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Guest FeArHaVoC

Hulk Hogan Speaks On WWE, Vince McMahon, More

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Hulk Hogan Speaks On WWE Future, Vince McMahon, More


The following is a recap of The Wrestling Guys interview with Hulk Hogan. For more info on the Wrestling Guys, visit TheWrestlingGuys.com.


Shawn Stidham had the chance to interview the one and only "Immortal" Hulk Hogan on the Wrestling Guys radio show this week, on AM910 WPFB in Southwest Ohio.


Shawn's interviews are now being archived at: http://www.thewrestlingguys.com and I suggest you go on over and check this one out.


Here are some highlights of what the "Immortal" one had to say:


Hogan said he's been busy, and he's been in LA, and just finished filming another 10-10-220 commercial with Terry Bradshaw. Hogan has also has been hitting the interview circuit appearing on "The Today Show" as well as Fox's "Best Damn Sports Show Period" to promote his new book.


Hogan jokingly said, "We're stayin' real busy, just waiting to get Vinnie Mac to the bargaining table and straighten his act out so I can kick his pompous little Connecticut ass one time, you know what I'm sayin'?"


Hogan and Shawn talked about how the schedule was a lot tougher back when Hogan was first wrestling. Hogan said he was so busy doing promotion and things of that nature that he would sometimes be lacing up his boots in the car, as he got to the arena, and running in. They had to work 30-40 days in a row and some guys complain about having to work three or four days in a row. Hogan also mentioned that some of these younger guys do a lot more things physically, risking their bodies, and he thinks it is smart to give them the time off to heal.


Shawn brings up a funny story from Hogan's book about "Iron Mike Sharp" having an obsession with being clean. Hogan confirmed it, saying that some days Vince would have to pay the security guards extra money, because Mike, who may have been in the first match, was on his ninth or tenth shower. Hogan added that "Iron" Mike would sometimes use a whole roll of deodorant under one armpit.


Hogan also says that his comeback, as of right now, is pretty much at a standstill until he and Vince gets back on the same page creatively. He said if he and Vince do get back on the same page around the first of the year, that there is a lot more excitement ahead.


Shawn then asked Hogan point blank whether he thinks he is going to be back in the WWE. Hogan said he doesn't know, but he has had several meetings with Vince and they agree to disagree. He said he was originally going to make his comeback at Survivor Series, but they couldn't come to an agreement creatively. He said he considers WWE his home, wants to end his career there, and anything else is a second choice. He said there isn't anything left for him to do in wrestling, but he is out there because he wants to do it and it makes him feel good to be involved, not because he "has" to.


Shawn pushed the question again, wondering if when its all said and done, should we expect to see Hulk back on WWE television. Again, Hogan said he didn't know and that at the end of the day, Vince is the boss. Hogan said all he has is the option of going along with a storyline or stepping back.


Hogan closed by saying that he would like to get back in there and he would love to kick McMahon's ass in front of all the Hulkamaniacs. He said would love another shot at the Rock, and says that a lot of the fans ask where Stone Cold is. Hogan says Austin is hiding from Hulk Hogan, and if he ever shows his bald head again he will slap the taste out of his mouth too.


Shawn plugs the new book "Hollywood Hulk Hogan" in bookstores now.


Credit: 411wrestling.com

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Guest DragonflyKid

I saw Hogan on Fox news this morning and sent the following to PWT, don't know if they'll put it up or not.


Hulk was on the Fox News Channel this morning on Live from Studio B at around 8:50 a.m. PST for about 4 minutes. Bill Mccuddy conducted the interview which was short and didn't reveal much. They started off talking about Michael Jackson and his chinlock on his baby which Hogan said was unstable. Then the issue of wrestling being fake came up, Hogan said it was predetermined but not choreographed, he said the great ones like himself and the Rock can go out there and just get through their matches because they are naturals(I found this funny since the Hogan/Warrior and Hogan/Rock matches were said to be entirely laid out beforehand.). They then briefly discussed steriods and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hogan said they were legal when Arnold used them to win Mr Olympias. They then went onto politics and Hogan stated that he didn't want to go into politics because of the pay decrease, he didn't want to leave Florida or get assasinated and wanted to go back into the ring and whip McMahon's BUTT.



Hogan on him and Rock naturally being able to put on a match was yet another of Hogan's exaggerations and lies and had me laughing.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Hogan might as well say "I'm not going back unless Vince agrees to put the title on me and give me full ceative control.

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Guest Human Fly

This was my favorite:


and says that a lot of the fans ask where Stone Cold is. Hogan says Austin is hiding from Hulk Hogan, and if he ever shows his bald head again he will slap the taste out of his mouth too.

