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Guest jlvideo

Who should the NWA-TNA get?

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Guest jlvideo

I think the nwa-tna has it's ups and downs,but i think if there's new people buying into it. They should use some money and decide to get some new wrestlers and bring some back,like:


Steve Corino(why didn't nwa-tna bring him back?)

Mike Sanders(wwe missed on him)

Joey Mathews

Christan York

American Dragon(i'd like to see dragon v/s a.j. styles)

Paul London

Christopher Daniels

Donovan Morgan

Michael Modest

Scoot Andrews

C.W. Anderson

Jimmy Rave(from wildside)

Jason Cross

Michael Shane(where is he now?)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I want Corino and Daniels back right now.


Sanders will be on soon enough so that makes me happy.


Other than that, I'd like to see some more new blood in the X division. Pretty much any of the names above will be fine.

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Guest Sandman9000

The Backseats. Plain and simple.


They brought them in, and then didn't see what they had.


Trent and Johnny can work a crowd like no other. Not only do they give credibility to the tag division, both can work X, especially Acid.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Personaly I'd like to see CM Punk, Chris Hero, and Colt Cabana in TNA together.


Gold Bond Mafia vs SAT...that would be entertaining.

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Guest J*ingus

Steve Corino


He'll probably be back sooner or later, he works in Japan a lot which means they couldn't use him long-term. Also gets tied up running his own promotion, PWF.


C.W. Anderson

Donovan Morgan

Michael Modest

Christopher Daniels


Also in Japan a lot, TNA might not want to invest time into someone who can't be there every week.


Mike Sanders


He'll be there soon, he's already been hanging around backstage.


Joey Mathews

Christan York

American Dragon


They'll probably all get a shot sooner or later.


Paul London

Scoot Andrews

Jimmy Rave

Jason Cross

Michael Shane


Now we're getting down into guys who have good reps on the internet, but aren't of any more obvious value to a promotion like TNA than any of a few dozen other indy workers would be.


Problem is, there's just too damn many good talents out there, and the harsh reality is that most of them won't get a fair shot.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I know Scoot had a dark match before.


I'd like to see Mike Awesome do dates in between his Japan time.


He may not be as good as he once was...or when he's not wrestling Tanaka...


but he is a legit title contender which is something that the heavy division has been lacking.

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Guest Kibagami

Brutus Beefcake.


They definitely need Brutus Beefcake.


Maybe Jim Duggan, too.



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Guest ShooterJay

Paul London and Michael Shane are tremendous talents, who have a legit shot with WWE (HBK-trained) check out some Ring of Honor shows to see. Put them against each other and watch the star count rise.


Jason Cross, even though I've heard he's flaky, is according to Styles Clash EVEN BETTER than AJ. I'd love to see that match.


I still feel bad for Jimmy Rave- the NWA World Junior champ and all he got was one tag match with TNA.


American Dragon wouldn't be a good fit for TNA. He's an incredible worker, true, but his matches have very deep psychology that takes a LONG time to develop. Unless he gets 15 minutes per match bare minimum (ie main event level), he might not be the wisest addition.


Edit: I saw Sandman's post about the Backseats- yeah I feel really bad for them too. TNA pretty much castrated them in their tag match and turned them into generic pretty-boy, goofy dancing Rockers. I mean, have you EVER seen Kashmere try to kiss girls in the crowd? The guy usually carries a baseball bat to the ring and is all blanked-out strange. As soon as I heard a "Hardy wannabes" chant fire up I knew they were done. A real shame too, because Acid= WCW Chris Jericho with a meaner streak, and a cruiserweight megastar.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I still feel bad for Jimmy Rave- the NWA World Junior champ and all he got was one tag match with TNA.

He looks WAY too skinny to be bumping around in a ring, though. He looks like he's liable to be injuring his skeleton at any time.


As for who to bring in, well, it's well established that La Parka = RATINGS, unless Vince Russo is booking (which he isn't! Hooray again!)

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Guest Youth N Asia

It wouldn't work on TNA with such limited time and too many other guys on the roster...but I still say Trent Acid could go over huge in the WWE as a heel, if they push him like WCW Jericho and let him get serious mic time and a good number of clean wins.


American Dragon would not fit in with TNA , with the X Divison I don't think the fans would want to sit through one of his 25 minute matches of submissions and whatnot. I like his work, but it doesn't fit with "Total Nonstop Action"


And I know that little spot monkey M Dogg 20 would get over on TNA...even though I'm not a huge fan of his.

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Guest J*ingus
Jason Cross, even though I've heard he's flaky, is according to Styles Clash EVEN BETTER than AJ. I'd love to see that match.

Let me put it this way: Jason Cross is about six feet tall and at least a solid 230. And he does the same moves that Red does. And more. (How 'bout a shooting star press into a legdrop? Double moonsault?) Physically speaking, he's unreal.

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Guest RedJed

I definately agree about Vampiro, Corino and Awesome, I know that much.


Daniels should be picked up fast for long term and feud with Lynn NOW.


Sanders, just get him.


The rest of the names I've seen listed don't do much for me. All of them are indy stars, and probably still have alot to learn before they make it into TNA if they really want to do something worthwhile. Alot of the ROH guys, don't get me wrong, they are great.........but you got to realize that TNA is a different crowd which means they might not work as hard as they do in ROH. Plus they will be matched up with others which in a case of London and Shane might make them not as good as you think.


A few more names off the top of my head........


Shane Douglas: Like his attitude or not, he's got skills enough to be considered a solid ME player.


Malice: Wouldn't mind seeing him back. They are in definate need of a big man heel and Malice would work just fine.


Apolo: Same as Malice


Aliesha/Ryan Shamrock: I was pissed they let her go the first time, she's a definate hottie.

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Guest dreamer420

Mike Sanders



Mike Awesome

Steve Corino

The Backseat Boyz

Danny Doring/Roadkill (they would get the tag division rocking)

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