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Guest The Mysterious One

Mysterious One's Take On The Smart Marks

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Guest The Mysterious One

Hello. I was planning to begin a two part article on DDTwrestling today but frankly the amount of SHIT that's happened this week has convinced me to hold off for now and deal with this.


Shut Down NHB


What could bring some people to feel that NHB should be shut down? The folders never done any harm, well let's take a look.


Item 1: The Smart MarkMy Rant On This Board


The poster known as "The Smart Mark" (creative isn't he?) started that gem of a thread. His inability to prove his points, the fact he never shut up or would let the topid die led to the Mods closing the thread. But he wasn't done there.


I am done with my rant


He just doesn't get it does he? If people wanted to change this board then the board would change. The Dames would never put up with a clique running HIS board. Is Dames friends with some members of the Establishment? Sure, most likely, but don't think for a moment he wouldn't shut it down if he thought they were getting out of hand.


The worst stuff that The Smart Mark had to say is contained in this quote...




WWE FOLDER-"Who else needs a haircut, buncha hippies!"---Pointless dribble that no one cares about, Wasteing board space.


"Why does the WWE hate us. Oh I know why"---This one explains it self nicely!


"Does anybody in the uppercard lose clean!? Not just UT and HHH......"---Over analyzing. It's just wrestling.


"Time for Vince to retire? What do you all think?"---Yeh right! His is Vince McMahon.


And any post that is a repeat of an article you can read somewhere else. That's just a waste of time.


GENERAL WRESTLING-"OK one last time, FREE HOTLINE SERVER...blah blah blah"---This was just another waste where nothing was accomplished.


"Christopher Daniels as Spiderman? Was he?"---This is totally in the wrong folder. Can you say entertainment?


GENERAL CHAT-Any of the "word games threads". Just another way for the elite asses to get a higher post count so they seem more important. These are found in other threads also.


"Little Whinges"---A little kid that hates his dad, big whoop.


NO HOLDS BARRED-"A message to Jubki"---A mod who got pissed. That's not how you handle it. Take it up in a PM. This is junk. Even for NHB.


"The smarkies award"---Another pathetic attempt to make themselves feel better.


"Who do you miss and why?"---This is in the wrong folder. General chat is what this is.


"RATE THE SIG! RATE THE SIG! Get out your knives, kids!"---Another thread in the wrong folder.


Any of the "What do you think of me" threads. Self explanitory.



Now I know that there may be a few that will actually see my point, but I also realize that most will say I've proved nothing. Well here it is. I could have gone on forever and probably got at least 20-30 more examples, but I do have a life and I only did this to shut a few select few up.


So essentially he complains about a clique controlling what happens on the board and then turns around and says that threads he doesn't like should be deleted. Ladies and Gentlemen I think that it's fairly obvious who The Smart Mark really is...but I'll leave you to figure it out for your self.


Item 2:Puro Vs. Jingus


Top 20 Favorite AJPW Matches Of The 1990's


So we've got ourselves a pissing contest between Jingus and Jubuki. No biggie. Then Jingus starts this thread in NHB:


A Message To Jubuki


All right. Jingus has taken his beef with a person to the proper forum. No problem right? Wrong.


First of all, no matter what your personal feelings are towards me Chris, I am a moderator of this message board, and you will show me a little fucking respect. If you ever speak to me or anyone else like you did in the "Top 20 Matches" post that I'm going to quote from here, you WILL be banned, period. I have spoken to several other mods, and they all agree with me in this matter. So if you're gonna say anything else, say it in this folder, or you won't be saying anything else on these boards again.


That opening paragraph opened a can of worms. It seems some people think Jingus was overreacting. Maybe he was, but he is a human being and we do that sometimes.


Some were upset that Jubuki was threatened with a ban. Here's the thing. Jubuki's comments to Jingus are borderline flaming, not banworthy by themselves but if he does it alot as it seems to be indicated he does then it adds up until yes it IS banworthy.


So now that that thread has died down the whole mess is done with right? Nope. Still a little more to go.


In Light Of Recent Events


Now let's ignore ALina and CWM's butting of heads, that shit is old news. Let's concentrate on two posts.


I'm off to school in a few minutes, but, in my opinion, this is a very important topic and one that needs to be drawn to the moderator's attention:


The moderators at this forrum should not only be aides to the other patrons, but examples, as well. When you go off on a ridiculously vulgur, slanderous and completely immature "rant" like Jingus did yesterday, it says a great deal about what these boards are about and what the administration would like them to be about. I know it was perfectly within the rules, but it's still completely unacceptable. I'm not just talking about Jingus, but acts I've seen from several moderators who take no reservations in swearing, using vulgarity, or anything else they feel like throwing out there.


