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Guest Tony149

BreakDOWN 2002

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Guest Tony149

The following event is a presentation of the OaOast. The worldwide leader in parody E-Fed entertainment.








(Deep Voice)


a...W...o 4 ev-ev-eva!



CUE: BreakDOWN theme




Tonight, you will see six of the biggest superstars in OaOast history collide in the ring for the richest prize in parody E-Fed entertainment; the OaOast World Heavyweight Championship.


Commissioner Big Poppa Popick vs. Angle-Plex vs. Zack Malibu vs. CobainWasMurdered vs. the returning legend, Tony "The Body" vs. the OaOast World's Heavyweight Champion, the leader of the aWo...Anglesault! And, Alfdogg is the special guest enforcer.


The X-Title is also on the line. And much, much more. Plus, Jesse "The Body" Ventura's OaOast debut. This is the OaOast, and you're experiencing BreakDOWN!


CUE: BreakDOWN theme


A turkey runs across the screen, but its head gets chopped off by the OaOast Championship.


The cameras PAN around the SOLD OUT crowd at the AngleDome yelling and screamin'.








THE RING where JIM ROSS is standing by with the Chairman of the OaOast BOARD OF DIRECTORS, "COWBOY" BILL WATTS.



Welcome to the AngleDome.





And welcome to BreakDOWN! We're four days away from Thanksgiving, but tonight there's going to be a whole lot of stuffing. Before we introduce our special guest, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts has something to say. Bill?



Thank you, Jim. I want to wish all our fans a Happy Thanksgiving, as we quickly approach Christmas. Like I always do, I'll like to thank our great OaOast fans for allowing us into their homes for this great event. We hope you enjoy it.


Jim, backstage and on the internet, rumors have been running wild that a former OaOast Superstar will try to cause trouble tonight. Well, folks, I got news for ya. This buidling has been in lockdown since 12 p.m. this afternoon. F.B.I. agents, yes I said F.B.I. agents have guarded this entire arena all day. Nobody who shouldn't be here has gotten in. Although Angle-Plex is a little upset because he got probed. Hopefully are superstars feel safer as this "threat" has been taken care of.


Now let's introduce our special guest!


Crowd POPS



Ladies and gentlemen, our new color commentator has starred many Hollywood movies. He's a former Mayor, a former Navel SEAL, a former wrestler and considered to be the best color commentator of all-time. He's the current Governer of Minnesota whose term ends in a few weeks. Fans, will you please welcome the one and only...Jesse "The Body" Ventura!


CUE: "Welcome to the Jungle"


Crowd goes WILD


"The Body" comes out in a made in the U.S.A. Harley.





Jess, welcome to the OaOast.



It's been nearly 10 years since I last did color commentary, but I'm pumped up for BreakDOWN, and for the OaOast; the wrestling of the future!



Jess, the match the wrestling world is talking about happens tonight. Of course I'm talking about the 6-Pack Challenge for the OaOast Title. Any predicitons on who wins that?



It's a pick up, Ross. You got six of the best OaOast superstars battling it out for the World's Title. You got 4 former World Champions involved somehow in Anglesault, CWM, the special referee, Alfdogg, and my personal favorite, Tony "The Body". As well as the #1 contender to the title, Zack Malibu who thought he won the World's Title at Beach Brawl. I feel as though this match favors Zack Malibu. The other five men involve have issues with each other. I think they'll be paying attention too much to their guts instead of brains, allowing Zack to pick up the win. But as I said, it's a pick up. This match could go either way which makes it more exciting.



Even Angle-Plex has a chance?



We have a better chance of seeing democracy around the world than Angle-Plex winning the World Title. We have a better shot of seeing Test main eventing. We have a better shot of--



Heh. We get your point. I think that means we're a long time away from OaOast Champion, Angle-Plex.



A long, long time.



Fans, before we go to the ring for our first match, we'll like to show you something odd that happened last night at a banquet for Alfdogg.


As many of you know, Alfdogg did a anti-smoking public service announcement for the youth of the world. And last night in his hometown, he was honored by "More Warnings Make Me Want To Do It More Club". But Jess, Alf meant ALF.




The cameras pan around the ball-room where hundreds of people, celebrites including former child star Gary Coleman, media are watching


Alfdogg is shown sitting with his family.



There's Alfdogg and his family.


Now here comes the odd part, folks. The thing presenting Alfdogg the award was former TV star and everybody's favorite Alien Life Form, ALF.


ALF is shown wearing a tux



I'm here to present this award on behave of "More Warnings Make Me Want To Do It More Club" to Alfdogg for promoting anti-smoking to the youth of the world. And for stealing my name you little bastard!


ALF attacks Alfdogg



This is it, Jess. ALF attacked Alfdogg.


ALF is shown beating Alfdogg with a chair, bread, and anything else he can get his hand on



I couldn't belive it, Jim Ross. A midget alien was attacking and beating up our former World Champion. Quite frankely, I'm embrrassed.



No need to be, Jesse.


The SmarkMarks board member who used to hump his ALF doll runs-in and starts humping the real ALF



Some crazed fan comes in and starts humping ALF. That allowed Alfdogg to knock out ALF with Gary Coleman.


The SmarkMarks board member is still shown humping an unconscious ALF



That's priceless, Ross.

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Guest Tony149

The camera cuts to Bill Watts' office.



Hello. I'm here to let everyone know that both Thunderkid and Reject had special stipulations they wanted added to their match. Now, it was too tough to decide for myself which stip I wanted to choose, so I told both Thunderkid and Reject to choose representatives for themselves to have a match, and whoever's representative wins this match will have their stipulation used.


The representatives chosen: Reject has selected as his representative, the mysterious BOWSER LOGAN.


(crowd boos)


As Thunderkid's representative will be former OAOAST World Champion, Alfdogg.


(crowd pops)


This match is set to go right now, so let's HOOK 'EM UP!


(crowd pops, cut to ringside)


"Hate me now" by Nas hits as Reject makes his way out to the ring to a tremendous negative reaction.


Ladies and gentlemen, Introducing...REJECT!


(crowd boos)


*The lights go out, and the Bowser Castle theme from Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels plays. An orange spotlight shines from the ceiling and BowserLogan descends slowly from the ratfers, via invisible lowering devices.*


Representing Reject in this match...weighing 285 pounds...BOWSER LOGAN!!!


(crowd boos)


And ladies and gentlemen, if BowserLogan wins this match, tonight's matchup between Reject and Thunderkid will be...two out of three falls!



Well Jess, Reject wants a two out of three falls match tonight, and that's what he'll get should BL defeat Alfdogg in this match. However, that is certainly easier said than done.



Reject obviously wants to see if Thunderkid can hang wiht him in a marathon right here at Breakdown!


*The lights go out, and a forest green hue lights up the arena*



What the hell is going on now, Jim Ross?


*"Kick Some Ass" from Stroke 9 plays, and the crowd goes INSANE as TK and Alf make their way out with the DA shirts on.*


Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing...THUNDERKID! (crowd pops) And also making his way down the aisle, the man who will be representing Thunderkid in this matchup...weighing 240 pounds...ALFDOGG!


