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Guest Ace309

Just for the record...

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

This is NOT the place to start a Puro fight.




Unless I can join too.

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Guest Ace309



Go say 12 Hail Teiohs.


And this is not a puro fight, just another post in the long line of me loving Danny's rotating sig pics. :wub:

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Guest CED Ordonez

Togo's Senton > Goto's Senton > Meth Party Hardy's Swanton


Because at least you can believe fat-ass Goto's Senton could hurt you, unlike Meth Party's since he weighs in at what? A whisper in the wind? *runs away from the bad pun lynchers*


And I've been impartial to Taue's chokeslam, or more his choke-push/shove, when I saw him implement it in the most psychological manner by landing Misawa right onto his partner Kobashi's leg.


But riddle me this: If Taue's chokeslam sucks, what does that make Giant Singh's?

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Guest Coffin Surfer

I don't understand the hate for Taue's Nodowa. If he was a 300 pound white guy, I am sure people would love it and he'd be the WWE Undisputed Champion.


Actually it was some topic in the puro folder that inspired me to put Taue in my sig. where somebody was goofing on his chokeslam. Personally I love the Nodowa, and think it looks more realistic and painful than the Undertaker's glorified body slam version.


To follow in the tradition of Ced, my fav. Taue Nodowa moment is when he gives Misawa a Nodowa from the apron in 10/95 Tag Match, and Misawa does a corpse sell for 10 fucking minutes. Misawa finally makes back to his corner, but Taue kicks him off the apron and DDT's him on the concrete, knocking him out for another 10 mintues. I think that match made me a Taue mark for life. I think in 95 he was a better worker than any point in Flair or Bret Hart's career.


I did have a kick ass pic in my sig of Dr. Death giving Kobashi a Dangerous Backdrop into the Turnbuckles, but the damn thing wouldn't load on the boards for some reason. I kept getting a white box with the red X.

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Guest Ace309

I dunno, the chokeslam's always seemed a shade lazy to me.


The Carnie finals match with Misawa is the only appreciable Taue I've seen, though, so for the love of god chalk it up to unfamiliarity.


... Also, the fact that he's chokeslamming Kobashi in that pic makes me not like him very much. :D

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Guest Kibagami

Bah, Taue's chokeslam looks a hell of a lot better than Undertweener's does.


"Lesee. You sorta jump and fall back and I'll put my hand on or near your throat. M'kay?"



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Guest Coffin Surfer

I like Taue's chokeslam, because it's just that, a chokeslam. He actually drops to one knee, and slams the victim down hard by their throat, he keeps his hand on their throat at the moment of impact, creating the illusion that he just crushed the guy's throat into the mat.


Big Show sometimes does a better one, when he drops to both knees, and keeps his hand on their throat. But that's once in a blue moon. Undertaker's on the other hand, is just a glorified Body Slam, I also like how he safely keeps them secured with his hand on their very lower back.


Vadar does have the best Nodowa though, most of the time he drops people on their heads with it. A close second would be Taue's Nodowa where he seats the victim on the turnbuckle, than almost flips them off upside, with a Chokeslam. Kane has a good one too.

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