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Guest BoboBrazil


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Guest jester

The last Raw actually wasn't that bad, compared to the utter shyte they gave us the previous weeks. But it was far from good. The first hour was ok, but I can understand why people found other things to do. It wasn't gripping TV by far.


And BillyTheStud beat me to the line about the economy.


Linda McMahon at the next investor's call. "We blame the slow economy. For some reason, at time of low economic growth, people don't want to watch shitty wrestling backed up by storylines written by a chimp binging on ether."

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

i'm glad the company is going down in flames but this means the brand extension will end because they jus don't understand that they need to build new stars, NOT OVEREXPOSE THE STALE ACTS THEY ALREADY HAVE


so now they'll bring ON the overexposure


fuck wwe

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Guest razazteca

jester great sig


so does this mean that Raw wins the Scott Steiner sweetstakes? If the ratings do not go up to at least 3.6 in the next few weeks then changes need to be made.

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Guest AndrewTS

and they dont have a fucking holiday as an excuse! i am not in avor of some rash on-air change (ok, yes i am) but they need to get whoever is in charge of that show out of the way! 86 he road agents. faarooq and deano machino are right there waiting.  86 ross's old tired ass and lawler's perverted ass. remove hhh from any position of power. clear out the dead weight anf for heaven's sake.. Do NOT insult my intelligence agaiN!!!!!


GH I agree with you but none of that happens until the ratings go sub 2.5...


so buckle up because the shitstorm has about seven months to go...

7 months? At this pace it will be sub 2.5 by December.

He's done corpse-fucking, he's done blasphemy. He still needs to do something at Survivor Series to piss on Bret Hart's legacy to turn off a ton of Canadian viewers, he needs to squash RVD still, and then figure out some other people he hasn't yet alienated.


But to make certain, he'll probably mock smarks again soon.

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Guest snowfan

and they dont have a fucking holiday as an excuse! i am not in avor of some rash on-air change (ok, yes i am) but they need to get whoever is in charge of that show out of the way! 86 he road agents. faarooq and deano machino are right there waiting.  86 ross's old tired ass and lawler's perverted ass. remove hhh from any position of power. clear out the dead weight anf for heaven's sake.. Do NOT insult my intelligence agaiN!!!!!


GH I agree with you but none of that happens until the ratings go sub 2.5...


so buckle up because the shitstorm has about seven months to go...

7 months? At this pace it will be sub 2.5 by December.

He's done corpse-fucking, he's done blasphemy. He still needs to do something at Survivor Series to piss on Bret Hart's legacy to turn off a ton of Canadian viewers, he needs to squash RVD still, and then figure out some other people he hasn't yet alienated.


But to make certain, he'll probably mock smarks again soon.



I stand by my 7 month guess he hovered in the 3's for that long...


maybe he can get midgets to humiliate all the ex-WWE/F champs on air as a way to get the fed over...

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Guest wwF1587

Man, I dont know whether to be disappointed or point and laugh. Yeah all the young guns will be blamed... Yes this probably means HHH or what I shall refer to him as now (since he said it ::coughshootcough) "GOD." will win at the Survivor Series. But it was an improvement... and it got a even worse rating... so it could be crap. I hope Vince wakes up, and realises that the roster split has failed.... HHH is NOT the answer... but it wont happen.. well I am going to go watch my Best Of RAW tapes.. and some shows from 2001... Beniot/Austin...hmmm :)

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Guest Will Scarlet

I did not watch Raw this week. Lately, Raw has an entirely stale feel to it. From the look to the announcers to the storylines. It is like you have Triple H as this top godlike main eventer, then you have a bunch of midcarders. To me, I look at the entire card(except Triple H) the same, whether it is D-Lo Brown or Chris Nowinski or RVD. All are going nowhere, and just get constantly shuffled around without much direction. It's boring. The announcers are the same as they always were, and are boring parodies of their old selves, and the look has seemingly stayed the same for years.


One of the things I like about Smackdown is the new and refreshing feel I get from watching it. Cole and Tazz are finally gelling as announcers, the look is different, and the entire card is fighting over who should be the top guy. It's interesting to me because there is no one really there to be the designated main eventer. It allows for better growth and movement as guys like Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy can really rise up the card without much preventing them from being stuck in the midcard shuffle. It is not perfect, but it is much more enjoyable. I hope it's rating stays high.

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Guest Army Eye

As a point of reference, Nitro at the end of its run, with the company in complete disarray, hardly any of the big names still working, etc., was doing around a 2.0 every week. And that was with a 5.0+-6.0+ Raw as competition in the second hour.


And when Nitro dipped below 3.0 is when the death spiral really began.


WWE should indeed be awfully concerned.

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Guest EricMM

Do you really think JR would ever be removed from the announcers booth?


Do you ever think HHH will ever be removed from the top spot?


Do you ever think the midcard will be given another two month long storyline?


Do you think the WWE will survive the next 5 years on television?


I think all of those questions have to have the same answer, be it yes or no...

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Do you ever think the midcard will be given another two month long storyline?

I don't know. Harvard/Molly/Trish went on quite a while, into "They're STILL doing this feud?" length.



Also, I've been listening to the Anthalogy all morning, and Stephanie's song has a line of "earned my spot," which sent liquid all around the room.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

A one week dip won't be enough to convince the WWE that they need to make drastic changes to who is, and who isn't, being pushed on Raw.


Didn't Smackdown score a 3.1 two weeks ago ? (due to Halloween).


Now, if Raw pulls another 3.1-3.3 after Survivor Series, they might just start to get the point.


Still, who cares as long as Smackdown continues its strong run of shows.

