Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted November 12, 2002 WCW/nWo Fall Brawl '98 September 13, 1998 Winston Salem, North Carolina - Road Wild '98 Home Video Commercial. - Bash At The Beach '98 Home Video Commercial. - Fall Brawl '98: War Games Commercial feautring the 9 men scheduled to compete in the main event for War Games; The Match Beyond. Its Team Hollywood Vs. Wolfpac Vs. WCW. - Your Hosts for Fall Brawl are Tony Sciavone, "The Proffesor" Mike Tenay, and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Tenay was really un-apreciated in WCW, because he sounds absolutely great on NWA:TNA compared to Sciavone. - "Gene Mean" is with Chris Jericho, who says he has a match with Goldberg tonight, for the WCW World & Television Championship. What a bonus match we have here. - Opening Match: Disco Inferno & Alex Wright Vs. British Bulldog & Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart: Disco really ruled as the Dancing Dumbass, cause it seemed like the crowd loved him until he did something to really piss them off. Wright still is german and still is untalented, 3 years after his inital WCW Debut. I could have sworn WWF owned the name "British Bulldog" but I guess I am wrong again, because I just realized he used the name "British Bulldogs" well before him & Dynamite Kid joined WWF in 1985. This is probably Bulldogs only memorable match in WCW for reasons to be explained later on. Wright & Niedhart have leather jackets on for some reason, just wanted to speculate nothing of importance. Announcers speculate Bret Hart & Lex Luger have a secret alliance because Bret saved Luger from a beatdown from Bulldog & Niedhart, Bret's brothers in-law. Bulldog & Wright start, they finally lockup and Bulldog with a side headlock. Wright with a snapmare breaks the hold and Bulldog speculates a hair pull. Bulldog in the corner unloads a series of rights on Wright and vice versa. Wright with a headlock & shoulderblock, but he walks into a hip toss and a gorilla press slam. Niedhart & Inferno in now. Disco mocks Anvil and Niedhart shoves him off and laughs. Anvil with a headlock and shoulder-block, and a second one. Anvil mocks Inferno now shaking his hips. Hammerlock by Inferno, and a drop toe hold, and Infenro puts the boots to Niedhart. Inferno mocks Niedhart again "pulling his beard". Running Knee lift knocks down the Anvil, but the Bulldog/Anvil team kicks Infernos ass in their corner. Wright with a knee to the back of Bulldog and he tags in, and plants several european uppercuts on the chin of Davey Boy. Wright stomps a mudhole in Bulldog and dances, but a monkey flip doesn't work, but a leg lariat does and he covers for 2. Clothesline by Bulldog turns the tide, but he eats boot and lands flat on the mat.....hard. Why mention this? Because this caused Bulldog to nearly break his back and completely fuck up the rest of his life, because of a trap door set up for Warrior's entrance for the War Games match. Inferno in with a knee drop gets 2. Inverted Atomic drop by Disco, but Bulldog tosses him over and out, and Anvil drapes Inferno over the security railing and beats him down and whips him right into it. Bulldog with a rear chinlock and Disco breask free but runs right into a knee. Rear chinlock again by Bulldog and, and Disco breaks free, knocking down Bulldog. Bulldog with Disco in mid air and drapes him over the 2nd rope. Anvil in and he rubs Discos face in the canvas. Anvil bites Disco in the face and this match dies as the crowd chants "we want Bret". Bulldog in with a slam, but a Anvil splash misses and Alex Wright gets the tag, and he nails a missile dropkick on Niedhart. Dropkick to Bulldog and a messed up back body drop. Bulldog looks bad, and I don't mean selling wise cause he really looks like he's injured. Double clothesline by the Dancers and Wright accidentally runs inot Inferno. Bulldog can't get Inferno up for the powerslam which means something, but he connects with it on the third try for the win at 11:53. 