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Guest JimmyHendricks

A fan of 13 years has had enough

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Guest NoCalMike

The biggest problem with tonight's conclusion is that once again it takes the focus off of RVD, and onto HBK who won't be around much longer and Triple H who nobody cares about anymore. I just pray RVD goes over the both of them at the PPV.......(yah right)

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I dont' understand the Death to The WWE people who act like the show can't be saved in due time.


Granted, it's going to take more than one person to wake up and notice. Besides, if the McMahons do fail while nobody is ready to pick up the slack, pro wrestling leaves the general media as a whole and returns to being a hushed interest viewed in high school gyms in crowds of less than 50 people.


I don't know about you, but I don't find that very fun. I like to talk about and watch the same guys you all are watching, but if we're left with the regionals then it's not going to work.

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Guest Blayde Starrfyre
If there was an IWC in the 80's I wonder if they would've felt the same way about Hogan that we do about HHH? At least Hogan was a draw.


I doubt it. I look back at old stuff from the Hulk Still Rules DVD and I'm a total mark for it. I doubt any of us will feel the same way in 10 years looking back on the Reign of HHHorror. Hell, this isn't even good enough to put on a DVD in 10 years.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I look back at old stuff from the Hulk Still Rules DVD and I'm a total mark for it.

Yes, but how old were you when you were watching that stuff? Or where you ever?


I mean, I still mark out for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Movie, but I don't think it's a good movie still. It's just that everything you remember from when you were 12 years old sounds better than it really was.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker




FUCK you Stephanie McMahon.

FUCK you to everyone else on the roster for not having the balls to stand up for your company.


And most of all:


FUCK you Vince McMahon, and FUCK the WWE. May you die a slow and painful death.


Oh, and im sure they all are REALLY hurt.


Can you stop coming here as well?



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Guest Cataclysm911
I hate to bitch, and I hate to whine, but I have to vent. Say whatever you want, I don't care.


I have watched the WWE(F) for 13 years. My first WWF moment was the SNME in 1989 when Randy Savage attached Hulk Hogan in the medical room, setting up WrestleMania V. I have enjoyed, and suffered through many memorable moments over the years.


I stuck with the WWE through some pretty bad times. Dumb gimmicks like the Red Rooster, The Goon, Doink, Skinner, and Big Bully Busick, the horrible Yokozuna and Diesel title reigns, the fallout with Bret and the politics with Shawn in '97, being live in attendance when Owen Hart fell 75 feet to his death, Big Show's feud with Bossman, the lousy attempt at an InVasion last year, the "Kiss My Ass" club, the "no selling bike" angle with Hogan and Taker, and recently, HHH having sex with a dead body and Big Show winning the WWE title.


All of those were frustrating. Sometimes I wanted to change the channel for good. But I never did.


After tonight on RAW, however, I am officially finished with the WWE.


Now, I'm sure everyone will be saying that, and I'm sure that others will be saying "Yeah right, you'll keep watching", but I KNOW I'm done. I know it's time to stop watching, because for the first time ever, I have NO interest at all in watching WWE programming anymore.


I don't want to see Big Show walking around with that goofy grin on his face. I don't want to see Brock Lesnar stalking Paul Heyman for 3 weeks. I don't want to see Stephanie McMahon trying to act.


And I definetly don't want to see Jean Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, on my television screen again.


HHH, I used to like you. I really did. I liked everything you did from December 2000 up to where you tore your quad. I honestly had a lump in my throat when yoy returned in MSG, because I knew how hard you worked to get back. I appreciated what you did in the ring every single week.


But all that is in the past, and Triple H, I respect you no more.


Your in ring ability sucks, your mobility sucks, and, most of all, your attitude sucks. You know that you aren't the HHH of 2000 anymore, so you resort to fucking the daughter of the owner of the company to maintain your position. There was no reason for you to run in tonight and fuck up that match, other than to once again prove who the REAL star of the WWE is.