(crowd pops)


And Ladies and Gentlemen, if Alfdogg wins this match, then Thunderkid has chosen for tonight's match between him and Reject to be...NO HOLDS BARRED!!!



So the stipulations have been laid out, and we are set to go! The mysterious newcomer, BowserLogan takiing on Alfdogg, who says he is the greatest OAOAST champion of all time!



And in my opinion, Jim Ross, that's a very hard claim to dispute.


Alfdogg vs BowserLogan


Slugfest beings the match, then Alf grabs a side headlock. BL shoots him off the ropes, and they CRISS CROSS~! Alf stops, and BL shoulderblocks him down, but Alf nips right back up and armdrags BL out of the ring! Bl kills some time outside of the ring, but Alf follows with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~!! He then delivers fists to the forehead of BL, before tossing him back in the ring. BL catches him as he comes back in however. He sets up the IMPEACHMENT~! but Alf escapes, and attempts the BURNING HAMMER~! which is also escaped, and BL gets a clothesline which sends Alf into the MARTY JANETTY SELL~! BL follows by coming off the ropes with a splash, 1..2..no! Alf kicks out, but he is in trouble. BL follows up with a running powerslam and rolling snap suplexes, which also get a close two-count. BL then hooks the GORY SPECIAL~! BL cranks on the hold for a couple of minutes, but Alf gets his arms free and reverses to a sunset flip! 1..2..NO! BL barely sneaks out the back door on a very nice reversal. Bl however quickly gets a DDT. He then sets Alf on the top rope...Super Frankensteiner! 1..2..no! Alf is able to get a shoulder up.



Whoa! Alf wasn't very powerful on that escape! We could be seing an upset in the making right here!


BL goes for a belly-to-belly, but Alf blocks, and manages one of his own! Both me are down, as the referee counts...


















9...Alf is stirring, and covers BL! 1..2..no! BL gets a shoulder up! Alf is able to continue on the offense! Snap Suplex! T-Bone Suplex! Perfect Plex! 1..2..no! 2.99999999999999! Alf sends BL into the ropes...Spinebuster!! He tries to follow with a standing moonsault, but BL gets the knees up! He whips Alf into the corner, and catches him with a MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER~! BL goes to the top, as the crowd begins to buzz...



This is it Ross! We could have a huge upset here in the opening bout of Breakdown!


BL tries the KOOPA BOMB~! but Alf moves out of the way, and HE ascends the ropes! The crowd starts cheering in anticipation...of the FIVE STAR ALF SPLASH~! He nails it on BL! But Reject is on the apron distracting the referee! Alf gets up to confront Reject, but TK pulls him off the apron, and a brawl ensues outside the ring! Alf turns around, and has enough time to duck a BL superkick! He gets behind, and gets a DRAGON SUPLEX~! The ref is still distracted, and a second ref slides in and counts! But at the same time, the original ref gets to the count as well! 1..2..3~!!!!!



That's it! It's over!



But who's the winner, Ross??


The assinged referee raises the hand of...BOWSER LOGAN???


(crowd boos loudly)


The second referee puts the hand down, and raises the hand of Alfdogg!


(crowd pops)



What the fuck is going on?????



Hold on here, the referees are conferring...OK, let's go to our ring announcer!


Ladies and Gentleman, your attention please. Due to both Bowser Logan and Alfdogg having their shoulders on the mat, the referees have come to an agreement that this match is a DRAW~!


(mixed reaction)


And furthermore, I have just been informed via earpeice by Bill Watts, that BOTH Thunderkid and Reject's stipulations will be used in tonight's match! Therefore, tonight's match between Thunderkid and Reject will be a NO HOLDS BARRED, two-out-of-three falls match!!!





Final Result: Draw

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Guest Tony149

X-Title 3 Stages of Hell Match

The Golem vs. The Superstar



The following contest is the 3 Stages of Hell match for the X-Title!


CUE: "If I was Santa Claus"



Introducing first, the challenger, representing the In Crowd, EvenflowDDT!



That's Evenflow? What are those words on him, and why is he in new outfit? Whoever it is, theyre looking to pick up the X-Title. You think Sandman is punching holes in the wall knowing The Golem has the chance to take what Sandman belives is his championship?



Sandman's probably breaking lightbulbs over his head thinking of Golem with the X-Title. But then again, Sandman's gotta know he was responsible for this change.



You're probably right.


CUE: "Downfall"



His opponent, the OaOast X-Title Champion, The Superstar!



What a cocky young man he is.



Sometimes you gotta be cocky to get noticed. And that's what Superstar has done. Now he holds the X-Title.




Before the match even starts ten people; mae and female, wearing business suits rush the ring.



What is this?



I have no clue.


The men and women boss the referee around. The Chairman of the OaOast Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts comes into the ring.



Here's Bill. Hopefully we get some answers.


The "suits," Bill, Golem & SS are discussing something in the ring.


Bill grabs the mic, as SS looks upset.


SUIT # 1

Excuse me. We are apart of Child Protective Services, and the Superstar is under 18 years old, making him a minor. Therefore, tonight's match is not taking place.


Crowd BOOS



You people should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting a federation who allows children to get beat up in this so-called "X" matches with weapons. You people seeing this show makes him sick and shows how unmoral this world has come to.



Oh, come on.



We in the OaOast had no idea Superstar was a minor.



You did.



I'm sorry to inform you fans, due to this unexpected event, this match will not be taking place tonight.


"BULLSHIT" chant from crowd



I know how you feel, but on behalf of the OaOast, we're sorry. Therefore, I have no choice but to strip Superstar of the X-Title and award it to The Golem.









This is sick. Look at all the politics being played, Ross. It makes me wanna puke.


The "suits" take SS away.



The winner of the match by forefit, and NEW OaOast X-Title Champion, The Golem!


The ref hands TG the belt.


CUE: "If I Was Santa Claus"



What a long story this is. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of it. But Golem is the new X-Title Champion.



And it was a cheap win, too. Whenever this ordeal is cleared, Golem should give Superstar first crack at the championship. And I bet those F.B.I. agents who were supposed to be guarding the building were spying.



Let's go to these pre-recorded comments made by Big Poppa Popick earlier today.


:BPP sits alone in the IC /

Commissioner's office, a wet towel covering his head, water dripping down eerily across his nose. Aside from a small lamplight on his desk in the far corner, which barely gives enough light to see BPP's face::


::His mouth begins to move, firstly in a strange tongue, then into English::


::His eyes catch the camera's glare. Either the water has seeped into his eyes, or he has been crying. His face is tortured, betraying a sense of doom or fate::


"Nine month's we've been here. For nine months, we've toiled for the entertainment of our fans. We've been betrayed, re-united, and torn apart. Nine Months.

Nine months reminds me of something else. For most births happen around 9 months. A new beginning if you will, a chance to once again do right, to correct the wrongs. And yet, where do I find myself in nine months? Yes, I have a shot at the title. Does anyone out there think I have a chance? No, I've been written off. Over-stressed, obsessed with faith, angry at Tony, allied with a man I betrayed months ago...all these say I can't win tonight.


So, like many times before, I'm the dark horse, the outcast, the man who's come close, but hasn't ever reached the peak. Someone said I have yet to reach my potential. Let's talk about potential.


