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Guest Lord of The Curry

What marks are the worse?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I'm sure this topic has been done before to death, so if you don't like it, don't reply.


I've been walking down the long, winding road that is the Smarks Board for a long time now and after a while you get to realizing who loves who. You also gets to realize who's in denial about certain wrestlers sucking the big one, or just being plain overrated.


So, my question to you all is: What marks are the worse? I'm not talking your normal, run of the mill 11 year old who thinks Goldberg is the greatest. I'm talking more of the "smark" marks.


My List


Raven marks: Now, before I get my nuts ripped off for saying this, I'll mention that I'm a fan of Raven. Having said that, some people here really need to get a harsh dose of reality. Many point out his feud with Chris Benoit as proof that he's a good wrestler. I say to that: It's proof that Chris Benoit is a great carrier. Most people here are bordering on obsession to the point that anything and everything about Raven indicates the reunion of a Flock or Nest. For example..


Wade Kellar today reported that Raven ordered a ham and cheese sandwich at Cracker Barrel.


credit: PWtorch.com




Not to that extreme really, but you get the picture......



William Regal: Yes Bob, I said it. This isn't an attack on you personally, I think you're a great poster and stuff but your love of Regal gets a little nutty at times. I love how people manage to cover up all of Regals faults with excuses like "It's his style" or "He's just different" or some shit like that. The guy has not had a match above **1/2 in the WWE yet and his highest stuff in WCW went to maybe **** and that was his stuff with Benoit and Finlay. Sorry Bob, real sorry.


HHH: Yeah, I know, real groundbreaking stuff here. I'm not talking about 2002 HHH though, I'm talking about 2000/01 HHH. This guy, admittedly had great matches with Austin, Foley, Jericho and Benoit. Wait, who did I just list? Oh yeah, guys that are better then he is and made him look like a God. Since coming back from injury HHH has had maybe one or two good matches, nothing great. He got lucky with HBK at SummerSlam, other then that, nothing.


Chris Benoit: Wait...........what the fuck am I saying? Scrap that. Benoit is your Jesus.



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I'm sure this topic has been done before to death, so if you don't like it, don't reply.


Wade Kellar today reported that Raven ordered a ham and cheese sandwich at Cracker Barrel.


credit: PWtorch.com




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Guest Redhawk

I hate marks that bring those STUPID-ASS signs to shows, like...








"WHERE'S YOUR ASS CREAM, ASS CLOWN?" (Guarenteed to be on RAW next week)

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Guest Army Eye
HHH: Yeah, I know, real groundbreaking stuff here. I'm not talking about 2002 HHH though, I'm talking about 2000/01 HHH. This guy, admittedly had great matches with Austin, Foley, Jericho and Benoit. Wait, who did I just list? Oh yeah, guys that are better then he is and made him look like a God. Since coming back from injury HHH has had maybe one or two good matches, nothing great. He got lucky with HBK at SummerSlam, other then that, nothing.

Please.. how many other people did Foley 'make look like a god'? Or Jericho? You have to be joking

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Guest HartFan86
I hate marks that bring those STUPID-ASS signs to shows, like...








"WHERE'S YOUR ASS CREAM, ASS CLOWN?" (Guarenteed to be on RAW next week)



Redhawk, your sig is genius.

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Guest J*ingus

I'd say that Raven was great from 94-98, Trips from 97 and 2000 (very underrated for his 98 stuff), and Regal from about 95 and earlier, but now, they're all just competent at best.


And yeah, Jericho and especially Foley were good-to-great carriers at times. Name me one match that Van Hammer or the Nasty Boys ever did that was as awesome as what Mick got out of them. And Jericho dragged the best matches out of Chyna that she ever had.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I never said Raven was a good wrestler. I think he's a good brawler and capable of putting on a good match, but as far as actual wrestling goes, not so much.

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Guest T®ITEC

I always just liked Raven's character more than anything else about him. It's what attracted me to him in the first place, basically.


He should probably just retire now. He's not going to go anywhere. This is the end of the road... Well, technically he should wait under his contract is up so he can get more money, but...


The marks I don't like are, uhm... Well, just people that will defend their favourite wrestlers forever, without reason. It gets annoying when there's a discussion/argument and the other person won't say anything that's based on logic or fact.


That wasn't a shot at anyone or something like that... And neither is the following:



Oh, and Undertaker marks. Gee, he's old, whatever. He should have stopped wrestling while he still could, 'cause brawling sucks.



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Guest bob_barron

I don't mind you criticising me LOTC but I don't really say stuff like that about Regal.


I've enjoyed his work with Y2J, RVD and Edge and would rate it above **1/2 easily but I understand he is not the best worker in WWE by a longshot.


In WCW he had some great matches, many I would rate ***1/2+.


I don't like people who say stuff like Regal is handicapped by WWE style so don't worry- I know the guy is not the greatest worker or anything.


But he still is God

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Guest Zero_Cool

The marks that believe that there have been ten different Ultimate Warriors, and that UT has had several people play him.


That's about it. Just those.



EDIT: 900!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

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Guest papacita

For this board, HHHaters really bug me. I realize that a lot of the WWE's problems can be attributed to HHH's God-like push, but some people on the board try to blame him for everything and overreact to the most insignificant things that he does. It gets annoying as hell at times.


And while we're on the subject, let me just point out that I flat out DESPISE Chyna marks. Seriously...I love Chyna but she's got THE most annoying fans walking the face of the earth.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

**hides all his ECW toys**


Yeah, I actually go out of my way to buy the old ECW toys. Shut up!


