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Guest JimmyHendricks

A fan of 13 years has had enough

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Guest JimmyHendricks

I hate to bitch, and I hate to whine, but I have to vent. Say whatever you want, I don't care.


I have watched the WWE(F) for 13 years. My first WWF moment was the SNME in 1989 when Randy Savage attached Hulk Hogan in the medical room, setting up WrestleMania V. I have enjoyed, and suffered through many memorable moments over the years.


I stuck with the WWE through some pretty bad times. Dumb gimmicks like the Red Rooster, The Goon, Doink, Skinner, and Big Bully Busick, the horrible Yokozuna and Diesel title reigns, the fallout with Bret and the politics with Shawn in '97, being live in attendance when Owen Hart fell 75 feet to his death, Big Show's feud with Bossman, the lousy attempt at an InVasion last year, the "Kiss My Ass" club, the "no selling bike" angle with Hogan and Taker, and recently, HHH having sex with a dead body and Big Show winning the WWE title.


All of those were frustrating. Sometimes I wanted to change the channel for good. But I never did.


After tonight on RAW, however, I am officially finished with the WWE.


Now, I'm sure everyone will be saying that, and I'm sure that others will be saying "Yeah right, you'll keep watching", but I KNOW I'm done. I know it's time to stop watching, because for the first time ever, I have NO interest at all in watching WWE programming anymore.


I don't want to see Big Show walking around with that goofy grin on his face. I don't want to see Brock Lesnar stalking Paul Heyman for 3 weeks. I don't want to see Stephanie McMahon trying to act.


And I definetly don't want to see Jean Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, on my television screen again.


HHH, I used to like you. I really did. I liked everything you did from December 2000 up to where you tore your quad. I honestly had a lump in my throat when yoy returned in MSG, because I knew how hard you worked to get back. I appreciated what you did in the ring every single week.


But all that is in the past, and Triple H, I respect you no more.


Your in ring ability sucks, your mobility sucks, and, most of all, your attitude sucks. You know that you aren't the HHH of 2000 anymore, so you resort to fucking the daughter of the owner of the company to maintain your position. There was no reason for you to run in tonight and fuck up that match, other than to once again prove who the REAL star of the WWE is.


So, I'm finished. I don't want to see HHH go over RVD and HBK at Armageddon, then find a way to go over Brock after he wins the title back from Big Show. I don't want to see Scott Steiner do belly to belly suplexes until his foot falls off. I don't want to see Jericho and Christian running around naked in the midcard. I don't want to see Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit hug each other. I don't want to see Austin come back, then get pissed 3 weeks later when HHH demands to go over him. I don't want to see Goldberg get paid a ridiculous amount of money, then probably come in and be an ass and get fired. I don't want to see Hulk Hogan come back and wrestle Vince McMahon, brother. I don't want to see Stephanie turn on Vince again, then end up losing, then having Vince forgive her for the 56th time.


The wrestling HAS been better, but I can't enjoy it knowing that whoever I'm watching will never get anywhere worthwhile, thanks to God himself.


So that's it. I'm leaving. It's a waste of time to sit in front of my TV and watch this shit every week. I'll continue to keep up with what's going on, but until HHH is either dead, retired, or putting over everyone in the company from RVD to Spike Dudley, the WWE won't be on my TV again.


And for some reason, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


Thank God I have all my tapes of the GOOD times.





FUCK you Stephanie McMahon.

FUCK you to everyone else on the roster for not having the balls to stand up for your company.


And most of all:


FUCK you Vince McMahon, and FUCK the WWE. May you die a slow and painful death.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Hmmmm...interesting read.

But if you was able to sit through all that..this should seem like child's play then.

But everyone has their limits...and I guess you've reached yours. Personally, only thing keeping my watching is all the ex WCW people. I didn't care about WWE at all when WCW was up and running, except if it was word that someone was jumping.

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Guest razazteca
But if you was able to sit through all that..this should seem like child's play then.

