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Guest CoreyLazarus416

My friend Sarah's boyfriend...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

My friend Sarah was dating her on-again/off-again boyfriend Timmy. Cool kid, but he had a bit of a drug problem. He was on medication for something, and a friend of his gave him a pill this morning (methinks the pill was of the "let's take it to get high" variety), and it counteracted with his meds. Now he's dead...


...I used to hang with the dude too. Extremely cool kid.


Don't know why I posted it here, I just needed to tell somebody.

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Guest Ravenbomb
:( bummer...I had a friend die last November. His mom apparently set the house on fire for insurance money and he was in the house and died...so...*sniff*

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Guest Incandenza

Outside of my grandmother in '98, I've never had anyone close to me die. I wasn't even close to my grandmother--when she died, I felt more for my mom than anything else. I can only imagine what it's like to have a friend die.

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Guest HBK16

Hey sorry to hear that. I havent had any one really close to me die but I can amagine the feeling.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Very sorry to hear that.


I've lost a lot of family the last few years. But I haven't lost a friend yet.

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Guest papacita

A friend of mine got killed a couple of years ago so I know how you feel. My condolences.

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Guest SP-1

I lost a friend to a drowning accident (he went out an earthly hero, though) a few years ago. Been through it several times. I'll keep you and the girlfriend in my prayers.



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Guest bravesfan

Condolences from me as well.


I know what it's like to lose both family and friends, so I can imagine how you and your friend Sarah must feel right about now.


My thoughts and prayers are with you Corey, as well as Sarah and Tim's family.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

My condolences Laz. Just try and keep your head up and my thoughts and prayers go to you, his girlfriend, and his family/friends

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Guest DJ Jeff



Sorry to hear that. I haven't had a friend die, but I know what it must feel like. The last time someone close to me died was when my great-grandmother passed away back in 1999. It still saddens me to this day. :(

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Guest Insanityman

My condolences to you and his family, friends, etc. I've had a good amount of people pass away so I can imagine the pain that everyone who knew him is experiencing.

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Guest Some Guy

I know how you feel. I've lost a handful of friends over the last few years to various accidents and drugs, it sucks.

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Sorry to hear that. A boy in the year below me at school collapsed on a rowing machine from a brain aneurysm and died a few days later, last week. Quite sudden and schocking actually. A good kid to.

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