So, I'm finished. I don't want to see HHH go over RVD and HBK at Armageddon, then find a way to go over Brock after he wins the title back from Big Show. I don't want to see Scott Steiner do belly to belly suplexes until his foot falls off. I don't want to see Jericho and Christian running around naked in the midcard. I don't want to see Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit hug each other. I don't want to see Austin come back, then get pissed 3 weeks later when HHH demands to go over him. I don't want to see Goldberg get paid a ridiculous amount of money, then probably come in and be an ass and get fired. I don't want to see Hulk Hogan come back and wrestle Vince McMahon, brother. I don't want to see Stephanie turn on Vince again, then end up losing, then having Vince forgive her for the 56th time.


The wrestling HAS been better, but I can't enjoy it knowing that whoever I'm watching will never get anywhere worthwhile, thanks to God himself.


So that's it. I'm leaving. It's a waste of time to sit in front of my TV and watch this shit every week. I'll continue to keep up with what's going on, but until HHH is either dead, retired, or putting over everyone in the company from RVD to Spike Dudley, the WWE won't be on my TV again.


And for some reason, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


Thank God I have all my tapes of the GOOD times.





FUCK you Stephanie McMahon.

FUCK you to everyone else on the roster for not having the balls to stand up for your company.


And most of all:


FUCK you Vince McMahon, and FUCK the WWE. May you die a slow and painful death.


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Guest Luke Cage

IMO, the WWF does not exist to provide wrestling. The WWF does not exist to entertain. The WWF exists to sell things to you. T-Shirts, video games, CDS...the "wrestling" is incidental.

The shows don't have to make sense if all they are is two hour infomercials for McMahon product. JMO.

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Guest nikowwf
I have stopped watching the WWF over a year ago and I am glad I did. And because of their current product, it looks like I will never go back.

Why do you still come to the WWE boards and post? I really don't mean that in a bad way...im just curious. Things I don't like I usually stop following all together...



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Spare the melodrama. It's not worth the effort or your time. Just don't watch it anymore.


It's quite easy, really.

Spare the spite.


Just don't read the post.


It's quite easy.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767
I hate to bitch, and I hate to whine, but I have to vent. Say whatever you want, I don't care.


I have watched the WWE(F) for 13 years. My first WWF moment was the SNME in 1989 when Randy Savage attached Hulk Hogan in the medical room, setting up WrestleMania V. I have enjoyed, and suffered through many memorable moments over the years.


I stuck with the WWE through some pretty bad times. Dumb gimmicks like the Red Rooster, The Goon, Doink, Skinner, and Big Bully Busick, the horrible Yokozuna and Diesel title reigns, the fallout with Bret and the politics with Shawn in '97, being live in attendance when Owen Hart fell 75 feet to his death, Big Show's feud with Bossman, the lousy attempt at an InVasion last year, the "Kiss My Ass" club, the "no selling bike" angle with Hogan and Taker, and recently, HHH having sex with a dead body and Big Show winning the WWE title.


All of those were frustrating. Sometimes I wanted to change the channel for good. But I never did.


After tonight on RAW, however, I am officially finished with the WWE.


Now, I'm sure everyone will be saying that, and I'm sure that others will be saying "Yeah right, you'll keep watching", but I KNOW I'm done. I know it's time to stop watching, because for the first time ever, I have NO interest at all in watching WWE programming anymore.


I don't want to see Big Show walking around with that goofy grin on his face. I don't want to see Brock Lesnar stalking Paul Heyman for 3 weeks. I don't want to see Stephanie McMahon trying to act.


And I definetly don't want to see Jean Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, on my television screen again.


HHH, I used to like you. I really did. I liked everything you did from December 2000 up to where you tore your quad. I honestly had a lump in my throat when yoy returned in MSG, because I knew how hard you worked to get back. I appreciated what you did in the ring every single week.


But all that is in the past, and Triple H, I respect you no more.


Your in ring ability sucks, your mobility sucks, and, most of all, your attitude sucks. You know that you aren't the HHH of 2000 anymore, so you resort to fucking the daughter of the owner of the company to maintain your position. There was no reason for you to run in tonight and fuck up that match, other than to once again prove who the REAL star of the WWE is.