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Guest snowfan
This was my favorite:


and says that a lot of the fans ask where Stone Cold is. Hogan says Austin is hiding from Hulk Hogan, and if he ever shows his bald head again he will slap the taste out of his mouth too.

That Hogan...."always working"...

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Guest The Tino Standard

I'm surprised nobody else here is putting two and two together...


There were rumors running rampant over the summer that Hogan would have a match with Vince at SummerSlam. Those rumors all pretty much went away quietly, as did Hogan and Vince.


In pretty much every interview he does promoting his book, Hogan keeps saying he wants to "whip McMahon's BUTT."


Hogan also said something about him and Vince possibly getting on the same page by the first of the year... which would be just enough time for those two to get worked back into the storylines on TV and build up a match for WrestleMania in March.


This match is basically all that is left for Hogan to do and I think they realized that. They have nothing else for him to do in the meantime, so why not hold off his big match with Vince until the biggest event of the year?

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Guest notJames

It seems like the most obvious scenario, but what's the impetus? Neither one is on TV. Vince especially has been scarce, what with the Brand Extension and all. And personally, I would rather he stayed off the screen, especially if it involves some three-way involving Steph and Bisch (ewwwwwww...)


Hogan needs to stay gone, too. We already have a bloated orange politician with the initials H.H.H. running wild all over RAW.


That said, it will most likely happen, because the WW_ hates me.

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Guest The Tino Standard

I'm not saying that this is something I WANT to see happen, just what I think actually WILL happen.


And as for the impetus for them getting back on TV? Come on, with some of their storylines this year, coming up with a far-fetched excuse to put these two back on TV seems like a walk in the park.

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Guest Breetai

Hogan has exactly three matches left in him.


1. His match with Vince, in which he should go over and trounce the evil McMahon.


2. The greatest fucking money match of all time with Austin.


3. His retirement, where he does the mega-job in order to make a new star.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

1. Would Vince let him go over?

2. Agreed

3. He already let Brock and others beat him. They got no rub from it so Vince should be his retirement match.

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Guest Human Fly

I think there are a lot of people that want to see Hogan and Vince have a match. I don't think it should headline a ppv, but if it was on Wrestlemania it might influence a few more buys.

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Guest Brian

I doubt Austin and Hogan will draw as well as Hogan and the Rock. Rock and Hogan have a different cross-over appeal than Hogan does, and it matches well.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
I think there are a lot of people that want to see Hogan and Vince have a match. I don't think it should headline a ppv, but if it was on Wrestlemania it might influence a few more buys.

If booked properly it could be good. I think Hogan deserves a kind of going away Wrestlemania. One where everyone knows he's done win or lose. He should come out to Eye of the Tiger, beat Vince, flex, leave to Real American, and never be seen in wrestling tights again.

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Let's not forget that although everyone (i say everyone, i don't particularly want to see it) wants to see Hogan|McMahon, we have had this situation before, as in McMahon|Flair, and boy, did *that* work..

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Guest The Tino Standard

I think Hogan-McMahon works on a lot more levels. Hogan was without question McMahon's guy and standard-bearer for a generation of the Federation. A McMahon-Flair feud was cool for SOME nostalgia purposes, but I don't think it carries the same cache as a Hogan-McMahon war.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Does anyone remember NWO vs Austin/Rock from the week or so before WrestleMania?


We had thirty seconds, ONLY THIRTY SECONDS of Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan. The only thirty seconds of that matchup ever. (It's on Back in Black as a DVD extra if you missed it)



And it was terrible.


Austin did stomping and shit, while Hogan went for his incredibly fake choking.


Sorry, I don't EVER want to see those two in a match against each other.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Let's not forget that although everyone (i say everyone, i don't particularly want to see it) wants to see Hogan|McMahon, we have had this situation before, as in McMahon|Flair, and boy, did *that* work..

Nice to see the marks have arrived at TSM.



Hogan/McMahon is the natural conclusion to the long-standing personal McMahon/Hogan feud. To say that it "wouldn't work" is like saying McMahon/Hart wouldn't work.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Let's not forget that although everyone (i say everyone, i don't particularly want to see it) wants to see Hogan|McMahon, we have had this situation before, as in McMahon|Flair, and boy, did *that* work..

Nice to see the marks have arrived at TSM.



Hogan/McMahon is the natural conclusion to the long-standing personal McMahon/Hogan feud. To say that it "wouldn't work" is like saying McMahon/Hart wouldn't work.

To those who were around when Hogan came up in the 80's like myself, this is the perfect ending to the career of Hogan.


To those who have only been around to witness "Hollywood" Hogan, its value is nil.

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Sorry to change the subject here, but i'd rather see Hogan|Hart than Hogan|McMahon, it's a shame that we never got that match :(


Am i to understand that McMahon and Hart don't hate each other as much as they used to? And if the ratings continue to suck, and if Shawn Michaels can come back...


sorry, i'm just a Hart fan, that's me, Hogan and Hart, Dream Match.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I wouldn't rule out Brett coming back, and yes, he and Vince have spoken recently. But he is not in a condition to wrestle due to the stroke he suffered and the concussions. He could come back and give Vince a punch but won't wrestle.

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Guest dreamer420

I know I'll probably get blasted for this but I would love to see Hogan back in the WWE. He knows he doesn't need to be champion for the next five years, but he also doesn't want to get jobbed to everyone and their cousin because he simply doesn't deserve that. Hulk Hogan has always been a major part of the WWF/WWE and I really hate to see him on the outs with Vince right now. I would like to see Hogan return, have his big rematch with the Rock, and then take out Vince and stay with the company in a non wrestling role. He is still a very valuable talent IMO.

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none wrestling? you mean have him as shawn michaels manager for his match with triple h? could revive the hogan flair thing (if anyone wants that of course)


but i wouldn't mind Hogan back, i liked him tbh, especially the red and yellow with the jimmii hendrix music, i'm just an old wrestling fan, that's all :)

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Guest jester

I want Hogan back in the WWE so Rikishi can give him a Stinkface.'


But then again, I've always hated him.


BTW, I don't think Hogan was "on his best behavior" as some have said during his last run. If his book is any indication, he's the greatest thing ever and the rest of the world only exists to tell him that. I think he wants a belt.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Seeing that fans aren't buying the Raw belt anyway, I think a short Hogan title stint with the Big Gold Belt wouldn't hurt if it lasted for a few weeks. However, there should be an obligation that he has to work on any show where he shows his face. Also, ideally, Hogan wins it from a Big Show like jobber and loses it to a great, since the ultimate point of having him there is to give away all this rub he's collected before retirement.


However, since they already played the Rock card, the only ideal opponent would be Austin, and like I said above, Austin/Hogan couldn't go half a minute without turning into suck. Hogan/RVD is the worst clash of style that mankind could imagine, and anyone who says Booker T obviously never paid attention to WCW.


With Hogan gone, WWE has only two can't-miss matches left that they could pull off: Austin vs Goldberg (less likely to happen), and Vince McMahon vs Bret Hart (more likely to happen, but also likely not to set any workrate records since Bret would only be doing what he's comfortable with and Vince would only just sit and sell it with his poor acting.)


I think WWE should give up and just let Hogan shill books, give him another ring around Royal Rumble time, and offer him a month extension because it wouldn't make sense for Hogan to permanently leave on any other show than WrestleMania.


I think a more pressing issue is what to do with Flair. He's still known as the #1 "Cool" Heel in recorded history, but he has no more gas in the tank. I think he needs to give the proverbial rub and go, preferably to Jericho or Eddy Guererro (although he may be getting too old, I forget how old Eddy really is. =/)

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As much as i'd personally like to see it, we won't see bret|mcmahon, period :(


But you're right, if Hogan did come back to the WWE, they couldn't put him on Raw, RVD and co would just embarress him, stick him on SmackDown! with Edge and Mysterio, that's about the only way Hogan would get over again now (if he needed to) And who's to say another come back would work? The first one was good because of the nostolgia feature of it, now that won't work, and if Hogan did come back to SD! how could they not have him go after Lesnar, which they don't want obviously, after Lesnar ended (or so we think/hope) his career?

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Guest FeArHaVoC
I think a more pressing issue is what to do with Flair. I think he needs to give the proverbial rub and go, preferably to Jericho or Eddy Guererro

Those "Rubs" don't even work anymore unless it's the World Champion who's doing the jobbing.


No one gives a flying rats ass that Brock beat HULK HOGAN with a Bear Hug and made him "Retire."


No one cares that Angle went over Hogan.


No one Cares if Flair jobs out to Jericho or RVD.


What does it matter when Angle or Jericho go over a Hogan or Flair only to be jobbed out to someone like Cena or Rikishi a week or Two later. Or, better yet, a Triple H to kill their Heat Dead.


Only "Rub" that matters anymore is when the Champion does the Job to those Guys. Ala Rock/Lesnar.


And don't say Rock/Hogan, because Rock was By Far, already a Superstar.

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