In Jingus's case, the guy he was arguing with hadn't use one vulgur term, one swear word, or even something that could be called politically incorrect. He was completely within his rights as a poster on these boards, and Jingus, for all intents and purposes, flaimed him. In that case, Jingus wasn't just making himself look bad, he was making this entire forrum look bad. Unacceptable.


More when I get back from school.


Edited by RickyChosyu - Nov 8 2002, 03:32 PM


and the other post...


Swearing and using childish insults are quite different. The entire advent of settling arguements via slander is vain and childish. If a mod practices it, then the entire board might as well. If you can't have a discusion about wrestling without bringing up your opposition's sex life, for example, then what good is discusion? Why not just settle every arguement around here based on "who's gotten to third base" the most times, while you're on the immaturity trip? It's not like Jingus didn't surpas that levle of raging stupidity in his little spiel about nothing.


You guys might enjoy "flaiming" or whatever you want to call it, but I, for one, enjoy using the soft tissue in my head.


Oh, and nevermind trying to change things for the better, right? Nah, I feel no need to hang around if this is the type of thing our friendly neiborhood mods are going to endorce.


I have never seen Ricky act like that. He's always come off as a decent level headed guy, but when he WHINES like that it makes me reasses what I thought of him.


You disagree with Jingus perfect, great, wonderful, I'm proud of you. You've got the right to bitch about Jingus even if it is off base bull shit. You also have the right to leave to board if you don't like what's going on here. I admire that. The thing is you came off as just as childish as you claim Jingus did.


Leave. I doubt you will. I even hope you don't as you do seem like a good guy most of the time Ricky, but don't threaten to leave if you disagree with what's going on. Just leave or if you want to be mature try settleing your differences.


Maybe that's something Jingus and Jubuki should do huh?


Item 3: Poster Of The Week


Banky Edwards is the poster of the week.



Congrats Banky. If you'd answer a few questions I'd be much obliged.


What's your name and where do you live?

My name is Jeff Holmes and I live in the asshole of Canada - Saskatchewan.


How did you become involved in the Message board scene and TSM in particular?

I joined the Smark ezboard when it first opened.  I was Jason Lee and the LWO Kid there.  From there I moved onto the World Domination Inc. as the LWO kid.  From there I change monikers to Bradley Dub Ortiz (B-Dub).  Mostly everyone there thinks I am a total tool, but thats ok.  Some of them are pretty over sensitive anyway.  I left there amongst *some* controversy and re-joined here as Bdub.  Swore myself off of message boards, then rejoined Banky Edwards.  My swearing off had more to do with how bad the wrestling scene was in comparison to my hatred for the board.  Anyway, I rejoined just to be a big ass to everyone.  Some ejoyed it, some hated it.  Now most people are fairly indifferent to fucking shit-ass attitude.


You've been known as something of a shit disturber, why do you do that?

I do it because I am bored.  I am a fairly respectful and *gasp* mature person in real life, so I have to vent somewhere.  I enjoy to mess with people to see different reactions from people.  So I guess thats how ti all starts.  But sometimes, just sometimes, there'll be one ignorant poster who will actually anger me, then I'll be an honest dick to them.  Truth be known, I am a vindicitive person.


You recently left WDI due to a Gimmick poster you did, what happened?

I used an alter-ego Axl Holmes to post some satirical situations that tapped on some of the people, they posting style, and some of the incidents that had happened on the board.  I put them in a diary form to rip on a complete attention seeking tool who posts complete ridiculous shit to get attention (and gets a good reaction b/c most people there believe his shit) and basically addressed some off the wall situations.  Everyone bashed this thread, but they all still checked it out.  Anyway, I revealed myself and they all got extremely gay about it all.  I explained to them what i was doing, but NO ONE found it funny.  Thats alright though, I do things for my own personal amusement anyway, and I felt vindicated in my work.  My personal feeling is that when message board politics get put into everday situations, it makes these over-sensitive posters really upset.  Its only a fucking message board, yet they treat it as life.  What they did to Scott Keith by posting his picture on the body of Hitler crossed every logical boundry.  They took something that was supposed to be fun, and ripped it into shit.  That is the kinda stuff I mocked, and now they all hate me.  But I don't care, fuck 'em.  And I'll still post there, because I enjoy other peoples overeactions.


What's your favorite Moment(S) from the time you've been coming to TSM?

I don't know.  I don't necessarily have "favorite" moments because I don't ponder about what happens.  It happens, and I usually forget about it - so its hard to reminise (sp?).  But I'd have to say just going to the NHB folder and checking out whats going on in there.  Seeing what all those guys have to say.  Heck, even seeing what people are griping about.  Its all good, in MODERATION.  


To finish up, I'd like to thank the guys at DVDR for preaching the good book of Eddie and naming him the greatest wrestler of the year.  He OWNS all of joo.  Oh yea, check out the Underground smark board.  

