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Guest Prime Time Andrew Doyle

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Guest Prime Time Andrew Doyle

I need some suggestions to stop some dumb fucks from hacking people. A group of four or five people from a e-fed have decided to go on a hacking rampage to people who weren't nice to them and people who didn't let them win. One dumb fuck sent a email to some people saying that they were detirmined to be the next "Osama Bin Laden"; showing that they are probably 12-13 years old. So I am looking for suggestions and sites to stop them. I am hoping a good hack or mail bomb would sort them out and stop them from continuing with this shit.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Email bombs aren't too hard. Just spam the fuckers. You can do it the hard way (Manually) or you can find a Advertising Program, that will spam them for you.


Or just sign them up for gay sex emails.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Is there a reason people from E-feds are like that? I mean, one time a 14 year old with the brains of literally a 5 year old had an ironclad rule over one I was in, simply because he knew how to totally destroy everyone's computers. I told him he was full of it, so he made my mouse cursor move around and CD drive open up to show me. He fired me shortly thereafter, but I was afraid for a month or so afterward that he was going to kill my computer somehow.


Fo sheez,


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Guest papacita
Is there a reason people from E-feds are like that? I mean, one time a 14 year old with the brains of literally a 5 year old had an ironclad rule over one I was in, simply because he knew how to totally destroy everyone's computers. I told him he was full of it, so he made my mouse cursor move around and CD drive open up to show me. He fired me shortly thereafter, but I was afraid for a month or so afterward that he was going to kill my computer somehow.


Fo sheez,


That brings back memories. Back when I first started my e-fed. there was this guy who whenever he didn't get his way, he'd go off and threaten to send everyone viruses and shut down the fed. He didn't do much in my fed besides get everyone pissed at him, but I remember once in another fed we were in, he practically shut down the RP board for a whole week threatening to hack everyone. Then of course, in the end he never did shit....bitch. Oh well.

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Guest Ravenbomb

this one little fuck in this E-Fed I'm in now IM'ed me and said 'Hey! GIVE ME A TITLE SHOT!' I tried to calmly explain to him that I don't own or run the fed and don't have any ability to make matches, so he started typing in crap like (&^_(*@#&%_)*_)*%U+)(F*+#@)*&%+)@+^)(I#)+T(&+#@(%*)(*@+)(#@&%+)(*#@)^&@#$)+(+)@#&)@+#(*%+)& saying it was a virus and that he was on my computer. He got fired.

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Guest Ravenbomb

here, transcribed for you all, is the conversation with the person mentioned above (Me= NoArmedWhitey, him= Amateo, Riot is the owner of the fed and Hell Hound was the current world champ)

amateo104: HEY

NoArmedWhitey: hello



NoArmedWhitey: uh...

NoArmedWhitey: I think you're looking for Riot

amateo104: NOW

NoArmedWhitey: NoArmedWhitey: he's not on the computer right now

NoArmedWhitey: and even if I could make matches

NoArmedWhitey: no

NoArmedWhitey: and dont type in all caps

amateo104: BASTARD

amateo104: FUCK U

amateo104: 'BITCH

NoArmedWhitey: do you know how many internet etiquette laws you're breaking by typing in all caps?

NoArmedWhitey: well...you're breaking one...don't type in all caps

NoArmedWhitey: sorry

NoArmedWhitey: can't make

NoArmedWhitey: matches

NoArmedWhitey: and why do you deserve a shot?

amateo104: SHUT BASTARD

NoArmedWhitey: shut bastard?

NoArmedWhitey: wtf is that?

amateo104: FUCK U

amateo104: BITCH

amateo104: SDAFJSDGF

amateo104: DFGDSFSA

amateo104: FDSFDSFDSA

amateo104: DFDSFSF

NoArmedWhitey: oh no

amateo104: FDSFSDAFDS

NoArmedWhitey: you're typing unintelligible stuff at me

amateo104: :-P=-O=-O=-O:-*>>=-O>>>>=-O:-P:-P=-O:-P=-O:-P=-O=-O:-*:-*:-*:-*=-O:-*:-*=-O:-*:-*=-O:-*:-*=-O:-*=-O:-*=-O:-*=-O:-P:-P=-O=-O

NoArmedWhitey: Jeesy Creesy what am I to do?

