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Guest Ravenbomb

YOUR Top 5 TV shows

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Guest Ravenbomb

Here's mine in no particular order:



South Park


The Brak Show


Honourable Mention: That 70's Show

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic


Law & Order (Original Version..)



Without a Trace

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

current shows:




Curb Your Enthusiasm





All time:


Quantum Leap

Larry Sanders Show

then some of the listed ones.

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Guest T®ITEC

In no order:


M*A*S*H (I can sit down and watch it anytime)




Law & Order (Same as M*A*S*H)


24 and Quantum Leap are pretty much up there, though. I used to watch Quantum Leap constantly as a small child.

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Guest MaxPower27





South Park

Judge Judy

Daily Show


All Time:




American Gladiators

Family Guy

Night Court

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Guest Youth N Asia



1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

2. The Shield...2 months till season 2, baby!

3. The Simpsons

4. The Sopranos

5. Angel

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Guest Mattdotcom

1. NewsRadio

2. The Simpsons

3. Batman: The Animated Series

4. MST3K

5. The Larry Sanders Show

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

No order...





Boston Public

Buffy (Getting back into it)



And BTW, Ravenbomb, I LOVE THAT MOVIE!

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

All Time

1) St. Elsewhere

2) The Rockford Files

3) WKRP in Cincinnati

4) Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In

5) Match Game


Shows still on the air

1) PTI

2) Simpsons

3) Price is Right

4) Daily Show

5) Smallville

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Guest areacode212

All time:





Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

<wild card>


Wild card shows: Quantum Leap, Northern Exposure, Magnum, P.I., That 70s Show, The Simpsons, Sports Night, Star Trek: TNG.

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Guest Max Danger

Shows Currently Still On

(In no particular order)

- 24

- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

- Firefly

- The Daily Show

- Angel

Honorable Mention: PTI, Everwood, Smallville, Kim Possible, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Simpsons, South Park


Shows No Longer Showing Original Programming

(Again, in no particular order)

- Seinfeld

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles(cartoon)

- Boy Meets World

- NewsRadio

- Cowboy Bebop

Honorable Mention: Quantum Leap, McGyver, Various Saturday Morning Cartoons from the Late 80s-Early 90s

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Current, in no order...





O'Reilly Factor (news show - does it count?)

Ah hell, I can't think of another one...

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Guest Kingpk

All time:



The Price is Right



Saturday Night Live


But there are a ton more shows I like almost as much as these.

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Guest godthedog

i'd like to thank bps for bringing up larry sanders at the appropriate time. when i read that, it occurred to me that it's on weekdays at 10 and 10:30 on bravo, so i turned my tv to bravo and 'the graduate' was on. hadn't seen it in over a year, and it was a beautiful experience.


anyway, favorite shows:


monty python's flying circus


law & order

mid-90s david letterman

adult swim

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

No Order:




The Shield


The Simpsons

The Sopranos

Malcolm In The Middle


Honorable Mentions:



Everwood(Growing on me)



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Guest MrRant

No order:


Star Trek: TNG

Married With Children



Golden Girls (My finacee made me watch it again and I used to watch it when I was a little kid)

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Guest C.H.U.D.

In alphabetical order:


Leave it to Beaver, Simpsons, Sledge Hammer, Three's Company and all the mid 80's cartoons including G.I. Joe, Masters of the Universe, Robotech and Transformers.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

All time, in no order.




Married with Children.

Monty Python's Flying Circus (Word, gtd)



Right now, also in no order, of couse.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


That 70's Show

Space Ghost Coast to Coast


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Guest Vern Gagne
Golden Girls

Mr.Rant. "Thank you for being a friend" :D


Rockford Files


The Simpsons

Bob Newhart


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Guest MrRant
Golden Girls

Mr.Rant. "Thank you for being a friend" :D


Rockford Files


The Simpsons

Bob Newhart


Verne "Your heart is pure and you are a friend and a confidant (sp). :P

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

MST3K (Can watch one episode THOUSANDS of times and still not get tired of the riffs)

Simpsons (Tied in first place with MST3K)

South Park

Saturday Night Live


(Also: Conan O' Brien. Mad TV. Celebritty Deathmatch. Doug. Disney's Brand Spanking New Doug. Sportsnight. The Daily Show. Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. Full House. All That. And etc. that I can't think of right now.)

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Guest Cavi



WWE Programming (yeah, most of it is crap now, but it's still one of the few things I watch)


Those are really the only first run shows I watch. I watch Seinfeld in syndication often as well.

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Guest godthedog
All time, in no order.




Married with Children.

Monty Python's Flying Circus (Word, gtd)



Right now, also in no order, of couse.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


That 70's Show

Space Ghost Coast to Coast


it's so sad that so many people haven't seen or don't appreciate python as much, when it was a direct influence on at least one show in everybody's list.

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Guest kingkamala

5. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno *ducks rotten fruit*

4.Late Night with Connan O'Brian

3. The Simpsons

2. Pop Up Video(Is this still on?)

1. WWE Confidential



Honorable mentions: WWE Smackdown, WWE Velocity, ESPN Classics Sports Century, The Daily Show, MST3K and Behind the Music

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Guest BifEverchad

1) The Simpsons (89-present)

2) Seinfeld (91-98)

3) Dawson's Creek (98-00)

4) Saved By The Bell (89-94)

5) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (90-96)


*the brackets represent the timeframe in which I watched them the most.

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Guest GeneMean


Benny Hill

Beavis and Butthead

Jack of All Trades

Late Night w/ David Letterman

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Guest Zack Malibu

Sheesh...I have to pick FIVE?


My all-time list:

Saved By The Bell (ANY version...even The New Class)


The Incredible Hulk

Beverly Hills, 90210

Married With Children



Dawson's Creek



The Sopranos

"New" Masters Of The Universe


Many honorable mentions to:California Dreams, Swan's Crossing, City Guys, The A Team, Soap, Barney Miller, Three's Company, Diff'rent Strokes, Masters Of The Universe (original), The Simpsons, The Incredible Hulk 80's and 90's cartoons, Spider Man and His Amazing Friends

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