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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report: 11/10/02

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

New Releases:


"8 Mile" (Eminem, Mekhi Phiffer, Brittany Murphy)

"Femme Fatale"(Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Antonio Banderas)


Box Office Top 10:


As expected....


1. 8 Mile - $54,464,000/$54,464,000


2. The Santa Clause 2 - $24,800,000/$60,100,000

3. The Ring - $16,000,000/$86,100,000

4. I Spy - $9,000,000/$24,678,000

5. jackass: the movie - $7,200,000/$53,319,000

6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding - $5,752,101/$192,755,261

7. Sweet Home Alabama - $3,800,000/$118,600,000 7

8. Ghost Ship - $3,160,000/$26,174,000

9. Femme Fatale -$2,830,000/$3,485,000

10. Punch-Drunk Love -$2,600,000/$14,600,000



Damn, 54 Million, I heard it made 20 Million alone of Friday(With $10 from me :) )

I could see Eminem doing more Movies in the future. With Curtis Hanson directing.

Oscar Nomination, anyone ?


The Ring just won't die down. 18 Million for the last 2 Weeks, and 16 Million this Week. I've yet to see this, but if it's getting Numbers like this, maybe I should.


My Big Fat Greek Wedding still in the Top 10, Go figure.


I won't comment on Femme Fatale.



This Week Releases:


"Half Past Dead" (Steven Seagal, Ja Rule, Morris Chestnut)


"Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets"(Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson)


Predictions later.



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Guest razazteca

so Ja Rule is in Under Seige 4 with Steven Segal & Morris Chestnutt again.....I predict 3 million opening weekend.


Harry Potter will make 75 million the 1st week

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Guest Bosstones Fan

Jesus, I'm ashamed to say that 15 of the $3.8 million Sweet Home Alabama took in once belonged to me. That is a HORRIBLE movie (not that I was expecting it to be good or anything).


But at least taking my girlfriend to a "romantic" movie earned me the right to enjoy 4+ hours of great sex. That has helped to wipe away the stench of Sweet Home Alabama just a little bit....

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Now i'm going to be nice here,


"Half Past Dead" : 5-15 Million (Ja Rule Fans will flock to this. I'm also sure that there are some Steven Seagal Fans left around somewhere)


"Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets" : 70-80 Million

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Guest areacode212

NBT: Yes, you should see The Ring. Go to Queens if you have to (if you don't feel like paying $10 Manhattan prices).

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Guest Flyboy

The Ring was alright... I expected more from all the talk, though.


8-Mile was good, IMHO.

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Guest Nevermortal

Half Past Dead's gonna fucking flop.


And as I predicted, Femme Fatale flopped!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Everybody predicted Femmle Fatale would BOMB.


Look for the DVD at a Blockbuster near you, coming this Christmas.......

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Guest evenflowDDT

What the hell is Femme Fatale? I've never even heard of this movie...


And My Big Fat Greek Wedding owns Eminem, The Ring, you AND your mother. Remember that! Look at that staying power!


What happened to Punch Drunk Love though? I thought that was supposed to be pretty good (though my friend told me he saw it at a preview showing in L.A. and it sucked).

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
What the hell is Femme Fatale? I've never even heard of this movie...


And My Big Fat Greek Wedding owns Eminem, The Ring, you AND your mother. Remember that! Look at that staying power!


What happened to Punch Drunk Love though? I thought that was supposed to be pretty good (though my friend told me he saw it at a preview showing in L.A. and it sucked).

"Femme Fatale" is a shitty Movie directed by Brian De Palma and starring Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and Antonio Banderas.


It's about a Jewel Thief and a Photographer or something like that.


Some Critics liked it, others didn't.


It BOMBED and it'll be on DVD by the New Year's.


End Of Story. :)

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Guest Ravenbomb

Half Past Dead - FLOOOOOOOOP


harry potter - sucks, but of course the faceless masses will FLOCK to the damn thing like the sheep that they are. I hope that there's a slip up where they make some racist remark and ppl boycot harry potter, I hate it so...

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Guest Youth N Asia

I remember in last week's post someone predict that Femme would make $5-9 million, and I said they were way overshooting.


I knew 8 Mile would go over huge, but I didn't see that coming.


Here in Micihigan they've been reporting on tv how night shows for that have been selling out in the morning.