Puro elitist fuckheads are the kind that I absolutely CANNOT stand. It's one thing to say you like Puro over NA style, but it's another thing altogether to say that puro is 100% superior in every which way, because that's like saying comedies are better than horror movies.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I HATE it when people either pretend or don't bother to remember the simplest wrestlers' names.


Dad: Then there was that big, bald guy last night (Thursday). Who was he?

Me: Bald guy, uhhh Kurt Angle?

Dad: NO! This guy was BIG!

Me: Not Albert?

Dad: No, you know the guy, he was talking to Vince's daughter.

Me: Ummm . . . Brock Lesnar?

Dad: That's it.

Me: He's not bald.

Dad: Whatever, this guy was HUGE, like a marine.

Me: I know.


Mark: Oh what's that guy's name again . . . The Edge?


Mark: Gosh, I hate those Spanish brothers, what are their names again, The Guernos?

Me: (Heavy sigh) The Guerreros. (Notice I don't bother to point out that they are uncle and nephew)


Mark: I remember last night that Kurt angle guy, man I don't like Kurt Angle, anyways he was picking on that poor kid.

Me: Poor kid?

Mark: Yeah, you know the guy.

Me: I'm stumped.

Mark: NO! The kid with the cool mask, That Mystery Man guy.

Me: You mean Rey Mysterio Jr.

Mark: I THINK SO!!!


I swear to God I've had the above converations over the past few months. The first with my dad (he's forgiven), the rest with this dufus lady at work who was not being sarcastic at all. Seriously, these reinactments needed NO embelishing. She claims to watch wrestling all the time, but didn't even know there is a show on Monday. Man, I gotta stop wearing my 'It's True It's True' shirt at work.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I hate the braindead Lita marks you see in AOHell chats. Mention how she blew the rana just ONCE and they start screaming bloody murder. This also applies to Jeff Hardy fans, as well.


Also, most ECW muties. I can understand liking the fed, I really can. But point out one bad thing and all of the sudden, you're some n00b who's never watched ECW once in his entire life.


Undertaker fans hold a special place on my shitlist along with some Angle fans.


And finally, NWO marks. Give up the fucking ghost already. The goddamn stable is DEAD.

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Guest razazteca

barkyard marks get hurt pretending to be Mick Foley get on Jenny Jones further blowing up their ego.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Shawn Michaels marks that ignore the facts about his drawing power. If you like him because he was a good wrestler, then fine, but don't say he was good for business.


DX, nWo, Four Horseman, etc. marks. These stables are dead. It is one thing to remember them with great fondness, and another to want them brought back.


Marks that think that ending the split will magically make everything right in the WWF again.


ECW & WCW marks. These two promotions are dead and aren't coming back. Live with it. Similar to 'bring back dead stables' marks.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I've got this one.


The anti-RVD marks.


Not everyone who hates RVD...that's fine.


The ones who beleive he can't be pushed because his mic skills aren't good enough for 20 minute promos, regardless of how over he gets.


Or those same ones who say he can't be pushed because he doesn't sell properly...or flip flops or whatever.


These people lose all respect from me, as they are obviously blind to the fact that the WWE has never pushed based on talent.


Big Show and HBK are champions, Hogan and Taker just were...


I just don't get how RVD gets singled out when all of this is the truth.

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Guest godthedog

people who talk about how god-like jericho still is are starting to get old to me. it's not like they staunchly defend him to the end, i just wish everybody would wake up & smell the apathy. he hasn't pulled anything over "above average" out of his ass since january, and the fire inside him is gone. he's just treading water and he knows it. people can blame that on triple h all they want, but his desire to be the best is still totally sucked out of him and there's nothing really special about him anymore.


the people who used to talk about how good rvd was on the mic made me question their competence. debate over it has dimmed down a lot, & he's gotten a little better on the mic, but thinking about those promos from 2001 still make me embarrassed.


the 'holier-than-thou' attitude of the puro guys gets on my nerves as well, although i can't fault their taste. i mean, i'm as cerebral as the next high school graduate, and my taste in movies is high-brow as fuck, but i don't go out of my way to tell someone in vivid detail he's retarded for liking 'baseketball' and not 'the 400 blows'.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
The ones who beleive he can't be pushed because his mic skills aren't good enough for 20 minute promos, regardless of how over he gets.


I said that last year, but that was when the top four were Austin, Rock, Jericho & Angle.


Now, RVD would be a step up.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

yeah...last year I would have agreed.


But this year on that show...


it's just a joke.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

As this debate rages on AGAIN in the WWE folder...my opinion of the anti-RVD marks worsens.


You know why they should push this guy?


Not only do the fans love him...but everytime he does ANYTHING three threads start about it here.

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Guest Goodear

I'm sort of tired of the Triple H-Haters. Not because they hate Triple H... hell, most people should have a serious problem with Triple H. But the people who respond to any post with a backstage skit with Steph and Triple talking about holding people down and putting 'Uh' at the end of every word is just soooooo tired right now.

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Guest razazteca

I shall quit using god-uh then :cheers:


people using Xtain for Christian, is annoying also.

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Guest dreamer420

I have a few:


People who attend wrestling shows and wear any old wrestling t-shirt they can find. Like who the fuck would wear an nWo shirt to Raw these days?!?


People who quickly jump to conclusions about matches and shows just because the wrestler involved is one they don't like very much.

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