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Guest Zack Malibu

OAOAST IntenseZone - 11/18/02

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Guest Zack Malibu

Alfdogg appears on the screen in front of a green background, holding cigarettes in his hands.


Hi, this is Alfdogg, the greatest OAOAST World Champion of all time. And ever since I came into the OAOAST, I've been a winner, and a champ. So you can believe me when I tell you this: Smoking will make you a loser, and a chump. *Tears cigarettes*


Be a survivor...DON'T SMOKE.


Fade out

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Guest Zack Malibu

JR:"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another great night of action here at..."


JR's opening schpiel is cut off by a deafening crowd reaction for Zack Malibu, who is walking down the ramp sans music. Zack, clad in street clothes, has a look of frustration on his face as he walks up the steps and into the ring.


Zack grabs the mic from the announcer, and listens to a large "Zack" chant from the sold out crowd. The chants die down, and Zack begins to talk.


ZM:"You know something, it's been one hell of a year. To watch this company grow so much so fast, and to be an integral part of it, it's been great, no doubt about it."


JR:"He is one of the best, there's not denying that."


ZM:"But these last few weeks, it's been the hardest time, the toughest challenge I've had to face. The aWo, Anglesault, CWM, all of them, have taken this too far. They took a dream, the dream that every determined competitor has, the dream that I have, to be the World Heavyweight Champion, and they've spat on it. They've taken away my focus, because there is something more important than that belt, and that is friendship. What you did, aWo, was you got under my skin. You took out Bif, typical gang warfare. What you did to Evenflow, that was taking it too far. That was going to a place I never thought this war would go to. And now last week, Tony...BPP..."


Zack pauses, seemingly broken up by talking about this.


ZM:"The aWo is about gang warfare, it's about attempted homicide! You think that's hyperbole, then look at what's gone on. Trying to maim my best friend in death matches, causing the god damn cage to collapse...you had two guys, two guys that I RESPECT, falling from the sky like raindrops last week, and when that cage came crashing down, it all came crashing down. The walls came down, Anglesault. The line was crossed. Tony's not here tonight, but he'll be there at Breakdown. BPP's back there, and he might not be fighting, but I guarantee he's got you on his mind. However, I seem to be free tonight..."


*Crowd pops huge, as Zack turns and faces the entrance ramp*


ZM:"I don't want to wait until Breakdown. Anglesault, you're the ringleader, the man behind the madness, and you just happen to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight though, it's not about the belt. It's about what matters most to me, to these fans, to this company...it's about respect! You think TNN has POP, well the OAOAST has POP, and that means PISSED OFF PREP! Anglesault, get your ass out here NOW!"


Zack drops the mic, and takes a few steps back, waiting on Anglesault. "How You Remind Me" starts playing, and Anglesault comes out, the World Title draped over his shoulder. AS is laughing to himself, as a stagehand gives him a mic.


AS:"You make me laugh Malibu, you really do. You think that I'm buying this bullshit, this whole "respect" thing of yours? Oh, and that new catchphrase, very good...you should go print up the shirts now and save yourself from an ass kicking tonight."


ZM:"I'm not the one who's going to need saving."


AS:"Oh, is that so. Let me refresh your memory Zack. We took out Bif, laid him out and who knows if he'll make it back. Your best friend, the guy that you started your precious In Crowd with, he might as well be a zombie from one of those lameass movies you guys like. As for Tony and BPP, I'm not saying I did anything last week, and I'm also not saying I feel bad about it. Truth it, I'm the World Champion, the best in the business, and all these events, these breakdowns of yours, just prove to me that you can't hang!"


ZM:"Why don't you take a stroll down the ramp, and we'll see who can hang. You see AS, you do a lot of talking, but it's time to stop talking and start walking. You and that crew of groupies of yours are not going to be the end all and be all in this company."


AS:"I've got news for you, teen dream, I AM THIS COMPANY! Check the name! You wanna start a revolution, you'd better think twice about it!"

ZM:"Oh, the revolution was already started...I'm just willing to finish it, tonight."


AS:"Let's do it then."


AS comes walking down the ramp, until a voice is heard behind him. It's the voice of Bill Watts.


BW:"WHOA WHOA WHOA! Anglesault, you stay right there! Zack, stay in that ring."


Zack and AS oblige, and both look up at the Cowboy.


BW:"You guys have a PPV main event in a few days, and I'm not risking anymore serious injuries to any OAOAST stars. Tony and BPP are questionable as it is, and I'm not losing one or two more of you. So you want to let out all that hostility, you go right ahead, but I'm not sanctioning anything between you two tonight."