Does Agnes have potential? No. He's nothing more than a glorified lackey with a title I made great. Oh he is weak hearted, and devoid of spirit. He shall not win.

Then they ask, but what of Cobain? Cobain's a sellout, plain and simple. Again, he's there to take punishment for AngleSault because it's painfullly obvious to him and everyone he'll never make the final cut.


AngleSault? Talk about a man obsessed with power. But he has it, and two lackeys who will help him keep it. Know this though...AngleSault, you're a marked man...not a made man, well maybe you are .... a man made to lose his title tonight!


Then there's Zack...Zack is plagued by the same curse I have had. So close, yet so far. I could see him winning the gold, he was after all the #1 Contender after last month. But like me, he has had many problems to deal with. Oh how the selfless become hurt by the self.

Speaking of that, there's Tony...Tony who mistrusted me, Tony who mistrusted the fans. Tony who laid me out Monday after saying he was somewhere else! You may be "The Body" but you're no "Mind" and certaintly no "Brain". You're a has-been you old fool, and you should have stuck with managing the OaOasT. Oh but wait, you couldn't tdo that either and thats why this mess is happening now...

Then there's the question, how will Alfdogg factor in? I'm been asked, does this have anything to do with the Deadly Alliance shirts recently?


::BPP smiles and looks up, now hope on his face::


You're just going to find out for yourself.

And as for me...


::BPP says as he gets up and adjusts his gloves::


I will either win, or decide who wins. Fate has given me this opportunity. Destiny predicts that this...this is my time, for the dark horse is upon you gentleman. Revel in my personal Revelation.


::BPP stares right at the camera, and through to the audience::


For if you cast your cares upon the Lord, he shall NEVER let the righteous fall.

Shantih gentleman, Shantih.

I've made it to my dark tower


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Guest Tony149


The challenger for tonight's North American Championship match, Naz Mistry is standing by with Kevin Kelly.





Backstage Kevin Kelly stands by as Naz paces back and forth.


KK-'In a short while Naz you get your first one-on-one shot at singles gold, whats going through your mind before the biggest match of your career thus far?'


Naz-'Biggest match of my career? I don't think so! Haven't you ever seen my 'Burrito on a Pole' match against Gustavo 'El Capitan' Mendez in the Mexico City Stadium for the Mexican Wrestling Federation HeavyWeight Championship back in 1995?'


KK-'Burito on a Pole?'


Naz-'Shut your mouth!'


Naz grabs the mic and CENA BITCH SLAPS~! Kevin Kelly.


Naz-'Agnes it's real simple, you have that North American Belt, or whatever the hell it's called this month, and I want it. So either you can walk out get down on your knees and give me the title, or you can get driven out of the arena in am ambulance. What's it gonna be?'


Naz lowers the mic and smiles.


Naz-'One last thing, BPP you made my year announcing that piece of shit Caboose is coming back.




Caboose wherever the hell you are, this is your one month warning. You better show up at 'Battered, Bloody and Beaten' or I won't be held responsible for my actions.'


::Naz drops the mic and exits to the left as the camera pans to Kevin Kelly still out on the floor.::


NazMistry vs. AnglePlex ©

North American TV Title

One Fall, 15 minute time limit


Match background:

AnglePlex beat Big Poppa Popick at Doomsday to regain

the NA Title. Earlier in that month, Naz Mistry

beat Thunderkid to gain the rights to this shot at

Breakdown. AnglePlex and Naz Mistry have crossed

paths occasionally but this is the first time they

have met in signals competition.


Match line:

Most everyone is expecting aWo interference to be the

deciding factor here. Naz really hasn't been given

much of a chance by the fans.

CUE: aWo Porno. Angle-Plex, the reigning champion,

steps out from behind the stage to a massive negative

reaction from the partisan crowd. AP revels in this,

flicking snot from his nose to the fans ringside. He

even takes time to spit on a baby.



What an asshole.






He spat on a baby!



He didn't spit on a baby. He was giving it a bath.



Come on.


CUE: Chop Suey. Naz Mistry, the challenger enters the

arena to a nice pop. Behind him, the stage lights up

in sparkles. Naz hops down the ring ala Mysterio.


Naz and GM start by walking around each other. Naz and AP meet in the meet for some LUCHADORE MADNESS. Lock-up, handstand flip by Naz, he limbos out of clothesline attempt, standing hurricanrana takedown! AP hits a circular kick to Naz's ankle, Naz falls down and AP gets in a front facelock. Naz spins out, CROSSFACE! AP rolls to his left…sleeper! Naz flips up and over back-facelock! AP starts to use leverage to stand up, flipping up and over to pull Naz into a suplex. At its Zenith, Naz reverses the momentum….Vertical snap suplex onto Angle-Plex! Naz Stands up, having won the first exchange. The crowd cheers!


Angle-Plex gets up and charges into Naz, but Naz is smart and dodges…drop toe-hold onto the 2nd turnbuckle. Naz with his own German suplex! Naz heads up top…and takes too much time. Angle-Plex with a running belly-belly from the top rope! Both men are laid on the mat.


Angle-Plex is the first up, and grabs Naz Mistry from behind locking Naz into a german position. German Suplex! Angle-Plex hangs on, then twists around. He sets up for an Angle-Plex…As he hooks the leg..Naz twists, kick to the temple of Angle-Plex…This could be it…

MYSTIFIER to Angle-Plex!!! AP is down and out. Naz grabs the referee and tries to bring him over, but the crowd begins to boo! Naz turns around too late, and gets blasted by a interfering CWM and associated aWosledgehammer shot!

CWM's sledgehammer blow and PollyCutter have done the

the damage on Naz. He lies crumpled on the mat, his

Head awash on a sea of red.

CWM pulls AnglePlex over, still stunned by the Mystifier.


AP crawls on top of Naz, and CWM revives the referee.

The hand falls once, as the crowd boos.


The hand falls twice, and trash is thrown into the ring.


The hands falls thrice, but then its called off! Naz got

A part of his choulder up at the last second. The crowd

Cheers as CWM hits the ref, going to pick up Naz for another


PollyCutter, CWM drags Naz up, locks in a side headlock and starts the PollyCutter motion. As he turns around, he comes face to face with Greenmist! BURNING RED MIST! Standing SuperKick! CWM is taken out of the ring!

Naz falls back down on top of Angle-Plex. The crowd counts along until 5 before the referee finally notices the cover. One…two…AnglePlex gets his shoulder up!

Naz crawls over to the turnbuckle, and pulls himself up to the top. Motioning to the crowd, he looks to hit Angle-Plex again with something. AP is slowly building to a vertical base, his expression on of clouded unawareness. AP turns around. TOP ROPE MYSTRYCANRANA!!! NO!!! IT's caught. MODIFIED ANGLE CLASH *Styles Clash*!!! AP rolls into the pin…1…2…3!!!!





The winner of the match in 12:13, via ANGLE CLASH, and still North American Champion, Angle-Plex!

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Guest Tony149


Michael Cole is backstage with Zack Malibu.



The pissed off prep. I love that name.


We go backstage here at Breakdown, to Michael Cole, who's standing by with the self-proclaimed "Pissed Off Prep", Zack Malibu.


