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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

South Park season 1

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Diehard South Park fans anxiously awaiting The Complete First Season set due this Tuesday (read review) may end up coming away more than a little disappointed by the lack of any audio commentaries that originally announced for the set. Why? According to the show's creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the incendiary nature of the audio commentaries they recorded for the set were dropped by Warner Home Video.


Trey and Parker have since issued a statement via The Comedy Central website, where fans can order the set directly and receive bonus CDs containing all the commentaries as audio-only tracks: "This is our audio commentary for the first 13 episodes of the international comedy super-hit South Park. Warner Brothers would not release it on the DVD without editing some of it's content for "standards" issues. Trey and I simply love the sounds of our own voices too much to let this happen. We also believe in a little thing called the First Amendment."


Given the always-controversial nature of the show, Warner's apparent refusal to include the commentaries on the set has already drawn fire from the series' legions of fans, few who are likely to be offended by anything Trey or Parker might say. For more information on how to obtain the commentaries, visit The Comedy Central website.


Credit: DVDfile




Um...if people are buying SOUTH PARK how are they going to get offended by anything?

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

Damn it, it's South Park! It's expected to be rude and crass! Just the fact that Warner is making the DVDs for South Park...


It's South Park! The show itself is VILE. That's why I love it! But...


Why can't they have the commentaries on there?! For Christ's sake, Cartman made Scott Tenorman EAT his parents! You can get much worse content than that!


Except for that episode where the policie detectives used a jar of mayonaise and their fists to demonstrate what it might sound like it someone was having sex with a dead woman.




*beats Warner execs upside heads*

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm torn now.


I want commentaries...but I'm never going to put the CDs in to listen to them.


I need easy access to them dammit.


I guess I'll just hold out hope that a letter writing campaign will make them do a reissue.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

Did you see the episode that was on Wednesday? With the ladder to heaven? And Alan Jackson? And the chocolate milk mix?


I love South Park.

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Guest Nevermortal

Dammit, whoever omitted the commentaries should be confined to Retardo-Dome.

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Guest Incandenza

Perhaps something on the commentaries were considered slanderous. They may have not been so fearful of offending the fans--I don't think that's possible--as they were a select few people and potential litigation.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

Yeah, but South Park has been a fairly good success...I don't see who Matt or Trey coudl have gone off on.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The only thing I could think is that they ripped on Paramount execs and they got all anal about it.

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Guest El Satanico

This is so damn ridiculous yet so utterly hilarious.


Oh yeah now all the people who are easily offended shall be able to safely watch South Park without getting offended.

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Guest razazteca

BARBARA STREINSTAND must die for this :firedevil:


why buy this season set when I already have the 8 DVDs they released years ago?

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Guest Ravenbomb

I didn't buy any of the DVD sets, so I'm fine with buying season one.

Trey and Matt have seemed like total dicks in a couple of interviews (mostly Matt in the ESPN interview), so maybe they ripped on the ppl who watch the show. I don't know. But the commentaries might be on KaZaA, so I'll check there before buying the CD.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Question: Could this be the reason the SP movie had no commentaries or other special features on it? For fear of offending people/MPAA/etc?...

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Guest C.H.U.D.

It's a shame they were cut, but I'll pick up the box set anyway. At least their uber gay introductions are still there.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Trey is a comedic genius, and Matt is definitely a hilarious fuck himself. One need only watch Cannibal! The Musical and BASEketball to witness their comedic IQs of 187.


That said, I'd still send in for the commentary CDs.

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