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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Underrated matches....

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Guest Tony149

I agree about the Rude/Steamboat Iron Man Challenge from Beach Blast '92. It gets lost even if it was 30 minutes. That's why it's an "Iron Man Challenge". I would rank that match ahead of HBK/Hart and right behind HHH/Rock in the best Iron Man's shown on TV.

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Guest Brian

Yeah. More people need to see Bret/Owen and Bret/Flair though, it would totally kill how they view Bret/Shawn.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I agree with the Rude/Steamboat Iron Man and the 4 Way IC Title match from last year's No Way Out. Personally, I liked the 4 Way better than the Rock/Angle main event and would say it was the second best match on the night.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I liked the 4 Way better than the Rock/Angle main event and would say it was the second best match on the night.


I agree 100 percent.

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Guest bsrizpac

UT v. Mankind pretty much any of their matches, I enjoyed a lot.


People forget that Austin v. Owen Hart was quite good up until the botched piledriver spot.


Angle v. Benoit from Wrestlemania is a personal favorite.


I'd also have to throw UT v. Mankind HIATC II just because everyone hates it, and also Shane v. angle KOTR 2001 for garbage favorites.

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Guest Anglesault

No Way Out was actually a pretty loaded PPV, huh? Austin/HHH, Fourway, Angle/Rock.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

So was Wrestlemania.  Angle/Benoit, Austin/Rock, TLC 2, Gimmick Battle Royal...

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I've always thought of the main event from SummerSlam '96 -- Vader vs. Shawn Michaels to be a great match that's overlooked by many. The action was literally non-stop and it got really hot towards the end with the two false finishes. I actually thought that Vader was going to win the title when his kicked out of Shawn's finisher -- the superkick.

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Guest Tim Cooke

Hoya wrote:


"One match I always felt was underrated was Goldberg versus DDP from Halloween Havoc 1998.  Scott calls it the best Goldberg match ever - I'd like to see him rewatch it and get an eval given what's happened to WCW since... but I wouldn't wish that show on anyone, given that it has the Hogan/Warrior rematch FROM HELL."


Terrific match.  From a storyline, wrestling, and crowd heat perspective, this match was better than any main event the WWF did on PPV in 2001.  This match was laid out so well from start to finish that its simplicity just adds to the match.  Plus, they had to cut it short because of the Hogan/Warrior debacle.  If they had 3-5 more minutes with a bit more arm work, I would be very willing to call this a MOTYC in 1998.  How it stands, it is a US MOTYC in my eyes.  Anyone who says DDP and Goldberg are not good need to check out this match.


"I was going to say also that the Hogan/Warrior match from Wrestlemania VI was underrated... but no."


Very under rated.....as is Andre/Hogan from WM 3.


"Anyway, Goldberg/DDP was one of those matches that was perfectly strung together, orchestrated to a tee, and pulled off very well.  It's no Benoit/Regal from Pillman 2K or American Dragon v. Low-Ki, but it's still a good, underrated match."


I think the Goldberg v DDP is probably better than Benoit v Regal from Pillman.  As for it being better than the Lo-Ki v Dragon from 7/7/01, I dunno since I haven't seen it yet.  


Tim, who is going to finish watching the King of the Indies 2001 and get his final first does of Lo Ki.

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