So, I'm finished. I don't want to see HHH go over RVD and HBK at Armageddon, then find a way to go over Brock after he wins the title back from Big Show. I don't want to see Scott Steiner do belly to belly suplexes until his foot falls off. I don't want to see Jericho and Christian running around naked in the midcard. I don't want to see Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit hug each other. I don't want to see Austin come back, then get pissed 3 weeks later when HHH demands to go over him. I don't want to see Goldberg get paid a ridiculous amount of money, then probably come in and be an ass and get fired. I don't want to see Hulk Hogan come back and wrestle Vince McMahon, brother. I don't want to see Stephanie turn on Vince again, then end up losing, then having Vince forgive her for the 56th time.


The wrestling HAS been better, but I can't enjoy it knowing that whoever I'm watching will never get anywhere worthwhile, thanks to God himself.


So that's it. I'm leaving. It's a waste of time to sit in front of my TV and watch this shit every week. I'll continue to keep up with what's going on, but until HHH is either dead, retired, or putting over everyone in the company from RVD to Spike Dudley, the WWE won't be on my TV again.


And for some reason, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


Thank God I have all my tapes of the GOOD times.





FUCK you Stephanie McMahon.

FUCK you to everyone else on the roster for not having the balls to stand up for your company.


And most of all:


FUCK you Vince McMahon, and FUCK the WWE. May you die a slow and painful death.


You know, you could have just said everything you wanted to say with all the tired drivel preceeding it. All you wanted to say was F Vince and all of the usual suspects so that's all you had to say. So many people have said it in a much shorter and memoralbe way than you did. Nice try disguising it as something other than the usual that occupies this board.

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Guest Kagato Otaku
Spare the melodrama. It's not worth the effort or your time. Just don't watch it anymore.


It's quite easy, really.


Spare the spite.


Just don't read the post.


It's quite easy.


If you saw that as a vengeful statement, that's your business. Spite never entered the picture.


Wasting energy and breath on the WWE at this point is fruitless if you don't plan to watch it. I don't mind anybody's opinions on how to make it better. But posting several hundred word diatribes on the subject to explain your leave of absence has always been senseless to me.


Quit watching the show. Find something better to do with your time. Come back when it gets better.


No hostile statement toward the original poster was intended.

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Guest candie45

You know, I can just imagine at least half of those who state they aren't going to watch anymore sitting on their couch Monday night with a remote in hand, biting their fingernails, and wanting to turn the channel to Raw... but not doing so because they don't want to break their "smark promise." It's all fine and dandy to complain or comment on the product, whatever. Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, it's predictable. And yeah, it's frusterating. I understand. But just stop acting like watching it is this one big chore, like you are obligated to.... watch it if you are sitting around doing nothing, don't watch it if you have something better to do. It doesn't have to be this big ordeal.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

Exactly. And stop acting as if the frail fabric that holds this universe together would tear if you actually did stop watching.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Except in this case, something better to do involves watching Monday Night Football.

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Guest cabbageboy

It's funny that someone mentioned that a guy should grow some nads and take HHH out at a PPV.....didn't RVD already try it?

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Guest BobbyWhioux

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper.


I can't remember the last time I watched a full edition of Raw or Smackdown. I can't remember the last time I felt motivated to watch.


Sort of like what Barry Sanders said when he retired from the NFL, my desire to leave is greater than my desire to stay. I mean, I'm usually disappointed with the main angle; I've always had a built-in bias against main eventers or the guy that "everybody else" likes. But it used to be I always wanted to sit around for guys like Kurt Angle, or Chris Jericho, and watch them have their moments, when they got them every once in a while. I mean, Al Snow got to pin The Rock once. Every once in a while, I'd see something like that, and I'd be happy.


I've always known I wasn't really a part of the target audience [i'm not a moron with too much credit card moron who'll blindly buy every one of the 864 t-shirts with some sort of HHH design on them, for example] so I've always kinda known I would be mostly frustrated by the booking decisions of who to emphasize and such. But every once in a while there'd be something, and the chance of THAT kept me coming back.


Now, that possibility isn't enough. Maybe I've lost hope, or maybe the crap one has to wade through for those diamonds in the rough now strikes me as un-navigable, or what.