ZM:"Bill, I'm not asking you too. I'll take this guy on in the locker room, in the parking lot...I don't need to sign a contract!"


AS:"You want to back that up?"


Zack goes to exit the ring, but Watts waves security on to break up the fracas. Several security guys make it down ringside in time to seperate the two, and we take a break and try to restore some order.

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Guest Zack Malibu

We return, and cut to The In Crowd's dressing room, also doubling as BPP's commisioner's office. Zack is pacing, while Alison sits on a couch and BPP sits at his desk.



Zack, please, just sit down, calm down!



No way Ally. It's gone too far this time.



Zack, I appreciate what you're trying to do. Breakdown is not even a week away, it can wait!



No it can't, BPP. Not this time. We always say it can wait, but that just gives them an opening to do it again. You have to make the match.



I'm not doing it.



Why? After what they did...



Exactly, after what they did is right. I'm not going to let it happen to you. Breakdown you, Tony and myself, we go in there and clean house. One of us walks out with the World Title. Vengeance will take place at Breakdown.






However...I don't necessarily have to sanction the match for it to happen.






I'll give you a time at the end of the night to do whateve you want, an unsanctioned streetfight so to speak. However, since I'm not authorizing it officially, I want two referees.






One picked by you, the other picked by AS.



I can do that. Thanks, BPP.



Just thank me when you get back.



The Superstar vs. El Dandy~!


“Downfall” hits and the crowd erupts in boos as YOUR “OAOAST X CHAMPION” The Superstar enters the arena with Evenflow’s X Championship belt on his shoulder. Evenflow WILL be at BreakDOWN this Sunday fighting in a 3 Stages of Hell match versus Superstar for the X Championship, and Superstar is hoping to make an impact tonight after losing to Alfdogg cleanly last week.


“Hell’s Bells” booms and out comes EL DANDY~! to a big pop. This is his first match against such HIGH PROFILE COMPETITION~! In the OAOAST, so he’s hoping to make an impact. He slides into the ring and we’re on, MANG!


Superstar and Dandy lock up in the center of the ring, and Superstar gets the better of it as he pushes Dandy into the corner, and poses. Dandy runs forward into another lockup, and Dandy shoves Superstar ALL THE WAY OUT OF THE RING! Superstar is pissed off, but walks the humiliation off and reenters the ring. He spits in El Dandy’s direction, and he retaliates by catching a charging Superstar and tossing him with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Dandy pulls Superstar off the mat and fires off a big snap suplex, and floats over into the cover: 1…2..NO! Superstar woozily crawls up to his feet, only to be met by an El Dandy MISSILE DROPKICK~! Dandy is pulling out all the stops to beat the cocky Superstar tonight! Superstar tries to exit the ring for another breather, but Dandy grabs his foot. Superstar uses the ropes to climb up on one foot, and uses his leg strength to toss Dandy all the way outside the ring! Superstar runs off the ropes and *WHAT A SHOCK*, SOMERSAULT SLINGSHOT PLANCHA MISSES AND SUPERSTAR LANDS SPINE FIRST ON THE CONCRETE!


Dandy is up and he gives Superstar a DDT ON THE CONCRETE before rolling Superstar into the ring. Cover: 1…2…Superstar barely kicks out. He begs Dandy off, which is ignored, but Dandy does get hit with a LARIAT by Superstar, followed by a senton splash for one. Superstar pulls Dandy up and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX to take control of the match for the first time. He brings Dandy into the corner and hits some KNIFE EDGE CHOPS before hitting a Brainbuster! Cover: 1..2..NO. A Superstar Irish whip is reversed, however, but Dandy telegraphs a backdrop and falls victim to the HHH FACEBUSTER OF DOOOOOOM~! Which gets two. Frustrated, Superstar heads to the outside and grabs the X Title belt. As he heads into the ring, Dandy sees what is coming and gives Superstar the YAKUZA KICK INTO THE X TITLE BELT, INTO SUPERSTAR’S FACE! Both men crumble to the mat in pain.


Having recovered, Dandy and Superstar stand in the middle of the ring and begin slugging it out again. Out of nowhere, however, Superstar ducks a Dandy clothesline and hits the TOMBSTONE~! He groggily heads to the top rope for the SuperSplash. But as he’s on the top rope…


“TRUE FAITH” hits.


The crowd goes apeshit as EvenflowDDT’s entrance music plays. However, instead of Evenflow, the crowd gets a message on the AngleTron: November 24, 2002. BreakDOWN. I will return to claim my X Championship. Superstar will be put through THREE. STAGES. OF HELL. The crowd pops the roof off, as Superstar looks on in shock. El Dandy climbs to the top along with Superstar…TOP ROPE EL DANDYNATOR~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 El Dandy covers: 1…2…3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Winner: El Dandy in 4:38 via a Top Rope El Dandynator.