Chucky could tear HHH quad :)


A Scott Steiner run in would of been more entertaining.

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Guest wwF1587

Good post man, I must say I am fed up with this shit too. I know I have said I will stop watching many times and not lived up to it, but this is way too much. I have been watching for like 10 years myself, and honestly can say that its just not worth it anymore. Hell even the mark in me doesnt like this crap. With all the crap in the past, at least it was somewhat interesting. I didnt mind the HBK politics in 97, hell at least HBK could wrestle at the time... he could get good matches out of about anyone. Despite it not living up to expectations.. I didnt think the InVasion angle was all that bad until the near end. The nWo was a failure.. and I was disappointed. This roster split sucks, Vince you use to be someone I respected, now your a piece of crap, and HHH is the biggest peice of crap in this business. I am not the smartest guy when it comes to wrestling history and what goes on backstage or all that, but i know when I have had enough. Yeah most of you probably dont care.. maybe I just wanna get it off my chest. Maybe someday, if it gets better, if HHH tears his quad again...or the booking is better... then I will tune in. The WWE FD up my dream match... all 9 minutes of it. Thanks Vince. Thanks GOD.

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Guest Kagato Otaku

Spare the melodrama. It's not worth the effort or your time. Just don't watch it anymore.


It's quite easy, really.

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Guest HBK16
May you die a slow and painful death.

I agree with everything you said except for that. For all our sakes may it die very fast and very soon. I have stopped watching the WWF over a year ago and I am glad I did. And because of their current product, it looks like I will never go back.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I realize that its frustrating, but at the end of the day HHH can't kill what you enjoy about wrestling, even if he keeps it from appearing in the WWE.


Don't let Bangs ruin wrestling for you. Just stop watching the crap that he and his company churn out. Personally, I can find enjoyment in watching them self-destruct, but I don't think that I'm in the majority.


Hey, it's Goldust~! and Rico~! I'm running out things to care about~!


"Rob Van Dam would have been the world champion, had it not been for Ric Flair and a sledge hammer, which I remember vividly!" - Jim Ross, who has a far better memory than the writers

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Guest goodhelmet
Spare the melodrama. It's not worth the effort or your time. Just don't watch it anymore.


It's quite easy, really.

i have to agree with this post. while i think you have every right to vent, it really is quite easy to stop watching raw. i haven't watched it in 3 months. i read jhawk's recap and realize i miss nothing. for sd, i have the advantage of spoilers to determine if there is anything worthwhile. quitting wwe is not quitting wrestling.

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Guest JimmyHendricks

Oh, trust me, I'll never stop being a fan of professional wrestling. I'll still watch my old tapes & DVD's, including the old HHH stuff from 2000, when he still had talent. It's just I can't watch the current WWE product anymore knowing that everything begins and ends with HHH.


The one thing that boggles my mind over everything else is how Vince refuses to blame HHH for the current ratings decline. The ratings dropped when he got the fake title, yet he kept the belt. Now he's lost it, and ratings have gone up...and probably will be good again for tonights RAW, yet he will be getting the belt back again at Armageddon.


It's so ass-backwards I don't know what to say.


I can't help but think of that famous Vince promo from 1997 when he said "We here at the WWF believe that you fans are sick of having your intelligence insulted."


Well, Vince, that's the main reason I won't watch your programming anymore. I'm sick of you making your audience believe something good might just happen, then snatching it away just to put HHH over more.


So, I'm done. With the WWE, that is.

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Guest RickyChosyu

You know, I think you'd be suprised about how hideously over-rated most of that "HHH in his prime" stuff from 2000 is. I went to the wall for HHH/Jericho the first time I saw it and last time I tried to watch it, I fell asleep. The only thing from that year that I would even consider a MOTYC would be vs. Foley at the Royal Rumble. Everything else was either overblown with no direction (vs. Benoit), sloppy as hell (Vs. Angle) or just plain terrible (Vs. Austin) when any decent wrestler could have gotten passable stuff out of any of those three. Just a thought.


