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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Noble - Nidia

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Guest NoCalMike

As little credibility as SK has, it shouldn't suprise ANYONE if it in fact was true. Wrestlers surely don't behave any different than rockstars or movie stars when confronted with beautiful women throwing themselves at them. It's not like it would be a revelation if Noble was in fact cheating with Nidia, but at the same time it is like, "ummm who cares"

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Guest subliminal_animal
Remember what happened to BB?  They fired her for having an affair with Bob Holly...and yes, when WWF/E hires and fires people for morality reasons, there is something majorly screwed up.


I guess since both of them are wrestlers--they didn't do anything to BoB (of course...aside from firing what could you do to punish Bob even then?), but whatever.

IIRC the reason why BB and Bob's affair was used to fire her was because the WWF wanted to hurt Bob after it was rumored that Bob had been in contact with Vince Russo in WCW about possibly going there when his contract expired. The fact that BB was a bitch backstage made her getting axed less of a controversial decision in that BB was pissing off the rest of the Divas and firing her killed two birds with one stone

I never heard the bitch reason until now. I'm guessing she was fired solely because of the affair and that was just to cover their ass in case she decided to file suit.


Where did they get from in the first place? She didn't have wrestling experience. Did Bob introduce them to her?


I believe he's married to her now. And she was also the girl Bruce beat for the TNA crown.


Wake up.  I think if *you* would watch closer and pay attention, it was a planned joke.


Don't look up towards the sky now...you will see the horrible joke from that TV showing flying right over your head.



If you're talking about Fearhavoc, I think he he understood it was a joke. It seemed to pretty clear.

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