I've gradually come to this point. I didn't wake up one night and have an "enough is enough and it's time for a change" moment. I just started watching gradually less and less of the weekly shows [example: on Raw I'd just watch through whatever the Bischoff and Nowinski segments, and then I'd be done]. Now I don't watch at all. I'm not angry any more. I'm not offended anymore.


I'm just overwhelmed by indifference. I don't feel I'm missing anything important, and I don't care if I am. WWE just ain't a priority. I come home from work or from school, and I'm tired. And I wanna play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


It's like nothing matters. Every show, it seems, exists in a vaccum; what happens one week has virtually no relevance the next week. It doesn't matter if you miss something one week; it doesn't have any repurcussions beyond the moment in which it happened.


It also seems like all the characters act basically the same with only slight, token, and insignificant variations. Anything new, anything fresh, anything different is quickly either shunted off to the side or forced into "the box" and no longer interesting.


[John Cena and Brock Lesnar for example, who both greatly intruiged me when they started and, suddenly, it's like somebody waved a magic wand and said "sim sim salabim, now you shall be boring!" And they are. Nobody is interesting.]


I don't even care enough to come on this forum and complain more than once every couple of months [i mean, I can't remember the last time I posted on here before today.]


Basically, wrestling needs a paradigm shift to get me watching again. [And, of course, I may not be a "worthwhile" enough demographic segment to provoke that shift.] There's still a wrestling fan deep down inside me, but he doesn't feel like getting out of bed and watching anymore. Maybe he will again one day. Maybe not. Who knows. I'm not making any promises of "oh I'll never watch again blah blah blah" because I don't know. I might. I'd like to.


But for the first time since I started watching wrestling in 1991, I'm just not interested enough in anybody to tune in [or I'm tired of watching the interesting guys lose all the time and just don't want to sit through watching everyone/thing I find interesting be a non-factor or non-priority]. Which is a sign of a significant change. Either in the product, or in me, or both. My interest didn't burn out; it just faded away.


So, yeah, I watched less and less and eventually it became none at all. I've tried a couple times to tune in during the past few weeks, but the first thing I always see is Rikishi, or Stephanie, or The Big Show. So, yeah, it doesn't last long. ;)


"So don't bother posting here if you don't watch anymore."


Well, that's just it. I generally don't. ;) But, hey, maybe, just maybe, I find the thoughts and ideas I read coming out of youse guys to be interesting enough to be worth making the occasional scroll through these forums.


Besides, just in case Business Picks Up and stuff I'd consider cool and watchable starts happening again, I'd need a means of finding out about it. ;)


I'm trying not to sound melodramatic about why I don't watch anymore. Sorry if I do.

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Guest RickyChosyu
It's funny that someone mentioned that a guy should grow some nads and take HHH out at a PPV.....didn't RVD already try it?



Bobby: If you still want to see good wrestling, there are outlets for it. None of them exist within the WWE, but they can be found, if you want to look. If not, you'll always have the memories of when you gave a shit, eh?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I've tried but I just can't get upset about this.


I've come to accept the fact that I'll never see what I want to see...but rather will see HHH instead.


I've learned to live with it.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Hey, people had to live with Dusty Rhodes, and most of them ended surviving. This is no worse.

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Guest notJames

You guys are going about it all wrong.


The point is to lower your expectations as far as possible. That way, stuff you expect to suck will suck, and everything else will be gravy.


In fact, before each show, I think of all the possible worst case scenarios (HHH coming out on top, good wrestlers like Chris Jericho, Booker T, RVD getting only 3-minute curtain jerk matches, Bischoff's ugly mug eating up face time) and see which ones end up coming true. It ends up being more fun than the actual shows.


It also helps to have a VCR and a healthy FFWD finger.Weed out the shit and taste the flavour... whatever's left of it anyway...


I mean, did any of you really expect anything less than HHHeMan costing RVD the title on Monday? That kind of self-delusion will only lead to you banging your head against the wall until the neighbors call the cops complaining of the stench of oozing brain matter emanating from your house. Treat it like a smorgasborg at a poorly-lit but reasonably-priced dive. You might not find everything you like, but there's always a heaping supply of yummy cherry tomatoes at the salad bar and greasy chicken wings by the handful. Take what you like (SmackDown!6, Lesnar, BookDust, etc.) and leave the rest.


