coded in HTML as a PM to me here, send everything HTML as an attachment to [email protected]. And try to do it by Sunday morning, that is when I am wholesale shipping the site off to Thugg for imminent postage.

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Guest crusen86

Hey, GSMS, I'm not sure if this works anymore, but...


If you put a




at the bottom of the website pages, it cuts out the geocities banners.

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