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Guest RedJed

Who should TNA get rid of?

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Guest RedJed

Just thought of this when posting about who I'd want to see in TNA. Theres more I'd like to see gone at this point than ones that come in.


Bruce: It's not just the gimmick, the guy really isn't very good in the ring anymore. Plus he's stuck with the gimmick now in all likelihood for the rest of his career. Quick way to end this is have Lenny say he was never gay or whatever, turns on Bruce and we have a loser leaves TNA match which Bruce loses.


Sonny Siaki: Easily the most overrated guy in the company. His promos are boring and monotonous, he always looks like he's high, and he's very hard to get a good match out of. His charisma just isn't there either. I don't see him moving up, even if they push him that way. Nobody is going to care.


Harris Brothers: Now that Russo is gone, do we need to bother with these no talent hosses anymore?


SATS: Probably not a popular pick. They've done their thing, now their ringmoves are old, and Joel especially moves as half-ass speed in most matches. They need more experience in the ring to polish up their workrate, just a team that doesn't really stand out to me. If they are in, why aren't the Briscos, Backseats, etc.......they're all the same basically.


Ace Steel: I'm sure Plumtree got him a spot since they go back to indy shows here in MN. He looked good in his first match, but ever since then has sucked.


Curt Hennig: Unless he does a solid and worthwhile heel turn and starts busting his ass in the ring like he did early last year for the WWF, he's definately shell of his former self. I'm sure he has it in him if he wants to work hard, but it's not there right now.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Keep Siaki, because I'm getting a nice vibe off of him, actually. Sure, it's a so-bad-it's-good value in his promo's, but I think the kid just needs a little polish.


I'm with you on the SAT dump, though. Jose is decent, but Joel is a slow, plodding, spot-missing fat fuck. Looks like all the talent in that family went to Red, eh?

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Guest dreamer420

Dump the SAT's? Tell me you didn't just post that. The SAT's have been a major bright spot for TNA and are two of the most over wrestlers they have.


Anyway I say get rid of:


Sonny Siaki - Haven't liked anything this guy have done so far.


Ace Steel - Weak X Division performer, will probably cause more injuries than anything.


Mortimer Plumtree - I can't stand this guy and the X Division really doesn't need a cheap manager running around and causing distractions.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I wouldn't dump Siaki. I wouldn't push him that much either...but I wouldn't dump him.


I WOULD dump B.G. James until he gets himself into shape. Same with Hennig.


I really want to dump Lawler...but as bad as he's been and as lame as his facial expressions are...the man can draw heat.


I wouldn't dump Bruce either. I'd just drop the Miss TNA part and let him and Lenny go to the tag division.


Dump Don and Ron Harris.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Yes, dreamer, I said DUMP THE SATs. Why? Because for every spot they hit, they botch about 5. Plus, even when they hit the spot, it still usually looks like shit. Neither man can really move.


I'd say dump the SATs and tell them to work on their ringwork a bit, then bring them back in once they're more than a "okay, I'll hit this spot, then I think I'll fuck up these spots, all the while providing no transition whatsoever, and not even having much grace to make the spots that interesting" team. When you, as a team, have less transition than Nova, you need improvement...LOTS of improvement.


I wouldn't dump Ace Steele. I hate the fucker too, but I wouldn't dump him. I'd just have Styles and Lynn help him out each week before the show, backstage, and after the show on how to not be a total blunder.




I'm with bps on Bruce. Alan Funk should come out in a pair of jeans and black boots, and a black wifebeater, holding the Miss TNA sash and the tierra (sp), and then cut a promo on how he's sick of getting awful gimmicks. Have him totally turn ULTRA-DICK-HEEL~!~ and just let him go all-out in the ring. He's proven to be able to work a good match before (Kwee-Wee vs. Jason Jett, from WCW Greed, was among the best opening matches I've ever seen), and his moves look STIFF-AS-FUCK~! in that good way. Put him in a serious match against, say, Jerry Lynn, and watch the star rating level off around ***.

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Guest midnight_burn

Dumping the Harris Brothers would be good, both are useless. B.G. James, Hennig and other washed up former stars can go as well.


Ace Steel and the SAT's i don't particularly care if they stay or go, they don't really do anything for me.

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Guest RedJed
Dump the SAT's? Tell me you didn't just post that. The SAT's have been a major bright spot for TNA and are two of the most over wrestlers they have.


Anyway I say get rid of:


Sonny Siaki - Haven't liked anything this guy have done so far.


Ace Steel - Weak X Division performer, will probably cause more injuries than anything.


Mortimer Plumtree - I can't stand this guy and the X Division really doesn't need a cheap manager running around and causing distractions.

About the SATs, I think maybe they WERE in a group of some of the more over wrestlers in TNA, but they're not anymore. I faintly heard one SAT chant last week. I would guess the majority of the fans in the arena are about the same way I feel about them. When they first came in though, they were one of my favorites.


And about Plumtree, I might be a little biased since I know him, but I think regardless the fact remains he's really good on the mic when needed. They really haven't done a whole lot with him since he's been back really as far as that. I think he's defiantely worth keeping though, because there are always workers who will need a mouthpiece. In fact I almost wish he'd go with Siaki just so I don't have to hear him talk anymore.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

With the SAT's, I remember hearing how great they are and how they have some amazing tag moves. Then I watched them, and I realized. SAT's Suck. Spanish Fly rules.


I would get rid of the SAT's, Pac, Hennig, RG James or whatever his name is, Brian Lee and Harris Boys.

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Guest dreamer420
About the SATs, I think maybe they WERE in a group of some of the more over wrestlers in TNA, but they're not anymore. I faintly heard one SAT chant last week. I would guess the majority of the fans in the arena are about the same way I feel about them. When they first came in though, they were one of my favorites.

That was only one match and it was a spotfest that wasn't dominated but Joel and Jose. That was Kid Kash's match to shine. In two on two tag action the SAT's should be the most over team in TNA

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Guest RedJed
About the SATs, I think maybe they WERE in a group of some of the more over wrestlers in TNA, but they're not anymore. I faintly heard one SAT chant last week. I would guess the majority of the fans in the arena are about the same way I feel about them. When they first came in though, they were one of my favorites.

That was only one match and it was a spotfest that wasn't dominated but Joel and Jose. That was Kid Kash's match to shine. In two on two tag action the SAT's should be the most over team in TNA

Over Harris and Storm? No way.......those two are easily the most over team right now.

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Guest dreamer420

In the words of the Late Gorilla Monsoon, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

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