If you read the Torch, you know Vince's thoughts on why Raw is suffering.


"Dammit, Vince, you hear those fans popping when I spray the water, they WANT to cheer me Vince! Hey, which baby face head-lined the biggest drawing buy rate of the year, eh? Come on, Vince, once Austin comes back we can re-do our rivalry that all the fans loved so much! It's money in the bank!" - HHH

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Guest Mole

I see what you are saying man, but whatever HHH is doing, is going to come back to him. Its called karma(sp?), whatever you do comes back to you.


I mean, he might break up with Steph sometime soon. That juice will get to him eventually, and his penis might get soo small that he can't please Steph anymore.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Just one question to you, and anyone else that has stopped watching the WWE....


What would have to happen in order for you to once again watch it?


As for me, I haven't stopped watching the WWE, and I never will. I'm a loyal fan, and I'll remain a loyal WWE fan forever.

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What would probably get a lot of people to come back is some freakin order backstage. Vince needs to take back control of his company from his daughter, HHH, and Gerwitz.


You can look at the difference between the RAW and Smackdown rosters and tell something is amiss backstage. The Smackdown wrestlers look like they're having fun. The RAW wrestlers look like their in hell.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Well, I occasionally tune into it now, but I'm not a loyal viewer anymore and I certainly haven't been please with the product on any levle for over a year now.


For me, it would take a focus on wrestling. I love humor, well-delivered promos, and interesting angles, but wrestling should be the centerpiece for all this, not the other way around.


Take the style back to logic. I hate this terrible "ADD-friendly" style of wrestling that tries to throw out a bunch of "big moments" without doing jack to tie them together or make them mean anything to the match or the wrestlers involved. Why care about the wrestlers well-being when they don't bother to sell anything for more than three seconds anyway? Why care about the spots when they're all a varriying combination of the same sequences? Why take it seriously when the wrestlers stand around for eons waiting for their opponents to take their cues?


The WWE style of wrestling calls for as much passion, intelligence, and pacing as your usual backyard wrestling match, and even if Smackdown supposedly provides a better in-ring product, it's still the same tired crap most often, just with more visually-appealing manuvers. Forget that, make me care about a PUNCH and I'll get back to you.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Yeah. It does get frustrating, but, with me, I just try to follow the midcard, and ignore the main event. Some guys entertain me in the midcard(Nowinski, Snow, Christian, Jericho, and a few others.) so I just to pay attention to what they do, and do my best to ignore Triple H.


Otherwise, I just watch Smackdown on occasion, and try to catch Velocity. I just try to take the optimistic approach that with every show, the WWF is one show closer to eventually getting it right.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I am a loyal viewer, and therefore feel that I have every right to bitch about this.


I don't know how much time and money I have given to this company for them to do this over and over and ov...


hey I'm gonna go watch some Pride dvds.

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Guest Blayde Starrfyre

Don't shut off the WWE, shut off Raw. Vince needs to know that it is not the overall product that sucks, it is only the Monday show. Nothing would prove that more than a 3.6 rating for SD and a 1.2 rating for Raw. We want to encourage what's happening on SD, so to shut it off too would be unfair. Maybe shoot an e-mail saying you will loyally watch SD and never watch Raw. They get enough of those, and it will make an impact.


The sole advantage of the roster split is that I have cut the time I spend watching wrestling in half, therefore allowing my grades to go up :)

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Guest raptor

I was pissed of tonight too, but I can't lie to myself and say I'm done. The main event is frustrating, but I'm still loyal to certain workers (Smackdown 6, Hurricane, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho). It seems sometimes, however, that I'm watching it out of routine more than anything else.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

People have shut off RAW...and it resulted in the asinine statement:


"The problem with RAW is there isn't enough support for HHH"


Vince has his head so far up his ass he can't see what the problem is. Hell, he HAD to put the title on Big Show when everyone else fought him on it.


I hope he loses every penny.