MC: "Zack, the last few weeks have been incredibly tough for you. You've watched your friends suffer, you've watched the aWo take things to the next level. Tonight, you get your shot at redemption, your shot at the World Title, in the Six Pack Challenge match."


ZM: "MC, you hit the nail right on the head. Tonight, it's not just about the title. Winning that belt is all well and good, and it's something that I've longed for ever since my debut here in the OAOAST. Tonight, things are a little different. Tonight I'm stepping into the ring with five other guys...you've got four of the best, and then you have Agnes, but that's a whole other story. What tonight is, it's time for revenge. For vengeance. For redemption. I watched Evenflow suffer greatly. I watched BifEverchad get taken out, knocked upside the head, out of the picture. And just a few weeks ago, I damn near witnessed certain death, as that cage, that cell, collapsed under BPP and Tony. Now tonight, that belt is on the line. That's the icing on the cake. If I have to go through my friends to get there, then no hard feelings guys, but it's just something that needs to be done. However, business before pleasure, and I will take care of business, and I will take you out CWM. I WILL take you out, Agnes. And AS, oh yeah, there's a bullet in the chamber, and it's got your name on it. Zack Malibu's locked, loaded, and ready to fire at will. Tonight aWo is gonna have a new meaning, it's gonna stand for All...Wiped...Out!"


Zack brushes past MC, and goes to prepare for the upcoming bout.   



Back to you, Jim.



Thank you, Michael. Tony "The Body" is standing by in the back. Tony, thank you for your time. How do you explain your actions last week on the Intense Zone? And what are your thoughts going into the 6-Pack Challenge?



Last week was just that...last week. As far as i'm concerned, Big Poppa Popick is only looking out for himself. He isn't a team player. He has a hard-on for me, and wishes he was half as good as myself. All he does know is say things that nobody understands.


Now let's talk about tonight's 6-Pack Challenge match. I'm telling you right now, I'm walking out with the OaOast Title. Nobody, and I mean nobody is going to stop me from winning that title. The man always beats the boy. And in the 6-Pack Challenge, I'm the man. Be prepared for an ass-kicking not even Hollwood could stand, boys.

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Guest Tony149


Fans, due to the events with Superstar, we've added a special bonus match for the OaOast Tag Team Titles between the Miracle Weirdness Connection against El Dandy, and a newcomer to the OaOast, Spider-Poet. We're going to boadcast this as a "Sounds of the Ring" feature, as we take care of some minor audio trouble we're experiencing. Enjoy.


OAOAST World Tag Team Titles

The Miracle Weirdness Connection, Mystery Eskimo & JINGUS vs Spider-poet and EL DANDY~!



Introducing first, the challengers, Spider-Poet & El Dandy!


"Short Stories With Tragic Endings" plays as the arena darkens to signal the debut of the "Spectacular" Spider-poet in an OAOAST ring. SP walks out to a good reaction, as the music changes abruptly into "Hells Bells" as a pyro welcomes EL DANDY~! Dandy runs out, catching up with SP and the challengers slide into the ring together, both climbing a corner and saluting the crowd. El Dandy has had huge success in his early days in the OAOAST, last week scoring a huge upset with a pinfall victory over the Superstar. Not much is known yet about the Spider-poet, but he has an immediate chance to make an impact by capturing tag gold tonight.



Their opponents, the OaOast Tag Team Champions, JINGUS & the Masked Mystery Eskimo!


"Ice Ice Baby" plays, but there is no sign of Eskimo or JINGUS. Dandy and SP face the ailse and shrug to each other, not seeing the champions run out of the crowd. ME and JINGUS attack from behind, JINGUS throws Dandy out of the ring and Eskimo puts the boots to SP. JINGUS drops an elbow to the throat of ED which Eskimo follows with a knee drop. JINGUS gets out the ring and Eskimo covers for 2.

ME gets a pair of german suplexes on Dandy for another 2 count. Eskimo grabs a headlock as Dandy gets to his feet but Dandy pushes him off onto the ropes. Eskimo tries for a Penguin Kick but Dandy ducks and nails Eskimo with a Yakuza kick that gets 2. Dandy tags in Spider-poet and the challengers get stereo drop kicks on ME for a 2 count. Poet looks for a DDT, Eskimo pushes him off and goes for a Blizzard Bomb but SP escapes and gets the DDT for a 2. SP goes up top but JINGUS just runs round the apron and pushes him off. Eskimo rolls over and tags in JINGUS, who begins to dismantle SP with a hail of forarms.


The Devilman picks up SP and laughs in his face, before hitting a powerslam. JINGUS strolls over and punches El Dandy in the head on the apron. Dandy leaps into the ring but straight into the arms of the ref who pushes him back, allowing Eskimo into the ring. ME gets a KillerWhalePlex on SP and as he holds Poet in the pinning position JINGUS hits a leg drop onto the head of Poet! Eskimo jumps out of the ring and JINGUS covers, but Dandy springboards back into the ring to break up the pin.

JINGUS tries to clothesline Dandy but he ducks and starts slugging away at the monster. Eskimo runs back in and bulldogs Dandy, then throws him out of the ring. JINGUS tries for the cover on Poet again but he kicks out at 2. JINGUS signals for the DEVILBOMB but Poet escapes and gets a flying elbow that rocks the big man, followed by a rana that gets 2 before Eskimo breaks up the count. SP tags in Dandy who waits for JINGUS to get up. As JINGUS rises onto a knee ED hits a shining wizard for a 2 count. Dandy gets the El Dandina for another 2, and tries for the EL DANDYNATOR, but JINGUS won't be moved and headbutts ED to the mat.

JINGUS tags in Eskimo but ED is back up and he and Eskimo start slugging it out. Eskimo chops the chest of Dandy, but ED comes back and gets a suplex and his Power Drive Elbow and a 2 count. The tag, and SP comes in with a belly to back suplex for 2 more, but as SP pulls Eskimo up ME hits a low blow and then gets a reverse Falcon Arrow for a 2 count. Eskimo goes up top and hits the Flying Icicle Headbutt. Both men are KO'd, and the crowd starts to pop for SP to make the tag first. SP crawls over but JINGUS walks around the ring and pulls El Dandy down off the apron...HELLBUSTER on the floor!


The ref gets out and checks on Dandy and JINGUS tries to attack again. In the ring, both men are up. Eskimo swings, misses, and SP hits a superkick. Eskimo lands in the corner and Poet runs up top and hits the Spidahsault! one, two, three but the ref is still on the outside. JINGUS distracts him to stop the ref seeing the cover.

SP sees this, breaks the cover, runs across the ring and planchas out onto JINGUS, sending both men into the guard rail. All 4 men are down and the ref looks confused as to what to do. JINGUS is up first and rolls back into the ring as the ref starts a count on the challengers, but both men drag themselves up and jump back into the ring at 8. JINGUS goes straight for Poet and slams him OUT of the ring as Dandy gets a belly to belly on Eskimo. Dandy turns and sees JINGUS coming at him, ducks and pulls down the top rope, back body dropping JINGUS back out of the ring, but Eskimo school boys Dandy and gets his feet on the ropes, 1, 2, 3!