3/4*. It was alright but once Bulldog got hurt the match just dragged. - "Mean Gene" is with Scott Steiner who is injured because he has a band-aid on one of his biceps. J.J. Dillion doesn't buy it and forces Steiner to face his brother later on. - WCW World Champion Vs. WCW Television Champion: "Lionheart" Chris Jericho Vs. "Goldberg": Jericho does Goldbergs entrance, and gets lost for about 3 minutes, and when Goldberg finally comes out, its a midget. Feel the laughter cause this was funny in actuality. HA HA! The crowd is pissed. Goldberg is 143-0. The Real one, not the midget. Pretty big midget. They reverse armbars and Jericho with a clothesline and a suplex. "Bullshit" chant. Goldberg kicks out of the foot/pose cover. SPEAR! Big Boot by Jericho and he stomps away. Lion-tamer finishes it at 1:15. DUD but still pretty funny, but not as funny as Gillberg. Miller gives Smiley 5 seocnds - Rick Steiner interview on - Mike Tenay with with the Armstrongs, and Ernest Miller interrupts and kicks their ass. Norman Smiley gets in Millers face. - Norman Smiley Vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller: I only remember Smiley as the guy who destroyed Chavo Jr.'s stick horse, and for the big wiggle or whatever. Miller gives Smiley 5 seocnds to leave or he'll kick his ass. Is that like 3 minutes or something? Smiley attacks when he turns around and dropkicks him to the floor. Smileys wrestled in Japan & Mexico by the way. Miller with a standing side kick and he whips Smiley in the the safety railing. Kicks & Punches galore by Miller. Boring. Smiley with a back suplex and a leg drop. He drops an elbow and covers for a 2 count. Miller with an eye rake and he kicks some more. Crescent kick by Miller and a arm drag takedown. Smiley with a drop toe hold and scoop slam. Cat eats some buckles, and Smiley with a stall suplex for 2. Miller on the top rope and he nails a karate kick to the face and a spinning roudnhouse kick wins it at 5:05. 1/4* Just a common Nitro match, had no place on a PPV. - Steiner Brothers feud recap. Scott turned on Rick during a tag team match against the Outsiders and gave him a pump handle slam for good measure. He turned from old school Scott to Big Poppa Pump. Scott weasels Rick into teaming with him again, and Brian Adams comes out to kick Rick's ass and makes him part of the concrete. Buff & Scott do a parody of Rick with Buff acting like a bulldog and barking all the time. At Road Wild, Scott was too injured to compete and was literally rapped up in bandags, until it was announced the match wil ltake place at this PPV and he has a fit. This could be a money match back in 1998, but I wasn't watching WCW too much anymore. - Rick Steiner Vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner (w/ Buff Bagwell): Tenay runs down the Titles The Steiner Brothers have won as a tag team over the years. Rick's theme sounds like a rip off of Welcome to The Jungle. They pound on each oher and Rick kicks ass, and nails the Steiner line and drops an elbow and continues punching him on the mat. Scott eats more fist and he runs. Rick form behind sends him into the crowd and continues beating on him. Rick drags him back over the railing and back in the ring. Belly to Belly is blocked and Scott with SEVERAL low blows. Scott puts the boots to Rick now and tosses him outside. Steiner eats steel steps and the safety railing. Clothesline by Scott and a double underhook slam is blocked and Rick with a DDT and he chokes Buff and rams him into the post. Buff is dead on the apron. Rick continues pounding on Scott and beats him into the mat. They play the sympothy game and Buff's loaded into a ambul-ance while Rick & Scott actually get along. Bullshit chanting. This goes on for 10 MINUTES! Scott & Buff no sell everything that happend and jump out of the ambulance and beat up on Rick Steiner. Match lasted about 5:00 or so before the shit hit the floor. DUD for the nonsense. The announcers play it off like it was a real injury. - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match: Juventud Guerrera © Vs. Silver King: This better be good. Silver King with a few chops and Juvi with his own. Armbar by Juventud and he takes down Silver King. Dropkick by King sends down Juvi but hes back up. They exchange chops and punches, and Juvi with a spinning head scissors. A second one connects and Juvi with a clothesline for 2.Mid air dropkick byh King puts down Juventud. Spinning Stun gun. King is 31 and Juvi is 23, thanks a lot Mike Tenay for the information. Modified shoulderbreaker by Silver King gets 2 and a running dropkick sends out Juvi, and King with a springboard plancha. Juvi fucks up a sunset flip and King punches him. Hurricanrana works for Guerrera gets a 2. Mounted punches and a missile dropkick by th champion for 2. Standing side Kick plants Juvnetud for 2. King misses a corner splash and Juvi with a inverted hurricanrana from the top rope for 2. Small Package by King gets 2 and he follows with a snap suplex. Moonsault misses and Juvi with the Juvi driver and 450 splash for the win at 8:38. ** Underwhelming Cruiserweight match. Couldn't they put Jericho in the match and not Silver King? I guess not. - Konnan interview on Scott Hall interupts the fun. - Saturn & Raven