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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The NBDL..

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im sitting here bored to death, and I switch to ESPN2 and theres an NBDL game on between Asheville Altitude and Fayetteville Patriots.


The first thing that I think of is that the Crown Colliseum in Fayetteville is probably half full at best, and I went to a Smackdown taping in 2000 there and the place was packed..its a nice facility..


The next thing that pops into mind is that I didn't go to a single North Charleston Lowgators game last year at the North Charleston Colliseum (where RAW will be this monday night..) I heard that attendance sucked and the idea of minor league basketball just didn't appeal to me, even with cheap tickets (as low as $5 I think..)..


But sitting here watching the game, I can't help but think that these two teams are better than about 8 teams in the NBA..and the play isn't that bad (its a bit sloppier with more ugly turnovers but not that bad)


Im kinda curious what everyone thinks about it..

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Guest RepoMan

There's some good talent in there no doubt, and it's a good opprutunity for guys with potential but still needs a few years to develop. Coming from the minor league capital of the world, i'd defintly check it out for $5 bucks. It's half of the cheapest ticket for minor league hockey.

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Guest Choken One

It's a great thing overall, It keeps potential good role players from jumping overseas and has a great place to send High Schoolers for a year (make that a requirement)...They get the money but not an "Professional" tour...


Here is a question I wondered...


If you do the And 1 mix tours...Are you allowed to attend College and play or is that considered a "Professional"?

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Guest bravesfan
...and has a great place to send High Schoolers for a year (make that a requirement)...They get the money but not an "Professional" tour...

Something tells me that David Stern (the best commissioner in sports, BTW) will do JUST THAT. Thing is, he may not have a choice, as he has his hands tied on holding back high-schoolers from declaring for the draft.


If you do the And 1 mix tours...Are you allowed to attend College and play or is that considered a "Professional"?


The Mixtape Tours consists of:

--players who have finished college, but not did not declare.

--players who DID NOT finish college, basically honing their individual skills on the Tour.


To my recollection, no one on the Tour is currently playing college basketball, nor are they considering it. Every player is either out to make a "street legend" reputation without the NBA' s help, or waiting for the right opportunity from the pros.


"Skip To My Lou" made the trasnfer from AND1 to the NBA last year, as he is now playing for Golden State, under his real name "Rafer Alston".

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Guest bravesfan

BTW, the NBDL is not used as a "minor-league" team...that would be the "NBA Summer League".


The NBDL does not assign teams to the pro franchises, so it acts as a semi-pro feeder system for the NBA. (sort of like the CFL, USFL and XFL). Any pro team can sign a player from any NBDL team.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

I think that the NBDL is an outstanding idea, but as long as Stern continues to undermine its potential by allowing high-schoolers and undergrads to declare for the NBA, it'll never really work.


Personally, I think that Stern should consider some modified version of the eligibility rules that the WBNA has: must be at least 21, and have played four years of college, or at least two years overseas.

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Guest Choken One

Not even four years...Just two seasons Junior or Higher College. It works for NFL/NCAA.

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