Guest Mole Report post Posted November 29, 2002 My week has lacked something called sleep. Now I am sure some people here get less sleep then this, but I need atleast 9 hours a day for me to function correctly. Unless drugs are involved. Here is my week, if you care: First off, I woke up Sunday with the WORST hangover I ever had. My head felt like it was going to fall off, my back hurt, my body was soo achy, and my throat hurt. So I didn't do anything all day Sunday. I couldn't find anything for headaches, so I laid in bed all day with pain. I finally got something at like 11 on Sunday night, plus a muscle relaxor. However, from sleeping all day, I couldn't sleep that night. So I didn't go to bed till 4 after watching Attack of the Clones with Kobi. Monday I had to wake up for class at 11, so I got 6 hours of sleep. I woke up, STILL hungover. Class blew big nuts, and I just wanted to die the whole time. Then, I crawled back into bed, but couldn't sleep because of my massive headache. I then made my roommate bring me to the ER, however the line was longer then a black man's penis, so I left. I called my Dad and asked if it was okay if I could go home that day. I went home, still sick, and couldn't fall asleep at first because I popped some PKs, which make some people sleepy, but not at first for me. Plus, I ended up talking to this girl from school for like 3 hours, so I didn't go asleep till 4, again. I had to take my mother to the doctors for a 1130 appoitment. However, she is sick, so she had to waked up at 930 so she could get up in time and get ready. Well, we went to the doctor and she ended up having to get chemo that day, so I had to hang around the hospital until that was done, instead of going home right after the docs to get some sleep. I finally got home around 6, then went to my friends house who I haven't seen in a few months. Got home around 1, and went to bed shortly after. I finally got to sleep in Wednesday until 3. However, I had to go get my sister from the ferry because she was coming over for Turkey day. I was late picking her up because I could of sworn she said she was coming in at 530, but she came in at 430. I had to race over there to get her, and was in fear of getting shit from her. I hate getting shit from her, she thiinks I am not resonsable(sp) even though I was going to be on time to get her, but I am a stoner and mis-heard her. I then get home, and didn't even get a thank you, which pisses me off like nothing. I didn't fall asleep until 3 because I slept in so late on Wednesday. I woke up at 730 today to go see a football game for two schools I didn't even go to. My sister wanted to see the game since one of the schools is her old high school, and I promised her a few weeks ago I'd go, just to be a nice lil brother. The game is at 10, but she wants to get there early so we can get seats. I guess this game is the biggest rivarly on Turkey day in the nation. Something like 120 games played. Tomorrow I gotta wake up at 8 to go to a doctors appoitment. Then my brother who I haven't seen in 2 years is coming, so I can't go back to sleep when I get back. Then on Saturday I have to go see some friends from my old work that I haven't seen in a few months, and they live 2 hours away. So I gotta wake up early for that, and make myself look nice for I wanna look nice for them. Sunday is the only day I can somewhat sleep in, but I have to be up a decent hour so I can spend time with my parents before I go back to school. I thought vacation was for catching up on your sleep, not this Turkey break. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 29, 2002 That's the idea, yo. People usually need a rest after "vacations," oddly. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted November 29, 2002 9 hours of sleep is usually my max. Usually if i sleep over 8 or 9 hours i feel like shit the rest of the day. I get 5 or 6 hours a night on average. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Heel In Peril Report post Posted November 29, 2002 We've got ourselves quite a stir over in that "Batista" thread you started earlier, Mole. FYI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I always stay up very late, and wake up when the sun gets over the trees and fries me in my bed through the window. It's more like a nap usually, considering I normally go to bed when the sun rises. