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Guest cynicalprofit

NWA might get grid of Low-Ki

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Guest cynicalprofit
Low-Ki Possibly Gone From TNA Over Scheduling Dispute

Posted By Widro on 11.09.02


Low Ki has had a much reduced presence on TNA PPVs in the past month, and that stems from a contract he has with the Japanese promotion Zero-One.


Low Ki has a contract with Zero-One that takes precedence over any indy gigs in the US. Because of his Zero-One schedule, Low-Ki couldn’t commit to TNA dates that far in advance, and therefore his role with TNA is lessened, and possibly eliminated altogether while he is still under Zero-One contract.


Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter


NWA, this is the most over guy you have, keep him.

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Guest dreamer420

That really sucks. Low Ki is easily one of the best performers on the planet right now and to lose him will be a huge blow to TNA.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

How about they strike a deal with Zero-One to have LowKi for x many (heh...X) shows in a row for every 2 months or so...? It could realistically work...

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Yeah, but that would be a good idea so I doubt it will happen.

I know, even if NWA-TNA isn't WWE, a promotion that seems to fail to go with good ideas usually.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know how to feel.


On one hand...anything that keeps Low Ki off my TV is bad.


On the other hand...Low Ki was one of the people that they were building around, and I can understand the having a problem with not being able to do that.


TNA should just cool out, take him whenever he can.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Either way, it would be a huge mistake for NWA-TNA to get rid of Low Ki and then bring in someone with much less workrate like Konnan. That's like if WWE got rid of Chris Benoit and brought in Goldberg.

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Guest dreamer420

So was this the reason that Low Ki's name wasn't dropped once on last weeks show?

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Guest RedJed

I doubt not mentioning his name has anything to do with the situation, they haven't really said anything about him since he's left, yet they still want to make a deal with him.


Basically I guess the thing is (according to Meltzer) they really want him back but they need him and even sign up to a long term contract but they want him to give the company 30 days notice minimum if he does any Zero One stuff so they can do explaining in storylines why he is gone.

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Guest dreamer420

I just found it strange that with all the talk of the X Division, and with the big Styles/Lynn blowoff, his name would have been dropped at least once.

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Guest Daddy X

Personally I would much rather see Low Ki in Zero One than in TNA. He's wrestling in bigger venues, in front of more respectable fans, and competiting with the world's finest athletes rather than beating up sloppy spotfest workers. I'm happy for him.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Daddy X translation:



I'd rather him be in TNA. Why? So I can, ya know, WATCH HIM.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Well I don't mind him going off to Zero One every now and then, but it would be a bit foolish on the part of NWA:TNA to let one of their top draws go. If you have to commit to renewable short term contracts with Low-Ki, commit to renewable short term contracts.

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Guest midnight_burn

It would be a mistake to get rid of him completely. Even having Low Ki just once every few shows is better than no Low Ki at all.

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Guest Daddy X

I'm not really saying that American Wrestling is THAT much inferior but I mean that's like Low Ki say signing on with WWE. It's a bigger payoff, bigger fanbase, bigger venues and the like. American Wrestling isn't always inferior to Puro... but TNA is. :P

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Guest Trivia247

lol WWE can rehire him and then eliminate 90% of his moveset so he can job to Tajiri.

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