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I've been watching wrestling since March of 1994. The match that got me hooked on wrestling was Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat from Spring Stampede '94.


I went through periods where I didn't watch. Not because I wanted to, but because I either didn't have cable or didn't have time.


But for some reason I keep watching during this time. I think it's out of morbid curiosity.

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Guest Blayde Starrfyre
Hell, he HAD to put the title on Big Show when everyone else fought him on it.


If they keep up the good work like they did last Thursday, and if Big Show puts in a lot of effort, I think this title reign will not be nearly as bad as we have predicted, and may in fact be what FINALLY gets the big lug over (he should starting smoking on the way to the ring again IMO :)). People have shut off Raw, but the rating for SD and Raw is pretty much the same which is deceptive considering the great difference in the quality of the shows.

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Guest HartFan86

I was gone all weekend and had probably a total of 5 hours of sleep from Friday to Monday.....so I taped Raw.


It's 3:30 AM, and I'm about to go kill someone at Titan Towers.

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Guest RedJed

I'm definately very miffed, dissapointed, let down, etc, etc after tonight's Raw. I hadn't been so excited about a single match on Raw like RVD-HBK in fucking years and to see how it was executed was awful on so many levels.


First problem is a half-ass hype job during the program for the match, albeit they tried better than in some cases.


Second was that the match was only given 8 minutes, and if this is the first and last match between the two, thats a travesty. The opener got more time than this.


Third of course the finish, which had no true point to it. This was not a good idea to do, plain and simple, especially in the state Raw is in which is that they need all the help they can get, and an actual finish in a high profile match would mean ALOT. There is no logic that can convince me otherwise how fucked up the finish was, as this was right out of one of those Nitros where they would throw out a huge match just to see a meaningless run-in DQ finish occur. There has been alot of examples how this HHH BS is out of hand, but this has been the biggest indication to me so far. He could have just as easily came out AFTER the match. Also, laying out both guys......and this wasn't a typcial heel attack, it was a move that actually got Hunter a fucking face chant for christs sake. SOMEONE has to see that there is something twisted here in the booking, hello?!! Even though I expected it fully knowing how the situation is, I still hated to see it actually occur. It basically once and for all diminished any hope that the Raw brand will turn into a solid side for the WWE at any point in the present or future. They had a chance to really make me change my outlook on the brand with anything other than what that finish was basically. But they decided, like they've done this entire year it seems, to defy the masses.


Fourth problem was the announcing, Ross sold it like this was Van Dam's last chance to grab hold of this opportunity, which really depresses me on the future of him AND the Raw brand when this is how his apparent "last chance" is booked. So now we're in a situation where even if Van Dam gets another title shot, is it too late? I say yes..........he's had so many opportunities and the casual fans are to the point that they are lethargic towards Van Dam and have no hope in him winning the title and with us, we have no hope that his character will ever be booked to look like a contender. This point about Van Dam in that he will never be worth a damn keeps being reinforced constantly to us by the Raw writing.


So now what? Van Dam probably won't get over strong even if he is given the belt at the next ppv since he's been so horribly fucked over in booking, HHH with the belt goes nowhere but down in terms of freshness and "what fans want", and leaving it on Michaels for an extended period is a slap in the face to the entire crew as well. The politicing has really put itself in a corner, and something needs to be done, probably within the next few months. A major shift on the Raw brand is NECCESSARY.


My only hope is that someone grows some nads in the dressing room and fucks up HHH pretty bad in an upcoming match, or else (in a situation that will never probably happen) a majority chunk of the boys form a sort of union against the politicing backstage and threaten to leave the WWE if changes are not made. Nobody in administration will even comment on the politics, and even makes outright lies to hide such (EX: Linda publicly claiming that Steph and HHH are a "new" couple).

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Guest SP-1

I feel your pain, Hartfan.


EDIT: He didn't get a face chat. I don't know how it sounded on TV, but his heat died when RVD hit the foor during the Pedigree.

