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Guest NoCalMike

Stevie Richards + Victoria +.........

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Guest NoCalMike

I was almost waiting to see Trish give Stevie a low blow and giving him some punches only to see Raven come down and DDT her and reform his nest. My verdict is not out on where this Stevie/Victoria thing is going, but if they stick together in promos and start acting weird in anyway(besides how weird they already act)then I don't doubt Raven could feel their pain and end up coming back to Raw at anytime.

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Guest DawnBTVS

heh. I was sorta waiting for Raven to come down and aid good ol' Tommy boy after what Regal and Storm did to him(They stole his drop toehold, nuff reason there :P)

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Guest Nater

I could live without another reform of the flock.

Richards and Victoria gets me going, I just cant wait to see the tape!!!! :spank:

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Guest Ravenbomb

I still say Dreamer in the Flock would be weird. Maybe Raven and Dreamer as a Tag Team, but not Dreamer in the Flock

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Guest Slapnuts00

I know this will get me heat with certain people on this board, and I don't mean anything personal by it, but I could live without Raven returning at all. He's a shell of his former self, he's been sharing Jeff Hardy's makeup, and he's just way too uninteresting at this point. Raven used to be cool, but at this point he should be cut as dead weight. He serves no use as a Heat main eventer anyway. Maybe a stop at NWA-TNA could help rejuvenate his career, but at this point he's worthless in WWE.

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Guest dreamer420

No Dreamer in the flock. He would be perfect to feud with the Flock though. I like the idea of the stable returning but I'm not sure about Victoria in the group. Her little hot psycho bitch gimmick is great and should be kept by herself.

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Guest dreamer420

I don't think it should. It will be a heel stable so I would include:


Raven, Steven Richards, Perry Saturn, Al Snow, and Christian.

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Guest razazteca

the Stevie & Victoria thing is the same angle they ran with JAZZ.


when will get the stare down of the 2 intense women? Jazz vs Victoria, in a Stevie love triangle?


Ravens stable should be:






Johnny Stromboli

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Jazz and Victoria battling over Stevie Richards is just perverse enough to get me interested.


Bring that shit on.

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Guest razazteca

its just like ECW with Raven, Stevie, Tommy fighting over Beulah..........good memories

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Guest NoCalMike
its just like ECW with Raven, Stevie, Tommy fighting over Beulah..........good memories


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Guest ryankeast

This shit writes itself.


That would be a great way to get all three people ample TV time.


Stevie Richards (apart from the awful RTC Gimmick) will finally be given a storyline and we will have a fresh Womens angle.


BRING IT ON!!!!!!! :D

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Guest FeArHaVoC
I still say Dreamer in the Flock would be weird. Maybe Raven and Dreamer as a Tag Team, but not Dreamer in the Flock

I think Dreamer could be great with the "Flock." They don't have to be just like the WcW Flock. Don't make them mindless sheep who Raven controls with mind games. Just make them like a "Misfit" crazy group.


Then of course, by WWE standards, job them all out to the Dudley's and Jeff Hardy.

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Guest ryankeast

I still don't think they will bring the Flock back.


I think Richards and Victoria should be given a chance to shine on their own for the near future.


I'd love another WAR of a feud with Raven and Dreamer - it would get both superstars over.

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Guest Cataclysm911

I just wanna see Raven cut a promo on a WWE established main-eventer.. then do a run-in during that main eventers next match and Evenflow him.


I don't care if Raven loses the match that it lead to. I just wanna see him shine big in the WWE before hanging up his boots.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I ask again like I asked before:

Why does everyone want the flock to return when they complained of DX and nWo returning? This will be the 3rd installment of a Flock like group. But those were only the 2nd incarnation of DX and nWo(DX from late 99) and they were better angles than the flock to begin with. But everyone bitches about those being rehashed then pines over having the flock rehashed. It makes no sense.

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Guest Ram
I ask again like I asked before:

Why does everyone want the flock to return when they complained of DX and nWo returning? This will be the 3rd installment of a Flock like group. But those were only the 2nd incarnation of DX and nWo(DX from late 99) and they were better angles than the flock to begin with. But everyone bitches about those being rehashed then pines over having the flock rehashed. It makes no sense.

"Everyone" is pretty generalized.


I require a list.

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Guest subliminal_animal
the Stevie & Victoria thing is the same angle they ran with JAZZ.


when will get the stare down of the 2 intense women? Jazz vs Victoria, in a Stevie love triangle?

I'm betting they dropped any future plans with Jazz and Stevie, even before they thought up the Victoria pairing. I loved that angle. If we got to see what happened if Jazz didn't get hurt, it probably would've been in my top three storylines for the year. Victoria and Stevie seems like a good match on the surface for me, but I was digging Jazz and Stevie ten times more. It was just cool with Jazz being how she was, but for some reason she had a soft spot for a strange guy like Stevie. I'm kind of glad they did this, because now I don't have to worry about Jazz coming back without a mention of her and Stevie.

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Guest Goodear

I agree with The Mighty D. The Flock was always just a bunch of moronic lackies (and Stevie or Kidman) that ran interfearence for Raven matches. That formula really only works when the guy getting protected is over in some fashion. Raven really isn't in that position anymore since he's been a lower midcarder since signing on with WWE.

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Guest areacode212

Victoria is great doing her psycho monster heel gimmick in the women's division, with Stevie as her lackey. I wouldn't want her playing second fiddle to Raven in any kind of "Flock" (though I would like to see Raven thrown into the RAW mix in a prominent position). Let Vic & Stevie do their own thing for now.

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Guest notJames

Count me in the large minority of people who don't want version x of Raven's group, or any stable for that matter.


Like Principal Carter said in Porky's 2: The Next Day,


"Get the Flock out of here!"


And I too like the pairing of Victoria and Steven. Much better than him and Jazz.

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Guest subliminal_animal
I ask again like I asked before:

Why does everyone want the flock to return when they complained of DX and nWo returning? This will be the 3rd installment of a Flock like group. But those were only the 2nd incarnation of DX and nWo(DX from late 99) and they were better angles than the flock to begin with. But everyone bitches about those being rehashed then pines over having the flock rehashed. It makes no sense.

People like the Flock better because it didn't really have a chance to get stale, IMO. Hell, I don't remember how it was resolved in WCW. DX was beat into the goddamn ground, and the nWo was beat into the ground about four times. Plus I think the concept of the Flock was novel and more intriguing than most angles you see in wrestling, which DX wasn't. The nWo was novel for a while, but then it just swelled and became a just big group of guys trying to somehow conquer WCW by winning wrestling matches and gang-beating people. And the fact that for a long time, Nitro was almost entirely based on them made the act wear thinner faster.

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Guest notJames

The thing is, the Flock had a beginning, a middle, and an end, like all good stories do. That's why people liked it. It certainly couldn't be because of guys like Van Hammer and Reese. Bringing back the Flock with a Raven who has become all but inconsequential in RAW's continuity will only serve to prove how far down the pecking order he's fallen.


Besides, DX and the nWo went on way past their expiration dates, which is why people grew weary of them.


Also, like it's been said before, Raven was given carte blanche to book the entire angle, since it was considered so low on the card, much like Chris Jericho's CW run. I doubt WW_'s booking staff has anywhere near the credibility to revamp the Flock in an interesting fashion, nor do they have any faith in Raven's ability to do the same.


Let it lie.

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