Thanks Banky.



Well that's all the shit I can stand for now. Sometime this week The first part of my DDT article will be released. Goodbye.

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Guest Jubuki

Oh joy - I'm being discussed in regards to this place on some ninety-second-rate wrestling site...

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Guest bob_barron

You should be honoured Jubuki.


I can't wait till the DDT article is released

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Guest Jubuki

Honored? Yeah, and next you'll be telling me Meltzer gets his news from Lords of Pain, right?

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Guest bob_barron

Hey- at least a lot of people disagreed with Jingus on the matter.


But I've yet to see Taue's chokeslam so I can't comment on that

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I can't wait till the DDT article is released

I had a sneak peak...It should be great.

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Guest Banky

Wow, some of your vast knowledge we ALL keep hearing about. You are a disgrace to triumph.

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Guest The Hamburglar
Hey- at least a lot of people disagreed with Jingus on the matter.


But I've yet to see Taue's chokeslam so I can't comment on that

I'd be careful if I were you. Some who have medical conditions or are sensitive have been known to go into hideous convulsions at the horror that is Taue's chokeslam. For the majority, it merely leaves dreams, dreams of horror and a very small back bump, tortuous dreams. Fear Taue's chokeslam, do not seek it out, for it burns.

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Guest The Mysterious One

My first negative feedback.




So this is what it's like to be Agnes.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
Oh joy - I'm being discussed in regards to this place on some ninety-second-rate wrestling site...

Was that a knock on us or some other site?


If it was about thesmartmarks.com, I'll kindly ask you to actually read our content before saying anything about us.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yes, we do. Now stop using the same lame-ass response to that. It was funny the first and second times, but now it's just insulting.


Fo sheez,


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Guest SP-1

Always a pleasure hearing your take on things, TMO. I look forward to the DDT article as well.


The Spectacular Spider-Poet

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Yes, we do. Now stop using the same lame-ass response to that. It was funny the first and second times, but now it's just insulting.


Fo sheez,




Yes oh mighty leader of the Establishment.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

No, I seriously take offense to it, as someone who writes for it. We all really put a lot of effort into putting quality content up, and don't like to see it being mocked.


Fo sheez,


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Guest cobainwasmurdered
No, I seriously take offense to it, as someone who writes for it. We all really put a lot of effort into putting quality content up, and don't like to see it being mocked.


Fo sheez,


All Right Kotz. I just said I'd stop. I apoligize for offending you, I enjoy the web site and I appreciate the effort you guys put into.

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Guest Jubuki

Well, if you're going to sit there and get persnickety like this, I would mock your content...but that would require reading it, and I just don't have that kind of time to waste.

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Guest godthedog

that was some funny shit.



taking NHB off the board isn't the answer. the whole reason it was created was to make a venting place for all the flaming shit that kept spilling out everywhere, not unlike missy hyatt's present disgusting cleavage. everybody needs to chill out and smoke a joint or something, cause when you stop taking all the drama on the board so seriously, it's a riot. most fun i've had here in a while

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Guest Incandenza

That was rather humorous. I reassert that Jubuki is the Steve Albini of TSM. Now all he needs to do is reform Big Black and record a follow-up to Songs About Fucking.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
Well, if you're going to sit there and get persnickety like this, I would mock your content...but that would require reading it, and I just don't have that kind of time to waste.

Yeah, you're too busy giving yourself facial cumshots. I understand.


Fo sheez,


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Guest godthedog

yeah, he kinda blew all his points for the triumph reference when he tried to cover up with stinging rhetoric the fact that he had no idea what he was talking about. (in reference to the TSM site, i mean.)

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Neat column. But it, once again, doesn't say anything about yours truly. I mean, what the fuck?

When is the Big McLargeQuotes feature gonna start?


*refuses to read column until either Big McLargeHuge, pancakes, the dangers of dish washing detergent, The UnderGround Smarks, world peace, laundry, dog food, Canada bashing, Freedom Force, Star Trek and its unbearable fanbase, Star Wars and its unbearable fanbase, DragonBall and its unbearable fanbase, Puro and its unbearable fanbase, or MST3k and its kick ass fanbase make it in*

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



And THE UNDERGROUND SMARKS was mentioned by Banky

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

That's pure speculation. None of that's true. /HHH mark.


Seriously, I wasn't even talking to you. *waits for TMO's response*

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Guest The Mysterious One



And THE UNDERGROUND SMARKS was mentioned by Banky

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Maybe not Canada Bashing. And I accept that UGS was mentioned, but still, what about my other choices? Come on. You can't tell me you haven't been wanting to do a rant on Puro snobs.

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Guest The Mysterious One

Puro fans should be left alone. They exist in their own universe seperate from our own.

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