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Guest RedJed

The one and only week 18 thread

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Guest RedJed

Kind of looking forward to the show tonight with apparently no Russo assistance. Wonder if anyone new will show up since more money has been freed to get more workers?

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Guest RedJed

Show starts with highlights of the NWA 54th Anniversary show.......cool.


They even have regognized Estrada winning the NWA N.A. title, wonder if they will start using that title on TNA?

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Guest RedJed



Horrible match, Estrada was sluggish as can be. Lots of slow exchanges. Finish came when Bruce was chasing Pricilla around the ring and slipped on a banana peel (I kid you not), ended up getting counted out from it. Even worse, apparently the TNA crown cant change hands on a CO, so Bruce is still Miss TNA. Lots of dissention teased between Bruce and Lenny.


And the hot chick from last week is back :)

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Guest Zack Malibu

First match was nothing great, IMO, though it was nice to see Lenny Lane back.


And WTF with James winning? I thought for sure we'd have a Syxx Pac/Siaki finals, but James wins? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of pushing Siaki?

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Guest RedJed

Holy shit, this tag match is something else. Double juice


James-Siaki sucked, we'll probably see a Jarrett-James final.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Where is bps tonight guys?


Good action so far. The Tag Title matches have been one of the best parts of the show lately.

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Guest Cataclysm911

I always use this thread to determine whether or not I order the second showing of NWA. Don't you two mislead me now..


Start posting some highlights of the matches, BPS style.. don't just say who wins..

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Guest RedJed

That match kicked all kinds of ass until the finish with Lee attacking both faces with that foreign object. Crowd was into it, awesome intensity, and believable nearfalls. That chairshot Slash hit on Harris was stiff!


Good news is this is a feud that might go somewhere in the future. Great match, bad ending.

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Guest RedJed
I always use this thread to determine whether or not I order the second showing of NWA. Don't you two mislead me now..


Start posting some highlights of the matches, BPS style.. don't just say who wins..

I'll try to do my best.......


Up next: Lawler v. Waltman

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Guest Zack Malibu



In all honesty, the only match I have been into all night was the previous mentioned tag match.


Estrada/Bruce was slow and sloppy. The only highlight was Lenny Lane's return.


Siaki/James was another "eh" effort, made even more worthless by a James win. If they are intent on pushing Siaki, why have him job clean?


The tag match was the best on the show so far. Harris and Storm are doin a really good job as champs. Double juice, lots of brawling and good in ring action makes a good match.


Let's see how good Lawler/Pac is now...starting off with a sneak attack by Lawler.

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Guest RedJed
If they are intent on pushing Siaki, why have him job clean?

Maybe they realized he's a worthless talent that really isn't going to go anywhere even with a push. That would be my guess. The guy doesn't deserve any kind of push IMO, in fact they should just release him. He's a blatant shitty imitation of Rock.

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Guest Zack Malibu



For all you youngins watchin', I don't think mom and dad are going to let you order after THAT one.

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Guest Cataclysm911
If they are intent on pushing Siaki, why have him job clean?

Maybe they realized he's a worthless talent that really isn't going to go anywhere even with a push. That would be my guess. The guy doesn't deserve any kind of push IMO, in fact they should just release him. He's a blatant shitty imitation of Rock.

it was good when the Flying Elvises took on Styles, Lynn & Low Ki. He just needs a new gimmick, because when given someone he can work with, and with motivation, he can go.

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Guest Cataclysm911


For all you youngins watchin', I don't think mom and dad are going to let you order after THAT one.

Details plz.

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Guest RedJed

Lots of outside brawling with Lawler dominating most of it, loses his focus, Pac come backs with typical Waltman offense. Pac then goes out and kisses April, Lawler grabs the advantage after that. Brings him back in the ring and Lawler goes to do the ten punch, and has April come up to the apron (not sure why) calls her a cunt (I'm shocked they had him say that) and then Pac ended up getting him in the X Factor while he was distracted. Pac wins. Decent match, could have been worse.


Pac then takes April and it looks like she's turned AGAIN. I don't get it. She's leaving with Pac and then Lawler starts holding his chest in the ring and acts like he's having a heart attack. April then goes BACK to the ring to console Lawler.



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Guest Zack Malibu

Let's get this straight...


Lawler calls her a "rhymes with Hunt and starts with C" on air, so he's a heel


Syxx Pac wins, and Apryl goes with him, so she turns face


But Brian Lawler has a HEART ATTACK (I thought Russo left), and Syxx Pac tries to PREVENT her from helping. Isn't that, ya know...HEELISH?


This feud sucks. The match sucked. Get both off my friggin' TV.


Thank God The Truth has come to save us!

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Guest RedJed

Yeah I can't tell whats the deal with this Pac-Lawler-April thing. It's like everyone is the heel here. Pac could still be considered a face though since I'm sure his reasoning is he figures Lawler is full of shit.


Truth challenged Wrestling 3 for a match, hmmmm

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Guest RedJed

Jarrett comes out, teases he might be Wrestling 3 to sign the contract, then rips it up. Cuts a promo on how pissed he is that W3 gets a shot before him.


Jarrett moreless is a face at this point.

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Guest Zack Malibu

This could steal the show, and make it worthwhile. The X Division is my savior!

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Guest Cataclysm911
This could steal the show, and make it worthwhile. The X Division is my savior!

Doubtful. It's just a gimmick match full of bad wrestlers who like to blow spots.

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Guest RedJed

First highlight, everyone doing highspots out of the ring as per typical X division-fest match


Kash and Steel in the ring now....


On a side note, thank god they don't consider the X division with a weight limit because Joel is looking more overweight than ever. It affecting his workrate.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Nice counter to the Kash rana:


Joe L. catches Kash, looked like he was going for a Styles Clash, but pulled him up, bounced him off the ropes while holding him, and powerbombed him on the floor.


Let the table spots begin!


I'm calling for a Kash win.

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