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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

A notice about PMs

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

One flaw with the Ikonboards system: you can only have 40 PMs in your inbox.  So, I'd suggest that everyone clear out and maintain them pretty regularly so that we don't run into "INBOX FULL" errors.


And that is all.

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Guest HVilleThugg

I already ran into that problem Edwin.  I had to clear out my PMs to make room for the HOF votes.


Damn JLers filling my inbox with requests for extensions and matches and shit.   Come on people...telepathy is the way to go!


Da "feeling very popular with all these PMs" H

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Guest crusen86

Note that your sent PMs also count towards this as well.


Pfft, I had 40 PMs days ago.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Stubby you slut! Empty your PM box so I can send you my match! You won't get it till after noon now!(My time, where it's still morning, you crazy fucking time zoners)

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Guest HVilleThugg

Yeah, uh...Stubby's box is full.  That sucks...


Da "key to cleanliness" H

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Well... I guess we can count on a late Storm, tonight, or probably tomorrow...

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Guest admin

DANG!!!! you guys, that alot of stuff you all do.  I will look into that, i know in the new version thats in beta will support more.  :)

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Guest TheSatanicAngel

::bows down to the mighty WWF Legend that is admin::


We are not worthy ...

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