Superstar looks on in shock as Dandy celebrates the biggest win of his young career. The future is bright for this superstar. But for another Superstar, he can only look forward to HELL in six days.

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Guest Zack Malibu

In the aWo locker room, AS is taping his wrists, when there is a knock at the door.





The door is heard opening, and someone enters.



Oh, there you are. Now, it might be a little tight, it's tough to find these things in your sizes. But try it on, and maybe when I'm done I'll let you have a little play time.


AS tosses a referee shirt to the person. The camera pans to the side to show Rikishi standing there with a devilish smirk on his face. We then fade to commercial.



Last night, Kevin Kelly sat down with Jingus and Jamie to talk about this budding relationship.



Explain what happened that night when you killed Jamie



::grabs Kevin by the necktie::


"Strike one poindexter, I DIDN'T kill her. Cobainwasmurdered shot her full of bullets a couple of days ago."


::release necktie... for now.::



How did you feel afterwards?



"HELLO!?! Earth to interviewer! I just said I DIDN'T DO IT, so shut the fuck up about the killing and the murder and the blood and the stuff.



When exactly did you realize that she was undead?



"Uh, maybe when I saw her rip her own arm off and beat people over the head with it, while staggering around in a zombielike fashion? It's called common fucking sense, look it up."



Was that an attraction for you?



"Well... actually... yeah, kinda. I mean, I've been with dead chicks before, but never with one that moved. Well, aside from when they go into rigor mortis."


::crowd goes ewwww...::



Jamie, how do you feel towards Jingus, knowing that he indeed killed you


Jamie: (blank stare)


JINGUS: "Don't make me fucking hurt you."



How does one maintain a healthy relationship with a zombie needing the brains of living humans?



"Well, it's pretty simple. I just make sure to cut out the brains of all my victims and give them to her before I ditch the bodies. I always have a few corpses lying around anyway, so it's not much trouble."



Any final thoughts Jamie? Jingus?


Jamie: "Itchy. Tasty."


JINGUS: "Yeah, he does look kinda plump."



Why is she gnawing on my arm in such a loving manner?


JINGUS: "Dammit, Jamie, quit flirting with him!"


::Clawslams Kevin::


Jingus and Jamie walk out, and Zack along with BPP step out from behind a curtain.



BPP, why'd we hide here, and whats that box for.


::BPP goes to the box, and pulls out a chainsaw, handing it to Zack, while pulling out a loaded shotgun for himself::



As Sandman would say, or as Bruce Campbell once said.


::Click Click::


Hail to the King Baby! Let's get us some dead



I am not going in that room.



Good point. Seeing Crips was kinda enough.



Yes...and don't forget Agnes in that crematory last week.



Ugh...I did not want to remember that.



Or when Agnes was dressed all goth and knocked himself out whacking off, and HHH found him.



I just lost my smile.


::trudges off to find meaning::

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Guest Zack Malibu

*TK is in his dressing room lacing his boots up. Alfdogg walks in.


Alf: You ready for tonight?


TK: I can be ready for MME and JINGUS in my sleep, yo.


Alf: Well, that's good...because there's a lot more riding on this match than you think. You know that Big Poppa Popick is trying to reform the DA, he says Caboose is returning and what not...well, I think that's bullshit. Popick walked out on me and Sandie, as WELL as Caboose, and the DA. I on the other hand, was loyal to the DA all the way up until the very end. So were you, and so was Reject. Popick is only loyal to himself, you know that as well as I do.


TK: Fuckin' right I do. You know, he talks about how he and Caboose stood up the aWo...did either one of them defeat the ENTIRE aWo by themselves?


Alf: FUCK no! That's why, tonight...the DA is BACK, courtesy of yours truly.


*hands TK the NEW DA shirt, which is now forest green with a gold logo, instead of black with a gold logo. They put the shirts on*


Alf: And tonight, we start the NEW Era of Deadliness when we win the tag team titles.


TK: Damn straight. Tonight, teh tag team division just got DEADLIER.





OAOAST Tag Team Championship

Mystery Eskimo & JINGUS vs Alfdogg & Thunderkid


"The Wall" plays as Alfdogg and Thunderkid make their way to the ring to challenge for the tag titles, getting a surprising pop. The former DA stablemates look to have buried any past differences to go for the gold here tonight.