NoArmedWhitey: baby

amateo104: %&((*&%&*)(_))*^%^&))(*)**)(?><><>,.?<<>?.,.,.>?<><><>$$#@#@!@$^%^^()(*(*&

amateo104: virus

NoArmedWhitey: ok fine

NoArmedWhitey: you can have your stupid match

amateo104: YES

NoArmedWhitey: but next time you talk to me like that I'll see to it that you're fired

NoArmedWhitey: no, you know what?

NoArmedWhitey: you get no match

NoArmedWhitey: and I'll see to it that you're fired

NoArmedWhitey: or at least suspended

amateo104: &&(&^%&***((&())()()()()()&^%$%^^&&^$%$@$$%%$@%

NoArmedWhitey: or worse

NoArmedWhitey: I'll suggest that I'LL be in control of your booking

amateo104: I hate you

NoArmedWhitey: you should

NoArmedWhitey: cause I'm going to see to it that you're jobbed to every single person that comes into XHWF

NoArmedWhitey: men, women, managers, cameo appearances you name it

amateo104: %^&*^&*&**&*****.<><><><><>Y%%^%$%$^%*&*^*&&^&^**&^*&^&*&&(*&*(&*&(((((((*&^%%&%^&^^^^%&&&%*&*&*(

NoArmedWhitey: no matter how badly they roleplay and no matter how good you rp you will lose


NoArmedWhitey: just for being such a baby

amateo104: fuck u bastard

NoArmedWhitey: and this fake virus crap isn't going to help your case

NoArmedWhitey: and neither is cursing at me

amateo104: oh well right now I'm in your pc



it just goes on pretty much like that


to tell the truith, I did have SOME pull in the fed, but not like 3H stuff, more like suggestive stuff, and I couldn't get him the match even if he hadn't acted like that.

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Guest Ace309

Um, just for the record, we're not like that in the SWF. :-)


And www.irchelp.org might be some help, Prime Time. It's got explanations (though some might be very old) of hack progs and so forth, so you might be able to find a good one.

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Guest J*ingus
I told him he was full of it, so he made my mouse cursor move around and CD drive open up to show me.

Holy shit, that's possible?!

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Guest DJ Jeff

This brings back memories of when I had someone hack my computer. Pretty much all that happened is the hacker had this little box pop-up asking a question, and I'd reply. He then opened up the CD-Rom drive repeatedly. Eventually, he stopped. He didn't do anything serious, though. I know, that has nothing to do with an E-Fed.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
I told him he was full of it, so he made my mouse cursor move around and CD drive open up to show me.

Holy shit, that's possible?!

Yes it is. He said he got my IP by me simply responding to him on AIM. It's stuff like this that made me want to believe that March 8th, 2003 thing, becuase I've had someone do similar things to my computer.


Fo sheez,


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Guest The Electrifyer

I knew this guy who could do that too, except he use this program called Sub-Seven. I, being very trustful at the time, took the program, thinking it was something else and he just reeked havok on my computer.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Heh. My cousin showed me how to do something like that. He tortured this one kid he knew from school for a month by taking control of his PC.


We tried to convince the kid that the PC had been possesed, I don't know if it worked

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Guest dreamer420

Try a program called Neo Trace. If you have the persons IP address this program will give you their real name, address, and phone number. Imagine calling that pigfucker on the phone and bitching him out.

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Guest saturnmark4life

what the FUCK is going on in those weird 'OASTOASTOAOSSSTTOAOAT' things at the bottom of the board? it's a dark, scary world. Fucking freaks.

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Guest Sandman9000

Hey, be nice! CWM doesn't like it when people call him a freak. It hurts his feelings. Dumb bastard is actually really sensitive.

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