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Guest Heel In Peril

True Hate - Jindrak & Thunderfoot

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Guest saturnmark4life

Sean O'Haire doesn't really suck, but he's nothing great. He's athletic and has a great look, but isn't stellar with all the rest of it.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I mark for O'Haire. He'd be much better in the role they've got Batista playing.

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Guest Heel In Peril

No problems, Jingus. B-)


Zack Malibu, you may be right about the Lightning Foot thing. But I think he changed it at one point because I am CERTAIN that Schiavonne <being the commentary brilliance he is, I know> called him Thunderfoot many times. Either Schiavonne forgot he changed it one way or another, or I heard wrong allthose times because let's face it, I hate him <but true, blinding hate!>. However, even if I misheard him, there are countless others who have confirmed his nickname for me, a few times without my mentioning it. So, if ANYONE out there can help me/us out with this one, thanks!


Now, I know, I know; why would I care so much about knowing his alias if I hate him as truly? Well, I can't break it down as I do not know everything. But I gather it's because I'd rather know truths whenever I can as to not be mislead by neglegance. And just think, I wouldn't want some poor indy worker to feel attacked because he has the original Thunderfoot alias or something.

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Guest Heel In Peril

And I love O'Haire. He deserves a good angle or SOMETHING, God damn it!

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Guest saturnmark4life

whilst i like brock, sean o haire could play the same role, but doesn't because he came from wcw.

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Guest saturnmark4life

there ya go~%




ps i my exclamation mark don't work, so i elected to use the percentage sign when marking out. Call it a shitty gimmick~%

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Guest notJames

While I can't understand the smark love of certain useless wrestlers like the following:


Justin Credible

Shannon Moore

Any of the NBT (especially that bland boring vanilla gorilla Mark Jin-dreck)

Bill "the Twat" DeMott

A-Hole... I mean, A-Train


B2 (the wrestler, not the vitamin)


I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate them. Though their mere presences cause irritation, they don't actively seek to gain my displeasure.


My most severe hatred is reserved for those that go out of their way to bring down the state of wrestling (through lack of talent and/or politic maneuvering) and make it harder for the true stars to shine. To wit:




Kevin Nash

Shawn Michaels

Scott Steiner

That shitstain whose name starts with "Gold" and ends with "berg"


Don't even begin to justify their collective existence to me. They are chum to the great white shark of my ire.

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Guest Dopey

I hate lucifer. That piece of one-eyed puss filled trash started all rebellion and evil. However, I don't lose sleep over him. Yea, I hate him but my stomach doesn't twitch and all.

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Guest Dopey
Yeah, and by that token, who's fault is it that he was "created"?

"Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone." James 1:13

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(shoves his MASSIVE, THROBBING COCK~! into Dopey's avatar's mouth)


You're Sola Gratia, admit it, and leave.

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Guest Heel In Peril
... that bland boring vanilla gorilla Mark Jin-dreck...

... A-Hole... I mean, A-Train...


I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate them. Though their mere presences cause irritation, they don't actively seek to gain my displeasure.


My most severe hatred is reserved for those that go out of their way to bring down the state of wrestling (through lack of talent and/or politic maneuvering) and make it harder for the true stars to shine. To wit:


... Kevin Nash...

... That shitstain whose name starts with "Gold" and ends with "berg"


Don't even begin to justify their collective existence to me. They are chum to the great white shark of my ire.

Here, here! :cheers: with notJames

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Guest notJames

Technically, it's "Hear, hear", but thank you for validating my choices. Glad I'm not alone in the universe.


Cheers :cheers:

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Guest YouDaFoo

O'Hare is a overrated CHUMP!


No way would he play a better role then BATISTA~!


I mark for BATISTA~!

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Guest subliminal_animal
Jingus, yo. He said he doesn't know why he hates him, he just does. We ALL have people we don't like for some reason, and will never know why. Just because he might be the nicest of guys doesn't change that we'll NOT hate said person.

I wasn't talking about that, I was taking contention to where he said (and which I quoted) that he wanted to have Jindrak's family murdered by wild animals.

Why would the wild animals murder Jindrak's family? They would only do it for food or if they were rabid or feeling threatened. In those cases it would be for survival, insanity or self-defense. Unless you are Dr. Doolittle and animnals really like you bad, they won't kill a man for you.


1) Mike Sanders

2) his pony

His pony?


The only wrestlers I can think of that I hate are the Nasty Boys and Bubba Ray Dudley. I appreciate what these people do to much, even if they are Nautral Born Stinkers like Rikishi. The Nasty Boys are assholes, and I've never heard of a nice fan encounter with Bubba Ray.

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