Verdi's "Reqium" fills the arena as JINGUS and Mystery Eskimo appear under the Angletron. As they walk down the rope, proudly wearing their tag belt, the music segues into "Ice Ice Baby". The Miracle Weirdness Connection get a mixed but mostly hostile reaction from the OAOAST fans.


Eskimo and JINGUS huddle in the corner as Alfdogg and Thunderkid shake hands. TK gets on the apron and Alf walks towards the still talking champions. JINGUS pushes Alf away and continues making a point to Eskimo, but Alf attacks, dropkicking JINGUS into Eskimo. ME is knocked out of the ring, and the bell sounds as the match starts.


Alf unloads a flurry of punches to the temple of JINGUS, who is staggered. Alf whips JINGUS off the ropes, JINGUS ducks Alf's clothesline but Alf nails JINGUS with a knee to the gut that sends the big man down. Alf drop an elbow and covers but JINGUS powers up before the official can even count one. Alf kicks at the head of JINGUS, trying to keep him down, but the monster rises to his feet and levels Alf to the mat with a clubbing clothesline.


JINGUS picks up Alf and signals for a DEVILBOMB, looking to end it early, but Thunderkid runs into the ring and nails JINGUS with a basement dropkick to the knees of the Devilman. The ref pushes TK out, and JINGUS tags in Eskimo. ME goes to work with a series of chops to the chest of Alfdogg, but the former OAOAST World Champion fights back and nails the Eskimo with a dropkick, followed by a snap suplex that gets a 2 count.


Alf tags in TK, and the challengers give Eskimo a doubleteam slingshot suplex that gets 2 before JINGUS breaks up the count. TK picks up Eskimo, signalling for the THUNDERBOLT DDT, but Eskimo fights back and backdrops TK to the mat. Thunderkid springs back up and he and Eskimo start exchanging punches, with TK getting the upperhand. Eskimo is forced back, but its into the champions corner, and JINGUS reaches out a huge arm and punches TK square in the side of the head, allowing Eskimo to hit his Penguin Kick for a 2 count.


ME picks up TK and hits pair of german suplexes that gets 2. Eskimo snapmares TK into the corner, and goes up top for his flying Icicle Headbutt, but TK rolls out of the way and ME crashes to the mat. TK and ME both drag themselves up and make the tags, and JINGUS and Alfdogg go at it again. Alf rakes the eyes of the monster and tries to get him up for a DVD, but JINGUS is too fresh and too heavy and he grabs Alf, delivering a droopy dog slam for a 2 count.


JINGUS tags Eskimo back in, and then hoists Alf onto his shoulders. Eskimo goes up top and lands a missile dropkick onto the head of Alfdogg! JINGUS isnt moved at all, but Alf slumps forward, and JINGUS delivers a powerslam. Eskimo quickly covers, 1, 2, Thunderkid breaks it up. Eskimo, frustrated, goes to attack TK, but TK ducks his punches and hits a spinning roundhouse kick to Eskimo's jaw! Eskimo falls to the mat, but falls onto the still prone Alfdogg! The ref shrugs and counts, 1, 2, TK breaks it up for a second time.


Alf slowly picks himself up as the crowd starts to get behind the challengers, and hits a standing moonsault onto Eskimo, that gets 2 before JINGUS just drags Alf off ME. The ref starts shouting at JINGUS, clearly unhappy at the number of times pins are being broken up. The monster looks like he might attack the brave official, but instead hits a leg drop onto the throat of Alf before leaving the ring. Eskimo rolls over and covers but Alf kicks out at 2.


ME immediately goes for the FROSTBITE FACELOCK but Alf is too close to the ropes and makes it quickly. Eskimo tags in JINGUS, and the Devilman again hoists Alf onto his shoulders, but this time, as Eskimo jumps off the top rope, Alf escapes and drags JINGUS down into a cradle thats gets 2. Eskimo hits the mat hard and rolls out of the ring. Alf jumps to the top rope to a pop and hits the FIVE STAR ALF SPLASH onto JINGUS! But the ref is distracted but REJECT running down the ailse with a steel chair!

The ref tries to stop Reject getting into the ring. Thunderkid jumps into the ring and tries to tell the ref to count on JINGUS, but Reject immediately smashes TK in the head with the chair, leaving the ref with no alternative but to call for the bell.


Winners by DQ in 9.35, Alfdogg and Thunderkid


Reject pushes the ref aside and starts to lay a beating on TK. Eskimo pulls JINGUS out of the ring and the champs pick up their belts and leave. Alf goes over for the save and Reject bails. TK is busted open and Reject grins as he waves the bloody chair and walks back up the ailse.

