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Guest Downhome

So, what show is Scott Steiner coming to?

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Guest CanadianChick

I don't think they have announced it yet. I'm guessing RAW, but thats just my speculation.

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I'm just currious, as I haven't heard yet, thanks!




Common sense says Raw, given how in the shitters the show has been.


BUT, given how the WWE may have to pull an injury angle/sacrifice another person to Brock Lesner to keep him over until they put him in the big money angle with Kurt "I should be on Raw and no-where NEAR SD whatsoever" Angle, they may put Scott on SD, defying logic and reason (much like having Kurt Angle on SD makes zero sense given how his double threat talent is made for Raw)....

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

If he did go to Smackdown, would he be able to last with The Golden Six and put on **** matches every week?

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Guest Brian

Angle is perfect for SmackDown, he will give nothing to RAW and RAw will end nothing to him. HHH won't allow him to get higher, there's no great wrestlers to interact with or improve with, and it lacks strong babyfaces to play off of if he stays a heel, or heels with credibility when he turns that will put him over.

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Guest Nevermortal

All I know is that they better put some good "freaks" with Steiner. Bring back Midajah. She fucken ruled.

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Guest razazteca

Scott Steiner would be better off on Raw so he can continue the series against Booker T, plus Steiner can lay claim to the god-uh gold belt.


On Smackdown the good wrestlers would have to slow down for Steiner.

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Guest brokentusk16

It'd be nice if they brought Midajah and Shikira back as Steiner's freaks. But with WWE's luck, Steiner will end up with Victoria and Jackie Gayda. I definetly see Steiner trying to make Trish into a freak.

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Guest DJ Jeff

I'm thinking that Steiner will more than likely end up on RAW. Actually, that would be alright, considering one of the many matches I want to see is Steiner vs. HHH.

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Guest Andy
I'm thinking that Steiner will more than likely end up on RAW. Actually, that would be alright, considering one of the many matches I want to see is Steiner vs. HHH.

I reckon you might have to wait for WrestleMania for that one.





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Guest evenflowDDT

Steiner vs. HHH? I won't make the obvious steroid joke. Oops...


Seriously, why do so many people have a hard-on for Steiner so bad? I'm just curious is all. Oh yea, I think he'd probably go to RAW just because RAW's more desperate.

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Guest dreamer420

I'd rather see him go to Smackdown.


RAW has 5 world title contenders and HBK, while on Smackdown the champ has issues with the Big Show. Honestly which show do you think he should go to?

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Guest packwingfn

I think he should go to Raw...so when he comes out, its huge (compared to a smackdown taping) or he can just come out tonight at the PPV to make his announcement


I want him on Raw, challenge Booker T (champ) for a best of 7 match for a rematch from the last ever nitro

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Guest MaxPower27

Send him to Raw so I don't have to look at him.


If he was on SD, he'd be one of the focal points of the show, and it'd take away from the SD6, while they focused on Steiner. Steiner would have bad matches and drag down the quality of the show.


If they put him on Raw, the show is a work-in-progress anyway, so he'd fit in there. SD needs nothing right now, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Guest razazteca

on the Confidential interview they did show Steiner holding the Big Gold Belt, how will Scott get involved in the PPV is the big question.

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Guest DJ Jeff
on the Confidential interview they did show Steiner holding the Big Gold Belt, how will Scott get involved in the PPV is the big question.

He could do a run-in during the Elimination Chamber match, costing HHH the World Title, thus, setting up for a Steiner vs. HHH fued, which culminates in a match between both men at Wrestlemania 19. Either that, or Steiner will just come out at the start of Survivor Series and say which show he's going to. Maybe he won't even be involved with the Survivor Series, and just be backstage.

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Guest Anglesault

Steiner should go to Raw. Just cause.


Dreamer, you said that Steiner should go to SD! because all brock has is the Big Show. Well, why don't they push one of the six guys that are upper midcard buy they REFUSE to advance for whatever reason?


And to the guy who said Angle should go to Raw...WHY?

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Guest The Old Me

Angle shouldn't go to RAW. Steiner should. Keep Steiner off smackdown and let him get into a political battle with HHH and let their roided asses just kill each other.

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Guest dreamer420
Steiner should go to Raw. Just cause.


Dreamer, you said that Steiner should go to SD! because all brock has is the Big Show. Well, why don't they push one of the six guys that are upper midcard buy they REFUSE to advance for whatever reason?


And to the guy who said Angle should go to Raw...WHY?

Angle should never go to Raw. Not even to watch it!


I know that Smackdown has Angle, Benoit, and Edge, who would all be world title contenders, but they are not ready in the WWE's eyes. Why, I have no idea, but this is the same company that feels that the Big Show is a legit contender for Brock's title. I can appreciate what the WWE is doing with the Big Show but it is much too late IMO. He's jobbed to everyone, and their cousin.

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Guest Downhome

In my eyes, there is NO CHANCE of Steiner going against HHH instantly, none at all. If anything, a face wins tonight at the PPV and Steiner goes after him. I just don't see Scotty being a face instantly, ain't going to happen.

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Guest jester
In my eyes, there is NO CHANCE of Steiner going against HHH instantly, none at all. If anything, a face wins tonight at the PPV and Steiner goes after him. I just don't see Scotty being a face instantly, ain't going to happen.

They did have his music interrupt a We're Not The Unamericans Yet We Have An Anti-America Gimmick promo. That does suggest a face appearance, although the total lack of crowd reaction might change that.


Anybody think Steiner is just going to occupy space without thrilling too many people?

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Angle is perfect for SmackDown, he will give nothing to RAW and RAw will end nothing to him. HHH won't allow him to get higher, there's no great wrestlers to interact with or improve with, and it lacks strong babyfaces to play off of if he stays a heel, or heels with credibility when he turns that will put him over.

Putting Angle on Raw would make the show less of a hell on Earth than it already is. Angle is already a double threat as he's a great wrestler and great when it comes to the sports entertainment end of the stick. Even if he doesn't get another God-push, he'd still bring an aura of fun to the show and easily overshadow HHH much in the same way he overshadowed Austin during their time paired off together and can easily be turned face to feud with HHH if needed....

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Guest Downhome
In my eyes, there is NO CHANCE of Steiner going against HHH instantly, none at all. If anything, a face wins tonight at the PPV and Steiner goes after him. I just don't see Scotty being a face instantly, ain't going to happen.

They did have his music interrupt a We're Not The Unamericans Yet We Have An Anti-America Gimmick promo. That does suggest a face appearance, although the total lack of crowd reaction might change that.


Anybody think Steiner is just going to occupy space without thrilling too many people?

That holds little water as to if he will be a face or a heel, it was just a moment for him to interupt, that's all.


If they build him correctly, he can be both a huge face, and a huge heel, depending on how well they introduce him, build him up, and remind the fans of his past in WCW.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I just had to see what your reaction was going to be. :P

Maybe your just an idiot?



Anyway, have Steiner on Raw, let him get some good crowd reactions, and maybe Vince will break down due to the bad ratings, disown his daughter, and job HHH to a Steiner Mofoin' Recliner.

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Guest BaldFish

If I were booking, I would have RVD win the elimination chamber and feud him with Steiner. HHH/HBK continues. Jericho/Booker continues. Kane feuds with someone else, out of the ME--maybe he turns on Hurricane, maybe he and Hurricane take the tag titles back from JeriChristian and feud with Three Minutes or Regal/Storm.

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