The winners in 10.20 and still OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, Mystery Eskimo & JINGUS!

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Guest Tony149

Reject vs Thunderkid

Two out of Three Falls, No Holds Barred


"Hate me now" by Nas hits and Reject strolls out to the ring.


The following contest is scheduled for the best two out of three falls, and it is also NO HOLDS BARRED! Introducing first, from New York City, weighing 220 pounds...REJECT!


(crowd boos loudly, prompting Reject to make lewd gestures)



Here comes Reject, who will come at TK with a VERY UNORTHODOX STYLE~!



Well you can say that, Jim Ross, but that UNORTHODOX STYLE~! has put him on a roll in recent weeks here in the OAOAST.


"God of Thunder" hits as the lights go out, and TK makes his way to the ring in the DA shirt, to blue and yellow strobes.


His opponent, weighing 235 pounds...THUNDERKID!


(crowd pops)



Reject turned on his partner weeks ago as you know Jess. He was upset that TK was getting numerous singles opporunities that were never coming his way, and if it wasn't for Reject, TK could very well have been in Naz Mistry's spot against Angle-Plex tonight. Thunderkid of course, never got his shot at the OAOMEF World title that he earned by pinning Angle-Plex in a tag match, where Reject was his partner. I talked to Alfdogg prior to this show, and he said that this team could have been the best in wrestling history. Not just OAOAST history, but WRESTLING history.



Well, I could buy that, Alf certainly knows his stuff not only as a singles but also as a tag wrestler, he was once partners with BPP in the ORIGINAL Deadly Alliance stable, and that team was very close to winning the tag team titles on a few occasions.


First fall


*bell rings*


TK and Reject immediately begin to slug it out! TK takes advantage, but Reject goes to the eyes, then immediately goes for THE REJECTION~! but TK avoids it and gets a gutwrench powerbomb, 1..2..no! Reject manages to kick out. TK stays on the offense, getting a snao suplex, then he comes off the top with a legdrop! 1..2..no, Reject still manages to kicik out despite the blistering fast assault!



Reject showing some real intestinal fortitude here, Jess!


TK then sets up the THUNDERBOLT DDT~! but Reject counters into a Northern Lights Suples for a two count of his own! Criss-cross sequence ends with TK catching a stiff spinning heel kick from Reject and going down like he'd been shot.



Ooo, TK could have a broken nose right here, Ross.


Reject gets a CORKSCREW MOONSAULT~! and a SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT~! which come so fast you miss them both with one blink! Cover only gets two however. Reject goes for a tombstone piledriver...but TK reverses! He holds him for a while...but Reject re-reverses, and drives TK's head straight into the mat! 1..2..no! TK gets out again! Frustrated, Reject goes to the outside, and grabs a STEEL TRASHCAN~!



All right, the first weapon has been brought into play!


Reject goes for a PEARL RIVER PLUNGE~! on the trash can, but TK counters into a rana, taking him away from the can! TK quickly grabs Reject, and sets him up by the can...ORANGE CRUSH ON THE CAN~! 1..2..3!!!



He got the three count! Thunderkid has won the first fall!


The winner of the first fall...THUNDERKID!


(crowd pops)


Second fall


Reject manages to toss TK the trash can, and deliver the REJECTION~! into it! Unfortunately for Reject, however, TK isn taken right out the ring by it, and can not be pinned. Reject follows TK out to the ring, and grabs a LADDER~! and lays it on top of TK! He gets back in the ring, and delivers a ROLLING THUNDER, over the top rope and onto the ladder and TK! Reject reaches under the ring once again...and graps a SPOOL OF BARBED WIRE!!!



Oh God, I don't...what the hell is he gonna do with that?


Reject takes the spool and the ladder in the ring, then WRAPS THE LADDER UP IN THE BARBED WIRE, and sets it in the corner! The corwd begins to buzz, and as predicted, Reject whips TK into the ladder! TK writhes in pain on the mat, but Reject isn't done with the assault. He then goes to the top!



Reject's got to watch himself here, with that barbed wire, he could hurt himself jus as much as as TK!


Reject simply kicks the ladder down onto TK's forhead, busting him wide open! Reject gets balanced on the top rope, then removes his shirt and wraps it around his arm!



Oh no...you don't think...


Reject then DROPS THE ELBOW ONTO THE LADDER, WHICH IS STILL SITTING ON TK'S HEAD!!! JR nearly has a seizure as the crowd chants "HOLY SHIT~!" However, despite having the shirt wrapped around his arm, Reject still suffered tremendous pain from the move, and thus cannot cover.



I'll tell you something Jim Ross, this is one hell of a break that Thunderkid is catching here, Reject is in too much pain to make the cover!


Reject then grabs a table from ringside, and lights it on fire! He sets up a powerbomb, but TK manages to BACKDROP Reject through the flaming table!



TK able to buy himself some more time with that move!


TK stirs, then grabs another table. He sets Reject on top of the table, then climbs the top rope! He takes time to pose, which allows Reject to recover, and deliver THE LETHAL REJECTION THROUGH THE TABLE~! 1..2..3!!!



That was quite possibly the most vicious segment I've ever seen in a two out of three falls match, Ross. But I shouldn't have expected any less from these two.


The winner of the second fall, evening this bout at one fall a peice...REJECT!!!


(crowd gives a "respect" pop)



And the crowd showing a lot of class, Reject obviously not one of the most popular guys around these parts, but they certainly respected his gutsiness in this fall.


Third Fall


Reject recovers first, and puts on the Lasso from El Paso!



Reject with the Lasso from El Paso, the submission specialty of Eddy Guerrero, also a variation of Sandman9000's H8 Lock.


Tk is able to make the ropes, and uses them to reverse the hold! TK locks in the Queen Angelito Stretch! He rolls it over into a pinning combination! 1..2..NO! Very close call as Reject just does get free! The two men doubl clothesline each other! They stay down for a few seconds, then grab weapons...Reject gets an enormous lead pipe, while TK get his SLEDGE, wrapped in RAZOR WIRE tonight, instead of the usual barbed wire!



Now Ross, I know it's No Holds Barred, but this is FUCKING RAZOR WIRE! You can cut yourself jsut barely TOUCHING this shit, imagine what would happen should TK take a full dead swing at him!



Imagine what would happen if someone wrapped a ladder in barbed wire and dropped it on your forehead, then dropped an elbow from the top rope! Oh wait that happened didn't it?



Don't you get smart with me Jim Ross! I'll smack your fat, ice faced ass right out of that double wide chair you're sitting in!


Both men swing their weapons at the same time, and the weapons connect! Reject is able to move in and kick TK low, then raises the lead pipe...and stops. He sees TK's weapon, and grabs it. A big swing misses, allowing TK to hit the THUNDERBOLT DDT ON THE BARBED WIRE LADDER~!!! 1..2..NO!! Reject's foot is on the rope! TK picks up Reject, and goes for a T-Bone Suplex, but Reject manages to land on his feet, and gets a GERMAN SUPLEX!! 1..2..3!!!






Are you sure, Ross?


And sure enough, the second referee is back, and we have another double pin.



Aw fuck, not THIS debate again.


