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Guest RedJed

The one and only week 18 thread

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Guest RedJed

Top rope superplex by Mamaluke on Jose into a headlock submission.........


Two tables in the ring, one on the top rope and the other in the corner...Steel hits a sit out powerbomb on Mamaluke off the top.


Damn, Mamaluke with a swinging DDT on Steel through the table in the corner. Ace Steel is gone. Mamaluke looks to have messed up his elbow again in that spot.

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Guest Zack Malibu



Not much of a spot (DDT through a slanted table? Yawn.) But it got Steele out of there.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Every week Mamaluke comes closer and closer to seriously hurting himself.


Mamaluke is out, due to a Maximo hitting a moonsault through the table, which was on the floor.

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Guest RedJed

Kash is hitting some really dangerous looking spots on the SAT......I don't think he's one to really protect his opponents much.


All 3 are outside the ring, Kash clobbers Joel with a chairshot, puts him on a table by the announcers, now Kash and Jose are fighting on the top rope, Kash with a rana on Jose who lands on Joel on the table. Apparently both SATs are eliminated from that, and Kash wins. Alright match, hella sloppy though.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Kid Kash wins by using a super huracanrana on one Maximo, down through a table that the other Maximo was on.


Decent match, right man won IMO.

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Guest RedJed

Anyone gots bets on how many minutes it will take Hennig to blow up in this next match?


I say 2 minutes

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Guest Zack Malibu

I was the biggest Perfect mark as a kid, and I even dug him in WCW somewhat. But ever since he was visibily "out of touch" earlier this year in WWF/E, and his retarded shoots on DDP and Brock in NWA have made me dislike him.


Jarrett will win, but something will happen in the ensuing weeks with Mr. Wrestling 3. Either that, or we get a Hennig/James classic next week...




Don't take this the wrong way guys, but honestly, it's just not an NWA thread without bps.

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Guest RedJed

Jarrett is just burying Hennig in a promo before the match, and here comes Hennig in street clothes.

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Guest RedJed
Don't take this the wrong way guys, but honestly, it's just not an NWA thread without bps.

Surprised he's not around, thats for sure


Stiff brawling all around the ringside area in the stands right now, Hennig is really not wanting to give Jarrett ANY offense, not sure if thats the plan or not.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Dare I say this little brawl has kept me entertained thus far?


Does Hennig read my posts or something?

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Guest RedJed

Hennig just laid out the ref with a chairshot and now the match goes back in the ring..........oddly enough.


Perfect-plex on Jarrett twice.....three times now

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Guest RedJed

Hennig loses by DQ, Jarrett got his ass handed to him there.


Decent brawling stuff there, guess that means we get to see this feud continue.

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Guest Zack Malibu

And as soon as I say I like it, it ends.


Probably best kept short, but a few minutes more wouldn't have hurt it.

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Guest Zack Malibu

West's hardsell for this week:


Lynn or Styles vs. Kash for The X Title


Jarrett vs. Syxx Pac


Lawler/April vs. Estrada/Priscilla


4 Team Tag Title Match


3 Way Dance:Red vs. YANG~! vs. Mamaluke


Mr. Wrestling 3 vs. The Truth (if Wrestling 3 shows up)


Oh man...that 3 way, the X Title match, and the possibility of 3's identity should make it pretty good. I would assume the 4 teams are Harris/Storm vs. New Church vs. Hotshots vs. SAT, but could also be The Michaels' too.


This video package on AJ/Lynn is SWEET. This should be a great blowoff to the feud.

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Guest RedJed

I'm psyched, its only 830 and the ME is up next, thank you!!


This match deserves this kind of time since this has been the definative feud of TNA, probably the biggest match ever for TNA in terms of legitimate buildup and interest to me.


They're doing a very cool package on the feud right now


BTW, didn't catch all the matches but next week is Red v. Yang v. Mamaluke in a three way match. That should be nuts!

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Guest RedJed

I'm not gonna cover the details of that match other than to say just get the replay, you need to see it if you didn't. It was an off the charts pure wrestling match for the most part. Probably my favorite TNA match so far, ****1/2. Only negative was Siaki interfering at one point, but it didn't damage the finish. Ironic, that finish was the same Lynn-Credible had when Lynn won the ECW title in St Paul in 2002.


Really enjoyed the show tonight mostly. It started off real weak for the first half hour though.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Lynn vs. Styles was really good tonight, except for the Plumtree and Siaki interference. Wow, what a difference non-Russo booking makes, even though there's still Bruce as Miss TNA, bleh.

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Guest RedJed

I think the fact that Bruce still got airtime this week and will seemingly continue to might mean that in fact Jarrett was behind everything with Bruce after all like reported, and it wasn't just an excuse for Russo incompetance.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Jed, I'll go one step further and give Styles/Lynn the full 5* simply for the drama it created for me.


And you're not the only one that recognized the finish as the same as Lynn/Credible. That's one of the reasons I gave it a full 5*: they used the finish used when Lynn won his first major title.

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Guest RedJed

I watched the match again and it really is something else, thats for sure. I think the most solidly booked singles match in TNA by far. It felt like a major match and delivered on it. Obviously meant the Lynn ECW win was in 2000, not 2002 by the way.


That Credible-Lynn match too was very good, I was there live in the 3rd row and that crowd went apeshit when Jerry won.


Now I just hope we don't get Siaki still feuding with Lynn, although I think thats the plan. Just don't give him the belt, have Lynn win their next match and then end it.


Lynn v. Kash next week should be interesting.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I ordered the show at 7:30, when my cable company becomes available...


then I fell asleep waiting for it to start.


I woke up at 9:50!!!


Luckily my cable company now offers a replay so I taped that one while I had to run out and am watching it now.


I'm pumped about next weeks card.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This tag match is very cool.


It's making me like Brian Lee.


Slash bleeds like a man

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Usually I would object to that ending...


but I'll take some more of that please.


That's a full month now that the tag matches have been good.


So...they fixed that division.


If they can get the world title contenders to stop being old broken down people...


all three titles will be hot.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Since when does Syxx-Pac work with injuries?


He's a trooper that guy.


Match was watchable too...which is a huge improvement for Lawler.


Post match stupidness was extra lame to make up for it.


Looking forward to JJ vs. Pac, which should end up being the best non-X singles match the company has had by default.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Next week...



I "mark" for both the "Money in the Bank" & "The Money Clip."


Kid Kash & E.Z. Money had a couple of good matches against each other in the last weeks of ECW. In WCW, E.Z. Money was the one who got the push, and finished with a suplex/powerbomb type move. I thought it was lame compared to his other moves, but I liked it too.

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