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Guest Ravenbomb

YOUR Top 5 TV shows

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

All time, alphabetical order:


Fawlty Towers

The Kingdom, part 2 (haven't seen the first part or season or what have you)

Monty Python's Flying Circus


The Simpsons


Honorable mentions: Black Adder, Kids in the Hall, Law & Order.


Childhood favorites:




The Incredible Hulk

Masters of the Universe

Sledge Hammer

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Guest nl5xsk1


1. The Simpsons ... best show in the history of TV

2. Curb Your Enthusiasm

3. Hockey Night in Canada (if I'm allowed to choose it)

4. The Real World ... its just too much fun laughing at the knuckleheads think they're saying intelligent things.

5. So Little Time ... MaryKate and Ashley goodness


All Time:

1. The Simpsons ... again, the best show in the history of TV

2. Flying Circus

3. Get a Life

4. The Young Ones

5. The Monkees ... loved it as a kid, before I got all the drug references ... like it as much now that I understand it all

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Warning- I am an anime fan and a cartoon fanatic, in general.




The Simpsons

Malcolm in the Middle

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

Justice League






Married With Children



Cowboy Bebop

Batman: TAS/X-Men(tie)

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Guest dreamer420

I won't count wrestling here I guess.


5. Friends

4. Seinfeld

3. King Of The Hill

2. That 70's Show

1. The Simpsons

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Guest OctoberBlood

- 24

- Boston Public

- South Park

- The Simpsons

- Law & Order Series

- The Screen Savers

- Extended Play

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Guest RevEvil
Am I the only one that found The Larry Sanders Show to be boring and unfunny?

Hey Now!

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Guest Special K

1. Simpsons

2. Seinfeld

3. Law & Order

4. Sopranos

5. Buffy

'The Shield's easily there if it keeps up the quality.

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Guest godthedog
Am I the only one that found The Larry Sanders Show to be boring and unfunny?

it's a different kind of humor that takes some getting used to. i couldn't stand the show for a long time, but when i started watching the bravo re-runs i realized "wow...this show's really fucking good." it's not just the jokes that make the show great, it's the tone of the show, which is pretty bleak and dark & turns lots of people off. the characters are also great, they're a hell of a lot more 3-dimensional than any other sitcom i've ever seen.

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Guest Madmartigan21
Am I the only one that found The Larry Sanders Show to be boring and unfunny?

it's a different kind of humor that takes some getting used to. i couldn't stand the show for a long time, but when i started watching the bravo re-runs i realized "wow...this show's really fucking good." it's not just the jokes that make the show great, it's the tone of the show, which is pretty bleak and dark & turns lots of people off. the characters are also great, they're a hell of a lot more 3-dimensional than any other sitcom i've ever seen.

That is also how to some degree I would describe Curb Your Enthusiasm.


I think the problem is that most people don't get subtlety and thus don't understand why something is funny.

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Guest bravesfan


1. NewsRadio

2. Seinfeld

3. Married...with Children

4. Simpsons



A fifth pick would water these choices down, I believe these choices are at the top of the class.



1. Scrubs

2. Simpsons

3. South Park

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Guest JMTapes

No order at all:


-Boy Meets World

-Home Improvement

-Monday Night Raw (no matter how bad it gets)


-The Mole (have them all on tape)

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Guest starvenger


Amazing Race

The Mole


Trading Spaces



All time:


Force Five (Starvengers/Grandizer/Gaiking/Dangard Ace/Spaceketeers)


Star Trek: TNG

Family Ties

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I work nights so my choices are based on what I would watch if had the opportunity



Wrestling (lump it all together)

Hockey (more lumping but especially HNIC)


Sex and the City (sue me)

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Guest Anorak
Am I the only one that found The Larry Sanders Show to be boring and unfunny?

it's a different kind of humor that takes some getting used to. i couldn't stand the show for a long time, but when i started watching the bravo re-runs i realized "wow...this show's really fucking good." it's not just the jokes that make the show great, it's the tone of the show, which is pretty bleak and dark & turns lots of people off. the characters are also great, they're a hell of a lot more 3-dimensional than any other sitcom i've ever seen.

There's been plenty of British comedy shows and sitcoms at least on the level of Larry Sanders in the last decade or so. It is a great show though and I do like it a hell of a lot better than fucking Seinfeld.


The Simpsons: Everything's been said before.


Brass Eye: Unflinchingly brutal and upfront humor that was angry, focused and deadly accurate. Chris Morris may well be remembered as the true maverick of 90's comedy. The infamy of the final pheodophilia (sp?) episode will cement its place in history but it should be remembered as brilliantly original television.


Red Dwarf: One of my favourites for years, underappreciated by some but loved to death by its fans of course. The 7th and 8th series were crap but not that many comedies bow out gracefully at their peak anyway.


Father Ted: Superb mix of clever and dumb humor which played with stereotypes in its own unique manic style. Will undoubtedly go down as one of the most fondly remembered British sitcoms. Not sure what the Irish church thought of it exactly thoough.


Blackadder/Blackadder Goes Forth: The first three series were often inspired but also rather patchy at times whereas Blackadder 4 was just perfect. A brilliantly written show which deftly touched upon the carnage and farce of WWI, the way the slapstick finally gave way to dread and genuine pathos in the final episode transcended what a conventional sitcom could achieve in many peoples eyes.

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