feud package. Saturn has to be Lodi's servant up til the Fall Brawl PPV, and refuses to break Rigg's fingers. IN the long end, Raven & Kanyon "Break" Saturns fingers. Saturns loyalty runs out for The Flock and Saturn kills Kanyon because of Lodi not being in the building and breaks his fingers too. Saturn kicks the whole flocks ass on a Thunder and gives Kidman a cool belly to belly suplex over the top rope. He tries breaking Riggs arm this time. - No Disqualification Match: (If Raven wins, Saturn is his slave. If Saturn wins, The Flock is set free) Raven (w/ Lodi & Kanyon) Vs. Saturn: Kanyon is handcuffed to the ring post, which means he runs in anyway cause it ALWAYS happens. I miss Kanyon. Please heal your injuries man. Saturn was bad ass in WCW before he had to wear a skirt. Raven calls Saturn an embarrasment to The Flock. Saturn attacks but Raven stun guns him for 2. Elbow in the corner by raven to the mid-section and a running knee lift. Slaps to the chest of Saturn, but Saturn kills Raven in retaliation and nails a crescent kick and slam for 2. Inverted atomic drop and springboard elbow for 2. Saturn with a slam and big splash off the top rope for 2. Knee lift by Raven, but Saturn sends Raven flying off the apron into the railing. Suicide Dive connects on Raven and Lodi. Lodi grabs a hold of Saturn and sends him into the railing. Elbow across the chest of Saturn by Raven, and a snap-mare take over followed by a 2nd rope elbow drop for 2. Saturn reverses a sunst flip for 2 and Raven connects with a clothesline. Sleeper hold applied by Raven and the hold is broken with a jaw breaker. Raven covers for 2 even though he didn't do anything and snapmares him twice, and Saturn back with a back-slide for 2. Russian Leg Sweeps by Raven for 2. Low blow by Saturn and both men are down. Saturns up and Raven drives the shoulder into his mid-section. Drop toe hold and Saturn connects with a steel chair Raven set up prior to that connection. Hoace & Sick Boy brings out a table, Riggs & Kidman out as well. Kidman with a missile dropkick to Raven and the flock chases Kidman threw the crowd. Death Valley Driver by Saturn! Raven kicks out at 2! T-bone suplex!! Clothesline and belly o belly suplex by Saturn! Scoop slam and springboard leg drop gets 2! Michinoku Driver gets 2! Small Package by Raven gets 2. Rings of Saturn!!!! Lodi breaks the hold. Saturn low blows Raven and crotches Lodi, and theres a ref bump. Kanyon is uncuffed of course and nails the flat liner on Saturn. Raven covers, and Saturn kicks out at 2! Saturn with another low blo and he gives Lodi the Death Valley Driver form the top rope threw the table!!! Saturn back in the ring but Raven with the evenflow DDT! Saturn kicks out!!! Death Valley Driver!!!! Its over at 14:04! ***1/2. What a match. I didn't know Saturn had it in him. Crowd was just going crazy for the end, as were the commentators. Match of the Night honors so far. - Tony Sciavone makes note of "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan's succesful surgery from a tumor being removed from his kidneys the size of a football that was cancerous. - Curt Hennig & Dean Malenko video package. Highlgihts from a Steel Cage Match on Nitro. Arn Anderson makes the save for Malenko just as Hennig was going to slam the cage door on Malenkos head. Double A makes Stevie Ray his bitch in the mean time. Arn says he at first thought Malenko wasn't IV Horsemen worthy, but now, is honored to call Dean Malenko a Horsemen. - Dean Malenko Vs. Curt Hennig (w/ "Ravishing" Rick Rude): Malenko pounds on Hennig like a mad man to start the match and Hennig walks out, but Dean follows and kicks the crap out of his braced knee. It was at Fall Brawl '97 when Hennig turned on the IV Horsemen and slammed Flair's head in the cage door during War Games. Malenko stomps a mudhole in rude as well. Hennig's leg is posted and Dean continues working on it. Hennig with a big boot in the corner, but a slam is blocked and Malenko pounds on him some more. Malenko goes back to the knee with a grapevine submission hold. Hennig with some stiff chops and Malenko goes at the knee again. Hennig rakes the eyes and works on the back of Malenko. Hennig with a head sicssors stomp and it hurts himself as well. Malenko back on the knee and he drives the knee into the brace. Inverted Knee breaker by Malenko and Rude pulls Hennig to the outside. Malenko chases and nails them both, and its back in the ring. Dropkick to the knee by Malenko and a sit down splash to the same knee. Hennig screams "Jesus God" which is a new one to me. Malenko with another grapevine, and Rude helps Hennig to the