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Guest HartFan86

So it's okay Rock has used the Sharpshooter...

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Guest HartFan86

Thanks JR for covering that on Raw. I'm sure Bret is watching and gives a shit *cough*.

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Guest BA_Baracus

Damn you Storm!




Oh, and have you heard? Storm and Regal are the best tag team in the WWE! Jim Ross said so, so it must be true!

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Guest dreamer420

Ross is really high on the Storm/Regal combo. Given the right kind of push they could be champions. I see the Dudley's winning the tag titles pretty soon, only to drop them to Storm and Regal shortly after that.

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Guest Blayde Starrfyre

I doubt anyone thinks it's OK for the Rock to use the Sharpshooter, especially since he CROSSES THE LEGS WRONG EVERY TIME. Storm is so the heir to the Hart legacy that I doubt anyone would have a problem, I bet he used it as a tribute, like Jarrett did on the Owen memorial Raw.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

At least Storm puts the thing on properly. Geez, you can spot the Canadians in the company, can't you?


...pity no one cares about Lance


Illusion - Cares

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Guest Cataclysm911
At least Storm puts the thing on properly. Geez, you can spot the Canadians in the company, can't you?


...pity no one cares about Lance


Illusion - Cares

Good point. Part of that is to blame on Lance Storm though.. it's not like he's "Mr. Charisma."

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Guest Insane Clown Dan

I think that Lance Storm could be made to care about, if :


1) they resurrected some sort of upper-midcard singles title

2) his current attire was ditched for his old one

3) he got his old theme music back and ditched Regal

4) they put a singles title on Lance again, and he had a long but interesting reign

5) uh... the essential "Stop jobbing"!?


Not like any of those are happening though. And its impossible for Lance to get singles gold ever again on Raw.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Part of that is to blame on Lance Storm though.. it's not like he's "Mr. Charisma."

Brock Lesnar doesn't Scream Charisma, and was pretty Heatless for a while there. But, he was booked right so the fans have got behind him. It all comes down to the right push.


Plus, Storm can usually gain heat on the Mic.


Lance Storm using the "Sharpshooter" has been a topic a few times on this board. I was glad to see him use it.

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Guest crandamaniac
2) his current attire was ditched for his old one



I fail to see how his attire would make people not care about him

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Guest notJames

I thought JR was pimping Storm's use of the sharpshooter, not decrying it. Especially in light of his remarks about how he and Regal are the best tag team on RAW (nice of you to build up the current champs that way, JR).


I don't remember JR being upset about the usage, but then again I was barely following the commentary on the show to begin with, so I could be wrong.


If anything, he should've said "Thank god we finally have someone who can put the move on properly." Rock should take notes while he's watching this shit in his movie trailer.


And not for nothing, but Regal seems to work better in a tag environment. He was unusually fast and crisp in there, as he has been in recent weeks. This could be the best thing for both of them. Not like there's anything in the singles scene for either of them to aspire to now that it's the Kliq show from here on out.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

It was more Lawler was the usual Stupid lines. "What does everyone from Canada do that move?"


JR pretty much was building up the move and even said something about Bret Hart being a Legend and using the move.

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Guest notJames

Okay, that's what I thought. And I expect no less from the King.


I'm glad Storm opted for the Sharpshooter. His single-leg crab looked so useless. Perhaps if he applied it like Benoit with his knee putting pressure on the opponent's neck, it would have looked better. Regardless, it should put him over slightly more, since it's a popular move with both casual and longtime fans.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I was just happy to see a correct version of the Sharpshooter...it had been too long.


And they're trying to get back on Bret's good side right now...and showing a clip of Owen and doing his move right on tv...dunno if that helps or hurts the matter.

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Guest Sturgis
2) his current attire was ditched for his old one



I fail to see how his attire would make people not care about him

His new attire makes him look gay.


And people dig flashy tights, trust me.

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Guest AndrewTS

Storm's a good wrestler, and if you've visited his website you may notice that deep down there's a funny mofo there. Doesn't translate to promos, though.


And if anyone deserves to use the Sharpshooter besides a blood Hart, Storm or Benoit do--Benoit already uses it from time to time--heck, I do believe it's in his moveset in SD! SYM.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Storm is probably the only wrestler I know that can apply the Sharpshooter in a decent way besides Bret and Owen of course. The Rock's version is just sloppy.

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Guest evilhomer

>>Part of that is to blame on Lance Storm though.. it's not like he's "Mr. Charisma."


