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Guest kingkamala

Kamala's night at the indys

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Guest kingkamala

Alright here I go this has the potential to really suck but bare with me here.




I arrive at the world famous Stevens Ave. Armory, when I walk inside the usual crowd of 125-150 people are sitting inside. Tonight in the main event former WCW jobber takes on a guy whose wrestling in a dark match for NWA TNA next week and the EWA champ Adam Booker.



Commish Alexander Worthington comes out, he has a stereotypical spoiled brat type gimmick. He hypes the night's matches and cuts a promo on his ex tag team partner Steven Ramsey, former partner of Scotty 2 Hotty. He also comes up with the best line of the night when someone walks in during the middle of his promo, "Hey you jackass! Stop stealing my heat by walking in during my promo!" Sadly no one in the crowd gets the joke. Worthington takes us away to our first match...


Frankie Armadillo(With Dr. Everette Payne) Vs Larry Huntley(With Hugh Morrus's slightly less talented cousin "Rugged" Rick Daniels

Frankie Armadillo is 5''8, 150 pounds and bumps like a madman.Larry Huntley is about 5'10'', 300 pound. We get a standard big man little man match, it's not really good by any means but Armadillo bumped his ass off. Armadillo defeats Huntley after botched interference from his protege Rick Daniels.


Dr. Heresy and ? Vs Kid Krazy(EWA tag team title match)

EWA is retarded in the sense that one guy holds the tag team titles(Kid Krazy) and he defends the title regularly! Making all the tag teams in EWA look like buffoons. Dr. Heresy introduces his mystery partner Maverick Wild, a guy whose wrestled in ROH before. Maverick Wild's mannerisms are a cross between Gillberg and the Bushwhackers*shudders*. Thankfully Maverick Wild is better then those two wrestling wise. This was a really well done handicap match with the tag team being put over as a legit threat. Dr. Heresy finishes Kid Krazy after an attack from Maverick Wild. Dr. Heresy and Maverick Wild.


Adam Hastey Vs Garf Garrison (EWA New England title match)

Adam Hastey is the New England champion and replacement for EWA's resident Jeff Hardy-wannabe Damian Houston, whose out with an injured shoulder. Needless to say Hastey isn't half as over as Damian Houston. Garf Garrison has had about half a dozen matches and it shows. This match features a lot of stalling and chinlocks. No real crowd heat for this match besides a few teenage girl Hastey marks. Hastey wins with a moonsault. Garrison's tag team partner Nick McKenna should have wrestled this match instead of Garf. Nick McKenna may be green but he knows how to get heel heat, Garf looks like a deer got in headlights.


"Hurricane" John Walters Vs Antonio Thomas

John Walters injured soon to be NWA TNA star Chi Chi Cruz last month and now he's wrestling new comer Antonio Thomas. John Walters comes out like a total bad ass and ignores the hecklers. Sadly he quickly resorts to cheap heat by calling some kids in the front row jack asses. The first ten minutes feature excellent technical wrestling from both men, the crowd is hot for this portion. The last ten minutes though are an extended squash and the crowd dies out. Walters streches the crap out of Thomas and finishes him with his finisher" The Eye of The Hurricane", different then THAT Hurricane's finisher.


Intermission, got picture with all of the faces and saw Rick Fuller in lepord printed pants :huh: .


20 man Royal Rumble


It's so hard to recap these things, it says a guy comes out every two minutes but it really is every three or four minutes. I can't recap these well so I'll go down to the final four: Rick Daniels, Larry Huntley, John Walters and Brian Black. Brian Black is a cross between a pretty boy face and a monster face, it's disturbing to be honest. Anyway Daniels and Huntley are eliminated after missed charges. Walters beats the crap out of Black but misses a swan dive headbutt allowing Black to toss him over the top. Brian Black is now the #1 contender and he'll face the winner of...


Rick Fuller Vs Adam Booker (EWA heavyweight title match)

Bad promo from Rick Fuller where he says shit a lot to try and look like a bad ass. Fuller beats the shit out of Booker for the first fifteen minutes. Throwing him throw the concession stands. Hitting him with chairs, it's an absolute balls out brawl. In an awesome spot Fuller does a chokeslam off the top rope through a ringside table to Booker. Fuller goes to set up another table but gets gored by Booker through the table. Fuller barely sells cause he's up 30 seconds later. Fuller goes in the corner, Booker goes for another gore but Fuller pulls the ref in front of him. Fuller gives Booker his finisher"The Fuller Effect" but the ref is still out. Fuller wakes him up but Booker gets a school boy for a two. Fuller out of frustration beats the crap out of him some more. Fuller sets up a large piece of the broken table in the corner and goes to throw Booker through it but Booker reverses it and Fuller's head goes through the table piece. Booker school boys Fuller for the win and a huge pop follows. MOTN, if it weren't for Fuller's crappy selling it would be EWA's best match ever.


Best match of the night: Fuller-Booker

Worst match of the night: Garf Garrison-Adam Hastey

Best dialogue of the night: (Dr. Heresy is in the ring since he drew number one for the Royal Rumble) Fan: Hey Heresy, is the crackhead in the Royal Rumble?

Heresy: His name...is Maverick Wild and yes he's participating in the Royal Rumble.


Well if you want a good night of wrestling, EWA might not be your thing. It uses a lot of spot monkeys and has a lot of brawls that go outside the ring. But if your in the area(Which you probably aren't) EWA provides a fun night of wrestling for everyone.

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Guest kingkamala

Hmm maybe I should have said King Kamala's night at the indys. Someone might think this thread is actually about the great Kamala!

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Guest Doyo

thanks for posting the review


i've been to a few of their shows and there really

wasn't that much out of ring brawling

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