You'll feel much better in the morning.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

You guys act like the SmackDown Six or RVD or Booker T or whoever are only doing house shows and are never on TV. They are and the wrestling is getting better. Granted, some guys are resorting to crap like spinebusters too often still, but the Rock & Austin style of wrestling is slowly fading away.


Although I admit I'm watching less than usual too, I usually find that around Survivor Series the show always gets bad (HHH/Stephanie wedding, HHH runs Austin over with a car, Austin drops HHH in a car, the Alliance is finally put out of it's misery.) If things don't shape up by Royal Rumble, I'll admit they're fucked.


For me, the problem isn't the talent, it's the lack of markout moments. There's no direction for anyone. But you guys act like RVD is stuck doing dark matches or something.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No one has ever acted like RVD was doing dark matches.


Everyone acts like RVD is right where he is.


Banging his head repeatedly on the cusp of the main event where the fanbase has been trying to put him.

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Guest Mole

One thing you have to remember guys, Triple-Juice is only on top right now because he is banging the bosses daughter. When he stops banging her, he isn't going to be around.


Unless they get married or something, they will have to break up eventually. When that happens, every SmarK will be happier than a little kid with a candy bar.

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Guest griffinmills
Spare the melodrama. It's not worth the effort or your time. Just don't watch it anymore.


It's quite easy, really.

i have to agree with this post. while i think you have every right to vent, it really is quite easy to stop watching raw. i haven't watched it in 3 months. i read jhawk's recap and realize i miss nothing. for sd, i have the advantage of spoilers to determine if there is anything worthwhile. quitting wwe is not quitting wrestling.

The melodrama IS the Venting though...for them. As the first quote said "just don't watch it anymore" or "just don't read it anymore."

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Guest Jobber of the Week
No one has ever acted like RVD was doing dark matches.


Everyone acts like RVD is right where he is.


Banging his head repeatedly on the cusp of the main event where the fanbase has been trying to put him.

Does it matter to you?


You're a damn Smark, for chrissakes, or at least you say you are. Plenty of other talented guys never got their shot at the main event scene (see also: Hart, Owen just for a damn start.) And ALL the talented guys on Raw are in the midcard. I'd be happy seeing matches with them than with Undertaker, even if it means I don't get to see him (RVD, not Undertaker) with gold around his waist.


Meanwhile, Molestomp says:


One thing you have to remember guys, Triple-Juice is only on top right now because he is banging the bosses daughter. When he stops banging her, he isn't going to be around.


You're succesfully parroting what everyone else on this board says.


You'll go far, I'm sure.


I'm sorry if this whole message sounds like a complete troll. I don't have any issues with BPS or Mole, I think the overblown Drama Queen in the first post riled me up, though.

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Guest Dangerous A
One thing you have to remember guys, Triple-Juice is only on top right now because he is banging the bosses daughter. When he stops banging her, he isn't going to be around.


Unless they get married or something, they will have to break up eventually. When that happens, every SmarK will be happier than a little kid with a candy bar.

So what if HHH and Steph break up. What does that do exactly? Does HHH and Steph breaking up automatically create a bunch of new draws and fresh characters that WWE needs? Didn't think so.


I have one thing to say to folks in this folder: HHH dying, breaking up with Steph, or suffering a career threatening injury will not cure the WWE's woes. I know HHH doesn't help them at all and hurts WWE's chances of ever being really over again.


Fact is this is all Vince McMahon's fault. Since he bought up his competition, we've all had to endure his brand of "wrestling". It's his vision that you guys are watching. For some reason people believe that Vince's vision will change and that if HHH and Steph and Gerwitz all just go away, things will be back to normal or something. This is farthest from the truth. Another thing being batted around is Vince needs to get control back from his daughter and HHH. When did Vince ever lose his power? There is this romantic notion that Vince is this abscentee owner and that he's been away and when he finally wakes up and sees what Steph and HHH have done, we'll be back to the "wrestling" show we've all come to know and love. Guess what, Vince has been here for quite sometime now. Does anyone care to tell me what he has been doing the last year?