Ladiies and gentleman, your attention please. The referres have come to an agreement that this match will have a FOURTH fall, to ensure a definite winner!


Upon hearing this, Reject sneakily grabs the RAZOR WIRE SLEDGE...but TK sees him coming, and mule kicks him in the gut! He then nails him in the back of the head with the sledge! But TK isn't done! He sets Reject up in the corner...



What the fuck is he doing now?


TK carefully sets the sledge in front of Reject.



Oh my GOD. I hope he isn't about to do what I think.


TK scales the far corner and gives a sign to the crowd, before delivering THE VAN-TERMINATOR WITH THE RAZOR WIRE SLEDGE INTO REJECT'S FACE!!! TK hooks the leg...1...2...3!!!!!





The winner of this contest...THUNDERKID!!!


(the crowd pops EN?ORMOUS, then continues to give a standing O for both men, who lay bloodied, battered and beaten in the middle of the ring.)





Our next great pay-per-view event is in the month of December. We call it "Bloody, Battered & Beaten." Take a look at this.






Dashing to the ring

Walking down the ramp

Thru the ropes we go

Pissed off all the way

The referee rings the bell

Causing fans to pop

What fun it is to watch

Seeing OaOast Superstars kick each others ass


Oh, Bloody, Battered & Beaten,

the aWo suck

Superstar shaves him legs

Sandman makes him his slave

Popick can't get laid

J.R. & Jesse "The Body" on play-by-play

The In Crowd make you drool

An out of body experience

It all happens Sunday, December 29th

Bloody, Battered & Beaten

Live and only on pay-per-view



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Guest Tony149

OaOast Title 6-Pack Challenge Match: Special Referee, Alfdogg

CWM vs. Zack Malibu vs. AP vs. BPP vs. Tony "The Body" vs. Anglesault



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall and is for the OaOast Championship!





The Chairman of the OaOast Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts has set the following stipulations for the 6-Pack Challenge.


Graphics appear on-screen that reads:




1. The "Outlaw" rule is in effect. If two aWo members are tag during the match, the two must make contact and can't lay down for each other. If they do, they will be ejected from the contest.


2. Pin-fall or Submissions are the only way to win.


CUE: "Smells Like Teen Spirt"



Introducing first, from Canada, representing the aWo -- CWM~!




CWM throws the FINGER to the crowd to huge heel heat



Jess, do you think the Champion has made a plan where CWM & AP are just supposed to make sure AS walks out with the title?



I wouldn't rule it out, but the competition level in this match is so great, I wouldn't be surprised if CWM & AP are only there to make it easy for the World Heavyweight Champion.





CUE: "Die Another Day"



His opponent, representing the In Crowd, "The American Idol," Zack Malibu!


Zack appears on the ramp as the crowd CHEERS


BLUE SPOTLIGHT on Zack, GOLD PYRO shoot off the sides of the ramp



Last week on the Intense Zone, Zack pinned the World's Champion, Anglesault.



I question the way it was done, but Zack Morris--



Zack Malibu.



It don't matter. His win over AS could still be stuck in the mind of the Champion. It ain't never fun losing, Ross. I tell ya that.




aWo appears on the AngleTron


CUE: "You're The Best"




Their opponents, representing the aWo, from Boston, Angle-Plex!





You don't think AP has a chance do you?



Not at all. The guy's from Boston, Jim Ross! Boston! Nobody from Boston has ever won a major championship. The only thing that ever won anything major from that state were the Kennedys, and they were messed up.



Those editoral remarks do not represent the views of the OaOast.



At least I'm not telling Tiger Woods to boycott a tournament until they let a woman in. If that happens, I want in the womens restrooms.


CUE: "Aww Naw"



Their opponents, from Atlanta, Georgia, the Commissioner of the OaOast, Big Poppa Popick!





Some have said this man has more wit in his tonuge than a lesbian orgy, but I call him our Commissioner. Big Poppa Popick has had some run-ins with the man who reminds YOU of YOU, Tony "The Body".



BPP should lay off Tony. I think it's clear BPP hates Tony because he isn't as good looking, smart, and doesn't get roles in Hollywood. You know Tony is a director, writer, producer?



Yes I do.



They even named that Broadway award show after him "The Tony's".


CUE: "Simply Ravishing"


CROWD goes CRAZY while some can be hearing BOOING



From San Antonio, Texas, Tony "The Body"!



My God, what a reaction! Some boos, but I never heard anything like this before.





Tony grabs the mic.



Listen to this. I love this part. He's taken part of his entrance as a tribute to the late "Ravishing" Rick Rude. I'm sure Rick's in his grave smiling.



Cut the music.





What I'd like to have right now, is for all my millions of fans; short, fat, tall and skinny, to keep the noise down as I take my robe off, and show all the amateurs in the ring and in the back, what your new OaOast World Heavyweight Champion looks like. Hit the music.


CUE: "Simply Ravishing"


Tony does the old Rick Rude hip shaking motion.



Look at this. Look at this, Ross. The females in the crowd are having an orgasm, while the men drool and wish they had a body like "The Body." Tony makes me so proud I could cry.




CUE: "How You Remind Me"


Red "a," blue "b," white "o" appear on the ramp, as PYRO shoots off



And their opponent, representing the aWo, the OaOast Champion, Anglesault!





The World Heavyweight Champion making his way to the ring with what could be the last time with that championship.




CUE: "The Wall"



Introducing the special guest referee, Alfdogg!




Alf comes out and strikes the Kurt Angle arm's up pose as red, orange, and green pyro shoot out behind him



Do you think Alf will make a good referee?



He ain't going to be refereeing the whole match. He's basically an enforcer whose job is supposed to keep things in check. Jack Doan is going to ref the match.

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Guest Tony149



Tony & CWM quickly start things off, CWM charges towards Tony but he moves out of the way. Tony starts leveling CWM with right hands in the corner. CWM is irish-whipped towards the other corner, the impact sends CWM back towards Tony who nailes him with a powerful CLOTHESLINE. Tony stomps and punches a fallen CWM. The referee warns Tony to let CWM out of the corner. Tony shrugs the ref off allowing CWM to hit him with a RUNNING CLOTHESLINE.



Tony paying too much attention to referee Jack Doan.


CWM tags AS who kicks Tony whose still laying on the mat, right hands by the Champion leaving the OaOast Legend stunned. AS is still punching Tony, then punches BPP whose standing on the apron.



That's uncalled for.



Ross, I heard Popick call AS's mom names. AS was just defending her right.



Yeah, right.


AS tries to irish-whip Tony but he reverses it sending AS towards the ropes. AS ducks a clothesline, but Tony catches him and delivers a stun-gun on the ropes. 1-2...AS kicks out! Tony hits AS with a hard right, then blows on his hand but BPP tags himself in by tagging Tony. Tony tells BPP to "hold on," as "The Body" delivers a right hand to the Champion's face sending him straight to the mat.


BPP comes in and punches AS, once again sending the Champ to the ground.



Those are close fists. The ref needs to get in there and make Popick open his fist.