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Guest Zack Malibu


J.R. here in the arena about ready to conduct an interview with my broadcast colleague, Tony "The Body" from his mansion in San Antonio. As you know, Tony took a nasty fall last week on the Intense Zone. He was hurt pretty badly and he's here to update us on his condition.


Tony appears on the AngleTron to huge cheers. A graphic appears on-screen that reads:






Tony, thanks for joining us tonight on the Intense Zone. How are you feeling after last weeks fall from the cage?



You know, Jim -- I don't know what the hell happened last week. I remember fighting Popick on the cage, then falling through the ring. I knew something was wrong when I hit that mat.


Some have called me the greatest self-promoter on the planet. They're right. But last week the aWo -- yes, I said the aWo. I know they're behind the cage breaking away. They're worried about me taking the OaOast Title at BreakDOWN, and they damn well should be!


But the aWo crossed the line last week. They didn't try to end my career, they tried to end my life! Look at me!


Camera pans back to reveal Tony wearing a shirt that reads "Jesus Rocks! Thanks H.B.K.~!", sitting in a wheel-chair.



Now I'm in a wheel-chair. They tried to make sure I never see the day where I meet that woman somewhere out there who has my unborn child in her eggs and has our first child.



Tony, what does this mean for BreakDOWN? Will you be able to compete?



J.R., this might not make sense to you or anybody else, but I swear to you, my God, and the aWo...I will walk again. But you gotta know when to hold them, and you gotta know when to fold them. And if I can't walk before BreakDOWN, God himself will shine through the AngleDome, and carry me throughout the match to ensure I walk out with the OaOast Title.


Tony tears on the mic on his shirt and leaves



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Guest Zack Malibu

BPP stands in the hallway. Michael Cole approaches him..



BPP, you don't have a match tonight. Why are you here? We've already heard from Tony tonight, what purpose do you have?



I'm the commissioner. Why would I not be here?



Do you plan on making any sort of statement tonight


::Alfdogg passes by, and glares at BPP::



Sorry, what was that?



Do you plan on making any statements tonight concerning Tony or Breakdown?






Well, what kind



A deadly one. They say the sins of the father are revisiting on the son.






Wrong. They're being revisiting tonight. So the question Cole, is..


Have you sinned tonight?


::Cole gulps as BPP laughs, then walks away::



Reject vs. Sandman9000


Cameras cut to the back, where the OaOasT locker-room door has been busted open and Reject is fighting with Sandman in the doorway. Sandman nails a knee to the Reject's gut, doubling him over. Taking a handful of hair, Sandman drags Reject through the hallway and into a storage bin. Sandman figuratively laces up his boots and then stomps Reject in the bin. One kick strikes particularly hard against Reject's head, and he appears to be knocked loopy. Sandman takes this time to wheel the storage been up to the entranceway, kicking the bin down the ramp. The metal bin flips over at the end, dumping Reject out. He rolls around on the ground as Sandman meambles down to the beat of the crowd chanting "Sandman sucks!" He picks his nose and flicks a booger at a young girl in the audience.


Reject is thrown into the ring by Sandman, who dives under the ring and brings up a bat. Reject cowers in the turnbuckle corner as Sandman enters, brandishing his weapon. He thrusts it at Reject, and our camera angle shows it connecting harshly onto Reject's temple.


Thunderkid comes running through the crowd. It looks like he wants to get a measure of revenge on Reject before their fight at BreakDown. With Reject being laid out by that viscious baseball bat shot, now appears as good of a time as any.


TK slides into the ring as Reject springs up. TK stands shocked as Reject laughs. Sandman slides in behind, and 2 former DA'ers circle the third. TK lunges at Reject, knocking him down and getting in a few licks before Sandman cracks the bat over TK's head.




Sandman props Thunderkid up as Reject directs traffic. TOTAL REJECTION!!! The crowd pops, but not for the move. Here comes Alfdogg to save his tag team partner! As AD slides into the ring, Sandman bails, leaving Reject to be nailed with a 5 Star Alf Crossbody Splash! Reject clutches his stomach and rolls out the ring.


The crowd pops once again as Big Poppa Popick climbs into the ring. Alfdogg checks on TK who points at BPP. Alfie turns right around into a SYNCHRONITICY BOMB!. BPP holds on to the choke hold, lifting Alfdogg up into a suplex position. FALLEN ANGEL! BPP drapes a Deadly Alliance shirt over Alfdogg's prone body. TK smiles and points behind BPP, where Tony the Body has appeared! he wasn't supposed to be hear!