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I keep vampire hours, myself. I'm up all night and I sleep most of the day away. I slept through Thanksgiving up until time to eat, and afterwards went back to bed until a phone call for me came after dark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest phoenixrising Report post Posted November 29, 2002 Who needs sleep? Well you're never gonna get it Who needs sleep? Tell me what's that for? Who needs sleep? Well you're never gonna get it There's a guy who's been awake since the Second World War... -Barenaked Ladies, "Who Needs Sleep?" (off of their album "Stunt") Sorry, saw the thread title and that was the first thing that popped in my head. As for my sleep, go to bed at 2, wake up whenever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest spiny norman Report post Posted November 29, 2002 My sleeping hours are fairly short (especially for an adolescent). They also are fairly timetabled, which is a sure sign of my slow descent into Obsessive-Compulsive behaviour. The day indicated is the night I go to sleep, btw, not the day I wake up. Sunday: 10:30pm - 6:00am. Monday: 11:30pm - 6:00am. Tuesday: 11:00pm - 5:30am. Wednesday: 10:45pm - 6:15am. Thursday: 10:00pm - 5:30am. Friday: 12:00am - 7:00am. Saturday: 1:30am - 7:00am. Well, there we go. My inane, pointless and really quite dull post of the day. I hope I have thrilled you half as much as I've thrilled myself, and you've all gained a great deal of insight into my private life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted November 29, 2002 Yep, alcohol poisoning sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I have the unusual problem of getting way too MUCH sleep. Just today, I woke up from sleeping 18 hours straight. Same thing happened last week, too. I can't seem to function effectively without at least 10. It's as if sleep only does me half as much good as anyone else. What the fuck should I do?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ElectricRaccoon Report post Posted November 29, 2002 Try to actually fall asleep, rather than passing out. There's a significant difference. I haven't looked this up, but it seems from experience as though you don't get an REM cycle when you pass out, or if you do, it's like, a shitty one. Using my own schedule as an example Weekdays - down at 1:30, up at 7:30 Weekends - pass out somewhere around 2:30, up at 10:30 I feel a lot less shitty on weekdays, even on two hours less sleep. And it isn't just an issue of hangovers/residual burn - they're two entirely different kinds of angst. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Metal Maniac Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I feel your pain Jingus. I fall asleep and stay asleep until I'm awoken, most times. I've gone to bed at about 8:30 so I could be up early the next day, and managed to sleep until NOON. The only reason I got up was because a buddy of mine called me. These days, I torture myself, because I'm so much of a night person, I'll stay up until 2-3 AM, even though I have to be up at 7 AM. Currently, I'm on about 3 hours of sleep, plus the sleeping I did in class. I don't understand it - If forced out of bed, I CAN get by on about 5-6 hours of sleep, but will always sleep at least 10 if allowed. In the summer, I tend to stay up until 3-4 AM, and wake at about the same time the next day, only in PM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DJ Jeff Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I usually get about 6 or 7 hours of sleep, and I manage. Take last night/today for instance. I went to bed at 2:00, and woke up at 9:00. 7 hours right there. If I have to be up for work at 5:30, I usually go to bed at 11:30, the very latest. If it's 6:30 I have to be up at, 12:30 I go to bed at, the very latest again. So, that means I usually will get 6 hours of sleep, maybe less since I don't fall asleep right away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I'm up around 7:30 during the week for work, and I go to bed anywhere from 1:00 to 2:30. On the weekends, I stay up until 3:00 or 4:00, and it's rare to see me awake before noon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I have to get up at around 8:00 to go to work (9:00) during the week and on the weekends I can get up at anywhere from 7:00 to 12:00. I go to bed during the week usually at around 12:00 or 1:00. On Saturday I'll go to bed usually at around 3:30 or 4:00 (that's when the Superman/Batman/Johnny Quest block on CC ends). If I had spent a long night with my girlfriend on Friday then I might be inclined to go to sleep earlier at around 1:00 or 2:00. On Sunday I'll probably go to bed at around 12:00 just so I can have enough hours of sleep to start off the week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mark4steamboat Report post Posted November 30, 2002 I usually go to sleep at roughly 11 Monday-Thursday and get up weekday mornings at 6:15 a.m. On sunday, i take sleeping pills and pass out and about 8:30 <because i get up late on sunday mornings and cant go to sleep at a decent hour without pills> Saturday nights are usually spent either out or at friends' house acting stupid so sleep is rarely obtained at a normal or decent hour on saturdays and fridays. I have gotten almost no sleep through this whole vacation as well. Go figure? off topic but i once knew a girl that went to sleep at 3:30 pm one day after leaving school and getting stoned and she woke up at 4:00 pm...the next day. Anyone else ever slept 24 hours? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted November 30, 2002 My problem is, there are only a few days in the week that I have to get up relatively early. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I have classes at 9, 10, and 10 AM respectively, however, Monday I don't have class until 3 PM and I have no classes on Fridays. Because of this, I usually go to bed late on days when I don't have to get up early the next morning, sometimes a little too late (last Monday I slept from 7AM to 2PM, for example), and it completely fucks with my sleeping cycle. Over the last 3 weeks, I've probably spent 5 nights w/o any sleep at all, and have dozed off during the day for hours on end at least 3 times, missing classes that I needed to go to. Add to this that my bed at school isn't comfortable at all, so that isn't helping my situation. I'm home for the weekend, though, so hopefully my much more comfortable bed will help me straighten out my problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Hmm.. I've been up since 4:30 this morning to hit all the early bird sales (got my 512 mb of memory for 20 bucks) so Im going on past 21 hours awake now and I only had 4 hours of sleep last night, and I didnt go to sleep from when I got up Wednesday Morning 7:30 am to last night (midnight) = 40 hours straight, as I sat up all night Wednesday/thursday morning cooking, watching my Smackdown early, and more cooking. So I havent had much sleep lately and Im not gonna get much more anytime soon, as Im supposed to be getting up at 5:30 this morning for another fun-filled day of Christmas shopping. Of course Im probably going to snap the next time someone cuts in front of me in a line that is 6 miles long, or if another baby starts crying out of control in front of me in said 6 mile long line that and doesn't shut up until the parents pay 1 hour later (standing in line for an hour to save a few bucks honestly sucks..but being as broke as I am its the best I can really do..) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HBK16 Report post Posted November 30, 2002 I suck at sleeping unless its with someone of the opposite sex. Ok that was dumb. But I do suffer from lack of sleep. I ussually get less than 5 hours a night. I ussually check out the board when I am suppose to be sleeping. Either thaa or watch some good Toryumon matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Two days in the past week I got 0 sleep which completely fucked up my sleep clock so I'm trying to get it back to normal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mark4steamboat Report post Posted December 1, 2002 Three weekends ago: I procrastinated on a huge 58 paragraph report that i had known about since August and did it all in 2 days. I was up from 12 <including mildly partying after the football game, but no alcohol> until around 7 a.m on Friday night and fell asleep until 9 when i went to the mall with a couple of friends. Got back to work on it and 8 that night and worked until around 4 a.m. I never went to sleep on Sunday and finished the project at 7 pm and crashed and woke up at 6 am Monday. 2 weeks: Huge test on Asia that i crammed all week for. Last week: FINALLY got a break but me and friends made Jackass videos all night so no sleep there either. This week: Another project that should only take me about 3 hours if i buckle down and do it. M4S: Counting down the days until Christmas break. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HBK16 Report post Posted December 1, 2002 2 weeks: Huge test on Asia that i crammed all week for. Last week: FINALLY got a break but me and friends made Jackass videos all night so no sleep there either. HAHA. Making Jackass videos. A good way to spend time with friends. I remember my first time with friends trying to make one. My friends mom found it and showed it to the whole family. How embarrasing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted December 1, 2002 Some kids from our TV productions class were getting other students to do "Jackass" stunts like that for our school's news. They had lunchtrays, and used them well. They asked this guy, John, to jump off the roof with the tray underneath him. So he climbs onto the roof (it's only one story up), and he jumps off. He landed right on his tailbone. They took him off in an ambulance... He's okay, though. He was on a *lot* of painkillers the last time I spoke to him, of course. Poor, dumb bastard... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted December 1, 2002 Funny story about that... Some friends of mine and myself were walking down some of our neighborhood streets with baking pans, looking imposing, right? Well, whenever a car would drive by, one of them would cream me and then they'd all beat the ever-loving shit out of me. People either stopped and threatened to call the police, just watched the show, sped away, or rubbernecked. Good times. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites