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Guest Youth N Asia

Smart Marks Favorite Movie Tournament, round 6

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Guest Youth N Asia

These are the 4 movies we as a whole put into the final four.


Voting ends Sunday Night


Citizen Kane


The Godfather


Pulp Fiction


The Shawshank Redemption

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Citizen Kane


The Godfather

-Meh... the Godfather II would have beaten out Kane in my opinion, but I never really got into the first one for some reason, though I've only seen it once, and have been meaning to again...


Pulp Fiction


The Shawshank Redemption

-Both GREAT movies. But when it comes down to it, Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie of all time. The acting, the style, and the diologue are all perfect, in my opinion. The Shawshank Redeption was awesome as well, but one glaring flaw was that some of the scenes/diologue-sequences seem a bit too much like something out of some sort of after-school made-for-TV special.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Citizen Kane

-The Godfather started a rash of mafia flicks that followed along the same lines. No one ever got close to Kane ever again, except maybe the Third Man. Technically it still blows the doors off a lot of films being made today.


Pulp Fiction

-I love Shawshank Redemption and feel that it is a great throwback to a classic type of golden era Hollywood filmmaking. However, Pulp Fiction broke the type of revolutionary ground that Kane did before it. It's a hardhitting, totally engrossing film with fascinating dialogue, each syllable is important.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Citizen Kane


The Godfather


You can go on and on about the great directing of Kane all you want, at the end of the day it's still way overrated and shouldn't have gone past Casablanca in the first round. Plus Godfather owns.


Pulp Fiction


The Shawshank Redemption


Tough tough call...I love both movies, but I've seen Shawshank so many times it's too hard to go against.

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Guest spiny norman

Citizen Kane


Really hard choice. I really couldn't pick one over the other, but Kane managed to captivate me in a much smaller amount of time than The Godfather, and for that wins.


The Shawshank Redemption


1994 was a great year in movies. This was the toughest choice of the whole poll, and it really just came to which will more likely be a classic twenty years from now. And I think Shawshank is the more timeless story.

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Guest J*ingus

Citizen Kane


The Godfather


Pulp Fiction


The Shawshank Redemption (how the hell did this make the Final Four?)

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Guest LooseCannon

Citizen Kane


I don't like either movie that much, but at least Kane would've been justified beating Goodfellas. The overrated Godfather was not. I'm part holding a grudge, part voting for the better movie anyway.


Pulp Fiction


Pulp Fiction is the most significant movie of the 90's. Shawshank is just a very, very good movie. As long as this is the smartmarks favorite movie tournament, and not the best movie ever tournament, I'll feel justified voting for Pulp Fiction in the finals, assuming it makes it there.

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Guest godthedog

kane v. godfather


...come on, people, i love 'kane' probably more than almost anybody else on this board, but 'godfather' should really win this one. i've seen both these again in the last 3 weeks and i still wouldn't hesitate. 'kane' will beat just about any other movie ever made on all technical fronts, and the screenplay is a tad more clever, but 'godfather' has 3 things going for it that make it win:

1) richer acting (not taking anything away from 'kane', which has a fine ensemble, but 'godfather' has probably the greatest assembly of actors ever in one film, except MAYBE part II; each individual performance is pitch-perfect, & the chemistry is incredible)

2) better overall story (it draws you in with empathy & surprise, not just its own cleverness)

3) more endearing characters (do i really need to discuss this? the fall of kane's character and his wasted greatness are pretty sad--the fall of michael corleone's character and his wasted greatness are heartbreaking; every member of the family is very flawed, yet irresistible--'kane' can't come close to that kind of humanity with its characters)


pulp fiction v. shawshank


'shawshank' is actually a rather personal movie to me, as i was one of the people lucky enough to see it in the theater & loved it long before everybody else had seen it. i used to watch it every single time it came on showtime--and it came on showtime a LOT. but being older & a little smarter, it's harder for me to get over just how cliched it is. i know it's cliched in the best possible way, like a capra movie, but...damn, they could've put SOMETHING original in there. 'pulp fiction' is more quotable, has more great scenes, is a thousand times more inventive, and is still tons of fun to watch. 'shawshank' seems kind of quaint now when i go back to it; 'pulp fiction' always seems fresh.


and this whole 'kane'/'godfather' neck-and-neck thing is kind of disturbing me.

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Guest Choken One

looks clear that Pulp will win it all...showing the decline of American Civilzation.

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Guest godthedog
looks clear that Pulp will win it all...showing the decline of American Civilzation.

yeah, since that movie was so cliched and boring...

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