ropes. Splash to the injured leg and he goes back to work. Malenko with a back suplex and Rude with a kick to the back of Dean, which is followed with a Hennig clothesline. Hennig-Plex doesn't work and Malenko with his own and Rude comes in for the DQ at 7:38. Arn Anderson comes to make the save and is nailed in the back of the neck by Curt Hennig. Hennig stomps at Arns arm to injure it for the Arm Wrestling Contest on the next Thunder. * Match was just there. Felt like a Thunder match in itself. - Halloween Havoc '98 commercial sponsered by snickers. - Konnan Vs. Scott Hall (w/ Vincent): Highlights of this match is Scott Hall drinking alcohol in between moves. This match just drags for a while and nothing notable happens. Hall goes old school with the fallaway slam and then he applies an abdominal stretch. Konnan breaks free and gets his own in but thats broken up quickly. Hall eats buckle and he lays in Konnan with a boot and clothesline. Hall with the top rope back suplex and he signals for the alcohol. Konnan is getting up and knocks the drink every wear. X-Factor by Konnan and Hall is out of it. Tequilla Sunrise and Hall taps out at 12:03. 1/4* Match was incredibly boring and was just too long. - War Games: #1 Contendership for WCW World Championship: Team nWo Hollywood ("Hollywood" Hogan, Bret "Hitman" Hart, Stevie Ray) Vs. Team nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Sting, "Total Package" Lex Luger) Vs. Team WCW (The Warrior, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page): New Rules for War Games. A lottery will decide who enters when, and the match can end at any time, so all 9 men don't have to enter before a decision. #1 is Bret "Hitman" Hart (nWo Hollywood), and #2 is Diamond Dallas Page (WCW). Hart never wore a nWo shirt when with "nWo Hollywood" to my recolection, but what does it matter. He's also the current United States Champion, so either he has no chance to win, or the WCW will set up a title for title match, which is HIGHLY unlikely, unless HHH jumped ship. Match is under way. Lockup and Bret Hart with a series of rights to the midsection. Armbar by the hitman and DDP reverses and scores a few shoulderblocks and applies a side headlock. DDP pounds on Hart in the corner, and scores a belly to belly suplex for 2. Diamond Cutter blocked and Bret slams DDP into the buckle. DDT by Hart and drops a leg. DDP eats buckle and Bret chokes on him. Foot choke in the corner by Hitman and DDP comes back with a fury of lefts and rights. Bret with a backbreaker and a headbutt to the midsection. Bret goes for a suplex but its reversed into a sort of slam for 2. Bret with an eye rake and a russian leg sweep for 2. Small Package by Bret gets 2 again. Bret gets nailed with a clothesline and #3 is Stevie Ray (nWo Hollywood). DDP with a slam for 2 and Stevie Ray stomps at DDP. Series of rights by Stevie Ray and chokes DDP down. Bret back up and he and Stevie get nailed with a clothesline by DDP. Stevie chokes DDP again and nails an inverted atomic drop and clothesline. #4 is Sting (nWo Wolfpac). Stevie Ray pounds on him and Sting cleans his clock with his cat on. Sting with a diving clothelsine from across both rings on Ray!!! Sting hammers on Stevie Ray with taped fists and kicks at his gut. Sting slams Stevie Ray's back repeatedly into the cage, and nails the scorpion splash, and a second. A 3rd misses though. #5 is Roddy Piper (WCW). He hammers everyone until Bret tries stopping him, but he eats an eye poke, then bites Stevie Ray. Sting throws Stevie Ray between the rings and leg drops him between the ropes. Piper & DDP brawl even though they represent WCW. Piper bites Sting and goes back to work on Stevie Ray. DDP & Bret go at it for a while. #6 is Lex Luger (nWo Wolfpac). Luger pounds on Stevie Ray in ring 1 and nails a diving forearm. Luger nails Bret, even though they have this "friendship" deal going on. Piper goes for luger and applies the sleeper momentarily. Bret after Luger now and Sting with a bulldog on DDP. Piper with a sleeper on Stevie Ray now. #7 is Kevin Nash (nWo Wolfpac). He pounds Piper in ring #1 and scores some knee lifts in the corner. Nash sets up Stevie for a powerbomb, as Hollywood Hogan enters at #8 prematurely. He nails Nash with smething, and Piper, knocking them both out. Luger with a torture rack on Bret Hart. Hogan nails Sting and Luger with it, then Stevie Ray takes out Bret. Everyone's out of it by Hogan & Stevie Ray. Whatever it was was a "lead slap jack". Hogan & Stevie Ray set up Nash and Hogan with a series of big leg drops. #9 is The Warrior (DUH!) and a cloud of smoke fills the ring. Hogan nails