OUT-OF-BODY-EXPERIENCE on BPP! Tony smiles and soaks in the crowd's mixed reaction. TK finally pulls himself up on the ring turnbuckle and once again chuckles and points. Tony turns around and ducks an AngleSault Clothesline, throwing AS out of the ring. But CWM slides in...POLLYCUTTER!


CWM celebrates as Anglesault comes in, taking CWM out with an ANGLE-SLAM! No one gets to gloat except for the man himself, AngleSault! Fans throw trash into the ring as one jumps into the ring. AS grabs the man in the hooded shirt and laughs, until the hood falls down. It's ZACK MALIBU!!! AS is shocked and Zack grabs AS in a choking full-nelson. Inverted DELIVERANCE *finality* and AS is taken out.


Zack hits the turnbuckle to pose...but Thunderkid takes the opportunity. THUNDERBOLT DDT from the top rope! Thunderkid poses to a mixed reaction as the bodies of all the OaOasT main-eventers lie in pain around him. Thunderkid survived the ambush and has made a statement tonite, no I spoke too soon! BPP is back up. BPP has a chair! VAN POPPANATOR on TK! Big Poppa has survived tonight. Is that what he meant by "revisiting sins"? If it is, it certainly didn't involve Tony, because Tony grabs BPP's ankle and trips him, picking him up in a wheelbarrow suplex onto the STEEEEEL chair! Tony smiles and grabs the bat, nailing BPP in the left temple with it, busting him open. Tony throws the bat down, smiles, spits, and leaves. This all started with Reject and Sandman setting TK up, but it ends with us knowing the problems between BPP and Tony are far from over!

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Guest Zack Malibu

Backstage, Michael Cole sprints to catch up to Zack Malibu, who has just entered the backstage area.



Zack, a word about tonight?



Michael, I've got a headache, and it's not even match time yet. If this is to complain that I should have hooked you up with a blonde instead of a brunette, then...



Zack, what about tonight, the unsanctioned streetfight between you and Anglesault?



Cole, it's been a long time comin'. Unfortunately, win or lose, it won't stand on record as a match. And to top it off, I've gotta...find...a...hey Mikey?






You got a striped shirt?



Uh, I mean I...



Then let's get you one, because you're MY referee tonight!



I...I am!?


Zack puts an arm around Cole, and starts walking towards the ramp.



"Die Another Day" blares throughout the arena, and the self-proclaimed Pissed Off Prep, Zack Malibu, comes charging out from the back! Zack goes from side to side on the entrance stage, working the crowd up, with Michael Cole walking out behind him, clad in a referee's shirt. Zack and Cole head down to the ring, giving the fans some love before Zack rolls into the ring and works the crowd some more.


Malibu's theme fades out, and is replaced by "How You Remind Me". Rikishi emerges first, and stands waiting as the OAOAST World Champion, Anglesault, comes walking out from the back. AS and Rikishi slowly walk down the ramp, AS eyeing Zack the whole time. AS has Rikishi bring his belt to the timekeeper's table, while he enters the ring, ready for battle.

AS enters and comes over to jawjack with Zack, but gets floored by a right hand! No time for talking in this match! AS uses a double leg takedown on Zack and starts punching at him, then pulls him up to his feet. He goes to ram Zack's head into the turnbuckle, but Zack puts his foot up to block it, then counters with a Russian Legsweep. Zack rolls over so that he lands up on his feet, and as AS is standing, Zack teases School's Out, but AS ducks down and rolls to the floor.


AS rounds the corner, walking around ringside, and gets met with a baseball slide by Zack that sends him flying into the guardrail! Zack slides out of the ring and charges AS, clotheslining him over the railing and into the people! Both referees hit the floor now, as anything goes and pinfalls can count anywhere. Zack grabs a chair to nail AS, but it gets grabbed by Rikishi! Rikishi looks to set Zack up and nail him with it, but Michael Cole steals the chair from Rikishi, and hands it back to Zack! The referees argue, and as Zack turns back to AS, he gets CREAMED with a chairshot, knocking the one he was holding into his own face! AS turns the chair on it's side and drills it into Zack's ribs, taking the wind out of him, then tosses it aside.

Anglesault grabs Zack now and tosses him over the railing back to ringside. Zack reaches the ring apron and tries to pull himself up but Sault stops that by simply shoving him back into the ring. AS enters and puts the boots to Zack, then grabs him and sets him up in the corner. Anglesault calls for Rikishi to avalance Zack in the corner! Rikishi sets up, but Michael Cole comes and stands in the way, blocking Rikishi. Cole goes to tend to Zack, and pulls him out of the corner just in time, only for COLE to get crushed! One referee is down!


AS and Rikishi laugh about it, and kick Cole until he falls under the bottom rope and to the floor. However, Zack is back up, and he sees Rikishi...SCHOOL'S OUT ON RIKISHI! BOTH REFEREES ARE OUT!


Anglesault can't believe it, and now it's mano y mano in the center of the ring. They trade punches, but AS goes to the eyes and breaks Zack's momentum. He grabs Zack by the head and tosses him over the top rope, but Zack skins the cat and comes back in! Zack ducks a clothesline attempt, and kicks Anglesault low, bringing the champion to his knees! With AS hunched over, Zack bounces off the ropes...ZACK ATTACK ON AS! Sault flops to the mat, and rolls to the floor, while Zack works himself up.

Anglesault, coughing and trying to gain breath, leans against the guardrail, as Zack Malibu comes at him again. Zack pulls AS up, and Irish whips him HARD into the unforgiving steel of the guardrail! Anglesault just slumps down, and now Zack starts lifting up the mats on that side of the ring. He goes back for AS, who starts kicking at him to keep him at bay. AS grabs a chair from a fan and swings it at Zack, but it's caught by Malibu! Zack takes a swing, but AS ducks out of the way! Anglesault grabs the piece of ring step, and blocks Malibu's shots with it! The vibrations through the steel steps cause AS to drop them not much later however, and Malibu takes another home run swing, but AS ducks and spears Zack down! AS stands on the chair, and kicks Malibu right in the jaw, preventing him from getting up and using it. AS takes the chair and stands above Malibu and chokes him with the chair! AS then tosses it aside and pulls Zack up. Malibu can barely stand, and Anglesault lifts him up...BACK SUPLEX ON THE RAMP!

With Zack in a bad way, AS goes over to Rikishi, who is just starting to stir. Cole, on the other hand, looks like he's been squashed to death. AS helps Rikishi up, lightly slapping him in the face to rejuvenate him, and tells him to come "end this". AS grabs Zack and drags him towards the ring, and rolls him in. They set Zack up near the corner, and AS climbs to the top rope, signalling for a SaultSalt...but he stops. He tells Rikishi to give him a chair! Rikishi grabs one of the steel chairs from ringside, and hands it up to AS. Anglesault launches himself...STEEL CHAIR ASSISTED SALTSAULT...MISSES! ZACK ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! AS hobbles up to his feet, clutching his ribs, and out of desperation Zack leaps forward and cracks him with a flying forearm. Zack covers AS, but Rikishi refuses to count! Zack looks up, then stands up, and gets in Rikishi's face. Rikishi obliges by spitting at Zack, who just smirks back. Rikishi goes for a shot, but suddenly cringes in pain...LOWBLOW BY MICHAEL COLE! He's recovered! Rikishi falls to his knees, and Zack grabs the chair from near Anglesault, and CRACKS Rikishi once...twice...THREE TIMES, BUSTING HIM OPEN! Rikishi lay on the mat, blood dripping out of his head. Zack turns back to AS, and flattens HIM with a chairshot that would make Masato Tanaka green with envy! Zack covers, and Cole makes the count...2 Count only! AS manages to kick out of it!


Zack seems slightly shocked, but realizes he needs more to put the champion away. Zack sets AS up, and now Zack goes to climb the top rope. Just as he's up there, AS gets up, and runs up behind him, sticking his head between his legs and pulling Zack onto his shoulder. Zack fires off some punches to his head, but AS takes a few steps back, then pushes Zack forward, sending him crashing facefirst down into the top turnbuckle! The whiplash on the move is SICK, as Zack's head just snaps back before he falls to the mat.


AS wipes the sweat away, as this has already been a highly physical contest. He grabs Zack and places him in a camel clutch, focusing on the neck that is no doubt hurting him. Zack screams in pain, and Cole does his job as he should, asking if Zack gives up. Zack screams no, and refuses to tap. Every time he seems to make an attempt for the ropes, AS pulls back harder, making the neck feel even more pain. Finally, AS breaks the hold, but drops an elbow onto the back of Zack's neck. AS rolls him over, and Cole reluctantly counts...ONLY A 2 COUNT! MALIBU IS STILL FIGHTING!

AS stands Zack up in the corner, facing the crowd, and hits several forearms to the back of his neck/shoulder blades. He sets Zack up on the top rope, then grabs him by the head...NECKBREAKER! AS snapped Zack to the mat from the top rope! AS covers, and AGAIN Zack is able to get a shoulder up!