Storm has incredible charisma, it's just not Rocky or Hogan style charisma. He handles the mic extremely well, and if he's given some room for character development, his mono-tone, business first approach gets him a ton of heat.


>>I fail to see how his attire would make people not care about him.


His new outfit is just awful looking and makes him look kind of ridiculous. Little things like that keep you from making a jump out of the mid-card.


>>I'm glad Storm opted for the Sharpshooter. His single-leg crab looked so useless.


The big problem with the single-leg crab is the overall death of submission wrestling in the WWE. Virtually no main-eventer will tap out, and that's filtered down to the lower card. It's turned feared submission moves into nothing more than glorified rest holds. Matches now have to end with the high impact finisher into the pin. It's really a shame because a properly sold submission finish can have a longer and much more dramatic ending sequence, and have both competitors come off looking golden.



On the topic of the single-leg crab. Does anyone know why Storm doesn't do the roll through into the crab anymore? I realize it's an extremely difficult move to pull off, but when he did, it was truly a thing of beauty.

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Guest razazteca
On the topic of the single-leg crab. Does anyone know why Storm doesn't do the roll through into the crab anymore?

nobody can sell the move, only Jerry Lynn made it look good, if Lance Storm was on Smackdown then you would have 6 people who could sell it but on Raw maybe 1 or 2 people could make it look good.


Lance Storm needs to go back to the long pants gear with the Red & White design!


And bring back the RAT TAIL~

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Guest El Satanico

I always liked the way Storm talks on the mic. Why is him having a different manner of cutting promo's a bad thing. If they actually pushed him he has the ability to piss off crowds with his promos. Test is a guy with no charisma, but Lance just happens to have a different type of charisma.


He has to have some charisma to cut such straight forward promos filled with very dry humor. Just because a guy doesn't sound like a total cheese ball like Rock doesn't mean he has no charisma. You don't honestly believe his Mr. Serious way of talking is his natural way of talking.


However him being paired with Regal will help him out alot. Being able to play off Regal will make Lance better promo wise.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Part of that is to blame on Lance Storm though.. it's not like he's "Mr. Charisma."

Brock Lesnar doesn't Scream Charisma, and was pretty Heatless for a while there. But, he was booked right so the fans have got behind him. It all comes down to the right push.

He was booked right? A rookie coming in and going over all the talent on a Goldberg like push is considered booking right?


Since when?


Lance Storm on the mic is boring.. that was the point. No one cares when he talks, and they have no reason too.


I like his new attire far greater than his old attire.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Storm is probably the only wrestler I know that can apply the Sharpshooter in a decent way besides Bret and Owen of course. The Rock's version is just sloppy.

I liked Steve Austin's version. He did it correctly, and it looked more painful because of Austin's knee braces.

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Guest El Satanico

Of course they have no reason to care, but it's not because of his promo ability. It's kinda hard for the fans to care when the guy never gets pushed.


It's not often that unpushed guys get a reaction like RVD.

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Guest Army Eye
Lance Storm on the mic is boring.. that was the point. No one cares when he talks, and they have no reason too.

That's simply not true. When they have actually let him talk, he has gotten plenty of heat. Yes, even before the cheap-heat UnAmericans stuff.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I consider Storm to be a complete package when it comes to wrestling. He's got in-ring skill, he can cut a promo that isn't the usual "I'm gonna kick your ass" BS and we've seen before that people are willing to react to Lance if they're given a reason to.

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Guest HartFan86
Storm is probably the only wrestler I know that can apply the Sharpshooter in a decent way besides Bret and Owen of course. The Rock's version is just sloppy.

I liked Steve Austin's version. He did it correctly, and it looked more painful because of Austin's knee braces.

Which I agree, but you have to realize Bret taught him how to do it...unlike Rock.


And the point I'm trying to make is JR flips out how it's wrong that someone steals Bret's signature move on Raw, yet Rock's been doing it for what? 2 years? That's just stupid.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Rocky's version of the Sharpshooter is a lot close to Sting's Scorpion Deathlock in the way he crosses the legs.

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Guest HartFan86
Rocky's version of the Sharpshooter is a lot close to Sting's Scorpion Deathlock in the way he crosses the legs.

But Sting didn't look like he was taking a shit.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Rocky's version of the Sharpshooter is a lot close to Sting's Scorpion Deathlock in the way he crosses the legs.

But Sting didn't look like he was taking a shit.

He does in Sturgis' sig banner.



I love Sting. I'm just saying the Deathdrop or the Splash was a much better finisher for him. His strong points were brawling, charisma, athletecisim (sp?) and speed. He was never a technical guy.

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