Warrior and puts the boots to him, and more smoke arrives. Warrior somehow disapeared, leaving his jacket in Hogans hands. Warrior comes back from the locker room and unloads on stevie & Hogan. Hogan to the cage and Warrior takes a beating from Stevie. Hogan leaves with the Dicyple (formerly known as Brutus Beefcake) as Warrior no sells Stevie Ray and knocks him cold with a clothesline, then sends him into the cage. Hogan runs around the ring, and Warrior busts threw the cage. Heenen calls Hogan a coward, even though he's a heel here. Warrior nails them both and he and Hogan brawl. DDP with a diamond cutter on Stevie Ray, and gets the 3 as Bret tries making the save at 20:01. *3/4. Clustered up War Games, with no real flow like the past ones. Final Analysis: Throw away PPV. Only 2 decent-good matches, and a bunch of filler matches, plus the disapointing war games match. Take a pass on this one. Maybe Halloween Havoc will be better. HA HA. Not Recommended. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kingkamala Report post Posted November 12, 2002 Good review but *3/4 for Wargames 98 is crazy, I would have given it a DUD or -* rating myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted November 13, 2002 If I werent nice I'd give it a worse rating because of the whole fiasco for the last 4-5 minutes, but damn it, DDP, Bret & Sting tried their best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted November 17, 2002 Why isn't this review ripped apart like my other one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted November 17, 2002 You got some bad criticism big deal- why are you acting like a whiny ass bitch?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 17, 2002 Decent, but still very very bland stuff here. Oh, and go back to fix the "Gene Mean" at the beginning. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted November 17, 2002 Oh, and go back to fix the "Gene Mean" at the beginning. Kotz, you DO know that's a heel Jericho-ism, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted November 17, 2002 Why isn't this review ripped apart like my other one? you should be so lucky. with the controversy from the other one (which really isn't controversial), it gave you more hits for one of your "rants" or respected "reviews" than you probably deserve. if you want this one to be ripped also, just refer to the other thread's comments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted November 17, 2002 You got some bad criticism big deal- why are you acting like a whiny ass bitch?? I'm not, just think it's odd im the only person who ever gets the "change everything you do when typing up a review" criticism. Especially since this was the first time anyone has the nerve to bitch about my style in full mode. I'm not forcing anyone to read what I post so if anyone doesn't like how I write, then don't read my stuff anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted November 17, 2002 Why isn't this review ripped apart like my other one? We didn't really "rip apart" your specific review. Really we gave suggestions on your style of writing, that of which could be given after any of your reviews, but why would we want to repeat ourselves that many times? Also, you are not the first, and the only, person to ever get criticized. I used to get criticized just as much as you are now, EXCEPT I actually listened to what people said and improved my style of writing. Hell, now when I go back and read some of my earlier stuff, I'm practically embarassed that I actually wrote it. So stop bitching and start listening to people's advice. Keep in mind, there was no hostility in the thread until you came in and refused to listen to anyone's suggestions. You know, the suggestions that came from people who write on relatively popular and large websites. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted November 17, 2002 I'm not saying I am not taking peoples advice, since I havn't done a review in a week or two now, but someone is a little obsessed with criticising me cough::goodhelmet::cough. I understand thats the point of this thread, but I don't have to hear it 10-15 times from the same person in one thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted November 17, 2002 The only reason GH repeated himself was because you got incredibly defensive in your very first reply. Anyhow, I give up. Seeing you have just completely ignored my own personal advice/experience, I now consider you to be a lost cause. I'll try not to bother you anymore with those pesky suggestions of mine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites