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Guest HartFan86

WWE Title match @ Survivor Series

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Guest HartFan86

Shell-Shocked. After seeing one of the shortest WWE Title matches that was heavily promoted end in 4 minutes after seeing a man F5 a 500 pound man, see Heyman turn on Brock, and seeing Big Show destroy Brock Lesnar....I am shell-shocked. I have the same feeling as I did when HHH won at Mania 2000 (I thought it was a law that the faces won the main event.) Might I add this was IN THE LOWER MIDCARD.


That is all.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

There's a one and only thread for stuff like this.


We pinned it and everthing

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Guest HartFan86

I felt that my opinion should be in its on topic because there's about 5 other threads off of Survivor Series being posted right now as well.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No. They are about the future of the company.


This is about a match that took place.

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Guest HartFan86

I'm just sitting at my computer getting ready to go to bed and all I can think of is that Brock beating Rock, Hogan, and Taker all mean shit. Big Show is now the most dominant force in the WWE. And Jeff Hardy can beat him.


Here lies Brock Lesnar. March 18, 2002 to November 17, 2002. You had a great 8 months. We hardly knew ye.

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Guest Paranoid

I have always hated Brock. But to lose to the Big Slow, that's just embarrassing! They could have at least gave the belt to Kurt!

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Guest HartFan86
I have always hated Brock. But to lose to the Big Slow, that's just embarrassing! They could have at least gave the belt to Kurt!

Or my friend's dog. He has more crediblity then the Big Show.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Don't worry about it. Paul Heyman could make Barry O look like a #1 contender next week if he wanted to. Heyman is the Kurt Angle of managers.

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Guest HartFan86
Don't worry about it. Paul Heyman could make Barry O look like a #1 contender next week if he wanted to. Heyman is the Kurt Angle of managers.

This is true and he HAS done a good job. It's just that it's not 1999 and WWE has murdered the Big Show's crediblity as a wrestler. He's a joke. Not Main Event material.


Hopefully if the crowds reaction to Brock tonight that he may become the next Goldberg baby-face.....but you got to realize he was over crazy at Summerslam, so it may just be the NYC/NJ deal (Remember, they loved Sid too.)

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I just know we're going to hear a promo tomorrow about how Paul saw all this untapped potential in Big Show and how he's unstoppable because he's so big (and remember, in WWF-land, size is immedately equated with success.)


Sure, just like how Vince saw potential with him in the Corporation in early 99, how UT saw so much potential with him in their Arma-GUT-don tag team in the Summer of 99. How Shane saw potential in him in 2000 (prior to "Which way did he go?") and how the NWO saw potential in him.


GUESS WHAT? He's fucked up every chance he's given.


I wished Steiner had interrupted with that goddamn match and thrown it out.

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Guest The Tino Standard

I guess I jumped on board the Brock bandwagon just in time to want to puke when I saw him get royally screwed and be forced to lose to the Big Slow. Awful, just awful.


Actually, thats a bit of a lie. When Heyman asked the crowd at Gund Arena to give Brock a standing ovation the night after KOR, I was one of about 5 people in the building that did so, so I'd consider myself a solid Brock fan. But this just sucks.


I'm doubly pissed because not only did he lose the title, but he had to lose his huge winning streak to a challenger who had no business being there in the first place and was responsible for causing Brock's injury.


I know Brock is going to come back and massacre Show when he's healthy, but it won't be the same. Goldberg lost momentum that he never regained when he got his first loss and I think Brock lost a lot of the aura he'd built up with this loss tonight. It's all just so depressing.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'm trying to remember the match. Did another ref come in and make Show's count? If so, they could do an extended Dusty finish.

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Guest the pinjockey

no the new ref was pulled out and hit by Heyman, Brock chases Heyman, Show slams Brock, Heyman throws in original ref.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Mark is going to come in with the red ass, he put over a giy whow Wight gets to beat in 4 minutes, unheard of! I bet ol Booger Red gets rewarded with another title run very soon. You know Show/Taker is on its way!

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Guest papacita

Eh...actually, I don't mind them putting the belt on Show this way. I don't want him to be champion, but at least they did it in a way that allows Brock to save face. And you barring some unforeseen catastrophe, you KNOW Brock's getting it back. I say just keep the focus on Heyman and hope some of his heat will rub off on Show so that the title isn't damaged too much.

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Guest bravesfan
I know Brock is going to come back and massacre Show when he's healthy, but it won't be the same. Goldberg lost momentum that he never regained when he got his first loss and I think Brock lost a lot of the aura he'd built up with this loss tonight. It's all just so depressing.


Fuck this shit.


On Smackdown this Tuesday, have Stephanie rule against Show winning the title, due to Brock not being "medically cleared" or some shit.