Angered, AS pulls Zack back to his feet and sets him up for a belly to belly, only to catch a knee to the gut...DDT BY ZACK! Zack goes for the cover, but AS kicks out rather easily at 2, and shoves Zack off as if to say "You think you can beat me that way?"


AS gets up and whips Zack to the ropes, which Zack reverses and sends AS in. Zack ducks down, and AS kicks him up, then grabs him and plants him on the mat with a SODIUM DRIVER! Anglesault covers...1,2..NO, AS PULLS ZACK UP BEFORE THE 3!?!


Anglesault slams Zack's head back to the mat, then exits the ring. He goes and starts rooting around under the ring, and pulls out his weapon of choice..his trademark sledge! AS climbs back into the ring, and feigns a swing at Michael Cole to send him scurrying to the floor! AS measures Zack up, and takes a swing for the ribs, but Zack catches the sledge, and pulls it away from AS! Zack takes the edge of the sledge, and cracks Anglesault in the head with it! AS goes stumbling backwards, while Zack collapses in exhaustion.


With both men down, the crowd starts stomping and clapping, rallying for someone (preferably Zack) to recover. AS starts to stir, blood now dripping down his forehead from being busted with the sledge. Zack pulls himself up by the ropes, looking out into the crowd at the fans, and then turns and looks at Anglesault.


Zack lunges forward, trying for School's Out on AS, but his leg gets grabbed by the champ...CAPTURE SUPLEX OVER THE TOP ROPE! Zack hits the floor HARD, and AS falls down to the mat, taking the opportunity to rest. Moments later, he rolls out of the ring to continue the damage.

Bleeding and sweating, Anglesault walks over to the announce table and starts pulling the monitors off. He picks up the final monitor, but notices Zack getting to his feet. Zack doesn't even see him coming, and Anglesault BLASTS HIM in the back of the head with the monitor! Zack falls forward, landing so that he's slumped over the railing, as AS finishes cleaning the table off.


Anglesault goes and grabs Zack, who has also been busted open by the monitor shot, and throws him onto the table. AS points to the turnbuckles, and hops up on the apron. He looks back at Zack laying on the table, and starts to climb the ropes...stopping at the very top. AS looks back one more time...GOOD GOD NO! SALT SAULT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! HOLY SHIT!!!!


A HUGE "Holy Shit" chant breaks out, as Anglesault and Zack Malibu lay interwoven with the wreckage. Neither man is moving, with that one incident taking a tremendous amount out of both of them. Michael Cole seems confused, but his first instinct is to check on his friend Zack.

After what seemed like an eternity, Anglesault staggers to his feet, and walks over to the timekeeper. Anglesault grabs his World Championship and rolls into the ring, standing in the center of it and posing with his belt to tremendous boos. Anglesault is gloating as only he can, but the crowd starts popping...ZACK MALIBU HAS MADE IT TO HIS FEET! Anglesault is paying no attention, and Zack enters the ring, beaten, bruised and bloody. Malibu stands behind AS, watching him gloat, and just swipes the World Title from his hands! AS turns around, and Zack FLOORS him with a beltshot! Zack jumps on him, pounding away, and the crowd is going CRAZY! Zack picks Anglesault up and grabs him in a front facelock...IDOL DRIVER...NO, AS uses his force to shove Zack backwards, ramming him into the corner! Zack staggers forward, and AS flips him off, then tries for an ANGLE SLAM...ZACK SLIPS OUT...SCHOOL'S OUT ON ANGLESAULT! ZACK DOESN'T GO FOR THE COVER?!!?


Zack calls on Anglesault, egging him on to get up. AS slowly gets to his feet, only to be leveled with ANOTHER SCHOOL'S OUT! Anglesault may be knocked out after taking another shot like that! But Zack still doesn't go for the pin!


Zack starts working the crowd up again, getting them to chant, scream, whatever they want to do. He does Shawn Michaels-esque stomps to signal ANOTHER School's Out. AS gets to his feet, with the aid of the ropes, and Zack goes for his kick...AS CATCHES IT! He spins Zack around, and grabs the chair off the mat...ZACK DUCKS THE CHAIR SHOT...SCHOOL'S OUT INTO THE CHAIR!!! AS IS OUT! Zack simply FALLS onto AS, and Michael Cole slaps the mat once...TWICE...THREE TIMES!!!


Winner:Zack Malibu


Zack rolls off AS and lay on the mat, even as Cole raises his hand. Zack rolls over, stands on his knees, and finally gets to his feet. He sees the World Title laying on the mat, and goes and picks it up. Zack stares at it for a minute, then throws it down besides Anglesault, who lays there a beaten man. Could we see a similar scene coming up at Breakdown?



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