Running the XFL? Nope. He's been fucking up his own company. When you see stupid shit like necrophilia and infidelity angles, just know it's Vince McMahon who is allowing it. He is also the one who tells the writers, including Steph, that he wants more melodrama. More soap opera. More action-adventure. Anything but wrestling.


I am now going to make a statement that may get me some heat: Vince McMahon is ashamed of wrestling. Why do you think he's constantly refferring to it as Sports Entertainment. Why do you think he's constantly making his announcers say Sports Entertainment instead of wrestling. Because wrestling is a dirty word to Vince McMahon.


In my sig, it says March 26,2001 (day of the last Nitro) the REAL Ground Zero of Wrestling. It says that because when Vince bought out his most fan accesible competition, the wrestling world changed. And not for the better. Before if I saw something dumb like, say, Steve Austin almost being embalmed by Kane, I could watch WCW and even though their product was sliding down a razor blade into a puddle of alcohol, it was at least an alternative that I could access by changing the channel. Now, I have to stockpile tapes of indies, puro, or shoot fights just to combat Vince's "vision" of things.


But there are alternatives. I became a fan of puroresu in May of 2001 because I needed an alternative. If you look hard enough, alternatives are out there. You just have to look and you may find something spectacular. Like I found in Puro and Pride.


I can thank Vince for introducing me to Puroresu, Pride Fighting, and Ring of Honor. Out of Vince's shitbed, hopefully someone out there with our passion for "wrestling" will be inspired enough in life to one day come up with a better product and vision of wrestling than what Vince McMahon could ever muster.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I am now going to make a statement that may get me some heat: Vince McMahon is ashamed of wrestling. Why do you think he's constantly refferring to it as Sports Entertainment. Why do you think he's constantly making his announcers say Sports Entertainment instead of wrestling. Because wrestling is a dirty word to Vince McMahon.

This is news? Like I said, WWE is 80% Hollywood, 20% Athletics. This is why you have guys like Undertaker as Champions. If the fights were shoots, the only place you'd see that "badass" is on the tear-down crew.


The reason it's Sports Entertainment is indeed for the reason you dread. Vince wants to capture more than people who are interested in wrestling. Vince wants to capture the trend-following young adult crowd.


Go ask a majority of the 16-23 crowd what the first thing is that enters their mind when they think of wrestling and they'll immediately think of homoerotic overtones and guys in little clothes tight enough that you can see their junk. Put the focus on the angles, put the focus on the blood, put the focus on the T&A, put the focus on the promos, put the focus on the backstage segments, put the focus on the gimmicks... Put the focus on anything and downplay the men in tight shorts sticking their heads and arms unnervingly close to each other's goods.



Even the amateurs, a sport prestigious enough to have an Olympic competition for God knows how long, gets titters and giggles over this ("Oh look at them hug in that takedown. Hah-hah! That's so queer.") Pro Wrestling is even beefier guys and even more revealing uniforms and even more embarassing moves. I mean, has anyone taken a look at the Pedigree or even worse, the Last Ride recently? Has anyone thought what the average teen thinks that looks like? Can anyone picture this teen discussing it with his friends and talking about it deadpan? Even Triple H started laughing on Conan O'Brien while discussing the Pedigree.


No wonder the Stone Cold Stunner is the most legendary finisher ever.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Spare the melodrama. It's not worth the effort or your time. Just don't watch it anymore.


It's quite easy, really.


Spare the spite.


Just don't read the post.


It's quite easy.


If you saw that as a vengeful statement, that's your business. Spite never entered the picture.


Wasting energy and breath on the WWE at this point is fruitless if you don't plan to watch it. I don't mind anybody's opinions on how to make it better. But posting several hundred word diatribes on the subject to explain your leave of absence has always been senseless to me.


Quit watching the show. Find something better to do with your time. Come back when it gets better.


No hostile statement toward the original poster was intended.

Your original post seemed quite bitter.



I agree with the way you stated things in the follow-up.

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