BPP grabs AS by the neck lifting him to the air choking him, as the referee tells him to break it. 1-2-3-4...BPP slams AS down to the mat. BPP bodyslams the Champion then goes for a elbow but AS moves out of the way. AS takes the advantage and starts punching BPP. Irish-whip is reversed by BPP who catches AS with a POWERSLAM. BPP nails AP whose standing on the apron.



What is that?! Ross, you jump all over Anglesault for doing the exact thing but not BPP! What gives?



AS was calling BPP's mom names.



Don't you dare mock me, Ross.

BPP goes to the top rope, but AP shoves him off. AS tags in Zack Malibu.



Zack will be coming in for the first time tonight.


Zack comes into the ring jumped up. AS throws a right at Zack, knocking him down. Zack quickly gets up a.k.a. no sells the punch and starts throwing punches of his own to AS who falls back into the corner. Zack hits AS with a CLOTHESLINE in the corner then turns around and gets nailed by a BPP CLOTHESLINE. BPP goes for the cover but only gets a one count.



A little too early for pins if you ask me.



It's a smart move. They're trying to get a quick pin.


BPP irish-whips Zack towards the ropes, BPP ducks his head but Zack kicks him in the shoulder. Zack blocks a right from BPP then hits him with rights and lefts of his own. Zack gets BPP in the gut two times, then charges to the ropes and kicks BPP again. Zack tries to do it again but AP tags himself in. AP comes in and kicks BPP in the stomach followed by huge fore arm shots to the head sending BPP down to one knee -- elbow to the back of the head. BPP punches AP a few times -- irish-whip by BPP is reversed by AP into an ANGLE-PLEX!



Oh, the Angle-Plex. 1-2-NO! BPP kicked out at two.



AP almost had him, and nearly made me look like a fool. He still ain't winnning.

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Guest Tony149

AP talks trash to Tony, then nails BPP with another elbow to the back of the head. BPP ducks a clothesline then hits one of his own rocking the greatest jobber in the history of the OaOast to the corner where CWM tags himself in. BPP dropkicks AP who falls outside, this allows CWM to clip BPP from behind.



What a cheap shot. If this were the NFL he would of been flagged.



But this ain't the NFL. The NFL is for high paid ego-manics. The XFL let this stuff go all the time.



The XFL isn't around anymore.



I know and I'm mad about it because I don't receive a check from Vince.


CWM irish-whips BPP to the ropes, but BPP reverses it into a FACING FULL NELSON CHOKEBOMB! AP runs-in and hits BPP with a big boot to the face sending the Commish to the corner allowing the OaOast own "American Idol" Zack Malibu to make the tag. While on the other corner, CWM tags AP, allowing him into the match. Zack nails AP with punches to the face, but AP counters with a huge fore-arm shot to the jaw, sending one of Zack's TEETH flying into the air, while Zack falls back into the corner where CWM is standing.



He won't be looking so pretty for Kelly now, Ross.



"The Body" digging up "Saved By the Bell" references. I'm too old to understand -- I'm from Oklahoma you know.


CWM starts choking Zack with the TAG ROPE in the corner, as AP is distracting the referee. AP tags in CWM, who quickly tags in Tony "The Body". Tony goes right after CWM by hitting him with a right hand sending CWM into AS's corner. In the speed of light, AS jump off the apron, avoiding any tag that might occur.



The Champion is running away.



Not at all. This match is like war, Jim Ross. You gotta time your offense attacks.


Tony pounds CWM's head into the top turnbuckle, but CWM responds with a mule-kick low blow, sending Tony down. CWM kicks a winded "Body" on the mat. DVD by CWM, who then tags in Zack. Zack seems a little uneasy about facing the OaOast Legend. Zack walks around Tony, then tags in BPP.



What is that? He just broked the "outlaw" rule.



That rule is only for the aWo. You know they would of tried it.



This is politics at its worse, Jim Ross. I bet Popick & Watts spent all night thinking of ways to screw the aWo.



I seriously doubt that.


BPP comes into the ring but is quickly meant by right hands. Irish-whip reversed into a Tombstone piledriver position which Tony manages to reverse into a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP. 1-2-BPP kicks out at two. Tony throws a few more punches at BPP the bounces off the rope, but BPP nails SIDEWALK SLAM. BPP picks up Tony and goes for a clothesline. Tony ducks and sends a knee right into the gut of the Commissioner. Tony grabs BPP then rams his head into Zack's boot. Tony tags in Zack.



Nice little team work from Zack & Tony.


Zack comes in and fires off a couple of punches to BPP, before irish-whipping BPP to the ropes. BPP ducks a clothesline and goes for a German Suplex, but Zack hits a low blow.




Piledriver by Zack only gets two. BPP tags in AS who sends Zack outside with a right hand. Zack grabs AS's foot and drags him underneath the ropes. Outside, Zack sends AS face first into the STEEEL STEPS. AS climbs onto the ramp and wanders around like HHH after a dose of steroids. AS gets BODYSLAMMED onto the ramp, followed by a suplex which is reveresed by AS into one of his own. Both men are down and in pain.



Folks, that ramp is only covered with a thin layer of carpet. It ain't going to give.


Tony charges into the screen and hits AS with a RUNNING CLOTHESLINE. Tony ranks AS's eyes into the laces of his boots. Tony grabs AS's legs, spreads them WIDE OPEN, then punches him right in his M & M's. Tony turns around and gets nailed with a right from CWM. BPP & AP are also fighting on the ramp.



Before the low blow, AS must of felt at home having his legs spread. I hear every time Bradshaw's in town AS does that.



I'm sure they're just playing.


Alfdogg takes away JR's headset



Oh, yeah. Bradshaw puts the footBALL into AS's endzone all the time.



HA. You know, Jim, I gotta hand it to Alf. So far he's done his job and hasn't done anything stupid. He's letting them fight.

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Guest Tony149

AS tries to throw Zack into the STEEEL STEPS and sends AS back first into the steps. Tony, CWM, BPP & AP are shown fighting near the broadcast booth, as Zack picks up the steel steps and SLAMS it on AS's back. Zack gets a huge pop from the crowd for that. Zack then picks up AS and delivers a PILEDRIVER on the STEEL STEPS.



Good grief! The Champion of the World might be out cold.


CWM attcks Zack from behind and tosses him back into the ring. Zack is being drilled in the corner by right hands from CWM. BPP is shown throwing Tony into another set of steel steps outside the ring. Back in the ring, CWM tries to irish-whip Zack into the other corner, but Zack reverses it and sends CWM into the corner, who takes a nasty bump almost like the "FLAIR FLOP" but he lands on the back of his head. After being kicked, Zack picks up CWM and calls for Tony to get in the ring, but "The Body" is just getting up after being slammed into the steel steps.


Zack tags Tony. "The Body" looks surprised that Zack tagged him but he still accepts it. Right hand sends CWM falling back into the top left hand corner. AP charges towards Tony, but he moves and AP crashes into CWM. AS then tries to attack Tony, but once again he moves, and AS lands right into AP & CWM.


Your favorite OaOast Superstar has fooled the aWo, Jess.



And I love it, Jim Ross. Anybody who thinks that highly of me has to be smart.


Tony irish-whips AS towards the far right hand corner of the ring. Then he sends AP on the ropes in the middle of the ring on the left side just a few feet away from CWM. Tony walks right to the middle of the ring and shouts "149".