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Guest midnight_burn

This news brightens my day. If the WWE wants to keep offering up shit on Raw, i hope the ratings get worse and worse until they finally decide to fix things. And if they want to ignore the problems and keep putting crap on the HHH show every Monday night, fuck em, the Raw side of the WWE can burn to the ground for all i care.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

HBK isn't much better then Triple H on Camera. HBK's promos are worst then Triple H's most weeks. Which was around the time when the ratings dropped this week.


Shawn Michaels is so God Damn boring these days. If HBK gets the title this Sunday it's going to be worst then Hogan, ratings Wise. I doubt that would happen though.



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Guest buffybeast

I honestly can't see them giving HBK the title. I mean, he's two good bumps away from being a cripple. How can they make him the champion? Unless he retires as champ the next night on RAW.

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Guest snowfan
I honestly can't see them giving HBK the title. I mean, he's two good bumps away from being a cripple. How can they make him the champion? Unless he retires as champ the next night on RAW.

Yeah JR but it'll be another way for Vince to shit on Bret...

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Guest FeArHaVoC
I honestly can't see them giving HBK the title. I mean, he's two good bumps away from being a cripple. How can they make him the champion? Unless he retires as champ the next night on RAW.

Oh No! We'll have to hear that God Awful "I Lost My Smile" Speach again and that Stupid "Farewell to HBK" Song again.


Then Triple H will beat RVd in a tournament for the title later in the night.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



They want to feature HBK vs. HHH, then they deserve it.

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Guest evilhomer
Vince: Ratings are down again??? I don't get it, I mean, we're pushing TEST. Sure it hasn't worked the past 106 times we've tried it, but look at him, he's huge and he hardly sells, plus we've given him that great new gimmick with his Testicles.... heh heh, Testicles, heh heh.... Wait, that's it, more of Test and his Testicles... heh heh, Testicles, heh heh... on next weeks show. Hurricane, Booker T, you're going to job to Test next week in a handicap match, then you're going to have to wear these Testicle... heh heh, Testicles, heh heh... caps. I'm a genius, ratings here we come.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
A one week dip won't be enough to convince the WWE that they need to make drastic changes to who is, and who isn't, being pushed on Raw.


Didn't Smackdown score a 3.1 two weeks ago ? (due to Halloween).


Now, if Raw pulls another 3.1-3.3 after Survivor Series, they might just start to get the point.


Still, who cares as long as Smackdown continues its strong run of shows.

Yes, but, to me at least, Smackdown is getting boring with the same dudes wrestling each other every week. They have the same problem Raw has, they just have more talented people so it took us longer to get bored with it.


Fo sheez,


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Guest goodhelmet
A one week dip won't be enough to convince the WWE that they need to make drastic changes to who is, and who isn't, being pushed on Raw.


Didn't Smackdown score a 3.1 two weeks ago ? (due to Halloween).


Now, if Raw pulls another 3.1-3.3 after Survivor Series, they might just start to get the point.


Still, who cares as long as Smackdown continues its strong run of shows.

Yes, but, to me at least, Smackdown is getting boring with the same dudes wrestling each other every week. They have the same problem Raw has, they just have more talented people so it took us longer to get bored with it.


Fo sheez,


speak for yourself. i am eagerly awaiting SD this week. i don't get bored by great wrestling. hell, for all of the smarks complaining about SD being stale, you won't be singing the same tune when they water down the wrestling quality to raw's level. savor the moment!!!!

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Guest humongous2002

Not even God could've saved the ratings for this sinking ship of a show called RAW IS KLIQ,LMAO, the only one who should be blame for this is Vince, he is the one that decided to make a cripple has been into a champion, he is the one responsible for putting his bimbo daughter in charge of the booking, he is the one who thinks that another cripple has been could still draw like he used to back in 96-97, he feels that all the fans want huge roided no talent wrestlers on tv, he is the one who feels that RVD, Booker, y2j ,Benoit and Eddy are not WWE champion material compared to green rookies like Lesnar and Batista . I hope you are happy Vince, you turned RAW from must see tv into must miss tv.

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Guest buffybeast
Yes, but, to me at least, Smackdown is getting boring with the same dudes wrestling each other every week. They have the same problem Raw has, they just have more talented people so it took us longer to get bored with it.

I am slowly beginning to agree with this statement. Man, do I love the holy wrestling trinity of Angle, Guerrero and Benoit. But it is starting to get boring watching them fight each other week in and week out.

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Guest humongous2002

You see guys the reason that SMACKDOWN is way better than RAW is because RAW is just a pathetic show, even an infomercial is more entertaining than RAW IS HHH.

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Guest AndrewTS
the only one who should be blame for this is Vince, he is the one that decided to make a cripple has been into a champion,

Right. And putting the title on HBK wouldn't do much good either.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Look at the lineup of the show last time Raw did this low of a rating:


December 22, 1997:

-The Headbangers defeated The Godwinns by Disqualification.

- The Undertaker defeated Intercontinental Champion, Rocky Maivia, by Disqualification.

- Marc Mero pinned Scotty Taylor (aka Scotty 2 Hotty)

-.Kurrgan pinned Eight Ball

- Ken Shamrock defeated D'Lo Brown

-.Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, to win the European Title.

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Guest snowfan
Look at the lineup of the show last time Raw did this low of a rating:


December 22, 1997:

-The Headbangers defeated The Godwinns by Disqualification.

- The Undertaker defeated Intercontinental Champion, Rocky Maivia, by Disqualification.

- Marc Mero pinned Scotty Taylor (aka Scotty 2 Hotty)

-.Kurrgan pinned Eight Ball

- Ken Shamrock defeated D'Lo Brown

-.Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, to win the European Title.

It was obviously the Rock's fault...

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-.Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, to win the European Title.

And IIRC didn't HHH win the European Title via the fingerpoke of DOOM?

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