Suprised Jackass is still top 10...I thought anyone who wanted to see that would have done so in week 1.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Whoa, Harry Potter comes out this week?


I was thinking December for some reason...

Nope...they want their movie a month in the can before The Two Towers comes out and kills everything in sight

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



"Half Past Dead" will make over 10 Million.




Reason why: Ja Rule Fans will run to the Theatre to see this.


"Exit Wounds" was suppose to be a huge bomb, but instead became a mild- hit(Over 50 Million) due to DMX being it's Co-Star.

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Guest cabbageboy

So basically Seagal needs to be carried these days by various rappers?


If you wanna see Seagal beat up black guys, just watch Marked For Death....same thing. That movie has such shocking violence that it becomes funny.

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Guest HBK16

I have been looking foreward to this topic. I wanted to see how 8 Mile did. I am gonna go see it Tuesday. And Femme Fatale is a horrible movie. Im glad it made only 3 mil this weekend. Horrible.

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Guest Youth N Asia
So basically Seagal needs to be carried these days by various rappers?

Well, yeah. They're the only ones keeping him off of straight to video movies like Van Dam's been doing the last 5 or so years. He's such a joke now and he's the only one who doesn't seem to know it.

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Guest NoCalMike

As a member of the Youth of America, let me be the first to say I am totally embarrassed that my peers went out in droves to see something like 8-mile.

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Guest ant_7000
As a member of the Youth of America, let me be the first to say I am totally embarrassed that my peers went out in droves to see something like 8-mile.

For what? There was nothing to be embarassed about. Anyway, Half Past Dead will flop its like Under Seige meets Exit Wounds. Oh yea, why do the fuck they got DMX music in the promo when Ja Rule is starring in the movie and everybody know they don't like each other right now? Not a Ja fan myself I wouldn't call him a rapper nowadays its more like "Rap Singer" I might check this one out anyway if I don't shit else to do.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Hmmmm. $54 Million. I wonder how many upside down visors that would buy.


Yes, the Ja Rule movie will make lots of money. Why? The same reason Eminem made lots of money. Men 18-24 have lots of disposible income, and a movie is still an excellent way to get play.


Speaking of play, I want a detailed report from each and every one of you poor bastards who gets dragged kicking and screaming to Harry Potter. Ha!

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Guest ant_7000
Yes, the Ja Rule movie will make lots of money. Why? The same reason Eminem made lots of money. Men 18-24 have lots of disposible income, and a movie is still an excellent way to get play.

No, More like Women 12-24 and his white fans would go see this because of Ja and maybe for Segal too. Did anyone see that Segal with Nas "Ticker" movie?

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Guest C.H.U.D.
As a member of the Youth of America, let me be the first to say I am totally embarrassed that my peers went out in droves to see something like 8-mile.

It's not as bad as your peers helping Jackass make the money it did. Talk about embarrassing the country.


I'm glad to see The Ring doing so well.


Anyone with half a brain knew Femme Fatale would bomb.


I can't wait for The Chamber of Secrets, I loved The Philosopher's Stone. It was a great fantasy film, and a great adaptation of the book.

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Guest NoCalMike

Chamber of Secrets will be 100x the movie 8 mile is. No Doubt.


And yes, it is embarrasing that people went to see a movie starring a gangsta rapper. I could see $20 million, but 54 million!?! I guess white suburbanite kids were really as dumb as I thought all along.

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Guest ant_7000
And yes, it is embarrasing that people went to see a movie starring a gangsta rapper. I could see $20 million, but 54 million!?! I guess white suburbanite kids were really as dumb as I thought all along.

Yea, us blacks too (rolls eyes). Em is not a gangsta rapper so you don't listen to him I can tell. The Harry Potter movie will do well no doubt im predicting record breaking box office in sales im glad I don't have kids, not something for me.

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Guest NoCalMike
Em is not a gangsta rapper so you don't listen to him I can tell.

I don't listen to him!?! Umm, it is kind of hard not to listen to him when he is all over MTV and hip hop radio about 150 times a day. He reminds me of the lead character in the movie, "whiteboyz"

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
He reminds me of the lead character in the movie, "whiteboyz"

now THAT was a funny movie.


and Ant, that's what I meant. The same kids who ran out to see Em will run out to see Ja, they like him, they've got money to burn, and they won't realize untill the movie's over that they just paid 10 bucks to see "Exit Wounds 3".

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