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Guest goodhelmet

I'm sill waiting...

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Guest goodhelmet

ok, he has worked with a shitload of shitty wrestler but at some point this guy has to deliver the goods in the ring. his promos are above average and i know the gy possesses good energy but when i scan the motyc list, i don't see killings' name on it. is this guy ever going to truly shine in the ring?

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Guest eirejmcmahon

I don't think the WWE are particularly bothered about having cut K-Kwick now.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If they hadn't fucked up and overbooked the first Truth/Lynn match, it was heading to be great.


I think Truth is a guy who can be carried by the right people to have truly great matches. Those people either don't work for TNA or get the matches Russo-booked to death.

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Guest eirejmcmahon
I bet they wish they still had him.

Why ?


If they need someone to play the stereotypical Angry Black Man, they've always got Mark Henry.


Killings has nothing to offer in the ring, in my opinion anyway.

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Guest RedJed

Killings gimmick though would be a hard-on for Vince in the current WWE scene though, I'm sure he'd let him go all out in thinking it would equate controversy which equates mainstream exposure. Of course he already tried this with Ron Simmons years ago, but I'm sure he doesn't remember or care since he's tried recreating 99 how many times now. Plus it seems like Killings has that typical WWE style of working down pat, lots of punches and kicks.


Anyway I think he just needs to find the right type of worker and he will shine. Lynn might be that person, or perhaps Styles. Jarrett and Killings might work too.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I think The Truth just needs some more time. Remember, he's still a relative rookie, and he was groomed in WWF/WWE-style. Let him develop a more TNA-oriented style, and then let the matches be good.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Yes but what does Killings bring to the table that nobody else can ?


The WWE already has a number of guys who can be carried to very entertaining matches.


Ron came out and surprised everyone with his intensity on the stick but, outside of that particular party trick, he's yet to do a single thing of note.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

For as many times as I have to hear that RVD can't get a push because he can't talk...


i can't help but think Killings could be of use up north

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Despite his oft talked about selling problems, RVD does have a unique wrestling style that has allowed him to connect with the crowd on a certain level - it doesn't hurt that he has a chantable name either!


Stick RVD with a decent manager and you could have gold - shame he appears to be unable to express any kind of emotion himself.


Killings early "Angry Black Man" promos were very strong but the last I saw of him (haven't bothered with the last two weeks) he wasn't up to much behind the mic, add in his flat wrestling style and I personally don't think he has anything to offer.

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Guest goodhelmet
For as many times as I have to hear that RVD can't get a push because he can't talk...


i can't help but think Killings could be of use up north

ok, granted, but i am not talking about mic skills. in the ring, besides his world title win, which was more of an emotional moment than a great wrestling moment, what has killings done in the ring to make you think "that guy is a star and one hell of a wrestler." nothing that i have seen makes me think this guy can carry a promotion.


as for wwe, since the writing is so horrific, i have not seen any inspiring promos from anyone in the last several months. not because the guys don't have mic skills but because the dialogue is pathetic.


i'm not saying the guy doesn't possess skills, just that he hasn't shown them. much like we criticized brock lesnar in the fed.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I can understand where you're coming from...but I don't see any difference between Killings and a majority of the WWE midcard except that he can talk quite well.

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Guest goodhelmet

i don't disagree with that either but there is a reason the majority of wwe stars are in the midcard (not involving hhh)... they aren't world title worthy. that is my point with killings. is he world title worthy?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Again...if the knock on RVD is that he can't talk then yes.


He's more carriable than Van Dam, and although his moveset won't get him over, his talking certainly could.


This is also the reason I thikn RVD's talking not allowing him to main event is stupid, as people only talk to make the fans care about their matches.


What matches do fans care about more? RVD vs. Tommy Dreamer on the fly...or HHH vs. Kane...for the title...with all the talking?


I think anyone could main event (well...except Albert) if the WWE really wanted them too.


And I think Killings has a way that can make people legit care about him.


Look how much he made people care without that much ability.


Plus...he's been in the business for like 4 years only.


Give him ring time with good wrestlers and he has to develop.


He's a leg up on most people 4 years in anyway.

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Guest goodhelmet

THAT was the answer i was looking for. i still don't believe just anyone can carry a company but killings seems believable.

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