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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010


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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

I know you Canadians already had your Thanksgiving, but now it's our turn.



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Guest Ace309

And to Canadians, HAPPY THURSDAY!!!!!


And to Australians... I'd wish you happy Thursday, but I'm not sure even THAT would lift your spirits in that backward penal colony. :P

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Guest HVilleThugg

Yeah...happy turkey day and stuff.


::hasn't eaten in 24 hours in preparation for a day of insane amounts of food...and football::


My Redskins play our most hated rival, the evil Dallas Cowboys...I get to eat myself into a coma...TWICE! And on top of that...well...that's it...nevermind.


Da "eating till he explodes" H

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

(Y) @ football on Thanksgiving. The Pats get to play the Lions today! Plus, there's gonna be turkey! And mashed potatos! And gravy! And stuffing! And apple crisp for dessert! And....and....and....


*TBS falls down and has an epileptic seizure*

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Guest realitycheck

Blah. I'll never understand you chronologically incorrect Americans. I mean, it's not just Thanksgiving that's passed you guys by, but football season ended a week ago! I mean, come on, you guys are so slow.



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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);



Er, I mean...happy Thanksgiving.


Mothernature says..."

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