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Guest Flyboy

No 'Throat-Slashing' Gestures on THIS field!

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Guest Flyboy
Jacksonville Jaguars tailback Fred Taylor has been fined $10,000 by the league for the so-called "throat slash" gesture he displayed after scoring a touchdown in last week's victory over the Washington Redskins.


In a season dominated by fines against defenders for helmet-to-helmet hits, the sanction against Taylor is believed the first in 2002 for violating a rule that specifically bans the "throat slash" move. The gesture, in which a player runs a finger across his throat, was deemed unacceptable in 2001, when the league fined several players for the action.


Taylor has disputed he used the "throat slash" -- contending instead that he made a gesture across his chest -- and will appeal the fine.


"The league is getting carried away," Taylor said. "I can't afford to be just giving away money."


The incident occurred late in the third quarter Sunday, following Taylor's 12-yard touchdown run, as he turned toward a group of Redskins defenders.


Taylor was flagged for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty by referees, a 15-yard infraction that was enforced on the ensuing kickoff.


Got that off of MSN.EPSN.com... geez, the NFL is really becoming pussified.

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Guest El Satanico

It's bad enough that the league is so sensitive that they would care about stuff like this. But the fine for it is $10,00o? That's kinda a big fine for such a small action. Hell most helmet to helmet hits have been fined $15,000 so the league is saying that doing the throat slash is on the same level?


The NFL won't be happy until they have robots that they can program playing.

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Guest DragonflyKid

This reminds me how I did like certain parts of the XFL, after the first couple of weeks the product was actually decent. The players in the XFL were at least able to express themselves unlike NFL players.


Taylor got fined for a gesture, is the NFL scared that the opposing team is going to get their feelings hurt? It's ridiculous, don't let them go crazy with the on-field celebrations but at least let them express themselves.


Talking smack is part of the game, they even flag guys for doing that now.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

In that case, I wish the penalty involved taking away the Touchdown. Big whoop, a 15 yard penalty on the kickoff. Thats a big incentive not to commit a taunting / unsportsmanlike penalty after scoring a TD...

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Talking smack is part of the game, they even flag guys for doing that now."


I've noticed so many taunting penalites this year that it takes away from the game...

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Guest Choken One

it has already....Maybe even more extreame....It has happened in Nascar as well...Save for a few drivers...they can't express themselfs...Kinda of like WWE...Ya gotta reach a certain level before you sound off without punishment.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

For some reason I find it funny when someone talks about players expressing themselves. I think the league needs to chill the fuck out, but what do you mean when you say players should be allowed to express themselves?

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