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Guest RedJed
I feel your pain, Hartfan.


EDIT: He didn't get a face chat. I don't know how it sounded on TV, but his heat died when RVD hit the foor during the Pedigree.

So you didn't hear the "HHH" chant after the bell sounded and he was doin shit with Michaels?

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Guest Human Fly

At the Torch website they have 3 sets of reader feedback and every letter but one is pissed about HHH.


If there was an IWC in the 80's I wonder if they would've felt the same way about Hogan that we do about HHH? At least Hogan was a draw.


I want someone to defend the decision to put the title on HBK now. Everyone who defended it before was saying stuff like "He'll lose to RVD, or put over some other talent". Well, HHH is back and had to go over everyone.......again. Any doubts who is getting the title next.


I also want someone to defend HHH. Every now and then someone is like "the HHHaters aren't backstage they don't know what's going on" or "It's not as bad as you say". Whatever. He finally loses the title, but gets put over as Superman in the process and then comes in an destroys every one in the ME with only taking a few weak punches. I'm sick of this!

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Guest NoCalMike

The final words by Jim Ross sum it up: "Triple H has destroyed Shawn Michaels and RVD" Well, you sure showed us Triple H. You showed us that you, and Vince, and Gerwitz don't care about a good match with a clean finish and would rather another predictable screwjob run-in that sets up the same person in ANOTHER main event angle.


I swear it is getting repetative but who gives a shit, it needs to be driven home. Triple H sucks. I just wish someone could spray some anti-triple H spray on Vince before he goes to sleep.

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Guest NoCalMike
I can't help but think of that famous Vince promo from 1997 when he said "We here at the WWF believe that you fans are sick of having your intelligence insulted."

Well quite frankly, that whole promo was insulting EVERYONE's intelligence. first of all, if memory and history serves correctly, WWE(F) was the LAST PROMOTION in North America to figure out that the comic book nature of the WWF was old and tired, yet Vince and his ego has to be the one to come out and give a speech about it. If Anything, I'd say Paul Heyman should have been the one making that speech, in 1993~! Yes, I know heyman wasn't prefect but still, Vince basically stole the revolution from ECW and WCW(sort of) and claimed he was the genius behind this new "attitude" of wrestling. Now I am sure even if there was no ECW, WWE would have caught on anyway, but probobaly not as quick. Plus, WWE still has Goldust and Kane on it's roster. How are those gimmicks not insulting to our intelligence? Anyways, yah....whatever.

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Guest RedJed

I will just try to add one more thing to sum everything up how I feel......


Basically, the entire match and such tonight was one big tease. It's like they should know what needs to be done (new stars MUST be created) but instead of doing the logical, they defiantly half-ass it, which just pisses a person off when its done SO MANY TIMES with NO real payoff.


Now maybe something crazy will happen like HHH jobs clean to RVD in a contenders match next week for a shot at Michaels at the ppv, and then RVD defeats Michaels clean in that match for the title, but it still won't take away the fact that they really fucked it up tonight, and its now going to be just that harder to pull back hope in the RAW world title product. In fact that right there (the two high profile jobs to RVD by Michaels and HHH) might be the only answer to this shit, and depending on how they are exactly put over, just two clean wins might not make up for the mis-use of Van Dam. Actually if you wanted to make the wins mean something, have RVD take on HHH at the next ppv and plan the match out strongly in such a way that the win means something. Then build a nice foundation to a HBK-RVD match at the Rumble, and do the same with that. Michaels may need to hold onto that belt for a while longer to give the fans confidence in his run, which in turn would give RVD winning the belt more importance.


Who am I kidding though, none of the above mentioned will ever happen. I'm sure the only reason HHH pushed for Michaels to win the belt at SS was to get it back at the next ppv, at this point I definately expect that to happen. How anyone in the company sees steam left in that HBK-HHH feud is beyond me. It's fucking stale as shit now that Michaels did the comeback from the SummerSlam match.

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