Have the title be declared "vacant", and set-up a 4-Man Tournament at Armageddon for a new champion (Edge).


Brock loses none of his aura because he was deemed "un-fit" for the match, so he'll get both "he's a badass" heat and "he's got heart" heat, sort of like Austin at Wrestlemania 13.


Hopefully, Show's win last night just sets up Heyman to be his manager, not a title reign of any sort.

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Guest Olympic Slam
I'm doubly pissed because not only did he lose the title, but he had to lose his huge winning streak to a challenger who had no business being there in the first place and was responsible for causing Brock's injury.

The only "upside" to any of this is that the WWE hasn't made a huge deal about Brock never losing a WWE match. His clean wins over Taker, Hogan and Rock seem to be what they're selling him on. It'll be very interesting to see how they approach the winning streak situation on Smackdown. Will they mention it? Will Show be booked as the man that ended it?

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Guest creativename
The only "upside" to any of this is that the WWE hasn't made a huge deal about Brock never losing a WWE match. His clean wins over Taker, Hogan and Rock seem to be what they're selling him on. It'll be very interesting to see how they approach the winning streak situation on Smackdown. Will they mention it? Will Show be booked as the man that ended it?

Agreed. I don't think most marks really realize that that he had not yet lost via pinfall/submission. It's not like they ever brought it up. I had to remding my 10-year old brother, who went with us to Survivor Series--and who was on the verge of hurling when Big Show won, as were many of the people around us, young and old--that he had just witnessed Lesnar's first pinfall loss.


Granted that's only one person. But I do think most marks aren't entirely aware of Lesnar's streak; maybe they are in the back of their minds, but I don't think that when they thought of Brock Lesnar, they thought "He's never been pinned." The only time I ever heard it mentioned even in passing was when Jim Ross said that Lesnar had never been pinned/submitted, and I think this was before he won the title. Heyman and Lesnar themselves never mentioned it, I believe.


This is very different from Goldberg, who's entire character was basically "he has a perfect record". So I don't think getting pinned would necessarily hurt Lesnar's heat very much, if at all.


A larger concern is that the loss was to the Big Show, who has only a little cred with marks, and he lost in only 5 minutes (because of his ribs, yes, but marks don't know that; they probably think the injury is a work). That may very well damage his image as this great force in the wrestling world.

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Guest EricMM

Here's what they should have done (maybe)


Early in the night, Show ambushed Brock w/ a chair as payback for Thursday, possibly with Heymans help.


Somehow Brock finds Steiner and gets him to subsitute for him in the match, making Steiner the new WWE champ (I know its bad, but it's better than Show) with the agreement that when Brock came back he could get his belt back.


Then of course when Brock came back, Steiner wouldn't want to give up his damn belt, and a fued ensues. This stuff writes itself sigh.

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Guest RickyB

I bet the WWE wish that they'd let Hogan come back and beat Lesner now, at least Hogan has some credibility.

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Guest Mole

Now, WWE kind of had no choice but to put the title on Show, but at the same time, this didn't hurt Lesnar.


Lesnar dominated the match, showing that he is a badass by treating Show as if he were a 5 year old. I've never seen anybody throw a big man like that around the ring. Everytime he picked Show up, and dropped him like garbage, you could hear the fans ahhin and woahin every move.


Yes, Lesnar did loose the match. But it took a chair, broken ribs, and Heyman to have him loose. The fans know that Lesnar got screwed, and they know that he is a big threat.


My point is that this didn't hurt Brock, but made him even more of a threat. We all know that he will win the title back, and show Show what a little bitch he is.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I think we should bare in mind that Brock legit had broken ribs. Its been said by JR that he walks in pain because of it, so he must be in extreme pain when he wrestles.


Thus, there is a perfectly acceptable excuse to me for having a 5min match.

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Guest Brian

And at the same time they put the title on Michaels.


Who's to say Brock even had to wrestle until the next show. what if he and Paul flat out refused to, and Brock just reaked havoc whenever he wanted to. Until someone won't let him get any further. Or someone he's afraid of.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, they ended it. It's finally over. And yet I feel so empty. The fucking Big Show. On the bright side, I can watch Smackdown again!

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Guest the pinjockey

There is a rule that transcends the home grown talent law and that is the Vince has a boner for big men law.

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There is a rule that transcends the home grown talent law and that is the Vince has a boner for big men law.

How does 1992 Ric Flair fit in then?


Remember, he was WCW Champion long before came to the WWF...and was given the WWF Championship shortly after he debuted.

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Guest Anglesault
You don't think Big Show's worst than Lesnar?

Aww shit, the Big Show. Oh, who cares. It's not Lesnar, and this reign can't last long at all. Until then, I'll just paste a picture of Eddy over his face or something.

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