He's going to debut it. The (149).


Tony runs towards the top left hand corner where CWM is at and delivers a big splash (Stinger Splash) which is for 1. Then dropkicks AP over the top rope which is for the 4. Then hits a big splash on AS on the lower right hand corner to finish off the (149).


Zack comes in the ring and taps Tony on the shoulder. Tony turns around and Zack gives him a big thumbs up, as the crowd laughs. Tony looks stunned but he nods his head to Zack, who then raises his arms in victory as "The Body" approved of him.



HA. The so-called "cool guy" needed to have "The Body" approve him. What a loser.


Tony punches and kicks CWM on the mat, followed by a tag to AP.



Here it comes, JR.



They must go at it or they'll be ejected from the match.


CWM whose on the mat and doesn't know AP's been tagged in, tags BPP.



Are they going to be ejected?



I think not. CWM didn't know AP was tagged in since he had his back turned after the beating Tony was gave him. The ref made a judgement call that CWM didn't intend to get out quick. A good call in my view.


AP thumbs BPP in the eye, followed by a suplex. AP starts talking trash again to Tony, but an egg thrown from the crowd hits AP in the heat.



Who brings an egg to a wrestling match?



I don't know but AP is an egghead.



What a bad joke, Ross.


BPP takes advantage of AP's egghead and starts hammering him with rights into the corner. BPP tags in Zack, who continues what BPP was doing by hammering away on AP. AP shoves Zack down, then whips him into the ropes and hits a back elbow. Zack swings at AP, but AP catches his arm and applies THE CROSSFACE! Tony breaks it up, and AP is pissed. AP throws a right, but Tony blocks it and hits AP with one of his own. Zack tags Tony.



Tony probably saved Zack there.



I agree. There hasn't been many pins attempted since the start of the match, so their bodies are starting to get tired.


Tony bounces off the ropes and hits a RUNNING CLOTHESLINE on AP. 1-2-NO! AS breaks up the pin. AS picks Tony up and throws him outside. As AS reaches him by the broadcast booth, Tony kicks AS and SLAMS his head on to the announce table. Tony & AS exchange rights until "The Body" rakes AS in the eyes.

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Guest Tony149


I love a guy whose willing to break the rules every now and then.



I'm sure you do. Tony & 'Sault are back in the ring.


Tony tags in BPP, who attacks AS with punches and kicks until AS tags in Zack. BPP goes right for Zack, irish-whips him to the ropes, and BPP once again puts his head down. This time Zack hits him with a DDT. Zack picks BPP up -- BPP stuns Zack with a right hand, allowing him enough time to hit the FALLEN ANGEL on Zack.



One, two, no! Angle-Plex broked up the count.


AP throws BPP over the top rope. AP then puts the ANKLE LOCK on Zack! BPP climbs the top rope and nails AP with a FLYING CLOTHESLINE. AP is down. CWM runs-in and hits the POLLYCUTTER on BPP! Then AS comes in and hits the SODIUM DRIVER on CWM!



Oh, you at this! Anglesault attacked CWM. I love this, Ross. This just shows how much 'Sault wants to keep his Championship. He'll do anything.



1-2 -- Tony kicks AS in the back of the head.


Tony throws AS outside the ring. When Tony turns around, he's hit with the TRENDSETTER!



I'm really loving this now. Zack must of been fooling with Tony just so he could do this.


Zack goes for the cover. 1-2...AP pulls the referee outside. BPP clotheslines AP from behind. Zack turns around and gets hit with THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! Which gets a big time pop from the crowd.



My God! Zack just had an out of body experience. Tony's going to do it. 1-2 -- aw! Anglesault broked up the count. Oh, my.


AP comes in and hits a clothesline on everybody including AS. It's now every man for himself. Zack swings at AP, but AP ducks and puts Zack in THE MILLION DOLLAR DREAM. Zack, with AP on his back, tries anything to get AP to break the hold. Zack goes straight back into the turnbuckle smashing AP with his body weight, but he also smashes the referee, whose now out of action.



The ref is down. Zack didn't know the ref was there, now him, the ref & AP are down.



Should somebody go for the cover, Alf will be the one to count unless the ref wakes up.



You're exactly right.


Alfdogg, whose spent most of this match outside looking on, is now the referee in charge. Alf checks on the down referee, then carries him outside the ring. DDT on AS by Tony "The Body".






But Alf ain't there to count. He's throwing the other ref outside.


Alf then sees the cover and quickly jumps back in the ring. 1-2-NO!


HUGE POP from crowd


Alf quickly gets up and holds two fingers in the air to say two count.



The crowd thought Tony won it. But it was only two.


BPP & AP are brawling near the ring, as are CWM & Zack. AS reverses an irish-whip by Tony and nails him with A GRAIN OF SALT! 1-2-NO! BPP, whose still outside the ring, pulled AS off. CWM hits a low blow on BPP outside the ring. AS stomps on Tony near the corner. AS irish-whips Tony to the ropes, but it's reversed into THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! Big pop from the crowd. 1-2 -- CWM pulls Alf outside the ring, take a swing at him, but Alf ducks and kicks CWM right in his Canadian footballs to a big pop.



That went straight down the pipe. Whose your daddy now, CWM?!


Meanwhile, in the ring, Tony hits a DDT on AS. BPP comes from behind and levels Tony with a chairshot to the head, sending the ICON down. AS starts to get up and it appears BPP is going to hit AS with the chair. BPP has it cocked and -- Alfdogg grabs the chair from BPP, then hits him with a wicked chairshot which causes a loud thud. AS comes flying into the screen and hits the SAULTSAULT on Tony! Alf looks stunned, but he still goes down to count. 1....2....3!


Crowd starts to boo Alf, as he leaves the ring headed backstage with a hard, chilling look on his face.




(Over P.A.; Deep voice)




4 ev-ev-eva!


CUE: "How You Remind Me"



Oh, no. Anglesault has retained the title. I don't even want to think about it.



The winner of the match, and STILL the OaOast Champion, Anglesault!


CWM & AP help AS up and hand him the OaOast.



But why the hell did Alf make the count?! He saw BPP hit Tony with the chair. Why dammit!





Now what?


CUE: "Ectstacy Of Gold"




On the Angletron, Video clips start playing of the early aWo, which turn into clips of Caboose turning on the aWo.


The clips then move to Caboose winning the OaOast title at the Great Angle Bash over Anglesault. Then Bill Watts screwing Caboose on the Intensely HeldDOWN which sees Alfdogg become the OaOast Champion, and Caboose's last match.


Video goes BLACK & WHITE then comes back to show CWM jobbing to AS. Then the aWo running rampage over the OAOMEF and OaOast.





a flash of clips showing him attacking aWo members




LIGHTNING STRIKES CABOOSE AGAIN and clips of him attacking aWo members.







What an announcement! Caboose is coming back next month at Bloody, Battered & Beaten.



And it looks like he's coming back for his Title.



What a night its been. Hopefully we find out more tomorrow night on the Intense Zone. For Jim Ross, Jesse "The Body," and all the hard working people of the OaOast, good-night everybody.






































OaOast, INC.





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